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Betrayal of the Night: 2016/01/04 A Legion takes shape...


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I'm sorry... old girl?

That had best be some Canadian slang I'm not aware off if you want to keep your face where it is tongue.png

Hahaha mean no disrespect. Just being friendly is all tongue.png

One of my officemates uses that term constantly...probably rubbed off on me hahahaha

Also, Tatsumaki FTW!...Though I'm a Fubuki fan...

So many ideas, so little time...


A Moritat I'm including in my first 2k pts list.




Idea is for a 30k version of Red Hood. Bad-ass lawful vigilante, in a legion full of ...well....vigilantes.


Planning to model him with a body harness, OR waist holsters of a pair of bolt pistols, a pair of plasma pistol, and a pair of volkite serpentas. Or a pair that's wrist mounted, a pair on the waist, & a pair on drop legs.

Will flesh that out when I get more sketch time.


Colour scheme will be red helm, red hood/scarf that becomes black and accented with lightning at the ends. Typical midnight blue at the torso, biceps and thighs, which gradients to a black at the ends (hands and feet). Jumppack, of course. Just a plain Mk IV type seen on Darvhak.


Kinda hard to fit "fear" themes on him, since his design will be pretty slick and clean....will figure it out along the way.

I admit I can't see the wrist mounted pistols being as cool as the sci-fi gunslinger vibe he'd have from a belt full of them.


Other than that, he's looking pretty badass! 


Thanks Flint! I was going for badass...thank god you thought so as well hahaha

The wrist pistol looked kinda lame too me too, hand-totting, gun-juggling looks much better thematically.


Awesome idea & drawing for your Moritat, now model him up already! I keep thinking of the pistol harness the father wore in Boondock Saints 2.


Thanks Black_out! The chest harness that he had was a bit too busy with our oversized holsters so....yeah

As you ask, you shall receive:


I did the initial mock-up of the (still unnamed) Moritat. Built-it with bluctack first to get the feel for it.




Rule of cool all the way, as I posed him lunging towards his prey, emptying bolter rounds into him, while readying the plaspistol to finish the job.

Portrayed the multiple pistol loadouts with stacked molled holsters, per side (For all three: bolter, plas, and volkite...can't mess with me WYSIWYG purists!).

Problem is I don't know where to get left-handed holster bits! 


Are all Astartes righties with a pistol?!?




Worst comes to worst I'll go back to putty work....speaking of putty work...




What?...you think I wouldn't have done any sculpt work yet? Shame on you for not having faith on CKP


  • Hoodie made to look like its tucked into the collar well, decided on this as this looks cleaner, but does kill the head wrap to a scarf idea.
  • Do have a backup as I'll do a mantle/cloth pieces that originate behind the skull ornament, and wraps over the shoulder guard..will model it later on.
  • Face needs a bit of sanding, but otherwise its all good.
  • Modeled the right arm away from the body, as if I stick it as is to him, his pistol will block his face. Exposed joint detailing as a filler piece.
  • Thick leather belt, cause nothing says cowboy like belts, will paint in or putty in metal studs along it. Belt chain for cool points.


Also, since you probably noticed in the background anyways, I'm progressing with the Terror squads, secondary coat of blemetal done, and in the process of painting the ivory for the bones. Will proceed with blue edge highlights after/




Pic taken while at my cousin's house, as he had better lighting over yonder hahaha


As always C&C is welcomed, and encouraged!

Nice work on the sculpted hood. I've found its sometimes hard, and frustrating, to sculpt those around helmets.

Not too sold on the trailing holsters though, it makes him seem a bit off-balance visually. Maybe 'biggerize' him slightly, extend the legs, give you more room to work with?

Oh! And I just had an idea, you could grab one of those crossed dagger bitz from the SWs, chop off the hilts abd bottom edges, add pistol grips instead! Gives you a smaller profile, and can easily attach to the small of the back/waist, or on the front over the groin area.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello ladies and gents!


