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TALE - The Reunited Family


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I always viewed it as a Symmetrical Allies Chart since the Center diagonal line is empty due to it matching up the The Same Army with itself.


I've never seen a difference in the way you read.


Its Page 12. In LA:CAL.

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Battle Brothers - Wardens of Light, Halcyon Wardens

Fellow Warriors - Lightning Bearers, Iron Bears, Fire Keepers, Crimson Lions

Distrusted - Warriors of Peace, Grave Stalkers, Stygian Jackals, The Drowned, Void Eagles, Warbringers, Scions Hospitalier

By Order of X - Eagle Warriors, Berserkers of Uran, Dune Serpents


Dune Serpents


Battle Brothers - Fire Keepers, Iron Bears, Void Eagles, Eagle Warriors

Fellow Warriors - Lightning Bearers, Stygian Jackals, Scions Hospitalier, Wardens of Light

Distrusted - Berserkers of Uran, Crimson Lions, Grave Stalkers, Warriors of Peace, The Drowned

By Order of X - Godslayers, Halcyon Wardens



Just a rough outline

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This is something I made back when I was designing the Wardens, a little summary of research.


"Now, lastly, I'm going to record the record holders of the allies chart both for amusement and to help give other legion builders ideas.

Battle Brothers: Salamanders with 9 entries!

Fellow Warriors: Dark Angels & White Scars with 14 entries

Distrusted Allies: Word Bearers & Alpha Legions with 12 entries

By Order!: Night Lords with 3 Entries"


Notes to take away: 


By Order is a rare position to be and should require something extraordinary for it to occur. 

By far, most of the legions should end up between Fellow Warriors or Distrusted Allies. 

I remember the Salamanders being unusual for their 9 entries. Off the top of my head, I think the average is around 4-5 Battle Brothers. 

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Battle Brothers: Iron Bears, Halycon Wardens, Eagle Warriors, Void Eagles.

Fellow Warriors: Fire Keepers, Godslayers, Warbringers, Scions Hospitalier, Wardens of Light, The Drowned, Lightning Bearers.

Distrusted Allies: Warriors of Peace, Stygian Jackals, Ghost Legion, Dune Serpants, Ghost Legion.

By Order!: Berzerkers of Uran.

Just to explain a few of these, all the Crimson Lions battle brothers either specialise in a simialair area as the CL(Void Eagles&Halycon Wardens) or I've agreed with the legions cretors that the CL should have a close bond of brotherhood with(Iron Bears) even if their primarchs don't get on(Eagle Warriors)

The Fellow warriors are legions the Crimson Lions aren't particularly close to but trust.

The Distrusted Allies are the legions who the Crimson Lions don't trust on th grounds that they view their tactics as dishonourable or some such thing.

The Berzerkers of Uran are By Order! because the Crimson Lions would probably view them aq cowards and refuse to serve alongside them unless absoloutely necassery

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Allies, eh? Well let's see:


Legio IV - Void Eagles

Battle Brothers: Crimson Lions, Scions Hospitalier, The Drowned, Stygian Jackals

Fellow Warriors: Fire Keepers, Iron Bears, Eagle Warriors, Halcyon Wardens, Berserkers of Uran, Lightning Bearers, Dune Serpents, Warbringers

Distrusted Allies: Warriors of Peace, Godslayers, Mechanicum, Wardens of Light, Ghost Walkers, Grave Stalkers, Imperial Army

By Order!: None


Going asymmetric on this one, with the Eagles not reciprocating the Dune Serpents' brotherhood, instead preferring the cooperation of the Stygian Jackals on land warfare, a reminder of their pre-primarch days as armored spearheads. The distrusted alliance with both Mechanicum and Imperial Army is due to non-sanctioned modification of ships, and a tendency to use scorched-earth tactics planetside respectively.


