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  On 3/31/2016 at 12:49 AM, Brother Stobz said:

I prefer the grey black, but they still look awesome so go with what you prefer.


The calligraphy bothers you, fix it soon or it'll fall away off the priority list and never get done. Completion is a great feeling.





Thank you for your comments and always useful critique. Your right I need to go back over the scroll work soon completion is as you say a great feeling. The change to dark reaper was to further emphasise that these dudes are a step up from the normal "line" marines. I do quite like it but on balance I think I prefer the grey so I think I'll finish this squad like this but stick to my previous version from now on.   

  On 3/31/2016 at 3:34 AM, Grand Master Belial said:

Those are some ace models there!

Thank you very much. 


  On 3/31/2016 at 12:20 PM, shabbadoo said:

Seeing pics of models at much larger than actual size tends to make shading/highlighting look a bit heavy handed, but when viewing models at closer to actual size...




...well, that's a thing of beauty. Very nice! :cool.:

:smile.: Thank you you are very kind.


  On 3/31/2016 at 2:00 PM, Tygwyn said:

That is my favourite conversion of the interrogator chaplain yet - it is entirely befitting of a sacred standard bearer! Great Job!

Ever since the last codex turned the D.A. into the "marines with magic flags" I've been kicking around how should the bearer of such a revered relic look, when the interrogator chaplain model hit the shelves I started to wonder if this might be it I'm pleased as punch that other people agree with me.

 I've now made a start on him so hope to have him ready to show in a few days.    

  On 3/31/2016 at 11:10 PM, Brother Stobz said:

"Magic Flags" :teehee:  :laugh.:  my thoughts too.


Nice to hear you are going to use the blue black to distinguish Reaper units from the rest, cool idea :thumbsup:

Cheers! The blue black is subtle but does actally work when see along side the "normal" guys.

Also Talking of magic flags... 


This guy took a lot longer than I had hoped but I think the extra time was worth it, What do you the brothers of the rock think?

Love it! The only thing to pick a nit with is the banner. The red and green don't have the darker shades that are on the mini next to it and it is encroaching near the dreaded Christmas Marine territory. 


But it is better than what I can do so I really have no grounds to gripe.

The standard bearer and the grav-command squad are looking awesome mate! :thumbsup: It's a really cool conversion of the Interrogator Chaplain model, and the painting is as superb as ever. As far as the blue highlights are concerned, I think I agree with Stobz in preferring the grey. I don't actually mind black models with a blue-ish tint, but in your case, the grey highlights are so crisp and neat that I don't think they need anything else.If you ever decide to try AoV with black robes :wink: , it might be worth using blue for the armour to distinguish it from the robes. Anyway mate, keep up the good work!   

Thank you every one Getting home after a long and trying day at work to find so much positivity has transformed a crappy day into a rather good one! So a big thank you to every one for the likes and comments


  On 4/8/2016 at 1:48 AM, Grand Master Belial said:

Love it! The only thing to pick a nit with is the banner. The red and green don't have the darker shades that are on the mini next to it and it is encroaching near the dreaded Christmas Marine territory. 


But it is better than what I can do so I really have no grounds to gripe.

 You are dead right the banner is in lighter tones than the rest, I had hoped it would look a bit faded and aged. Looks like I missed the mark there :unsure.:  I hope its not fallen over the edge into Christmas marine territory, I dont think it has but am willing to reconsider. Also I dont consider your comments a gripe, its constructive criticism and that is some thing I'm always open too. Thank you for taking the time to comment I really do appreciate it.  


  On 4/8/2016 at 8:00 AM, Galthan Ironsturm said:

Oh my God...i lové it!!


Thank you I'm so glad others like this as I said previously I've been dithering about how to do a sacred standard for years now so its lovely to know that other DA fans like what I've done. 

  On 4/8/2016 at 12:49 PM, Dark Rage said:

Sweet standard bearer, looks awesome!

Cheers I'll take that, even though I have the feeling you would have done it better:biggrin.:


  On 4/8/2016 at 1:11 PM, Greenz said:

Looks awesome! Well worth the extra time


Yep it took a lot longer than I had expected but every time I considered cutting corners to speed things along I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Now its done I'm glad I didnt give in to the temptation...  

  On 4/8/2016 at 3:16 PM, Radoslav said:

I totally love shading on robes- very well done.


Thanks although I have to give credit to the sculptor those robes are so well done that it makes painting then easy.

  On 4/8/2016 at 7:48 PM, Spaced Hulk said:

The standard bearer and the grav-command squad are looking awesome mate! :thumbsup: It's a really cool conversion of the Interrogator Chaplain model, and the painting is as superb as ever. As far as the blue highlights are concerned, I think I agree with Stobz in preferring the grey. I don't actually mind black models with a blue-ish tint, but in your case, the grey highlights are so crisp and neat that I don't think they need anything else.If you ever decide to try AoV with black robes :wink: , it might be worth using blue for the armour to distinguish it from the robes. Anyway mate, keep up the good work!   


Ah yes I was waiting for some one to call me on that one I know that the "official" colour for AoV robes is black but well the red is just nicer and anyway I've already strayed from the Chapter approved scheme by retainig the red helmet stripe and well the Icon is a skull wearing a red hood... I'm justifying it in fluff terms though there are circles within the inner circle, so a Veteran wears red, some veterans who have walked the rites of the angel wear red trimmed black, the brothers of the  Archangelis (my deathwing) wear Black trimmed red and the inner council of the inner circle wear all black  

  On 4/10/2016 at 12:42 AM, Brother Arkley said:

Punk... What have you called your Supreme Grand Master?


