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The DA FAQ request : let's centralize everything guys !

Master Avoghai

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I don't think it has anything to do with Ravenshield. But why give him BS 2 on overwatch and not allow him to overwatch.


It would be one thing if they gave every tank in the codex Grim Resolve, I could by that as a mistake, but they gave it to an HQ character which makes me think they intended him to use it.


And it is not that powerful, he would be better served with the Hunt warlord trait.

Not really DWK sill use the stubborn part of grim resolve.


I don't see most of these as oversights, more like clarifications or the player base either clinging to the past or wanting to play unfluffy combinations.

  On 6/29/2015 at 4:17 PM, ValourousHeart said:

Hey guys I got one more to add to the FAQ list.


Grim Resolve - This special rule is on 2 units that do not appear to be able to use it, Sableclaw and RW Support Squadron. Does Grim Resolve grant the ability to overwatch in addition to the bonus to BS for these 2 units.


It doesn't make sense that the RW Support Squadron would fire overwatch to defend the bike squad next to them, but not fire overwatch to defend themselves, when they are in fact a RW unit also.


As for Sableclaw, it is a unique unit and therefore may have abilities not available to the more basic versions of that unit.


I don't expect this granting of overwatch to over rule other codex rules that prevent overwatch, like Eldar Banshee Masks and our own Darkshroud.


The only other questionable unit that has Grim Resolve is DWK, which can still use the Stubborn rule even though they don't have guns to make use of the overwatch benefit. All other unit in the codex with this rule can make use of both stubborn and overwatch.


Sableclaw's grim resolve was already mentioned in the FAQ request and the support squadron gains the overwatch ability in Ravenshield


  On 6/29/2015 at 2:19 PM, SvenONE said:

Hot topic of the Darkshroud, but it's definitely an oversight on GW's part unless they felt it's clear enough.  Hopefully a faq will be out this week as with Age of Sigmar coming out I have a feeling this may not be addressed for a while.


Both sides of this create some great points.  


Stealth and Shrouded confer to the squad.  We know this, if you've ever had to mess with hordes of hormas/termas and Venomthrope you'd understand.  It just takes 1 model to confer.  They are also cumulative except cannot increase a cover save beyond 2+.


The rule for providing stealth comes from the Icon of Caliban.  So what's happening is:


Darkshroud has Shrouded, confers shrouded to the unit (+2).  Open cover save is 5+, 25% obscured save is 4+, Jink save is 2+

Darkshroud grants other speeders within 6" Stealth (+1), Open Cover save is 4+, 25% obscured save is 3+, Jink save, still 2+

Speeders in squadron now have been given Stealth, stealth confers back to the Darkshroud. Darkshrouds's open cover save is 4+, 25% obscured save is 2+, Jink save is still 2+.


It's certainly not intended and it's definitely a bending of the rules and it seems this is really going to only be an issue if you're taking cover saves in the open/terrain vs Jink saves in an attempt to avoid having to snapfire.  GW can easily clarify the rule if they just changed the language if they just say that it provides +1 to the cover save instead of the Stealth rule.  


Remember that the original Icon of Caliban was written under a 6th edition Ruleset where the old jink which gave you a 5+ if you moved, meaning that a moving Darkshroud enjoyed a 3+ cover save and a turbo-boosted Darkshroud got a 2+.  This was changed obviously in 7th to at least give your units snapshots rather than outright losing their opportunity to shoot.  I am assuming that Icon rule was written as a way to prevent 6th edition Darkshrouds from running next to each other, cross-providing stealth and enjoying a 2+ cover save while laying into you with assault cannon fire.


You can't know what their intention was. A model that never would normally be capable of joining a unit has been forced into one and I've seen weirder things remain in FAQ's, and more reasonable things removed. With the current state of rules and over-the-top formation bonuses, I wouldn't discount anything until it comes from the horse's mouth.

  On 6/29/2015 at 10:47 PM, 3DJutsu said:

Still useless, they're Deathwing and as such they are Fearless.

Not entirely, doesn't it still protect them from things that modify leadership? Thus, it is helpful for things like psychic shriek in that regard.

  On 6/30/2015 at 3:06 AM, 3DJutsu said:

Only for Morale tests and Pinning, Stubborn also states that if a Unit is Stubborn and Fearless they use the rules for Fearless instead.


I'm thinking they have Grim Resolve for fluff purposes.

They have Grim Resolve to use the BS2 overwatch and full BS overwatch on Lion's Blade... ;)

Not got the book to hand, so not sure of page numbers:



Ravenwing Bike squad: it starts with 3 bikes and can upgrade to a further 3 and an attack bike. It states that if the unit combat squads it becomes three units (2 x 3 man bikes and 1 x attack bike). If the unit DOESN'T use the combat squad option, does the attack bike have to remain with the others, or can it detach?



Dreadnoughts: If you add additional dreadnoughts to the selection, do they become a vehicle squadron (and have to maintain coherency and get affected by the squadron rules) or are they (up to) three separate choices that fill one slot? The same is also true of the Pred's/Vindi's/Whirli's thoguh I can see them being more squadron based (though slightly less flexible)






On a side note: I noticed that the transports are all included under the fast attack section - does that mean I can take an empty rhino as a fast attack choice in a regular game? Not played any 7th yet, so still a bit lost on the whole army selection changes.



