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Somewhere in the Five Hundred Worlds, one month after the Battle of Moros


'There will be no formal review.'


The words are spoken with distaste edged with exasperation. The voice is cold, hard, the voice of a foe, not a friend.


'The Apothecarion has salvaged what they could. Augmetic reconstruction was authorised by Brother-Captain Tezuka - combat grade only. You should feel fortunate.'


I am suspended several metres above the floor, in a gurney of sorts, my limbs stretched out as if in supplication, allowing the myriad of tubes, probes and needles piercing my skin better access. I feel cool air on my chest and shoulders, but not on my face - the skin on my face was flensed clean by Eighth Legion bladesmen. My left leg was shattered by enemy armour, and the contents of my torso was nearly voided in full by the talons of byblow horrors from another reality. All these injuries have been healed by the Thirteenth Legion's Apothecaries - my brothers. My erstwhile brothers who are more honored than I, sons of a Legion that welcomes them into its arms.


I am the leader of a band of warriors who did not fit the tenets of that Legion - my warriors are the dishonoured and unwanted, the outcast ones who Guilliman swept behind the curtain of history when he ascended to mastery of this Legion. We do not call ourselves Ultramarines, brother-to-brother; we are the last of the War-Born, the Thirteenth Legion of old. Our purpose is war, and war alone; victory, no matter how it is won, is our credo. It is a creed that I know sits ill with the Primarch; he has spoken of the same creed in his written works, recognising that ultimately victory is all that matters; and yet he would have his sons be empire builders first and warriors second, and so those of us who did not fit this mold were cast aside.


It is an old, tired debate. I gave up debating the merits of our credo long ago. I was content to lead the warriors of our band - Censuria Company Septimus, or as we called ourselves, the Black One Hundred. A company of Astartes thrown into the worst engagements, used as forlorn hopes, linebreakers and purgative kill-teams. That I no longer occupied a position of honour in the Legion did not bother me. I did not need merits and titles to define me as a warrior. I was the lesser son of far greater fathers and knew my place as the warrior I was required to be, not the hero I might have wished to be.


'There were other survivors. Forty-nine, counting the aggregate units from Armatura. Your unit suffered the worst during the pursuit of XIV Legion forces from the system. That, and the testimonies of Honored Galba and Sulla, worked in your favour.'


The words snap me back to reality, away from my self-indulgent reverie. The warrior in the Apothecarion chamber speaking to me is a hero of the Legion the mention of whose name alone would quell dissent on a dozen revolting worlds; to give his name in this record, to suggest that I was important enough to merit a visit from so puissant a leader of the Ultramarines, would be purest egotism.


And yet, he stands in the chamber with me. My face twitches. The ghost of a grin twists my lips. Galba and Sulla of the Invictarus spoke for me, when the rest of the Legion came and saved the Hundred from the depredations of two Traitor Legions. Both Galba and Sulla had resented my leadership of the Hundred, suspecting - but never knowing, I think - the sin I had committed to earn mastery of the Hundred. They resented me but they fought with me as brothers, shield-to-shield with the Suzerains. I could ask for no more from any of my brothers.


I only half-listen as the hero before me states whether I will live or die. When the Primarch discovered that a censuria company, a unit that was purposely omitted from Thirteenth Legion records, had aggregated survivors from the Armaturan debacle and began its own campaign - in the absence of contact from the rest of the Legion - his concern was that we were acting wholly on our own terms. That we might even be using the chaos of Lorgar's vendetta to go our own way.


Impossible, of course. Obedience and brotherhood are bred too strongly into us. Some things go down to the blood. It is the essence of the Thirteenth Legion: you fight for your brothers first, last, and always. No matter how much I dislike Lord Guilliman, to suggest I could disobey or go against his decree simply tells me that you do not understand what it is to be War-Born, to be an Ultramarine, as my brothers like to be called these days. We all are part of the same blade, the same iron. Our name is a synonym for unity itself. That we are merely the least honoured of the Thirteenth Legion does not make us any less a part of that blade.