Legio IX - Warbringers

Battle Brothers: Imperial Army, Lightning Bearers, Warriors of Peace, Halcyon Wardens, Scions Hospitalier

Fellow Warriors: Mechanicum, Iron Bears, Void Eagles, Crimson Lions, Fire Keepers, Wardens of Light, Grave Stalkers, The Drowned

Distrusted Allies: Godslayers, Eagle Warriors, Dune Serpents, Ghost Walkers, Berserkers of Uran

By Order!: None


Imperial Army, for Kozja's legion is a nobility, and that nobility should lead by example; and to Kozja, they are to be perfected as much as his legion. Even before the retrieval of the Jade General the IX and XVII were brothers, whatever failure afflicted their gene-seed put in the hands of Kozja to stabilize, though without real success. Perhaps the few remaining WoP were folded into the Warbringers, like the early EC and RG were in practice part of the SoH in canon-verse.

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Which is, ironically, Alex's fault too. What you could do is throw out some suggestions and see how they go. Like Kozja's suggestion that the Warbringers and the Warriors of Peace had a long history of cooperation before they became Revolutionaries.

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Hectarion walked into the small forge he had on board the Lupa Sanguis. He had had it built many years ago, when he'd first met Dear'dd and his brother had taught him the smiths craft. While Hectarion was nowhere near Dear'dds skill, he often found peace in his forge when the bouts of irrational anger that occasionaly plagued him were at their worst. Once again Hectarion looked at Godstooth. Such a mighty gift. Then he looked over at the corner of his forge, where there were the shattered fragments of Lions Bite. He had broken it over the back of one brother. Now, he would re forge it in a different form for another.


Hectarion had spent hours searching through the ships stores, taking only the purest ingots of metal for this project. His brother deserved nothing less than the best. Then, Hectarion began to work. He wouldn't stop working until he'd finished. When the sparks from his hammer hitting the metal burned his skin, he ignored it. When the heat of the forge cause his skin to blister, he ignored it. Nothing would stop this project from being finished.


After several days, much of the weapon was ready. Hectarion knew his brother preferred brute force over skill in combat and so it wasn't a spear or an axe he had made for his brother. It was a magnificent war maul, as tall as a Crimson Lion in cataphractii armour. The haft was formed from wood gathered from the Ironwood trees Mycenae, with an adamantium core to prevent the wood from snapping. On the base Hectarion had placed a roaring bears head made of iron. However, the head of the maul was the true piece of art. Held up by four bears made of iron, the head was made of a type of gold he'd heard referred to as "Blood gold" or "Rose gold". The head shone a red gold and on every side, there was a Mycenaean rune of protection, filled in with silver. While Hectarion had once thought such things to be supersticious nonsense, on those occasions that his legion had fought pyskers, the runes had seemed to help. And so, Hectarion had included them in this weapon for his brother, so that, should his brother ever face the horrors of the Warp, he would return unscathed. Hectarion would not wish the touch of the warp on anyone. The final aspect of the head were the spikes which came out of the head. Each one was made of adamantium from his old axe, Lions Bite. The final part of the maul was the leather wrappings around the base of the haft, stained black.


When Hectarion lifted up the maul, something which even he found difficult to do, he smiled. For a brief moment as he was looking for any fault in the weapon, he thought he felt a shadow at his side and a cold fenrisian wind upon his skin, a stark contrast with the heat of the forge. He thought he could hear Russ' laughter and Freki or Geri's growls. Then, the moment was gone. He was alone in the forge once more. Yes, this weapon would do. Finnally, the last of Hectarions closest brothers had a weapon that was worthy of him.

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Love it! Also that sounds like the weapon Daer'dd would reach for when he actually becomes angry. I sort of picture him wading through traitor Marines going full Sauron with the maul just shattering Astartes until one of his traitor brothers confront him.
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Segmentum Tempestus


Irritum Mare System


Orbit over Iona


Hell's Heart

(props to those who get this reference ^^)

Two giants stood side by side, alone, on the observation deck. Isolated from the sounds of the Bridge by panes of immaculate, transparent glass, they stood in silence. Below them, rotating ponderously was a Globe of the Purest Blue with intermittent streaks of white and light gray the only things to mar its otherwise perfect surface, the only imperfection being a Spot of Green found at what could be guessed as the North Pole.


