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Skitarii Colourschemes!


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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm just getting back into collecting after a 20 year absence, got my first box of skitarii at the weekend and have decided on Agripinaa colour scheme:

Test miniature

It's not perfect but I'm fairly happy with it as a first attempt happy.png

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Great work, TonyL! I think you've got a solid overall scheme here with the gentle glow and varied metallics. Question going forward: will you be able to mass produce this scheme? biggrin.png

WB to the hobby and the glory of the Omnissiah! cool.png

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Well the plan is to build up my army slowly, mainly because I remember in the old days having loads of unpainted miniatures, and secondly so the wife doesn't notice the hit to the bank balance blink.png

Once I get the current vanguard and rangers painted, it'll be another box to increase the squad numbers and heavy weapon options.

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  • 1 month later...

good stuff kal,

purple and silver work quite well together,i look fwd to the finished product...perhaps a bone/light brown for the leggings would be better contrast...the red may look out of place with so much purple...just a suggestion

Karak stone with a light agrax wash in the seams/folds with ushabti highlights is a real winner on the legs.



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Man, my thread is doing well. Especially love the Tiger Eyes Skitarii!


Keep it up people!


In terms of my own Skitarii... Nothing yet, maybe when I take a break from my BA I'll paint up a unit of each Troops :)

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  • 4 months later...

Hello, everyone! After many months away from the hobby (due first to the hottest summer I can remember, that dried my paints in the exact moment I put them on my palette, and then to the release of Metal Gear Solid V) I finally managed to complete my first squad of Skitarii from the forge World Incaladion:



(click on the image for a larger version - a couple of other pictures are on my blog)


I am extremely satisfied with how they turned out, even if it took me forever to complete them!

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The results are well worth the effort, I'd say!  That flame pattern is immaculate and I love the contrast between the orange and black on the cloaks.  Your attention to detail really stands out on these.

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Many different and nice colour schemes you all have! (Especially those who work with white, yellow or orange tones... I bow to your skill!)
But the ones made by Jae, Derpaderp and Annatar Giftbringer are the ones going into my direction... for my... "project".
More in the future! *goes back to lurk in the shadows*


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For my second journey into the Mars realms I have decided something a big different.
I am going to try a Steampunk look, brown leather on the rangers and Dominus, brasses and coppers all around steel. 
It is in my head, just have to see if I can make come to life.

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  • 7 months later...

So, my first unit of Skitarii finally reached a completion stage where you can have an idea of direction I am going to, so I can show you the soldiers of the Aksita of Incaladion (inspired to the Tiger Eyes Titans Legion):


dscn1158.jpg?w=486&h=700 dscn1159.jpg?w=456&h=600


and with a group shot:




I hope you like them!

WOW! Absolutely beautiful yellow. I went to your blog and downloaded a ton of pics and bookmarked your yellow tutorial. Yellow looks SO good when it's well done, I think I'll need to make my next knight yellow. I'm planning a yellow Mechanicum as well :D

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This is the colour scheme that I came up with for my army:









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Great Skitarii, Castellan Cato! I love that green glow and the metallic paints are very consistent. The basing ties everything together well, too. I kind of wish I'd painted my Warlord's squad differently now that I've seen yours; he tends to blend in with the rest of my units at this point! tongue.png

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I've not seen many green Skitarii yet so here is some of my guys.

Ranger Squad advancing


Most of my Skitarii have blue lenses for their eyes but I couldn't resist painting the Vanguard with red eyes. Whether it's a nod to the Cylons or KITT is up to you. :p


I think I went overboard on the varnish for my Skitarii, in particular the rifles on my Rangers look a bit gloopy after I painted gloss varnish over them. My squads are currently missing their squad markings but I've got my custom transfers on order. I'll have to see how those turn out.

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  • 7 months later...


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So, almost two years since I started this thread I am putting brush to model on my Skitarii!


Still can't really decide on a scheme however, my initial one I am not put off... Basically I play Black & Red Blood Angels and my Custodes will be Gold.


So my combo scheme of these colours will probably result in major burnout... I'll keep red as a main colour though to show allegiance.


The plan is to have the main Cult/ Skit as one colour scheme, cybernetica as another and then secutarii and knights as a third - to represent the different factions. Maybe one unifying colour overall.


Instead i'm looking for a sort of 2nd Edition feel to the army, inspired by this pic (its Titans but ya get me):


Hidden Content



Anyone got any good pics for 2nd ed Titan/ Skitarii Robots/ Ad Mech of any kind I can use to get some sorta inspiration from?

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