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Thanks BP.  The Conversion Beamer was fun to put together and paint and since it was going onto a pre existing dread it was a good way to kill an hour and a fun magnetization experiment ! 

Id like to do another dread with a conversion beamer in the future cause two cortus bros with Heavy Conversion beamers being cantankerous old men seem like a fun dou to write. 

The doors themselves  were born of legit insomnia still waiting on the Spartan to show up since that will be mostly black hulled it will save me having to paint around most of it 

Like it, and the yellow, however muted it might be, will really help them pop out of the black hull.


Thanks , im hoping thats the case , I have a ton of stuff im just waiting to come in 5x Destroyers  2x Vindicators Spartan Typhon 2x fixer up predators , and I  just ordered some regular predators which are coming stateside so ill have those to work on too !  Need to get atleast 2 of the predators  the Typhon and Spartan up and running for the  June 4th Event which shouldnt be a problem 

I like the conversion beamer, I do think the front door could do with some chipping perhaps. I can imagine it being used a LOT by those zealous ehm, guys. 

Ive actually never done chipping before  ill look  into that. 



Today I got absolutely nothing done model wise  as my truck broke down and I  spent all day fixing it.  Not to veer violently off topic but I really do appreciate the fact that my old man is a master mechanic because him being able to help me out from  the other side of the country with just a few little insights as well as the lessons taught to me when I was younger really  helped me out today. 


That being said if you ever wondered why Godfrey is a forgelord , well  there you go 

All the servitors were dead. This did not bother Godfrey nor did it trouble the crew of techmarines that worked with him. They were bound to die at some point.  Re fueling repairing and Re fitting and entire company of warmachines was taxing work despite the fact that many in the company were both capable and willing to help in the servicing of  the machines they crewed or rode into battle  the makeshift steelyard was not the best location to work. The dust storms were a mild inconvenience in the face of the logistics issues  of getting enough fuel and ammunition as well as workable parts Godfrey often wondered if other companies in the legion suffered from  such vexing problems though with his work on the Lapidem Praevaricator had kept him busy it was not his only responsibility as the highest ranking Techmarine in the current Theater of war. 

It was only hours now until operation Sundering Avalanche the sound of Predators , Vindicators , Rhino APCs and all manner of warmachines being coaxed to life and the scent of anointing oils filled the steelyard. The dreadnoughts of his company clad in the same black of the warmachines walked among the rows of tanks lending their strength to last minute  work where they could. The Dreadhammer siege cannon of his personal command tank was  being lowered into place when he heard it , before the entombed hero could even voice his arrival  Godfrey instinctively heard it the grinding of servos the clicking of bad transistors and the bleeding of oil.  Then the low vocalized rumble from a vox emitter. 

" I wish ... to  Serve "  

When Godfrey turned from  his work he saw a great contemptor dreadnought not one of his own company his  right leg savaged by  some great claw , no doubt the work of the xenos , almost immediately information was gleaned from  the markings on the warriors sarcophagus early crusade markings  the raptor and lightning bolts this was a brother whom had waged war longer than Godfrey had transcended his own humanity.   Before Godfrey even replied his mind , already moving at a mile a minute due to his work on the massive Typhon had made the appropriate calculations he could restore the leg to maybe fifty percent effectiveness but the venerable brother would not be able to run nor would he be terribly effective in  close combat. 

" Venerable brother Bohemond .... even if I  was to attend to your leg  your combat effectiveness would be considerably hampered. " 

Godfrey felt the words leaving him in a slow almost mechanical drawl , he fought against this. The careful stripping of humanity was a thing that all  Techmarines dealt with during their  training on mars it was a gift and a curse , a gift in that it allowed them to work better with the machines they held dominion over and a curse in that it created a gulf between  them and their brothers. They were more than human all  Legionaries were but it was in  their specialties they were segregated. Godfrey fought the tiredness  and focused hard to reply in a softer manner. 

" I could see to it that you could walk  but not run , you  would be at a disadvantage against the creatures we hunt.  I  would not see a Venerable brother such as yourself destroyed due to a patch repair ...." 

The Contemptor's  grim visage peered down at him while Godfrey could not read the emotions of the warrior inside he could feel the machine spirit of his armored casket stirring negatively at his response. 

" I. Will. Serve. "

There it was , that infectious zeal that the first Captain inspired in those around him. This veteran even encased in his metal tomb would not be denied battle.  Godfrey looked over his shoulder at the Typhon who only eighteen hours ago was a mostly disassembled but at the thought of charging into glorious battle had been lovingly restored  his work ,  he had killed eighteen servitors on his project alone. Looking back at the Contemptor he nodded.

