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Iron Warriors 49th Grand Company "Iron Hounds"

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The user blogs are apparently not coming back and my WIP thread and gallery are a mess, so I'm centralizing my work here in the CSM subforum similar to what I did in the Adepta Sororitas subforum with my OML commandery.

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An Overview of the 49th Grand Company

(Index Astartes article)

Table of Organisation & Equipment

(Links to posts of completed models and units)

Hidden Content
Warsmith Bolverk - Chaos Terminator / Abaddon

The Isarnhauld

"Masters of the Grand Company"

Forn Grimnir, Speaker for the Dead - Chaos Sorcerer

First Captain Har Ulfgrim, Master of the Comitatus - Chaos Terminator

Thegn Oski, Chief Librarian - Chaos Sorcerer Terminator

Captain Ginnar, Commander of the Battle Company - Huron Blackheart

The Bodhisattvas

"Exemplars of the Grand Company

Forn Valtyr - Chaos Dreadnought

The Mara

"Secrets of the Grand Company"

The Forsaken - Daemon Prince

The Reserve Company

Captain Garmr

Viktor Rose and his Bog Men - Plague Marines

Histories & Sagas of the Iron Hounds

(links to Inspiration Friday stories and other related fan fiction)

Campaign Reports

(links to game-play battle reports)

Forn Grimnir :





Forn Grimnir is the Grand Company's second-in-command. He has mechanical wings and carries a force scythe. When the Warsmith is incapacitated by mania or fugue, it is Grimnir who steps in to keep the warband functioning. His official position in the Grand Company is that of gothi. He serves as the lawspeaker of the Isarnhauld, which is the council of leaders of the Grand Company that advises the Warsmith. He also oversees the Grand Company's cult, both the internal cult of the space marines, and the various official complimentary cults propagated amongst the auxiliaries and civilians throughout the fleet. He is a powerful sorcerer, though he is not an official member of the Grand Company's librarius. Grimnir moves among all the pysker conclaves in the fleet, and while he is not the most personally powerful psyker, he is feared for the leverage his knowledge of all of their internal affairs gives him. Many willingly give up their secrets to him in exchange for his private council, rising in stature within the Grand Company in direct parallel to their indebtedness to him. No one but the Warsmith calls him brother or friend with any sincerity, but all respect him.

Two axes? I'm on board. *thumbs up*


He's got magnets, too, so he can have a variety of weaponry. I've got a set of arms for him that makes him a counts-as Abaddon. I don't have them painted yet, so they're not posted yet. But someday, and soon.


Dude I love your Warsmith I really should start a plog for my bearers


I saw that you did, which is excellent! Everyone should keep a project log in one place or another. Let us inspire one another!

1st Captain Har Ulfgrim, Master of the Comitatus :



Ulfgrim is the leader the Comitatus, the warband's company of Terminator veterans. When the Warsmith personally descends to the battlefield it is most often alongside Har Ulgrim's fearless and brutal assault squad. Ulfgrim is one of the few lords of the Grand Company who was allowed to retain the original colours of the Legion upon his armour. Not an original member of the warband, he was one of the first to join when the 49th absorbed a lesser group of Iron Warriors. During the battle before that assimilation Ulfgrim slew one of Warsmith Bolverk's dire wolfhounds. After the battle, Warsmith Bolverk had the skin of the slain beast made into a mantle and placed it upon Ulfgrim's shoulders himself, giving him his new name and ordering fulfill the guardian role of the animal until a puppy could be reared to replace it. Later, he rose through the ranks to lead the Comitatus as one of the Warsmith's most devoted converts, adding the orange and black cloak to his panoply to display his loyalty.

Thegn Oski, Chief Librarian :





Oski is even tempered, focused, and insatiably curious. Like most of the Librarius, Oski does not often join the Grand Company on the battlefield. When he does he goes about his duties in grim silence, drenching lesser enemies in high grade promethium from his relic heavy flamer, inexorably working his way toward enemy psykers to neutralise them. Powerful sorcerer though he is, Oski prefers to use his psychic might to deflect the warp-fueled attacks of his enemies while he closes the distance, and to slay them by hand with cold iron. He holds psykers who rely too much on their powers in contempt, taking every opportunity to demonstrate that he is first and foremost of the space marines, the pinnacle human form and superlative warriors.