Saw this over in a discussion about the Stasis bomb so:


(Q Ravenwing Dark Talon - Stasis Bomb Pg.129) The rule for the stasis bomb states "if a model suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon it must pass a separate initiative test..." Under the rules for Feel No Pain it states "when a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved wound..." & "This is not a saving throw, so can be used against..."


Does the stasis bomb still trigger an initiative test even if a model successfully discounts the wound using Feel No Pain, as the model has still suffered an unsaved wound as per Feel No Pain not being a save?

If yes then would this also then apply to Reanimation protocols as it also states "when a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved wound..." & "This is not a saving throw, so can be used against..."?

(Q Ravenwing Dark Talon - Stasis Bomb Pg.129) The rule for the stasis bomb states "if a model suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon it must pass a separate initiative test..." Under the rules for Feel No Pain it states "when a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved wound..." & "This is not a saving throw, so can be used against..."


Does the stasis bomb still trigger an initiative test even if a model successfully discounts the wound using Feel No Pain, as the model has still suffered an unsaved wound as per Feel No Pain not being a save?

If yes then would this also then apply to Reanimation protocols as it also states "when a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved wound..." & "This is not a saving throw, so can be used against..."?

A model has to suffer a Wound (i.e. the attack gets through ALL of the target's protections, including Feel No Pain) for the stasis roll to need to be made.  Feel No Pain discounts Wound (i.e. treats it as if it never happened) completely.


Ravenwing Bike squad: it starts with 3 bikes and can upgrade to a further 3 and an attack bike. It states that if the unit combat squads it becomes three units (2 x 3 man bikes and 1 x attack bike). If the unit DOESN'T use the combat squad option, does the attack bike have to remain with the others, or can it detach?

Units cannot detach members on a whim, so an un-Combat Squaded Ravenwing Bike Squadron cannot just turn loose its Attack Bike, but keep everyhing else togehtrer.  You must Combat Squad fully, or not at all.


Dreadnoughts: If you add additional dreadnoughts to the selection, do they become a vehicle squadron (and have to maintain coherency and get affected by the squadron rules) or are they (up to) three separate choices that fill one slot? The same is also true of the Pred's/Vindi's/Whirli's thoguh I can see them being more squadron based (though slightly less flexible).

Yes, the Dreadnoughts form a Vehicle Squadron, just like Killa Kans, War Warlkers, Sentinels, Penitent Engines, and Predator/Vindicator/Whirwind Squadrons, etc.,  do.  If they didn't it would say so, as this would be contrary to the Core Rules and so would need to be specifically mentioned (which it isn't).

  On 6/30/2015 at 5:30 AM, Master Sheol said:


  On 6/30/2015 at 3:06 AM, 3DJutsu said:




Only for Morale tests and Pinning, Stubborn also states that if a Unit is Stubborn and Fearless they use the rules for Fearless instead.

I'm thinking they have Grim Resolve for fluff purposes.

They have Grim Resolve to use the BS2 overwatch and full BS overwatch on Lion's Blade... ;)
I thought we were talking about Deathwing Knights, overwatch with what? They chuckin hammers like Mario now? XD Ahahaha, the visuals!

Hi can you add this please.


Q: Dark Angels Wargear List (p134) : Power Armoured Characters are able to buy all 4 Combi Weapons available but Characters in Terminator Armour are can only buy 3 with Combi-Grav being excluded is this on purpose.

Walkers ignore Unwieldy.


EDIT: Any idea of when (if ever) we can expect them to get any kind of FAQ up? I know they've been slow for the last 6 months or so, but I would really like one rather soonish (but not so soon it just ends up messing things up even more).

Unrelenting Hunt Formation:

This formation requires 1 Ravenwing Attack Squadron. A RWAS is now a formation, not a unit. The Unrelenting Hunt lacks the following language (from the Lion's Blade Strike Force):

Although units cannot normally belong to more than one Detachment, units from a Formation that is part of a Lion's Blade Strike Force are an exception.

Option 1: Unrelenting Hunt is illegal to play as a formation.

Option 2: The above language can be added to Unrelenting Hunt.

Option 3: The requirement for a Ravenwing Attack Squadron can be changed to a Ravenwing Bike Squadron.


I know it is a suboptimal formation to begin with, but I think it's possible that newer players will come into the game from Dark Vengeance and the expansion, so maybe worth trying to get a FAQ

A long shot but here goes


Q: Interrogator Chaplain (p102) An I-Chapalin in TDA my take terminator weapons, and under the description of them (p97) it states "...may replace its power weapon with one of the following:". Does the Crozius arcanum count as a power weapon?

  On 7/2/2015 at 4:01 PM, 3DJutsu said:

Not in the traditional sense as far as power weapons are concerned. There is a list of them in the BRB.


It acts like a power weapon but I doubt it qualifies.

But this puts us in an odd place where he can switch it out while wearing power armour, but has to have it in TDA?


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