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[WIP] 1905th Solar Auxilia: Rust Scorpions


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With Reserves, you roll for them all. Then you '...pick one of your arriving units and deploy it..." So you have to roll everything to see which come in, then you choose the order you deploy them. Shouldn't be an issue for you, I don't think?


If you're worried about things like Interceptor, that doesn't happen until the end of your Movement Phase, so everything will be deployed where you want it before they get to Intercept fire.


Having a Comms Relay will really help, as you can re-roll all Reserves rolls, even successful ones. Like, if your Leman Russ Squadron doesn't come in from Outflank (despite the re-roll) you can try to stop the Tarantulas arriving too.




That's exactly what I wanted to know, thanks!  I've never found myself in a position of only wanting a reserve if specific reserve units were also deployed so knowing I could intentionally force a fail if my tanks did not deploy is awesome.  Thanks very much!




Alright, Imgur is jacked and not allowing uploads, so hopefully my business site will work okay for right now until Imgur gets back online for uploading.  (Now Fixed)


The only thing I haven't decided is how I want to do the the rear engine cylinder on the back and right now it's just boltgun metal.  I'm of a mind to make the cylinder cap the same Ivory color I used on the front of the Knight with the skull and cog staying gunmetal but I wanted to hold off until you guys took a look and get your opinion.  It's not critical though and the Knight is completed along with magnetized arms!


The top hull armor did not even need to be magnetized to hold in place and I can remove it by gently pulling on the back while squeezing the sides slightly.  So I can get at the pilot to show him off too, I'll show pictures of him in place later on - I'm just excited to have this done.


Next up...Stormhammer - I'm cleaning the parts currently!



House Ardeo - Cerastus Knight Atrapos



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Looks great but I'm afraid I get distracted by the Atrapos' right foot that has the left toe at a weird angle.


That's actually 100% intentional.  As the Knight is "in motion" and has just planted his right foot, the servos are bringing the pads down into place, which is why the front pad is curling down around the rock and the back left foot is rising up from the ground.; the left foot heel is rising up and the toe pad is pressing down because it's about to push off from that point.


As soon as the other pad presses into place the left foot would be in the air because the right foot would be fully planted.  I was also trying to show that the pads don't magically land flat every time and that the servos aren't just there for looks.  Honestly, I really like the motion the Knight model allows and think that a lot of times just having the feet planted flat isn't as interesting.  I guess to each their own.  :biggrin.:

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You can't force a fail, but having a chance to re-roll hoping for a fail is better than nothing!


And your Atrapos looks absolutely amazing! Can you take a shot of it next to your Crusader for a complete size comparison? :smile.:


Ask and you shall receive!  I tossed in one of the Veletaris as well to put the entire thing in perspective - I'm pretty sure the Atrapos could swat my Valkyries from the sky given he's substantially taller than them on their flight stands. lol


House Ardeo - Cerastus Knight Atrapos - Size Comparison



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Well, I am off to the store for the day in search of war!  House Ardeo is in tow, though I still need a second Knight to utilize the Household ranks sadly, but the Seneschal will be piloting the Atrapos in spirit nonetheless!


I've also thrown the gauntlet at @betrayer41 to meet me there so that I can teach his pretty Alpha Legion space marine boys how to be real soldiers but I fear the challenge was issued to late.  If he does show, expect an epic battle report with tons of pictures upon my return!



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Battle report!!!!!! Or at least cool pictures!!!!


Well, I'm back from the store and unfortunately there was no one to play a game with the entire day.  Yeah, that was a bummer.  So, faced with 6 hours of only chatting with the manager and one other customer, I did what anyone would do when surrounded by large gaming tables and a plethora of terrain.  I set about creating a diorama to show off the Rust Scorpions!


Once I got home, I went through the shots and decided on one of the big view shots.  I then found some 40k artwork and merged it into the picture to create well...something that I am actually really happy with.  In fact, I'd say this single picture salvaged the day for me because it turned out so damn cool.


So no battle reports, no pew pew, no CHOOM!, only the 1905th Solar Auxilia Cohort out on patrol and defending their base on Grail.



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That's so cool




 l love the pic.


Thank you!



Your army just goes from strength to strength.


Thanks for the great compliment!




Since you guys liked the picture so much, I went back and re-did it in a higher resolution and restore the Strategos/Bannerman to the tower as he was cut off in the original picture.  You can see more details on the troops in this one as well. :)


Back to cleaning the rest of the smaller Stormhammer parts!




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So, not to be delayed by completing the Knight, I immediate dove into the Stormhammer.  This model is awesome but one design choice baffles my brain and I can't get over it.  If you look at pictures on the website it's easy to miss:




Now, look at the plate holding the mudflap in place.  What you aren't seeing is that thing just sockets over the Aquila and juts out awkwardly from the entire model.  It's *really* an eye-sore; so much so that I set about trying to fix it.  My solution was to shave the plate down and insert a secondary plate behind it, I then used the handlebars from some Skitarii bitz to create hinges for the metal plate to be "bolted" to and put these between the two plates.


It looks odd without primer since Green Stuff sticks out like a sore thumb but here is the Stormhammer so far, I'm going to run by Michaels today and see if I can't find some smaller magnets because I'm running short on mine and the turrets for the Stormhammer (unlike the Malcador) are not full cylinders.  They are half cylinders split vertically and that makes them really thin when you're trying to make nesting holes for your magnets.