And yet, as I listen to the hero's words, I learn that I am to be sent away from my brothers, leading a forlorn hope once more - warriors of the Hundred, my brothers, my War-Born kinsmen - into battle at the head of an Imperial assault on the garden world of Celerax Magna. We are to secure something which could forge a path through the tides of the Immaterium that now roil and seethe, stopping us from fighting back as a Legion against the Warmaster's twisted crusade. My body will never be whole again, half-augmetic as it is, and will require a specialised suit of Terminator plate to function in battle.


The hero steps back; behind him, two Techmarines bring forth the hulking plate, making preparations to bind it fast to my form. Again, the ghost of a grin twists my features; the suit has been stylised with the aspect of the Reaper. I will be the embodiment of mortifaction in all its vengeful forms while I bring death and vengeance to those who spat upon their oaths of brotherhood.


So be it. I thought I had died a month ago against the Night Lords on Moros; it seems my duty is not ended yet. The mantle of the Mortifactor is laid across my shoulders and it is a duty I accept gladly.








Thanks, brothers. Been an inhumanly long time since I really spent any time around 30k due to a variety of reasons.


The good news is I am slowly (oh, so slowly...) getting the mojo back. I was going to get busy with my Blackshields force (for which more later) but decided to flesh out the idea I had a long long time ago that the Black One Hundred would eventually become the first members of the Mortifactors Chapter. Given that the Mortifactors are not very fleshed out - but what we do know is that they're achingly badass tribal death cult warriors from a world in constant night, and that they're given to morose, meditative practices - they seemed like a perfect match for the tone of this force.


Sasebo Tezuka is listed as the founder of the Mortifactors - all I really know about him is that he was a Heresy-era Captain in the Ultramarines. Anyone know more about this guy? Seems like it'd be a cool idea to build a model of the First Mortifactor himself at some point.


Finally, this coming weekend I will be hosting my first ever proper event for 30k, For Hatred's Sake, a doubles event pitching Loyalists vs Traitors in the battle for a garden world named Celerax Magna on the very edge of the Five Hundred Worlds. Why this world? Well, rumours abound of Navigators sheltering from Lorgar's vendetta on Celerax Magna, Navigators who may be powerful enough to forge a path out of the roiling Ruinstorm separating Macragge from the rest of the galaxy. I'll be posting a separate thread for this event - keep an eye out for more!

  On 11/27/2017 at 11:30 PM, BrotherCaptainArkhan said:

...and, finished!


Master of the Hundred





Outstanding mate! I'm glad to see your back, I've missed your updates. You're probably tired of hearing me say it but your Ultramarines are a real inspiration, some of, if not my favourite Ultras on the forum.

I'll be honest, I wasn't 100% a fan of the mini but seeing him painted up has definitely changed my mind. Great stuff as usual!

Edited by Centurion Jay

Damn, that helmet looks absolutely savage without the crest on it. Well done.


I'm a huge fan of the Mortifactors, they are my goto for a "standard" marine army. Would love to see a Chaplain in their dark red armor, would be an interesting contrast to the blue and black.

  On 11/27/2017 at 11:48 PM, Centurion Jay said:


Outstanding mate! I'm glad to see your back, I've missed your updates. You're probably tired of hearing me say it but your Ultramarines are a real inspiration, some of, if not my favourite Ultras on the forum.

I'll be honest, I wasn't 100% a fan of the mini but seeing him painted up has definitely changed my mind. Great stuff as usual!



Cheers bro! Not at all, kind of you to say so, glad someone else likes them :) I'd be curious to hear what you didn't go for, pre-paint - I had that reaction from quite a few people and couldn't see it myself. Was it the Anvil shoulderpads/mix of indomitus/tartaros bits or all of the above? There's a Terminator squad with a Tartaros/Cataphractii mix coming up so any criticism would be welcome.


