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Great to see you aboard Major Grotsmasha, aiming for that as yet undisclosed maximum rank I assume? msn-wink.gif

Speaking of ranks, the entrants lists has been added smile.png I've added Wulfgar's Treads and Thrusters second vow and Audemus's One for All troopers too, for the rest don't forget the other challenges are also available for your second vow if you want. Please let me know if there are any mistakes thumbsup.gif

I hearby vow 4 x HWS, the 2 gunners will have all 3 weapon options magnetised too. I also vow a commander/lieutenant/sgt with power axe and bolt pistol too.


Mister Fish, have I done all the challenges or am I still missing one?


Edit, missed the picture!



Good stuff scats! As for the other challenges you've completed them all to their highest level, earning you the current top rank of Major - you just don't have all your medals in your sig to show them off msn-wink.gif

I, Guilloom, of the XIV Katarisian Regiment, also known as 'Their Finest', do hereby vow to complete a Munitorum advisor (count as voxcaster), belonging to the 2nd Company HQ under the orders of the Marshall-Commissar De Veer, from Astra Militarum CodeX for the Regiments of the B&C: Heroes of the Guard challenge by the 9th October for the honour of the Guard and B&C.

IMG 20150916 000710

As repentance for staying far too long away from the battlefield, I do pledge to paint the privates Kai and Leyton, from the Veteran Squad 304, 12th Assault Brigade "Trenchstormers", 2nd Company.

IMG 20150916 003442

Shall I fail to fulfill my duty, the penalty would be eternal dishonor and the transfer of the 2nd Company to the penal regiment. Plus twelve bullets in the betrayers : we from Kataris still prefer the joyful companionship of a firing squad to the cold loneliness of a single boltpistol biggrin.png

I, Brother Handro, do hereby vow to complete a Platoon Commander from Codex: Astra Mlitarum for the Regiments of the B&C - Heroes of the Guard challenge by my birthday for the honour of Grandia, and all her armed forces.






Oddly enough the spray paint liked melting the super glue, if that's even possible.



Upon (or possibly before) completion I hope to vow my Valkyrie for the Treads & Thrusters challenge.





'C'mon Malhose! Move your skinny ass faster! Your captain won't be pleased if we're late for the last shuttle from this forgotten by Emperor burnt piece of crap in space!'

'Greshin is your captain too Shots. You heard that Comissar. We are the one regiment now'

'It's Sir Shots for you skinny ass! He's the most senior officer alive, not insane, and not a walking dead, he's a lucky son of a ... Don't stop until I say to Malhose! Move, move, move! I'm carring this cannon and ammo, you're carring your lasgun and ammo and i'm always ahead of you!'

'Yeah, but i did not tear my weapon from sentinel with my bare hands as you did'

'Shut up and move! Or I'll make you eat my shots faster than the comissar.'

'Holy Terra...eat shots. Why not simly say "shoot you"?'

'Because shut up! that's why. Keep your eyes open, some dead walkers may still be around'

'Roger that Shots'

'It's Sir Shots for you skinny ass!'

Sooo I have lots of bitz.  Perhaps to many bitz for my own good and while I was putting together my Cadian Hostile Environment troops I got an idea...that then evolved into a character and conveniently fits the requirements of an individuals background.  I actually took the time to write up the rules for the individual as well and while I doubt the rules themselves will ever be used, I thought I would share them because it's actually a pretty interesting character with some severe drawbacks.  Hell he could even be considered a negative mission aspect despite it being an honorable title but he's fun.  Here he is unpainted after I went all bitz diving last night as well as his rules.


Edit (Inserting Unpainted Picture):




I also wrote the history of the regiment itself which you will find below!


Leander VI


Few know the history of the planet itself and those who do remain tight lipped but rumors love to wander and most of the H.E.R.C. soldiers had a basic idea of why they were on of the few forces in the Imperium that were tasked with holding a planet with an atmosphere that was extraordinarily hostile to all forms of life.


At some point in the past heresy had spread across the planet, encouraged by the rampant precious metals that the Nobility had begun to locate underneath the surface.  This resulted in wealth the likes of which the current inhabitants could barely know and the Inquisition had begun to detect heretical separatists mutterings from the lush planet.  Shortly after a full blown Gate opened and the denizens of the Eye of Chaos began pouring out.  As the planet itself was full of settlers and did not have any forces garrisoned the surface was rapidly covered in daemon spawn with pockets of settlers armed only with hunting weapons trying to slow them down.


