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+++E Tenebrae Lux IV - Astra Militarum Strategium+++

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Hi everyone,


I recently came back to 40k and rediscovered this forum. I have a huge ammount of stuff to paint and it seems I'm just in time to join the ETL.



I Ceddyn rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 squad of Militarum Tempestus Scions (2 meltaguns and powersword) ( from Codex Astra Militarum of total value 165 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to my regiment that should really receive a proper name and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end


The pictures aren't very good, but I hope they're ok.

Vow 1 Tempestus Squad



Vow 1 Tempestus Squad

Excellent completion Gunmonkey, I hope your Wyvern serves you as well as mine have! Looking forward to seeing the Valkyrie as well. :)


Also welcome to the B&C Ceddyn, and in the nick of time as the entry for vows closes on Monday! The pictures are plenty good and I like to see the old Kasrkin out. I look forward to seeing your progress!


As for myself, the Baneblade sits ready to be painted, so I'll be hitting that tomorrow and hopefully finishing it over a week and a bit. Sadly it's incredibly heretical so I won't share pictures here lest it enrage the more orthodox members of the Guard. Honestly, I don't understand what could be so wrong with the odd co-axial Ion Cannon or Drone-Piloted sponson weapon... :P

I have an additional oath. I figured that I'm in an escalation league anyway and the other guys are MEQ/TEQ players who buy two grams of plastic and call it 2000 points so I have to do some benders and assemble/paint a crap ton in a short amount of time to keep up with the league.

I Pudelhund rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX, and in addition to my previous vow, I vow to complete

1 (more) Leman Russ Exterminator

1 Enginseer + 3 Servitors

1 Bane Wolf

1 Leman Russ Vanquisher

from Codex Astra Militarum of total value of 528 Points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Omnissiah and the 29th Koshien Plasma Resurrection Guards and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

@ Pudelhund: Great to see you have such drive and stock in the pipeline! Unfortunately you cannot make another vow (or alter your initial vow in a significant manner) before you you complete your previous vow. So as soon as you declare your previous vow complete, you can vow again the things above. Feel free to PM me if you have further questions.

@ Caddyn: Welcome back to the hobby, to B&C and to the ETL! biggrin.png Good luck with your vow and don't let the Commissars scare you (too much! tongue.png)




Welcome Ceddyn, great to see you aboard! :D In the nick of time too, the doors will be closing for new vows soon! Is there nobody else brave enough to pick up the lasgun and bayonet for Emperor and regiment?

I,+DAN+ rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Baneblade from Astra Militarum section of Escalation of total value 575 on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to Imperial Guard and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Pics to follow in the next week or so

Progress Report Alpha

Getting the Steel Legion Drab painted over such a large area as the carapace armour is proving troublesome. Maybe it's time to switch to a bigger brush biggrin.png.

We finally got moved into our new house so the painting table is back! No more roughing it on a TV tray-table. I expect things to go more smoothly now.

Progress Report Beta

Huzzah! The bigger brush worked perfectly happy.png. It had been a year since painting my other Knight and the intervening time made my memory fuzzy on what brushes to use. Now, with that out of the way, it's on to the pauldrons and the other bits of armour.

Maybe my Second Vow will be an actuality now...

Welcome +DAN+! The Veterans return!





Finished for today, got the tracks done on top of the green and most of the Leadbelcher is on:


Not a great picture I'm afraid but progress is good. In the week I should be able to finish the metals and maybe some of the detail work. Aim is to finish next weekend! biggrin.png



The base coat is coming along, there's so much to paint on this! Model is pretty much as you see it, we'll see if I can keep pace with the Lord Commissar. :P

Last call for entry to the Veteran company! All who complete their ETL vows are automatically recruited into this most noble of organisations! Even the smallest of vow matters, so if you want to join in time is fast running out! All you need is the vow, WIP pictures can come later :)

Hi Azzagorn, 


Welcome to the ETL and the B&C!!! :tu:


You need to declare the units and their points cost. Don't worry about the pics - I will revert with instructions later (unless the Lord Commissar of these parts gets here first).


Please do so ASAP so I can take in you vow! 



Excellent Azzagorn try reading this guide the mods have put together, I found this really helpful.




For the vow to be valid you just need to say what units your going to do. Initial vow can be nice and small just to get you going, so say that Lord Commissar you mentioned in your thread. Power weapon, plasma pistol, carapace armour and deathmask I think it was? I'd not include the vet unit as you said it was likely to have a different loadout. Once the vow is given you can't change it so make sure you vow what you definitely want to paint up!!!


Edit: Semper beat me to it. ;)




This is a snapshot of where we stand at this point (not a proper update):

FactionParticipantsVows Points pledged Completions RateCodex 78 94 49,643 8,754 17.6% Blood Angels 82 89 48,320 5,894 12.2% Dark Angels 45 56 43,065 6,947 16.1% Space Wolves 35 38 30,884 2,245 7.3% Realm of Chaos 73 85 65,628 8,531 13.0% Forces of the Imperium 85 106 65,605 10,885 16.6% Horus Heresy 95 112 96,155 19,860 20,7% TOTAL 493 580 399,300 63,116 15.8%

Okay so here is what I vow then


1x Lord Commassiar with Plasma pistol power sword Death mask of Ollanius Melta bombs and Carapace for 135pts


I know its a lot of points for I think I am going to make it a little smash and grab.

Semper included you in the cut!!! :D


Welcome aboard!!!


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