  On 11/27/2017 at 11:55 PM, Chaplain Dosjetka said:

Same as Jay, I wasn't 100% sure about the model pre-paint. Now, he looks pretty damn good. :thumbsup:


Thanks mate, also curious to hear anything that could help improve in future! See what I said to Jay above, there are more of these guys coming, so... Criticism of paint scheme welcome too as you know. :)


  On 11/28/2017 at 12:22 AM, ToyShip said:

Man that looks great! Any plans for a terminator bodyguard for him?


Thanks fella. As it happens I do have 5 Terminators due to be made - they were going to be Blackshields but think they might get co-opted to the Ultramarines. Not sure what role they'll play yet though.


  On 11/28/2017 at 8:11 AM, CaptainStabby said:

Damn, that helmet looks absolutely savage without the crest on it. Well done.


I'm a huge fan of the Mortifactors, they are my goto for a "standard" marine army. Would love to see a Chaplain in their dark red armor, would be an interesting contrast to the blue and black.


Cheers brother! Where do you get the dark red armour for the Mortifactors from? I'm just reading their wikia page right now and it doesn't mention anything like that, if you know of a source I could learn more about them, that'd be awesome. I plan on introducing my own ideas and concepts into the pre-Codex Mortifactors, but any extra material is always welcome.

I think it's the quite large shoulder pads (a little too large, in my opinion, but that might be due to the resin model not being as bulky as the plastic Indomitus Terminators) and the unfamiliarty of the helmet (used to always seeing it with the crest so seeing it without is a little strange).
  On 11/28/2017 at 9:28 AM, BrotherCaptainArkhan said:


  On 11/27/2017 at 11:48 PM, Centurion Jay said:


Outstanding mate! I'm glad to see your back, I've missed your updates. You're probably tired of hearing me say it but your Ultramarines are a real inspiration, some of, if not my favourite Ultras on the forum.

I'll be honest, I wasn't 100% a fan of the mini but seeing him painted up has definitely changed my mind. Great stuff as usual!



Cheers bro! Not at all, kind of you to say so, glad someone else likes them :smile.: I'd be curious to hear what you didn't go for, pre-paint - I had that reaction from quite a few people and couldn't see it myself. Was it the Anvil shoulderpads/mix of indomitus/tartaros bits or all of the above? There's a Terminator squad with a Tartaros/Cataphractii mix coming up so any criticism would be welcome.



I think like Dojetka said, it was probably the helmet. To me it looked a little "low" if that makes sense, but I feel like that is a problem with the Indomitus armour itself which won't be an issue if you're mixing tartaros and cataphractii. However the paint job has removed any doubts I had and it definitely looks fine, I apologise if I have placed any doubts in your mind as he looks brilliant, I especially like the mix of the black torso, blue arms and then the white fist. It makes for a nice contrast. I'm excited to see the terminator squad!



@BCA It's in the.... 2nd Uriel Ventris novel I believe. The one where he's in the Deathwatch and they are defending a planet from a 'Nid invasion. They basically have to go to Posul and remind the Mortifactors of their shared oaths to the Primarch etc, they go aboard the Basiica Mortis an get to see some of the Chapter Cult rites. If I'm recalling it correctly (and its been a minute since I read it) the main Chaplain has dark, almost scab red armor and the place is basically a giant reliquary with the bones of the fallen decorating eeeeverything.

  On 11/28/2017 at 12:29 PM, Chaplain Dosjetka said:

I think it's the quite large shoulder pads (a little too large, in my opinion, but that might be due to the resin model not being as bulky as the plastic Indomitus Terminators) and the unfamiliarty of the helmet (used to always seeing it with the crest so seeing it without is a little strange).



  On 11/28/2017 at 11:27 PM, Centurion Jay said:


  On 11/28/2017 at 9:28 AM, BrotherCaptainArkhan said:


  On 11/27/2017 at 11:48 PM, Centurion Jay said:


Outstanding mate! I'm glad to see your back, I've missed your updates. You're probably tired of hearing me say it but your Ultramarines are a real inspiration, some of, if not my favourite Ultras on the forum.

