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We Were Angels No More: Tac Squad 2 progress + Inquisitor!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry mate, thought I had replied...


Good idea, but the answer is slightly more abstract... (I'll get a picture up later, don't worry!)


With holidays and working on a historical project i haven't been working on my Flesh Tearers recently, so I thought this would be a good time to show of the rest of my (unpainted) army.


First off, some dreads...


My magnetised dread, between DC & Librarian:




And a (non magnetised) Furioso (the DC crosses have been filled in):




And a nasty looking dreadnought flail! This will be covered in gore! If it ever gets painted that is...




Finally a libby force halberd given more 'flavour' i.e. serrated blade to fit the theme more! (Picture is shoddy, i'll try to get another...)




That's it for now, though i hope to build some more arms soon as they are such fun to make! I'm thinking another buzz saw arm...

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  • 3 months later...

Well, long time no post...


I had GREAT battle yesterday, which I am writing up now. In the meantime...





Xerigor strode through the irising hatch, helmet held in the crook of his arm, into the Lord Inquisitor's high-vaulted study, gilded girders glinting dully in the far off star's light. The Inquisitor was sitting behind an ornate wood and steel desk, casually flitting through an old tome which he was pretending was important. Their eyes levelled as the High Warden's ceramite soles marked his arrival.


"Chaplain," came the curt greeting. Xerigor flinched inwardly at the error of his title.

"My Lord. How may I be of service?"

"Do you know anything about Lord Mazvrak and his forces yet?"

"No, my lord. Our reconnaissance has proved fruitless thus far." The Flesh Tearer scouting parties had barely managed to escape the Iron Warriors and Word Bearers camps with their lives, let alone with information.

"I thought as much," came a derisory reply. "Which is why I took it in my own hands to find out what was going on."

"With all due respect sir, I have brothers fallen to the Black Rage which require my attention. So, unless you have something important to tell me, I will be on my way."


The Inquisitor looked slightly taken aback by this ill disguised insolence, but managed to keep his composure well. For a mortal.


"Well, Chaplain, I HAD matters in my own hands. However, the scum I was interrogating has managed to escaped my custody."


Xerigor glanced at the human warriors standing to attention around the room. "Perhaps if you had come to me earlier then your captive would not have been able to escape. I can, however, capture more heretics for you pleasure, if you so wish."

"Ha! Any old heretic will not do. This one was of particular importance. Retrieve him."


This time it was Xerigor's turn to be taken aback.


"My lord, by this time he will already be back amongst the Chaos forces, and well hidden. What you suggest is folly."

"Oh ye of little faith! I would never allow such a high priority target to truly escape. Upon capture he was fitted with a tracker and a triggered tranquilizer. As we speak, his filthy body is lying in the southern district of Palnayr Hive."

"Chaos occupied territory."

"Which is why I need you, Flesh Tearer, to lead a strike force to retrieve the package and return it to me, intact."

"As you command, my lord."

"At least you can put your Death Company to good use. And if you fail to return it, I WILL have your head."

"You will never have my head, so long as you live."

"Good. I look forward to rewarding your good work."


The Inquisitor seemed to miss the threat.

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Thanks! One of the reasons I chose the Flesh Tearers was because of the opportunity for brutal conversions and weapons, and i've got plenty ideas of more dread weapons to come! Unfortunately i find i have VERY little time to sit down and paint.


Gonna order some parts for the big fella and start work this weekend!


And the batrep? Well i've finished all the turn by turn diagrams, just need to write it up now...

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Got some work on not Vulkan over the weekend. I must say it felt like modelling sacrilege to be dremelling off all that awesome detail! Ah well, at least he is looking more Flesh Tearer-y now:




And for those of you who don't know, Forge World have done a damn fine job of making an awesome scenic base!




I've also been playing around with the idea of shoving a techmarine in a land raider, so have been mocking up a few ideas for servitors. I will add more pipes and robes and things eventually but this is the main frame and silhouette. What do ya think?




There are a few scrappy bits to tidy up but I'm generally quite happy with it as a prototype.

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There are a few scrappy bits to tidy up but I'm generally quite happy with it as a prototype.

