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+++Greetings Inquisitor Elene Amigos. Your will?+++


++Accessing records+++


+File Loaded+


+Known Name: Slaa'Nez Nah'mahnica, She who deceives.

+True Name: Unknown.

+Affiliation: Slaanesh.

+Daemonic Classification: Daemon Princess.


+Latest known sighting: Byzantium, Segmentum Pacificus. Home-world of the Order of the Dauntless Spirit.


+Subject threat status: Extremis


++Details follow:


The subject was first encountered by a small Convent of the Order of the Valorous Heart on the former Shrine world of Sydar. The planet was attacked by the forces of Chaos, eventually being lost to Exterminatus. The Sisters were confronted by one of their own in the throes of possession by a malevolent being, previously thought to be a Keeper of Secrets. The Sister, Annabelle Chrysanthemum, managed to free herself of the creatures vile bondage, but was executed by a Sister called Saffron Sera before she was taken over again in her weakened state. The Daemon has since taken a perverse interest in the affairs of Sera, more notably after the formation of the Order of the Dauntless Spirit under her command. Every appearance hence, Slaa'Nez Nah'mahnica has taken the appearance of a corrupted Annabelle Chrysanthemum, her armour in disarray and adorned with ugly sigils of She who thirsts. Her objective is to turn the Order, corrupt them to her purpose. She preys on weakness in spirit, chinks in mental armour. Thus far, she has failed in every attempt.


She is confident that she will succeed soon enough...


++Typical appearance.


Her corporeal form has varied over the years, but generally, she has long flowing hair in every possible shade of pastels, or eye aching variations of the visible spectrum. She wears a parody of Sororitas armour, physical deformations, piercings and tattoos laid bare, literally to tempt the viewer. Her form has wings on occasion, feathered and pure white. Her weapon is a beautiful sword, one similar to that which Saint Lucia herself carried in battle. She is very capable in combat, rarely calling upon her subordinates, a cabal known as the Learnéd to support her. The group of six women are themselves equally deadly in close combat, ignoring injuries that would instantly kill others. They are unable to die, their bodies eventually recovering from death strokes, even decapitation. They adore their mistress, devotion driving them to great and greater acts of depravity. They favour long knives with poisoned edges, getting close, their merest touch able to turn even the most devout to their cause. Their beauty is ugly, an ersatz, saccharin parody of the female form.


Other notable warband members:




A former Arbites who's addictions left him no choice to flee his former colleagues. His changed form makes him ideal for situations where brute force is needed. His drug addled brain is a shadow of formerly bright mind. He has no cares, or desires other than his next fix, and follows his Daemonic mistress wherever she goes.




The spoilt Daughter of a Socialite on the planet Be'lachor, bored of her high born status. She distracted herself by joining and eventually becoming a ranking member of a Cult devoted to Slaanesh. A natural predator, she was convicted of killing over two thousand unwitting members of the public before her capture. Her subtle mutations, gifts from her patron, allowed her to escape, leaving another two hundred dead or joining her. Most of those who became her followers were themselves murdered, sacrifices unwilling or otherwise. Her lust for bloodletting is never sated, her other unmentionable inclinations are horrifying in their nature. She might have been the leader of a Warband in her own right, were it not for her lack of insight or ability to see anything other than a target.


The warband has approximately thirty Cultists, the number fluctuating due to Dan'Ill.


Notable conflicts:


The Warband has met the forces of the Imperium on many occasions, but their most telling was against the combined forces of the Order of the Dauntless Spirit and the Order of Machaeram. Unable to resist the possibility of corrupting two Orders, Slaa'Nez Nah'mahnica assaulted a Shrine left in honour of Saint Lucia, knowing that such an act would not be unanswered. The fury of both Canoness Sera and Canoness Stengovitch brought over four million Cultists death at their hands. An appearance of another winged figure, one believed by the Sisters of the Dauntless Spirit to be that of Annabelle Chrysthanemum herself soared above the battlefield. Angered by this others' audacity, the Daemon Princess attacked her quarry, the failure to corrupt this Sister a wound that would be heal, a blemish to her achievements. The conflict below had actually paused to witness the titanic struggle of pure Angel and her dark shadow, the fate of the planet in the balance. Both were weary, the toll extreme, but Chrysanthemum managed to fly higher than her opponent to get the advantage. Even as the blade struck her mortal body, Slaa'Nez Nah'mahnica screamed her hatred, her voice filled with anguish that she could not complete her one true desire. Banished to the other realm, she was not privy to her followers' rout. The only combatants not accounted for weeks later was her personal retinue.


She has not been seen since, but it will only be a matter of time before she appears once again...


+++Report ends+++


+++Heresy grows from idleness+++

So did you intend to name Dan'ill's planet Be'lachor? as the first daemon prince ever is named Be'lakor.

It wasn't intentional. I might leave it as it is as an easter egg of sorts laugh.png

The main thing is that it isn't so much of an easter egg, since Be'lakor is one of the few highly competitive units in the chaos armies right now.

Leaving it is fine, but anyone who has spent any time in the chaos section of the board will immediately recognize it.

Just wanted to let you know.

Looks pretty good by the way overall.

Considering the highly influential presence Be'lakor has had in this galaxy over the tens of thousands of years it's been doing its thing, it shouldn't be surprising to see its name expressed across the galactic plane, even if there is no other connection.




I like it, Aqui. Especially the implications that this entity may potentially have its origin within the Sisterhood.

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