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ART - Symbols, Icons and Badges


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Sorry to break the thread of conversation here a bit, but I've just discovered the Crusaders' badge, which gave me an idea for the NightGuard's badge.


If we replace the Skull with an Eye, I think it will look sufficiently close to Malcador's sigil to recognise it as such, but different enough that we won't confuse it with the Knights Errant.

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I think I've found the perfect candidate eye for your suggestion Thorn, although it is unfortunately rather large and beyond my current abilities to marry the two symbols together. Regardless, check out this beauty!

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I think I've found the perfect candidate eye for your suggestion Thorn, although it is unfortunately rather large and beyond my current abilities to marry the two symbols together. Regardless, check out this beauty!


I think I could work with that :)

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I think I've found the perfect candidate eye for your suggestion Thorn, although it is unfortunately rather large and beyond my current abilities to marry the two symbols together. Regardless, check out this beauty!


I think I could work with that http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png



Excellent, I look forward to seeing the fruit of your efforts. http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png




One more option to add to the pile for consideration regarding the Grave Stalker's emblem (and personally I can't believe I didn't remember this one sooner) we have this skull design originally made famous by Spartan Emile-239 in Halo Reach:



In all honesty, I think I like this one better than the previous two, though I do worry it's a little... Messy? Or am I just over-thinking it again? Let me know your thoughts brothers.

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Yeah copying could cheapen the effort of grifft. Nonetheless....the last is cool. I would get rid of the lower jaw amd add the messy design of the first and you have something new :)
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The Grave Stalkers a bit like the Night Lords, right?


A winged skull would be too similar. Maybe a horned skull?

Are you familiar with Kel'Thuzad? Something like this?




Without the Egyptian details?

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The Crimson Lions symbol is a side view of a lion's head. The head is dark red while the surrounding shoulder pad is bronze.


Hey Sig, would something like this (minus the Crown part) be what you're after?







I also tried whipping up a symbol for the Scions, ended up with two different options, please tell me what you guys think:






Yup minus the crown and less angular that's what I imagined

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Yeah copying could cheapen the effort of grifft. Nonetheless....the last is cool. I would get rid of the lower jaw amd add the messy design of the first and you have something new http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png


Right-o, how are these?



With Jaw:



How about something like this for the base Grave Stalkers skull, with damage added later?


Hmm, it's cool but personally I think it's too clean and neat, like it's sprayed on via a stencil. Part of why I liked and chose the previous skulls was because they looked messy and sinister, like the kind of thing you'd find daubed on the walls in blood at a murder scene as a calling card, ya'know?
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Yea, I think it definitely needs to be rough and "improvised" looking, that was just an idea for what the actual image would be based on.

I'm really liking the modified Emile skull, but I feel it needs something to make it more unique.

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Yea, I think it definitely needs to be rough and "improvised" looking, that was just an idea for what the actual image would be based on.

I'm really liking the modified Emile skull, but I feel it needs something to make it more unique.


Maybe a colour change?

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Aaaand once more with feeling!

EDIT: Third time's the charm...


Just thought I'd try it on a white background to compare the two.

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Okay, no jaw, red skull, white background. Thoughts?



EDIT: Also, I thought I'd take a swing at altering colours of the Crimson Lion symbol Lord Thorn posted, also removing that ridiculous tongue.





Verdict, brothers?

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