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There's no easy way to get extra irradiation engine parts. Ebay sellers do sell individual models though.


One option for Destructors is to run volkite culverins, with a single irradiation engine. They're all anti-Infantry weapons, but a bit cheaper points-wise and a lot easier to model.


As for the Arlatax, I've seen some Domitars converted into them. My personal opinion is to wait for a kick-ass model that FW will inevitably release. :)

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The turret I think would look ridiculous on a Myrmidon, it's almost as big as they are!


Imploders are basically 40K grav cannons, so I borrowed them from Kataphron Servitors as stated above. With that skull reactor boosting plasma, I'll probably make up a plasma kat squad instead of another grav squad, which will give me a total of 6 of them.

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Hey Mechanicum brothers and sisters!


I am a man obsessed with the lovely Iron Hands legion, however I am also working on a Blanche inspired Mechanicum contingent that runs as a supporting force for my imperial knights. This army is almost solely for the awesome conversion opportunities but I would like it to be somewhat effective on the battlefield. I have no point limit that I'm shooting for, but I don't intend to have a very large mech army. Sorry if there are a bunch of silly mistakes in here, I don't know much about mech lists, I just love the aesthetic!















-maybe a third knight somewhere down the line







-Magos Dominus

(Running with the darkfire castellax, using magic robot powers, and healing knights)





(Fluff wise their purpose is to protect and recover knight pilots when they fall in battle, in game They will attack squads that wish to tarpit the Atrapos)


-2 darkfire castellax

(Dominus retinue)




-techpreist auxilia

(For running around repairing knights and a blank check to convert cool models)


Heavy support


-myrmidon destructors

(Because they are some of my favorite models produced by FW)



So my main questions are:


-how should I outfit my magos, techpreist, and myrmidons?

-how many scyllax is a good amount of scyllax?

-Is this list even legal?

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Hey Mechanicum brothers and sisters!


I am a man obsessed with the lovely Iron Hands legion, however I am also working on a Blanche inspired Mechanicum contingent...






Alright, let's Pontifex Maximise this.



-Is this list even legal?


Yeah, it is legal for a generalist Taghmata army Allied Detachment, BUT NOT if you're trying to run this as a Legio Cybernetica Cohort (which would give minor buffs to your big stompy robots).  It's no biggie, just mentioning it so you know the trade-offs in advance.


(In case you're about to check what that prerequisite for Legio Cybernetica is, it's that your 1st, and only in the case of an Allied Detachment, choice in either Fast or Heavy Support is something that has a Cybernetica Cortex i.e. a big stompy robot, like a Thanatar.)






-how should I outfit my magos, techpreist, and myrmidons?


Here's my take on this, just 1 opinion.  What I'm seeing, and what I believe you do too, is that everyone here are standing behind the Titans to repair/counter-charge/pre-emptively counter-charge.  As such, these are the best-value tools for them.





-Magos Dominus

(Running with the darkfire castellax, using magic robot powers, and healing knights)


My recommendations: Machinator Array, then Augury Scanner


Machinator Array for the repair bonus mainly, with the combat bonuses as a spin-off benefit, plus modeling possibilities.  Then maybe an Augury Scanner for more conversion benefits, plus it has the added benefit of actually being useful to prevent a bunch of Alpha Legion infiltrating Terminators or something...which happens.




(Fluff wise their purpose is to protect and recover knight pilots when they fall in battle, in game They will attack squads that wish to tarpit the Atrapos)


My recommendations: Frag Grenades, 1 Rad Cleanser, then maybe Flamers or Rotor Cannons if you wish


The Frag Grenades is like the tax IMHO, you want them on this unit just in case.  The 1 Rad Cleanser, to contrast, is something I'd happily take.  The benefit isn't so much the direct damage, but the debuff to enemies (-1 Toughness to wounded units).  This DOES stack with your Rad Furnace (also -1 Toughness).  Makes a whole lot of sense for this unit.  Flamers are obviously useful, but don't discount Rotor Cannons, which IMHO are just as good if not better in many cases; the choice between the 2 I'd say depends on what you'd rather model.


-2 darkfire castellax 

(Dominus retinue)


My recommendations: Frag Grenades, and you obviously chose Darkfire Cannons already


Again, Frags are like a compulsory tax that I'll personally pay for.  Being Monstrous Creatures, they already have AP2 in close combat, so moving on.




-techpreist auxilia 

(For running around repairing knights and a blank check to convert cool models)


My recommendations: Enginseer (obviously, but that also gives you a free Servo-Arm), then maybe Augury Scanner


Just a reminder that when choosing your Techpriest's specialty, Enginseer gives you the Servo-Arm anyway, no need to buy.  Then maybe the Augury Scanner because I anticipate you'll be deploying this guy with your OTHER Knight Titan, so you get this large coverage against Infiltrators on that side.