I want to have some continuity to my Blades... I called him Xerxes 

 Oh now that is an interesting question, I hadn't actually got that far up the chain of command yet, Ramiel leads 3rd company, I will be doing a Chaplain the lead the other half of 3rd company in the field and minister to their spiritual needs off it but he has yet to get a name. I like Xerxes though, I like the Persian allusion...    

  On 4/10/2016 at 10:26 PM, Punk possum said:

You are dead right the banner is in lighter tones than the rest, I had hoped it would look a bit faded and aged. Looks like I missed the mark there :unsure.:  I hope its not fallen over the edge into Christmas marine territory, I dont think it has but am willing to reconsider. Also I dont consider your comments a gripe, its constructive criticism and that is some thing I'm always open too. Thank you for taking the time to comment I really do appreciate it.


For a little experiment, since I am not sure how it would go as well, try mixing in bone or whatever the name GW is calling it now with the colors used on the banner. Bone is light enough to soften the colors to hopefully get the faded look going. The brown in the bone keeps a warm hue especially for the red to keep it from looking bleached. I did have that experience with using white to lighten a color to bad results but a cream/bone tone seems to come out far better. It might be worth a shot to experiment on separately unless you have a Battle Brother Smik lying around. 


Hidden Content
Edited by Grand Master Belial
  On 4/11/2016 at 1:35 AM, Grand Master Belial said:


  On 4/10/2016 at 10:26 PM, Punk possum said:

You are dead right the banner is in lighter tones than the rest, I had hoped it would look a bit faded and aged. Looks like I missed the mark there :unsure.:  I hope its not fallen over the edge into Christmas marine territory, I dont think it has but am willing to reconsider. Also I dont consider your comments a gripe, its constructive criticism and that is some thing I'm always open too. Thank you for taking the time to comment I really do appreciate it.


For a little experiment, since I am not sure how it would go as well, try mixing in bone or whatever the name GW is calling it now with the colors used on the banner. Bone is light enough to soften the colors to hopefully get the faded look going. The brown in the bone keeps a warm hue especially for the red to keep it from looking bleached. I did have that experience with using white to lighten a color to bad results but a cream/bone tone seems to come out far better. It might be worth a shot to experiment on separately unless you have a Battle Brother Smik lying around. 


Hidden Content


I don't have a brother Smik, but I kinda want one now:biggrin.:  Thanks I intend to try out a few ideas on some stuff I've got lying about that will never see use for anything but tests (freebie sigmarine from White Dwarf I'm looking at you...)


Well work is out of this world busy at the moment so I've had to reduce my preferred hour a night approach but I have still managed to finish another cheese vet this one also has a storm shield to help mitigate the inevitable baggage of retaliation these guys will provoke.



As ever I welcome any suggestions or comments.

  On 4/15/2016 at 11:43 PM, jbaeza94 said:


  On 4/15/2016 at 11:11 PM, GreyRavenC said:

That vet looks badass! Great paintjob. The outline of the transfer is clearly visible thou.

how would you go about removing it? I never use transfers but will soon.

The quickest way is take the paint of the base color and lightly paint the edges of the transfer. In Possum's case, black. It is usually most noticable when the transfer is on an area without a lot of colors. To use Possum's model, it is more noticable in the black areas than the red because of the shading and there is not much else in the black areas to distract the eye. This is if you are going for a Painting Competition level of quality. Possum's minis are above Table Top quality by a large degree but it may not get him a Golden Demon if they still had them.

One thing to help get rid of the silvering at the edges of transfers is to make sure you put them onto a backing of semi-gloss or gloss varnish and when it is set, paint over it all with a matte varnish. This may take a coat or two.


Alternatively, use Micro-Sol/Micro-Set to place and seat your decals and then paint over them with a coat of matte varnish or two.


Possum, that vet is absolutely fantastic, I really like him! Great job on the armor and shield!

Edited by Bryan Blaire

Wowsers Thank you every one for the comments, its really motivational to see so much positive reaction. 

Normally I like to answer every one individually but to avoid a huge wall of text I'll just comment this time.

Stobz, Grey raven, Ironstum, Tygwyn. Thank you for the comments G.R. The transfer has now been micro sol'ed and matt varnished, the edges are mostly invisible now.


Jbaeze, See Bryan and G.M Belial's answers as they have already covered it I'll not retread old ground but add that I personally use micro sol and a matt varnish. I use Johnsons Klear to gloss the area first (I believe that its called future floor polish in the states) its basically an acrylic gloss varnish thats a whole bunch cheaper than 'ardcoat or any of the  modelling supplies equivalents.


Brother Arkley, Oh yes I certainly could use those! I bought a sheet of the AoV decals on a whim ages ago and now I'm getting to the end of that sheet the damned things are unavailable, I was thinking I would have to get a bunch more printed up by the company you linked in to your blades reforged log. 


Epher: The shield is one of the Forgeworld boarding upgrade set ones, the kit comes with 5 shields, some pretty sweet heads, a jolly nice graviton gun, two las cutters and 5 right arms if you want to use grav guns you will need to either cut the hands off the arms or do what I did and cut the hands off the grav guns (this obviously applies to any of the new weapons).  

Thank you all for checking in I hope to get the last member of this squad done reasonably soon then Its going to be on to assembling stuff ready for the ETL. Last time I entered the ETL I did relatively well with 1000ish points completed and no vows broken so let hope I can rival that this time ... 

Edited by Punk possum

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