As they looked to the planet below, faces awash in pale blue light, one giant turned to the other and broke the silence, his voice low and deep like the roiling ocean depths below:


"So, what do you think?" he asked of his companion, Opalescent Plate reflecting a million different shades of blue from the light cast upon it by the Globe below.


"Its not much" Replied the Other, Considerably Larger than his companion was he, his own Armor Immaculate beyond description.

"But, he continued, surveying his environs,"There's obviously more to your home than meets the eye."


"That there is. If we have the time, I'd like to bring you down to the surface to see for yourself." Said the Smaller of the Two, his Glacier Blue eyes lighting up in anticipation - of what, his companion could only guess.


Seemingly snapping out of a reverie and recalling the original reason for the meeting between Him and his Brother, he turned fully to face him.


"So, daydreaming aside, Brother Daer'dd, you said you had something you wanted to give me?" He asked, face calm but for a single raised eyebrow.


"Indeed I do, Brother. A gift, if you would have it, to signify our reunion with Each other, The Imperium and The Emperor. Something that, I feel best represents you and befitting of your Station as Primarch." Said Daer'dd, his voice a gentle but deep grumble.


As he finished speaking he he turned to the desk at his side upon which rested a Box, longer than a man, made of immaculate, oiled, Mahogany. He took the box in his hands, turned to face his Brother Primarch,


"For you." is all he said, presenting it.


"Well, If you insist." Replied Pionus, placing both gauntleted hand upon the wood, brushing the surface gently and, finally, opening it.


Within lay a Trident. Immaculate in its design, impeccable in its craftsmanship, purpose clear to all who laid eyes upon it. (I'll let CCR Detail Leviathan Himself)


"A Trident, ha!" Exclaimed Pionus upon seeing the weapon.


"Something not to your Liking, Brother?"


"No, no, not at all. Its...its just, fitting I suppose. Like ancient Legends of Terra dating back to when it was still known as Aerth, I am very much the ruler of my own Atlantaea, a King of the Seas. No, Brother Daer'dd, a Trident is the perfect gift." He said, hefting the weapon, testing its balance, looking it over in detail.


"It shall do just fine." He finished, holding the the Trident upright at his side. "...Atleantaean, yeah, I like that..."


"So, have you thought of a name for it? I refrained from doing so, wanting you to have the Honor." Said Daer'dd


"Hmm, well, if we're going with the whole" he waved one hand in the air "Theme...how about...Levia-"


Before he could finish, both turned to the observation deck door opening and closing and the sound of a pair of boots marching towards them. What met their gaze was not an Astartes as the sound the boots were making would have otherwise indicated but, as far as Daer'dd could tell, a Mortal Woman. Clad in Power Armor fashioned much like her Lord Primarchs but on a smaller scale and just as ornate, she stopped a respectful distance from them.


She looked into Daer'dd's eyes, unflinching, to his surprise, and bowed lightly in greeting, then turning to his brother who raised his hand before she could repeat the action.


"Now, now, Dear Sister, we're not in the presence of the Emperor, theres no need to be so Formal with me, you know that."


She gave him a quizzical look nodding her head ever-so-lightly in Daer'dd's direction.


"But, my Lord Prim-"


"Inna, please, we're family." he Said, raising his hand once more in a stopping motion, nodding his head slightly. "Now, knowing you, you would not have interrupted unless it was urgent. What is it?"