Captain Ginnar, Commander of the Battle Company :




The 49th Grand Company specializes in combined arms operations with close fleet support. While many pirates and mercenaries are little more than ragged warbands of thieves and killers desperately scraping away at the edges of the Imperium, the 49th has a fearsome reputation due in large part to its ability to sustain operations on a grand scale. Often it is the war engines of the Iron Hounds that enemies first think of, but it is the disciplined legionnaire that is the heart of the Grand Company and the key to its continued success. The squads of the Battle Company are the cornerstone of any operation, and the Warsmith holds their commander Ginnar in high regard.

Ginnar is a determined and practical commander, though with a stubborn streak deeply rooted in the IV Legion tactics of the Great Crusade. He leads from the front, driving his Legionnaires ever onward, and many enemy commanders have been surprised to find his squads inside their lines before the battle has even begun. He is a methodical completist, tearing down and burning all in his way. His flaw as a commander lies therein, and it is too often his habit to refuse to develop and exploit his initial successes, preferring to plod along on a schedule rather than build momentum and end battles early. The Warsmith values him for his strengths and the the technical skills he encourages in his sergeants, but usually assigns more aggressive leaders from the Attack or Assault Company to be ready to assume command when the moment comes to press the advantage.

Ginnar himself is not an ambitious man, and he does not relish command or seek advancement beyond his current station. Unlike many warriors in his situation he does not lament the ever higher percentage of his body that is bionics and augments. All of his lost flesh has been from battle damage rather than mutation, and it is the unspoken opinion of many that Ginnar is the current most likely candidate for ascension to the Bodhisattvas of the Armoury.

The Forsaken :




The herjar-brothers of the 49th Grand Company love to tell stories. To honour worthy opponents, to remember friends, to simply amuse one another, or to contemplate the bittersweet illusions of life. A herjar-brother who can weave a good tale is valued, and the best are kept close to the Warsmith. Story-telling is a deeply ingrained part of life in the Grand Company, an exercise of the warband's mystic cult. Some stories, however, are told reluctantly, and with bitterness. These are cautionary tales, made necessary by the razor-thin edge separating the Way of the Old Dead Gods from the Ruinous Powers. Temptation and corruption is never more than a heartbeat, and lurking in the minds of every member of the Iron Hounds is the dread knowledge that not all are worthy of the Pure Land, and the Waelheim Road is long and filled with danger.

The most repeated tale of woe is that of a being now known only as The Forsaken. In the early days after the Grand Company was rededicated to the Old Dead Gods, and the Ruinous Powers were rejected, there was a promising sergeant of a tactical squad. He was a skilled warrior with a gift for command, but his discipline was undermined by his pride. He rejected the Ruinous Powers along with the rest of the Grand Company, but secretly felt that he could simply use the false gods of the warp, taking from them what he wanted but staying true to his convictions. He wanted to show the Warsmith how clever he was, to pluck the beards of the cursed usurpers while enjoying their stolen power.

This was not the Way.

The 49th Grand Company had broken free of the Eye of Terror and slipped the leash of the Warmaster during the 7th Black Crusade, and set about establishing a reputation as the pirates and mercenaries known to the Imperium as the Iron Hounds. During one of these early battles, The Forsaken, then still known by his real name, sought out and challenged four worthy enemy leaders. He taunted the Ruinous Powers in turn with each victory, imagining he could play them against one another to his own benefit. He first took a skull and held it aloft for Khorne to see. He was rewarded with strength, but he controlled his blood lust. He next made a show of his skill for Slaanesh, cutting the second champion six times six times with his blade before executing him with an artful flourish. He was rewarded with speed, but he focused his mind and would not be distracted by the brilliant colours and sweet sensations of the battle. Third, he withstood the hammer blows of an enraged assault terminator sergeant, fighting on through pain and suffering so as to make even his opponent stop and wonder. As he slew the the incredulous sergeant, he felt his pain melt away as life surged through his ruined sword arm once more. He tore the mutating arm from his own shoulder socket, scorning the boons of Nurgle. Next he sought out the enemy Librarian, advancing through terrible sorceries to come to blows with him. The enemy's psychic powers lashed at him, but he allowed them to flow into him and through him. He exerted his willpower on the raw stuff of the Warp around him, and killed the astonished Librarian with his mind alone. He felt the potentiality of Tzeentch coursing through his veins, but held tight to his reality and ego.