Anyways, here she is next to my Hellhammer for a size comparison.  Surprisingly, the Hellhammer is a bigger tank than the Stormhammer.


Edit: Oh and yes, I know, I'm retarded with super heavy tracks.  It's an unexplainable mental block and I've just thrown in the towel and learned to accept it.  :unsure.:



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So against clear reason, I have been working non-stop on the Stormhammer despite running a 101 degree temperature.  The result is - I finished the damn thing...despite my temperature not really budging.


This model was not what I expect from Forge World, even the sponsons are terribly designed and the guns wobbled despite me adding a little over half an inch of green stuff to the back of each gun.  At least they don't fall backwards into the sponson now.  The double battle cannon had the same issue but on that one I was able to burrow a magnet into the bottom of the gun and then place a magnet into the socket point for it, so that it "holds" when you stop turning it.  Without the magnet it swings and swerves around like a drunken sailor with a day pass.


I need to hair dryer the double battle cannon cover panel again, I didn't notice till looking at the picture, but it was so warped when I got it in the mail I'm just happy it's holding together as is.  If something had to be warp, the front corner is the easiest to fix.


All of the sponson guns are magnetized and I opted for painting the mutlilasers first as the fusilade of fire they allow the Stormhammer to throw out is pretty damn impressive.  I can fire 5 multilasers each turn to one side and then three to the opposing side, so 15 dice/9 dice without even touching the main guns.


Anyways, enough rambling from me, here she is:


(Yes I changed the gender of the Latin genus to feminine on the name, I prescribe to the philosophy that mechanical bad ass war machines should always be referred to as "her." ) :tongue.:


1905th Solar Auxilia Cohort - 'Rust Scorpions' - Androctona



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(Yes I changed the gender of the Latin genus to feminine on the name, I prescribe to the philosophy that mechanical bad ass war machines should always be referred to as "her." ) :tongue.:



Good policy :D


That thing looks amazing! It's like a land-bound battleship, complete with multilaser broadside batteries. 

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Wow, lots of people to reply to thanks to being sick as a dog!  Lets get started...



Fantastic work as usual!


Well thank you good sir!


CS Gotos Dream tank is unleashed :biggrin.: glorious


Indeed!  I was looking at the tank commander skills for the Solar Auxilia and thought Precision Shots might be an amusing combination with a full multilaser equipped Stormhammer.  It's a thought!


Despite the flaws of the kit, this is a beauty!


Thank you!  I worked to make it functional and my modifications are pretty much invisible to the eye but I think if you set it down next to another Stormhammer and tinkered with moving the guns around you'd quickly realize how much behind the scenes work I put in to make sure the guns could still swing around.  :biggrin.:




(Yes I changed the gender of the Latin genus to feminine on the name, I prescribe to the philosophy that mechanical bad ass war machines should always be referred to as "her." ) :tongue.:



Good policy :biggrin.:


That thing looks amazing! It's like a land-bound battleship, complete with multilaser broadside batteries. 



Yes ma'am!  Take a look at any of the myriad of variations of the  Fattail Scorpion and you'll see why I picked it for the namesake.  Durable and deadly is the name of the game.  Hell the Australis species is so durable that when a sandstorm comes swooping in toward them...they ummm...just ignore it?


From Wikipedia:


"Unlike most other animals that live in deserts, Androctonus does not dig burrows to protect itself from a sandstorm. Instead, it can withstand sandstorms powerful enough to strip paint off steel, without any apparent damage. The resistance of Androctonus to sandstorms is suspected to be due to the discovery of its odd exoskeleton surface. Its armour is covered with dome-shaped granules that are 10 µm (0.0004 in) high and 25–80 µm (0.0010–0.0031 in) across. When its odd surface is translated into other materials it protects them to a certain degree as well, which has led to the possibility of the applicability of imitation surfaces in such objects as aeroplanes and helicopters.[3]"


I imagine it's something like this, "I don't always go walking in Sandstorms but when I do, I choose Corona.  Crawl safely my friends!"


If only Corona wasn't horrible...well, no one can claim the 1905th is perfect at everything!


Fantastic work, I've been following for a few weeks now but was just able to get an account setup. Your work honestly got me into painting miniatures and now I am hooked!


Wow!  That's probably the best compliment an artist can receive!  I am so glad you're enjoying the hobby and please feel free to ask any questions you have; if I can answer them I will!


Looks amazing, as does your whole army. The reds break up the wall of colour nicely.


I don't get the retarded comment about the tracks though... I can't see anything wrong with them


This is where I look around bashfully and say the mudflaps were good for this very reason...they hid the chaos theory of track disorganization below.  For some reason I always struggle with the right front track bend but only on Super Heavies.  I nail Lemans every time with ease.  It's really rather bizarre but luckily no one can see it now!


Thank you for the compliment!




Oh, you didn't think I was just here to reply to comments did you?  I was sick, bottled up in the apartment, yacking my lungs out and I finished the Stormhammer.  What's a painter to do in such a situation?  Dig around for that one Veletaris squad that hasn't been painted yet and unleash the fevered fury upon them!


I proudly present...on Dragon Forge bases no less...


1905th Solar Auxilia Cohort - 'Rust Scorpions' - Veletaris Storm Section: Squad Charlie



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This is going to be a bit cryptic but...below is a hint at something I'm working on that is in the mail.  I  assure you it is absolutely not what you think it is too unless either your name is Flint13 or you're reading my mind...for those reading my mind, you poor bastards.  :ph34r.:


Aegis Line Defense



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