Hope you welcomed the new year (and celebrated the holidays) with a bang. I had fun, ingested a grotesque amount of food, and not nearly enough alcohol. But most importantly, spent time with my family.


..Also did some hobbying....amazingly, with all the things that happened!


Also received probably the best present I could get: A lamp...yes, a lamp



One more thing is that I left my mark in my local Apple store...




...Can you blame me, my cousin just had to upgrade AND transfer all his data....data transfer took 2.5 hours cause its like 1mb/sec or something. Regardless, have any of you folks tried the new iPad pro? its pretty damn neat (too bad its stupidly expensive and the stylus alone was like CAD70!)


Anyways, without further ado, pics!




The Terror squads are shaping up to be something special for me, as the legion bulks itself out. Just need to paint the arms, the red left hand, the eyes, and pauldrons. Unfortunately my bits of right hand have not gotten to me yet, so the 28 Volkites remain unheld.




In the mean time; Prepped and built the lightning, officially starting half of my Fast Attack choices. Still haven't glued the flying stem to the base, as I plan to leave it out first when priming and painting. The cockpit, canopy, and pilot will be painted seperately as well before final assembly.




Read the rules on this guy a bit, and saw that it had hardpoints that vastly change its loadout. So opted to magnetize the guns and missiles to accurately show equipment and also count remaining missiles etc...

The missiles were a bit tricky to mag, so went with filling the gap for the missile fin clips with putty and drilling a hole to place a magnet, while on the missile themselves, cut out the profile of the holders, and countersunk a magnet on the abutting side.


Other things in the works are:



  • 15 Night raptors, which I built 5 for now to see how they build.
  • A bag of Fire Raptor awesomeness
  • The Moritat which I've shown in an update before
  • 3 Drop Pods
  • and the leftover stuff from the BAC box, namely the contemptor and the termies

Hopefully my modelling high continues, but works starts up again, so.........

  • 3 weeks later...

Progress has been slow with my legion plog...snail's pace slow.


With the move and all, my place has been a warzone these couple of weeks. Finally hunkered down though, and finished organizing my stuff into a semblance of a proper paint studio.


..and with that, some pics!




Primed black first, then hit with a layer of Tamiya metallic blue spray. The consistency is solid in the layer, but the smell is that of death incarnate. It has the incredibly undesirable gloss sheen, but a layer of black ink, and the final matte spray would fix that.




Still don't have a airbrush, so resorted to multiple layers of increasingly brighter mixes of dark prussian blue and metallic medium via sponging. I splattered on the black ink to tone down the sheen, and hit with another layer of the initial mix used for sponging at the front area of the wings and the rear of the tail fins. The underbelly is the still dark metallic sheen from the Tamiya coat.


Also did an initial application of decals on the top rear fins (probably the only ones I'll apply), and a bit of edge highlighting and a test of a lightning bolt. I have a solid foundation I'll build up on, and I could probably finish the initial layers of the Strike Fighter by this weekend (cross my fingers).

The blotchy ink job is intentional, my way of creating areas to apply smoke/oil stains on :P

I like the dark metallic for the underbelly. Planning on keeping it like that or changing it to match the topside?
Also, that is a ridiculously clean looking lightning bolt you have going there. Props and thumbs up both ^^

I like the dark metallic for the underbelly. Planning on keeping it like that or changing it to match the topside?

Also, that is a ridiculously clean looking lightning bolt you have going there. Props and thumbs up both ^^

Yes, I'm keeping the underbelly dark. Should've snapped a pic of that while I was taking some, yeah?


Its a much cooler aesthetic, as it would feel like it would melt into the midnight sky when seen from below. Though I did feather the lighter blue a bit at its top edge.


Planning to just keep the lightning bolts on the topside, and only do edge hightlights and weathering on the bottom.


Thanks for the like, Salvation :)


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