He had become powerful, crackling with energy, bending realspace around him as he moved triumphantly across the battlefield. He would display himself before the Warsmith and earn much honour, perhaps even be accepted as one of the Warsmith's equals in his council. His own squad, however, attempted to stop him approaching the Warsmith. His best friend, his trusted corporal, denounced his actions, pleading with him to return to the Waelheim Road. The shock of that betrayal caused his mental fortitude to slip and, filled with rage, he rained angry blows at his comrade.

The corporal valiantly defended himself, trying to the end to avoid killing his sergeant. But his bludgeoning attempts to subdue were answered with deadly cuts, and The Forsaken slew his fifth champion of the day.

Khorne, Slaanesh, Nurgle, and Tzeentch had granted their boons to The Forsaken and had been rejected in turn. But a forgotten power deep within the Warp, a hidden entity of mindless corruption, betrayal, and contradiction, answered his final act of evil and thrust upon The Forsaken a twisted apotheosis. Gone was the promising sergeant, replaced by a Daemon Prince whose true name would be struck from the histories of the Grand Company, never to be uttered by any of his former comrades again. He had sought glory and honour, but damned even the memory of himself in the eyes of his former brothers.

The Forsaken was driven off, escaping into the raging tempest of the Warp. But deep in the creature's mind it still desired to stand before the Warsmith and prove his worth. He would have his praises sung by the Warsmith, or he would have the Warsmith's head from its neck. Dark tales tell of The Forsaken appearing during battles and attempting to lead the Iron Hounds, enraged by their rejection but compelled by his perverted ego to attack their enemies. He can appear in the moments before a battle begins or, even worse, manifest in the body of any of the herjar-brothers who have wandered too far from the Waelheim Road themselves. All the recruits are warned against him, lest their hearts open a doorway for him and they lose their Way.

I look the overall look you have through all these models. We just need to see more now msn-wink.gif

In particular I'd love to see the other arms you have done up for your Warpsmith/Lord.

I'll bump the "Abaddon Arms" up and do them as I'm working on my CoC vow.

did i take the same name (my warband is also can called iron hounds) form another warsith with out knowing it?

I'm not the first person on the B+C to use the warband name Iron Hounds either. Brother Tyler also uses/used the name, and I am pretty sure I've run into one other person using Iron Hounds for an IA article. It's a fairly generic and easy name, so I'm willing to bet there's more Iron Hounds chapters out there in hobby land.

Time for a grudge match to settle things msn-wink.gif

Plasma pistols at dawn! pirate.gif

Reserve Company

The Bog Men :








The Reserves Company is made up of squads of auxiliaries who are not yet (or never will be) full members of the 49th Grand Company. Some are proving their worth and waiting to be sponsored for initiation. Others are too proud to abandon their roots or an individualistic path, but are valued as cousins and fellow travellers. Still others, such as Viktor Rose, are loathed and despised while barely tolerated for their sustained and dedicated usefulness.

Viktor is a strange case. In a Grand Company with a highly organised and active in-house apothecary program it seems odd to many that the Warsmith keeps a mad scientist like Viktor around. To those like the Iron Hounds whose cult values a "good death" and abhors the inhuman, Viktor's ghoulish resurrection of dead enemy space marines is an extremely distasteful taboo. And yet Viktor is not only allowed to exist within the safety of the Child of Calamity, but controls his own dark fiefdom hidden in the fear-stricken depths on a forgotten deck. It is a place where only the desperate and the damned seek his medical assistance, and even the haughtiest and most cynical of the space marine auxiliaries that wander and hunt through the fringes of the Child avoid.


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