" You shall .... but I will not commit you in a manner that sees your commitment to the great crusade wasted." 

Godfrey walked toward one of the Macro lifters , one of the last  ones taking the last of the ruined warmachines a predator or what had been a predator before it had been flipped on its side and torn open from the bottom  it was a savaged twisted hunk of armor now burned to uselessness on the inside  , it would likely be stripped for parts before the majority of its hull was sent back to mars for recycling the turret was what interested the forgelord as he told the crew to halt his tone carrying only a small note of command but enough that the mortals froze in what they were doing. The turret was a yellow plated conversion beamer a fearsome weapon from  range he looked at where it was attached to the turret and then he looked at venerable brother  Bohemond. 

" Daniels  get the rest of the repairs to the Typhon Finished. I  will see to  this task. " 

Godfreys voice came out of a slow growlish drawl over the vox. 

" Brothers of the 775th  .... My steelyard growls to life the machine spirits of bellicose war engines ready themselves for  battle as we all do.  We prepare to ride into the very Maw of these filthy Xenos monsters and break their teeth upon our armored hides  and tear our way out of their gullets with shell  and crushing steel. We ride alongside the First .  We  are the Vanguard  and we do this because no one else can.  I am pleased at your ability to prepare and I  will be more pleased when we have exterminated the last of this threat. As you prepare for the coming battle take heart in the fact that of the forces arrayed here I  would not choose to lead any other. We are the 775th  And We Endure. "

"WE ENDURE"  came the roar across the steelyard almost enough to drown out the growling and slight revving of the motive drives of the various gathered Warmachines. 

"  Honorem, officium, et pro lapidibus ferrum!" Godfrey Roared to a second cry  and the thunderous sound of  Engines roaring even the Typhon behind him growled to life to join the roar of its comrades and it uplifted him immediately to feel its machine spirit not only stir but stir with murderous intend. 

"I  require the aid of  no more than three battle brothers who have finished their preparations preferably at least one predator crewman.  I will be stripping a Heavy Conversion Beamer and re fitting it for a contemptor Chassis do not volunteer if you are not capable of keeping up "

Less than an hour later  the Macro lifter was gone , the ruined predator stripped of its turret was off to its final resting place brother Bohemond stood uncomfortably one of his legs and one of his arms removed , there had been no time to put him back to sleep because coaxing him awake would have taken too long.  The Venerable hero of the legion did not complain infact he did not speak for some time as his leg was repaired by two brothers of the 775th while Godfrey himself saw to the fitting of the heavy conversion beamer to his arm.  When his voice did come it was slightly strained by the pain though still it came through the vox emitters effortlessly commandingly. 

" You  turn a small task into a great one Forgelord , and for what?" 

Godfrey took his time in  replying half because he did not like the question and half because of his own concentration. 

" I told you brother , I would not see you  destroyed due to a shoddy repair , this will see you  able to lend support to the operation without terribly risking your structural integrity. You wished to serve .... and serve you  shall. " 

The grating sound of voxed laughter filled the makeshift  garage. 

" I would have been just as happy wading into battle. Not sitting back and firing this cannon you graft to my arm like some artillery piece."

Godfrey plugged one of his mechadendrites into  the side of the heavy conversion beamer causing it to spool up with a bit of a low whine. He looked at  Bohemon's shoulder guard the crusaders cross and victory laurel peered back at him. 

" You once guarded the Temple of Oaths..... you wore the cross of the Templar's  the first company."  

Bohemon responded slowly almost sorrowfully at that point.

" I  did ... a long time ago ... " 

Godfrey nodded.  

"Atleast you had that honor older brother , I  never will , but I serve the Legion in the capacity  I  am able and for this  I am glad , survive this battle and I  will  see you restored to your murderous glory in the aftermath. " 

Laughter again Bohemon  turned the head of his contemptor slightly to look at Godfrey. 

" You are a true son of Dorn  Forgelord we will see if you  even survive this battle. "  

It took  only another hour  to fit the heavy conversion beamer  then another half hour to finish the repairs to the contemptors leg , he still was slow , but at least now he was not dragging the limb behind him.  Godfrey's hands ached  even through his gauntlet even his one augmetic hand ached something he ddnt even think was possible anymore. Had he really been working that hard. He shook his head and backed away from the Contemptor peering up at it with something of a smirk upon his face. 