The Inquisitor who had been sent to investigate things finally arrived but upon realizing the planet itself was overrun he executed the last resort that he had been authorized to deploy.  Viral Bombs plunged through the planets atmosphere and began rapidly tearing through the denizens of the planet.  Yet as the Inquisitor watched a rising sense of horror began to overcome him, his assistants could practically feel the unease in the air as the Inquisitor sent off a message back to his superiors to report the impossibility that he was watching.


The Viral Bombs did there job, killing all of the humans and forcing the denizens of Chaos back into their gates but somehow the flora and fauna...remained.  Not only did it remain but it had grown larger and appeared to now be expelling something back into the atmosphere.  To ensure the Inquisition was warned the Inquisitor had his navigator reopen the Warp and he returned to report what had occurred.


The unnamed Inquisitor was told that he must be wrong and that a company of soldiers that the Inquisition had been training for combat within hostile environments would have their training rushed and then be deployed back to Leander VI to confirm his story and, if possible, recover the buildings and secure them for settlers to return.  The unit was known as the H.E.R.C., Hostile Environment Response Cavalry, Strike Force and consisted of equal parts standard guardsmen, Militarum Tempestus Scions, and a small contingent of Solomon Lok's  questionably lauded D-99 Elysians who had been separated before his unfortunate disappearance on Anphelion.  All of the soldiers were used to fighting with a fully sealed helmet and reduced visibility and the Militarum Tempestus unit had a large number of flyers available for scouting.


Upon arriving back at Leander VI the scientists provided by the Inquisition discovered a startling fact.  The plant life of this planet had absorbed the brunt of the Viral Bomb as it began to settle across the land and were actually purifying the most deadly toxins before ejecting the left overs back into the atmosphere.  While this was something never seen before it was not all good news as one scientist found out when a sealed vial of the expelled poisons burnt the skin away from his face faster than he could get in the decontamination showers.  Yet it proved the toxins, while vicious, were no longer close to the threat of the original Viral Bomb.  H.E.R.C. Strike Force was ordered to remain on location and engage anyone and anything that attempted to land on the planet without Inquisitorial Orders.  Simply put, the Inquisition could not allow any planets to know there was a way to mitigate Exterminatus as it could lead to wide spread result on some of the colonies that had begun to drift as of late.


H.E.R.C. setup a full garrison and brought the forges back online to begin producing patterned military vehicles, supplied by the Inquisition to assist in their defense of this secret, and they remain in there to this day.  They are occasional tasked to respond and assist the Inquisition with other hostile environments but, to avoid the soldiers socializing with each other, are always rapidly sent back to their home on the planet which no longer existed in the Imperial Star Charts.


Inflammatio Cleander


Inflammatio (Setting Afire, Inflaming/Inspiring Souls)

Cleander (Bastardization of two Latin words to create Lion-man)



Inflammatio Cleander is both a title and a person that requires the absolute devotion of the individual wearing the mantle.  The first Inflammatio Cleander was born during one of multiple incursions by a Space Hulk full of Tyranids crashing into the H.E.R.C. Strike Forces home planet Leander VI.  A unit of Scions had become cut off from their air support and were desperately fighting a losing battle to hold up the right flank that H.E.R.C. could not afford to lose.  That's when Platoon Commander Weimer saw the Genestealers moving through the gas filled underbrush at an angle which would bring them into the Scion trenches before they knew what had happened.


As they were out of range for Vox Communication and there were no other units nearby, Weimer did the unthinkable.  Gathering his personal bodyguard and support staff he began sprinting toward the monstrous Genestealers firing off shots from his bolt pistol to draw their attention away from the Scions and also to hopefully make those incredibly skilled killers to look back and see the impending danger.  The Scions, ears full of their own fire, did not recognize the Bolt Pistols reports as a serious threat but the Genestealers most assuredly did.  They rose up from the poisonous mist and began loping toward the Platoon Commander and his men with what could only be described as a toothy grin spreading across them.  


