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Update for today is the first of my Rhino's finished. This was really fun to paint and the kits from Subtle Discord are just out of this world. I regretted deciding to paint every rivet on the hull but it does add that little extra bling biggrin.png


This is also the first interior for a vehicle I've painted (this is the same Rhino from my WIP log quite a while ago) and I'm pleased.


C&C welcome as always.


Edit: My poor typing skills

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Hawt Damn kiddo, you nailed it! :)


Liking the subtle weathering around the exhaust; and yeah the kit looks great - really does set it off from the Loyalist version.


Termie looking good too - good pose, menacing really!  And the details are all done extremely well!  When will we be seeing his mates!?


more more more more!!!

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I had this piece of scenery built for a while but have only just painted it. I would like some ideas of what I could add to it. I don't think it shows up too well in the picture but the Rhino is painted Dark Angels green as it goes with the Crimson Slaughter fluff. I was thinking of adding some DA iconography to it. If anyone has any suggestions, they would be more than welcome.






C&C welcome as always.



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Ok, I'll work on adding the iconography, It will have to be painted on as I donated all my DA bits. I think I may have some bits to add some crew members. I've also got a set of flickering battery powered candles that I'm going to add inside the Rhino and then make some smoke coming from the top. Should look pretty good :)



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First squad of terminators finished!




I cant finish the second squad just yet as I'm waiting for magnets to switch out the Combi-melta for a Reaper Autocannon when I take them as a larger unit.


C&C welcome as always (I'll try and update the picture when the light gets better).



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Thanks Raz, as requested here are the solo shots of the other two Terminators. Enjoy!





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Finished the final Helbrute for my Crimson Slaughter. It was a real pain cutting away the Heavy Melta to add the Plasma Cannon but I think it came out OK.


C&C Welcome as always.





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Thanks dude. Yes I repositioned the left arm too. I didn't want it to look too similar to Mortis on the table top. I was going to add one of the shoulders from the Daemon Prince kit but after painting it I figured it really didn't add or take away anything from the model. Pleased you like it :)



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Thanks Biohazard :) really appreciate it! Still waiting on the weathering powders to finish the the tracks but I'm a bit at a loss at how to make the mud effect match with the bases for the rest of the army. I'm wondering if I should have gone with a more desert tone for them.


Any suggestions would be appreciated and maybe if I get time ill try and mock up a base for what I am trying to get across.



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Morning all!


just an update to show what I think I have finally settled on for bases on my army. I saw this piece of artwork and the snow against the the red armour just looked ace in my opinion.




I've gone ahead and finished Vrosh Tattersoul from Dark Vengeance so I could try out the bases and I think it looks pretty good. What I would like to know is does anyone think that adding small (and I do mean small) amounts of snow in some of the flat crevices/corners of the Rhino to try and fit it in a little more with the army, maybe on the tracks, would work or do you think it would be a pointless task?


Anyway, Vrosh!




C&C welcome as always!



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Like it mate.


You can even add some blood to the snow too, similar to the pic, if you ever add any to the blades etc. 


As for adding snow to the Rhino ... why not!?  Give it a try, worst case scenario, you remove it again!  :)  You can always add the snow loose, without any glue etc. Just to see what it would look like ... ?

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Thanks Raz, you know It hadn't occurred to me to add it loose. I'll give it a try tonight. As for the blood I think a tutorial may be in order just because I would like it to look realistic and not just spattered about. I already use the Blood for the Blood God paint for the tongues and tentacles on the Chosen and Helbrutes so it would definitely fit in with the whole scheme I'm going for.

The fun next is a new scenic base for Kranon (The dead Dark Angel will be kept, don't worry msn-wink.gif).


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