I'll be honest, I wasn't 100% a fan of the mini but seeing him painted up has definitely changed my mind. Great stuff as usual!



Cheers bro! Not at all, kind of you to say so, glad someone else likes them :smile.: I'd be curious to hear what you didn't go for, pre-paint - I had that reaction from quite a few people and couldn't see it myself. Was it the Anvil shoulderpads/mix of indomitus/tartaros bits or all of the above? There's a Terminator squad with a Tartaros/Cataphractii mix coming up so any criticism would be welcome.



I think like Dojetka said, it was probably the helmet. To me it looked a little "low" if that makes sense, but I feel like that is a problem with the Indomitus armour itself which won't be an issue if you're mixing tartaros and cataphractii. However the paint job has removed any doubts I had and it definitely looks fine, I apologise if I have placed any doubts in your mind as he looks brilliant, I especially like the mix of the black torso, blue arms and then the white fist. It makes for a nice contrast. I'm excited to see the terminator squad!





Cheers Dos and Jay. No worries, I really appreciate feedback especially where it highlights things I might not see myself. I'm glad that it was ameliorated somewhat with the paint job.



  On 11/29/2017 at 12:27 AM, CaptainStabby said:

@BCA It's in the.... 2nd Uriel Ventris novel I believe. The one where he's in the Deathwatch and they are defending a planet from a 'Nid invasion. They basically have to go to Posul and remind the Mortifactors of their shared oaths to the Primarch etc, they go aboard the Basiica Mortis an get to see some of the Chapter Cult rites. If I'm recalling it correctly (and its been a minute since I read it) the main Chaplain has dark, almost scab red armor and the place is basically a giant reliquary with the bones of the fallen decorating eeeeverything.


Thanks man. I might have to pick that up, sounds like - I wasn't massively keen on McNeil's stuff with the exception of Storm of Iron. I'll see if I can get a copy somewhere. Scab red is really cool, not sure if it'll work for a Legion-era Chaplain though...sounds like a challenge!

Rad. Totally RAD! Just got time to go and read the fluff and I love it! Certainly want to see where the path of destiny takes the War-born! *I also now remember Mortificators from one of the Ventris novels...

Fantastic.. I took the time to re-read all the Tales of the war-Born you've written. It didn't disappoint!


There was a recent Mortificator model - Captain Artemis in the Deathwatch kits, pretty cool.

Edited by Marcus Arias

Welcome back Arkhan! Fantastic stuff as always :biggrin.: .. But I wish you'd held off for a little longer, Just about held off my XIII Legion cravings to get my 40k in order, A return of the Black One Hundred makes that ever so difficult :wink:

  On 11/30/2017 at 11:59 PM, hushrong said:

Rad. Totally RAD! Just got time to go and read the fluff and I love it! Certainly want to see where the path of destiny takes the War-born! *I also now remember Mortificators from one of the Ventris novels...


Cheers mate - glad to hear :)


  On 12/4/2017 at 3:48 PM, Marcus Arias said:

Fantastic.. I took the time to re-read all the Tales of the war-Born you've written. It didn't disappoint!


There was a recent Mortificator model - Captain Artemis in the Deathwatch kits, pretty cool.


Thanks very much! Hope future entries continue to please.


  On 12/5/2017 at 12:45 AM, Kennyjapan said:

Welcome back Arkhan! Fantastic stuff as always :biggrin.: .. But I wish you'd held off for a little longer, Just about held off my XIII Legion cravings to get my 40k in order, A return of the Black One Hundred makes that ever so difficult :wink:


Haha, no chance. I really liked your XIII Legion, so I fully hope you get involved with them again.


  On 11/30/2017 at 7:15 PM, Brother Pheidias said:

Back with a vengeance, I am very much too excited about this :biggrin.:


Cheers brother! :) More updates soon I hope. Just got to decide what unit to do next...another Leviathan ('the Greater', to go with his brother 'the Lesser'), a Fellblade, or Legion-inducted automata? Or a squad of veteran proto-Mortifactors, the Skulltakers?

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