Weimer saw his men hesitate to engage in what was without a doubt a suicide mission but rather than join them in their doubts he unholstered his Officer Issued Chainsword and brought it in front of his helmet before looking back to his men and screaming "For the Emperor and LEANDER!"  Without looking back to see if they followed him he began a slow jog toward the approaching Genestealers which turned into a full sprint, continually revving the chain sword above his head a smiling like a mad man beneath his rebreather.


No one saw what happened next but the Scions turned in time to see the conclusion when they heard an awful wailing screech come from behind them.  The Vox Guardsmen was screaming into his hand mic calling off coordinates while the Platoon Company Commander Weimer stood his ground, uniform and flak jacket torn to ribbons.  Blood was pooling around his feet  and over the corpses of two Genestealers while the skin was begin to peel back as the poison mist began to take its toll on the exposed human flesh.  In the aftermath report the Scions stated that, listening closely they could swear the man was laughing at the alien killers, mocking their feeble attempts to bring him low.


It was then that they saw what had been making that awful noise - the Weimer's chainsword.  The noise made those emotionless monsters hesitate, they could not understand how it was coming from the object in the small mans hand or why they could not seem to kill him.  The Scions were on the move now firing off shots trying to distract the  Genestealers from the mad man who had saved their life.  One of the monsters turned for what could not have been but a moment but that was all it took as Weimer rushed forward and rammed the screeching chainsword under the chitinous hide causing it to wail in a matching crescendo that made the two remaining creatures back away, unable to comprehend what they were seeing, only to be caught by two bursts of burning hot plasma launched by the Scions.


Weimer put a foot on the most current victim to the screaming chainsword and dislodged it, allowing the creature to fall to the ground.  He then turned to the approaching Scions, saluted them with perfect form, and stated "May the Emperor Always Watch over the Lion's of Leander."  Weimer's knees buckled at this point and he slumped into the ground where his blood had created a pool mixed with the three Genestealers he had brought low.


Platoon Company Commander Weimer received an honorary posthumous promotion to Tempestor Prime as the Scions who had witnessed this mans courage had stated that the unprecedented skill and sacrifice demanded a reward that had never been given before.  At the Funeral every Tempestor and Tempestor Prime stepped past the Guardsmen and laid their long coats over Weimer's coffin next to his chainsword and stood at attention.  That was when a stiff breeze hit the funeral procession causing one the coats and his chainsword to slide off the coffin and land in the dirt next to the walkway.


The Company Commander who had been unable to reinforce Weimer at his first request looked at the items thoughtfully and then up at the sky through his enclosed helmet before nodding as if receiving some divine communication from the Emperor himself; he then walked over to the most senior Tempestor  Prime and presented the items to him.


"For now, these items will remain in your care, should there come a time when you see an officer within the Guard who embodies the heart of a Lion and the fiercely beating heart of Leander, as Platoon Company Commander and Tempestor Prime Weimer most assuredly did, then I urge you to pass these items on to them.  We will honor this soldier by ensuring that the Inspiring Lion of Leander VI, Inflammatio Cleander, shall never truly be lost to the void."


Popping to attention the Company Commander, who outranked the Tempestor Prime in front of him, saluted first and marched away from the saluting Tempestor Prime.  A few close to the Tempestor Prime sword they heard the man whisper, "Your son will never be forgotten."   This was never confirmed though as the Company Commander vanished shortly after the funeral, sent to Anphelion with Inquisitor Solomon Lok to assist with training his Cadian companies due to a shortage of officers.  A mission that was cursed from inception and the bloodline of Inflammatio Cleander was staunched but the spirit of the family has lived on ever since.





Special Rules:


Title Bearers:  Only those in a leadership position that are not members of the Militarum Tempestus can be rewarded the title Inflammatio Cleander and, if it is accepted, the title is for life.  Only death will bring peace to such a man once they have agreed to take up the mantle held by so many fallen comrades at the sacrifice of their own personal history and records.  You must have one

  • Eligible Units:  Commissar, Lord Commissar, Company Commander, and Platoon Commander



Lions Roar: One time per game the Inflammatio Cleander can choose to issue an order from the Militarum Tempestus Codex or the Astra Militarum Codex regardless of the active Warlords faction.