"Its the Test Specimen My L-," Pionus raised an eyebrow. "...Brother. The Test results are back and we wanted you present before we went over them with the committee. Furthermore, the 29th Expeditionary Fleet has recently come back with a few Xenos Specimens in tow and preliminary testing would suggest that they are of the same Species that have been giving the IIIrd and XVIIIth Legions their Difficulty in their campaigns across the Segmentum Obscurus."


Pionus' eyes lit upon hearing the news. "Indeed?" Inna nodded affirmative. Turning to Daer'dd, "Well, Brother, you'll have to excuse me! Duty calls and we might finally have answers on our hands as to just exactly what is giving Hectarion and Jeckel such a hard time."


"Do not fret, it is no insult for our work is never done and there is no rest for the wicked." He Smiled.


"Still, I do not want you to have come out all this way just to hand me the Leviathan without having had some fun of our own. Tell you what" He took out a Dataslate and started inscribing notes onto it "While I'm conferencing with Inna and the other Academics about our Xenos Problem, gather equipment suitable to the tasks listed here and meet me on the Surface, I'll take you on a Hunt-"


"You can be serious!" Exclaimed Inna, interrupting the Primarch who, again, much to Daer'dd surprise, took the disrespect in stride seemingly unaffected by the nerve of the Mortal.


"You want to bring him on a Serpent Hunt? He might be a Primarch but he isn't ready! It took you years before your first successful hunt and even then all you brought back was a Juvenile!"


"Yes bu-"


"It was eight times your size, Pionus!"


"That might be the case but, this time there'll be two of us! Besides, we haven't been down the Odyssian Trench in quite a while now, we need to remap the area and check for any changes to the seabed and see if any new Laboratories have been uncovered by tectonic activity. The Hunt is just a bonus. Besides, your not saying we turn away a Primarch, are you?"


"N-no, I'd never!"


"Then Its settled." Turning back to Daer'dd and handing him the dataslate. "Make sure you bring everything on this list. I doubt anyone will give you trouble on the surface and, if we take too long, how about some sightseeing?"


Daer'dd, unsure as how to respond exactly after the exchange between Pionus and the Mortal Inna. "I..I shall take you up on your offer then."


"Good! Besides, we need to put Leviathan to the test!" Pionus clasped forearms with Daer'dd in farewell. "Now, If you'll excuse me...I'll send my First Captain to see you off." and just like that, he turned his back to Daer'dd and left, Inna at his side, who was somehow capable of keeping pace with a Primarch; the start of a conversation pertaining to the Xenos Specimens -- Qarith he thought he heard -- starting before they even left the Deck.

A Serpent Hunt, thought Daer'dd. What kind of beast could possibly inhabit such a world where a juvenile of the species was Eight times the size of a Primarch, he wondered, turning back to the View port to gaze back out at the Sapphire Globe and pulling up the Dataslate Pionus had hastily written up.


"All this to hunt a Serpent?!" Daer'dd Exclaimed. "This might be fun after all..."





There ya go. The First meeting between Pionus and Daer'dd. I feel like I adequately represented the characters but its by no means perfect seeing as I barely if ever write stuff like this.


Still, it is done.


As for the Serpent Hunt, I'll probably put that on the Scions Topic since its going to pertain more to the Legion and the Planet itself than the meeting/interaction between Primarchs.

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Small thing. I'm just drawing up the allies table so I can have a visual tool to use rather than trying to remember all the names at once. Could Skalpynock and Big Bad Squig confirm which of their two ally levels I should use between the Void Eagles and Dune Serpents? One of you has them down as Sworn Brothers the other as Fellow Warriors. Also if people could confirm their Legions' ties to the Imperial Army and Mechanicum as well that would be great.


Here's a quick preview of how it looks so far.


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Scions Hospitallier.


Mechanicum: Jealous of their Fancy proprietary Tech AKA Fellow Warriors.

Imperial Army: Fellow Warriors. 


I'll wait a bit before going ahead and deciding the alliance level of the Scions with the Rest of the Legoins they aren't specified with to let others decide what they feel would be best.

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