Call him "Clamps"!

Magos: "You will reveal the location of the Archaeotech Cache to me Heretic, or there will be severe repercussions for you.


Heretic: Hah! Do your worst you pathetic bag of bolts! Your little torture implements pale in comparison to the tender ministrations of the Dark Prince!


Magos: We shall see. Unit C1AMP5, begin the procedure.


C1AMP5: Compliance. Administering "The Clamps."


Heretic: What?! No, no! Stay away from me you lobster-handed automaton! No! NOOOO!!!




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Thanks guys. I know what you mean by the necron parts standing out too much. I might either cover them with robes (are servitors important enough to get clothes?!) or replace it, as you say. I'll dig around and see what stuff I have.


Clamps... He will be the true hero of the force! I wish you could buff servitors....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey mate I'm going to experiment regardless but just wondering for the black shoulder pads and parts in general did you find the black too dark? I'm thinking of painting mine a really dark gray like almost black but not quite. Cheers and your conversions are awesome
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For parts like shoulder pads and backpacks i just highlighted abbaddon black with light grey and washed it with nuln oil which seemed okay, but i think this would be too dark and lack depth doing larger areas like tanks and DC. For them i'm thinking of doing a really dark grey basecoat with highlights and lots of washes, brining it to nearly black.


And thanks!

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  • 1 month later...

Right, I'm back, and I've decided to build Strike Force Razorwind from the Shield of Baal:Exterminatus supplement. It involves two Formations and grants some pretty cool rules, one of which being one of the formations comes on on one roll, and you can roll for reserves from turn 1!


Anyway, here is a 2000 point list that I've written that I'll roughly be working towards, and what stuff I have/painted. It's more of a fluff thing for me, but it's good to have something to work off of:


Hidden Content

Strike Force Razorwind


* Lysios Relief Force

(Crusader, Relief Force)


Gabriel Seth, Chapter Master of the Flesh Tearers (have a proxy, want actual model though)


Baal Predator w/ dozer blade, h.bolters, TL Ass. cannon (don't have)


Predator w/ autocannon, lascannon sponsons, overcharged engines, storm bolter (don't have)


Stormraven Gunship w/ extra armour, TL Ass. Cannon, TL Multi-melta (don't have)


Tactical Squad x5 w/ gravgun, rhino w/ storm bolter (not built)


Vanguard Veteran Squad x5 w/ bolt pistol/chainsword, storm shield, sarge w/ LC, Melta bombs, storm shield (not painted)



* The Defenders of the Cathedrum

(Counter-attack, Stubborn)


Assault Squad x9 w/ 2x Meltaguns, vet sarge w/meltabombs, chainsword/bolt pistol (so nearly done!)


Death Company Squad x5 w/ Jump Packs, Power Fist/Bolter (again so nearly done!)


Furioso Dreadnought w/ frag cannon, h.flamer, drop pod w/ locator beacon (not painted)


Tactical Squad x10 w/ h.flamer, flamer, combi-flamer, drop pod (not painted)


Tactical Squad x10 w/ plasma, combi-plasma, drop pod (not built)


Terminator Assault Squad x5 w/ LCs (not painted)




So I have most the stuff, just need to start building and painting! Also need to see if I can build up my armour pool over Christmas...


I'll try and pictures of some stuff I've been doing in a bit, but for now anticipation will do!


Edit: not RazorWind related, but I converted a Karlaen model from the B@C Termi character:



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As you now may be able to see from my signature, I have created a dinky little diagram to show my progress with Strike Force Razorwind.

Black = not got/unassembled

Grey = not painted

Orange = painted




As you can see, there's still a long way to go...


Also converted up the B@C Contemptor to have a Frag cannon:






Not quite finished yet, but it's starting to look cool!

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I like the frag cannon conversion a lot. Kudos!


Yeah that is pretty nifty!

Thanks guys! I was actually inspired by a similar conversion I saw on here, I just took my own approach on things. Also, working with plastic instead of the FW resin was great!


I want to add a buzzsaw arm like with my other dread, though am struggling to find an appropriate part for it at the mo.


Hoping to get pics of Tac squad 1 up soon...

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