The Lions Mane:  A torn and patched Scion Tempestor coat that has been handed down to a single Platoon Commander in H.E.R.C. deemed worthy to walk in the footsteps of the original Inflammatio Cleander.  The only way for ownership of this coat to switch is for the existing Inflammatio Cleander to perish; at which point the Scions will retrieve Lion Fang and the Lions Mane at all costs so that it can be handed to the next Guardsmen leader who proves themselves worthy of the relics.

  • Camo Gear:  The Lions Mane is covered in patches, one for each commander who has worn it and perished in battle.  This has resulted in it becoming extraordinarily effective at breaking up the shape of its current owner and allows it to function as for the Tempestor wearing it.  The Lions Mane stacks with all mission and objective based cover bonuses

The Lions Fang:  The well cared for Chainsword carried by the original Inflammatio Cleander.  The Chainsword was named The Lions Fang after the conclusion of the battle for the ferocious damage caused by Cleander, fighting on the corpses of his fallen Platoon Command Squad, as he cut through five of the Tyranid Swarm bearing down on the flank of a Scion squad that was focused on another target. 

  1. Lions Cry:  The Lions Fang has concerned the Adeptus Mechanicus ever since the return of Cleander from the original battle from which it was born.  Yet despite completely disassembling it and changing the motor it appears to emit the same howling death cry that started in the battle.  The
    • Whenever killing an enemy in close combat all friendly units within 12” who are within LOS of the Inflammatio Cleander; gain a token providing +1 Leadership which they retain until their next Leadership Check when they must be used.  These do not stack and are discarded making the Leadership Check.
  2. Lions Slaughter:  When engaged in close combat the Lions Fang has been described as trying to wield a hungry beast as it continually finds a way to catch on the next enemy forcing the individual holding it into constant combat until all foes are dead.  There have been reports that the engines will refuse to shut down even when the analog switch is thrown.
    • The Inflammation Cleander is not able to retreat from a close combat situation and will continue to move on to the next opponent until there are no survivors in the unit.
    •  If the unit should fail a leadership check the Inflammatio Cleander will continue to fight alone until the opposing squad is dead or he is killed.

The Lion has Fallen:  The Militarum Tempestus Scions who work within H.E.R.C. consider the Lions Mane and Lions Fang to be of the utmost importance to the history of their regiment.  On some occasions this has resulted in them going off mission to retrieve the relics should the Inflammatio Cleander be killed.

  • At the start of the Movement Phase, If the Inflammatio Cleander perished the previous turn, any Militarum Tempestus troop or ground vehicle that can draw LOS to the fallen soldier will have to roll a Leadership check.
    • Fail:   No further Scion units need to make a Leadership roll once one fails.  The Scion unit immediately begins to run toward the fallen soldier on the most direct path and will not stop regardless of incoming fire.  Once they have reached the fallen soldier a second Leadership check will need to be rolled.
      •  If they succeed, the Scions retrieve the relics and can once against be controlled as normal.
      • If they fail, the Scions determine that the guardsman died valiantly and will take up defensive positions to guard his body for the rest of the game.  They may fire on enemy units within range but cannot leave a 10” circle around the fallen unit.
    • Success:  The unit notes the location of the fallen man and the unit continues as normal.  If there are more units in line of sight to the Inflammatio Cleander they will function as if they have +1 Leadership when making their check.  These success bonuses can be stacked as each unit that resist the need to retrieve the relics hardens the remaining units resolve to stay in the fight.

I've just taken inventory of all the Guard models I have awaiting painting, and realised that I really should stop buying more Guard now. Hoping to get a vow together for this soon, so long as the weather fixes itself up soon enough to get some painting done!

Is that the complete model Shamansky?

Well, i think yes. I don't have materials to decorate the base. So i think it's done. I'll try to take better picts today while the sun is still in the sky. Those obligatory to use energy-efficient lamps are real crap.

Through the Warp, to near and far,
To Tallarn, Lethe and Ultramar,
The Emperor points and we obey,
Through the Warp and far away...

A WIP update. I got a fair bit of painting done today!

Firstly I sprayed him Tamiya TS-28 Olive Green 2 (close enough to Deathworld Forest).


And then got painting...


Still much to do but oldies may notice he's being done in the colours of a squat army in Rogue Trader Compilation artwork smile.png


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