Heavy support


-myrmidon destructors 

(Because they are some of my favorite models produced by FW)


My recommendations: Incendiary Engines, Edit - also a Transport


The options here are probably between Incendiary Engines or Grav-Cannons, but it looks like you already have plenty of AP2, so might as well get AP3.  In case you hadn't faced them with your Iron Hands...Incendiary Engines are funny beyond what their weapon stats may suggest.  People accept that Mechanicum have crazy guns, but they're seldom ready to see their MEQs being reduced to GEQs in the face of an Incendiary Engine.  Watching their Legion-specific special snowflake unit getting wiped out by a round of shooting, and the sudden yet inevitable mental meltdown of the player that follows, never gets old.  Edit - thanks to Darius for the reminder, they need something to carry them into the optimal range, like a Triaros Transport.  The Triaros, aside from being a Transport, is a bit of a ramming weapon in itself.






-how many scyllax is a good amount of scyllax? 


Probably 5, just for Leadership checks when you get shot up, so you have a bit of buffer room with their Ld of 7.  But it probably won't come up because, with a Knight Titan right there, the Scyllax probably isn't the focus of attention.  So you can just leave it at 4.






Just 1 person's opinion.  I love your ideas.  

Edited by Not 1 Step Backwards
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Myrmidons really benefit from a Triaros or Macroarid to get them close. If you take conversion beamers or volkite culverins, chuck them in a Bunker or Bastion. And yeah, Irradiation Engines are absolutely disgusting vs Legion. Death Guard will get a 4+ FNP against it, but everyone elses PA squads are going to melt horribly. 


I don't normally take Machinator Array on Domini, but in this context you're repairing Knight-Titans so a 3+ Battlesmith roll is very nice. Keep in mind he can't Battlesmith and cast Cybertheurgy in the same turn, so carefully choose which you wanna do. 

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Yeah, it is legal for a generalist Taghmata army Allied Detachment, BUT NOT if you're trying to run this as a Legio Cybernetica Cohort (which would give minor buffs to your big stompy robots).  It's no biggie, just mentioning it so you know the trade-offs in advance.

(In case you're about to check what that prerequisite for Legio Cybernetica is, it's that your 1st, and only in the case of an Allied Detachment, choice in either Fast or Heavy Support is something that has a Cybernetica Cortex i.e. a big stompy robot, like a Thanatar.)



Keep in mind that Legio Cybernetica has the much more harsh requirement of fielding a minimum of 2x2 castellax. Adapting his list to LC means having to drop something somewhere for a second pair of castellax.

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Yeah, it is legal for a generalist Taghmata army Allied Detachment, BUT NOT if you're trying to run this as a Legio Cybernetica Cohort (which would give minor buffs to your big stompy robots).  It's no biggie, just mentioning it so you know the trade-offs in advance.

(In case you're about to check what that prerequisite for Legio Cybernetica is, it's that your 1st, and only in the case of an Allied Detachment, choice in either Fast or Heavy Support is something that has a Cybernetica Cortex i.e. a big stompy robot, like a Thanatar.)



Keep in mind that Legio Cybernetica has the much more harsh requirement of fielding a minimum of 2x2 castellax. Adapting his list to LC means having to drop something somewhere for a second pair of castellax.



I thought so too, but I was checking the rules and the requirement is actually units of 2 Castellaxes for Compulsory Troops, a subtle difference.  So normally, for a Primary Detachment that has 2 Compulsory Troop Slots, yes, it is 2x2 Castellaxes.  Luna707 designed this as an Allied Detachment, only 1 Compulsory Slot, thus 1x2.


The way Luna laid it out, it could have gone either way.  For a normal Mechanicum army, his Scyllax counts as the Compulsory, then Castellaxes as his Support Troops.  If he was going to run it as Legio Cybernetica, the reverse is true in effect, with Castellaxes as Compulsory, then Scyllax as his Optional.  I thought it was very clever.


I actually never considered the possibility of Allied Detachments for Legio-specific until he pointed that out!  This opens up some possibilities for Legio Cybernetica in particular I thought, using Allies to streamline some of the requirements, and perhaps complement a Legion Primary Detachment with some Monstrous Creatures.


P.S. also thx @ Darius on reminder re: Transports.

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The isssue with having this fit cybernetica is that my single (allied detachment) heavy support choice would need to be an automata not the myrmidons. I just love the models too much to make that sacrifice haha


Also, follow up question, as I understand it techpreists may take servitors, how would you all lot those out?


Additionally, if I chose not to bring transports in his list (my Iron Hands are kind of an armored spearhead, so I want to do something a bit different with the mech), how would you all suggest I kit out the myrmidons? Are photon thrusters worth it? Would they be fine foot slogging irradiation engines?


P.S. A third knight is looking very possible if that changes any strategy


Thank you for your responses! This has been very helpful!

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