" Brother Bohemon , How do you feel." 

The Contemptor Did not only spoke to the gathered brothers that had effected his repair but voxed to the entire company. 

" I am venerable brother Bohemon , The blackened spear , Templar , I have followed our father Dorn into battle and before that followed the Emperor himself.  I came to you broken  but now ... I  endure ...   I  ENDURE "   

Godfreys smirk almost widened into a smile but his stony features remained as he locked the lower half helm onto his face. 

" Brother Bohemon , its time for war." 

Bohemon strode his slow ponderous steps toward the steel yard to the thunderous cheers of the warriors of the 775th who were mounting up into their warmachines making their final preparations he paused and looked back slightly rotating just a bit  so he was looking at Godfrey.

" Brother Godfrey , it is always time for war "  

Godfrey  strode toward his command tank  the Great Typhon that was the  Lapidem Praevaricator  Growling its readiness.  The customization to its motive drive would be put to the test today Godfrey climbed up onto the hull as it slowly rolled out into the lines of 775th armored warmachines  a hulking beast  stalking among its kin as the dominant  and obvious alpha. Godfrey took one last deep breath of the air the scent of a Steelyard prepared to bring the wrath of the emperor to the enemies of mankind.  He felt his tiredness drain away and in its place a violent urge a desire to  ride into battle  and as he slipped into the hatch of the Typhon he prepared himself to once again be tempered in the fires of war. 


Its been a bit sinc I got the chance to look through here, and I must you've made one hell of a jump in progress. Love what you've got done so far snd thoroughly enjoyed the read from your last story. Venture forth, Son of Dorn!



Squeeee, such zeal is nothing less than admirable!


Thanks Guys , Checking tracking numbers it looks like a lot of the stuff im waiting on is showing up on monday , which sucks cause im working monday and tuesday both graveyard shifts @ n @  but next week should be a busy one

Just got off a graveyard , and I have another graveyard tomorrow , but my roomate picked up the packages that came in for me today 

Suffice to say I wont get much done tomorrow cause of the shift  but on Wednesday Its go time. 


Get Hype 

Noooo... I thought the Typhon was for ETL?


Looks awesome. You are at the same build stage as I am with my Typhon too.


Have you glued the doors in?


Looking forward to seeing how grimy you make it though?


Btw, keep those blocks of resin from the tanks as scenery wise, they make awesome wall sections or tank traps :)


TANK HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you buy the Plasma guns for the Dorito you can convert those predators into plasma predators that ROCK! looking good!

Ill have to give that a shot , these two predators are going to be autocannon heavy bolter to start with tho  since they are my troops for armored breakthrough , though again  thats a fantastic idea P.W.  I will absolutely try that on future predators since  I  do want some plasma predators 


Ahhhh.... Tracks molded into sides..so nice:):smile.:

Yea I  already had difficulties with the kit  I  can only imagine how torturous it would have been if  I  had to do the tracks as well 


That's a sexy typhon....so lovely....

Oh  and its not even finished yet ,  still need to make it look like its been in a warzone like the rest of my army 


That is so cool, maybe one day I'll try a big tank...one day. 

To be honest Dantioch  I  eagerly await the day you  decide to do a large bit of armor because you  are a wizard with a brush 



Im conscious again so Its back to work , I did some cleaning up of colors on the typhon and Added the sponsons  to make it look a bit more complete , It needs a series of washes to get it to the color I want now  and then possibly some transfers 


I  was able to get the spartan primed , which is surprising because I  didint think I  would have enough primer  ( tho I  did prime the bottom in silver to save some of the white for the actual hull of the model , I  also blocked out where I want the yellow to be I am having a bit of trouble focusing tho , so i  think ill  take a bit of a break 





I definately wanna say thank you all for the kind  words and encouragement and the hype  its all been qute helpful to get me going on these models , the plan is by as early as next week to have these two and the two predators fully finished up 

Little report from the Templar Turnpike 

Got  some more wrk done on the spartan ,  still haven't shaded the Typhon because ...well .... laziness  and now both the typhon and the spartan need to be shaded ... so obviously


Got the Troop Choice Predators built , but im out of primer soooo  yea  ..... yea....  I did silver prime the tracks so I guess after I get white primer for the hulls ill be able to glue them on   still  dealing with a pretty annoying cold  and with a big shift at work looming  i guess I will have time to sit down and reflect on my lack of primer 


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