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[HH1.0] 30k Space Wolves tactics


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Coptimas I think you and I ate saying the same thing just using different methods as we have both confirmed each other but if for every thousand points or part of you need on then you need 2 from 1001 all the way up to 2000 but until you hit 2001 there is no part thereof past 2k to make you need the third I hope I'm making sense but I will concede it is a bit poorly written to make is easily understood in some instances
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According to hersey 30k the wolf kin and command squads do not count as an HQ for us and apparently is just actual HQ choices. Apparently this is according to Alan's reply at the weekender. This just seems dumb as hell to me what do I want more characters for.


Also what is the purpose of the blurb saying they count as an HQ (specifically an HQ not characters) for the purposes of all special rules missions and objectives, like nothing actually affects HQ units specifically especially when they can never be your Warlord or are independent characters.

I take it Blight & co are deliberately trying to be awkward and overly restrictive when it comes to the Wolves and army building?

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According to hersey 30k the wolf kin and command squads do not count as an HQ for us and apparently is just actual HQ choices. Apparently this is according to Alan's reply at the weekender. This just seems dumb as hell to me what do I want more characters for.


Also what is the purpose of the blurb saying they count as an HQ (specifically an HQ not characters) for the purposes of all special rules missions and objectives, like nothing actually affects HQ units specifically especially when they can never be your Warlord or are independent characters.

I take it Blight & co are deliberately trying to be awkward and overly restrictive when it comes to the Wolves and army building?

I don't actually know at this point but the more I try to build a list the more I want to part with my wolves because I actually just can't use things I wanted to.

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It isn't explicitly stated in inferno that command squads and wolf kin don't count for mandatory hq, and our position is supported by raw, I'm not going to listen to Bligh until he sees fit to clarify every rules mistake, miswording, and power level inconsistency (all legion terminators vs Sekhmet, etc)


It saddens me that as a person who hates grammar and certainly doesn't get paid to write stuff, I can pick out All the mistakes better than the few team.


But I guess they know I'm gonna get the book anyway lol

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It isn't explicitly stated in inferno that command squads and wolf kin don't count for mandatory hq, and our position is supported by raw, I'm not going to listen to Bligh until he sees fit to clarify every rules mistake, miswording, and power level inconsistency (all legion terminators vs Sekhmet, etc)


It saddens me that as a person who hates grammar and certainly doesn't get paid to write stuff, I can pick out All the mistakes better than the few team.


But I guess they know I'm gonna get the book anyway lol

Like Im fairly certain to the.majority of people buying this book rules was probbably a number 1 reason and then fluff and all the other nice stuff is a bonus. But who wrote the dead rules I don't know, I feel like they never reread them. And it's mistakes in all 4 sets of army lists that are misprinted now some are more rampant like the wolves have tons and the mechanicum less but seriously how did they sell these.

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Thats the not so beautiful truth, an I ordered mine today with a feeling of dread and elation. Is the consensus that we are just around the corner from 8th and that rule set will have huge and profound impacts on us?


The other thing is this was clearly written, and rewritten, and then drafted, and then re drafted, then tested and re written etc etc etc


It took so long to come out and the hard balancing they must of put in has caused and played havoc with it. I almost feel that they should beta the rules with a select few to make sure that it's a little clearer. I do also think however that with common sense and some good English comprehension a lot of the issues can be avoided.

Edited by Coptimas
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I am hoping you can assault out of outflanking in 8th, would make Grey Slayers better (not broken, but better) and give us a reason to actually take the Bloodied Claw.


I like bloodied claw already but i am i think considerably out voted on many things. I just don't understand other little things, like vets not getting combat shields when Grey Slayers do, sure they become more threatening and throw off in comparison to other legions but from the fluff, why would the standard marine be better equipped than the vets? Especially when they can have the same rule of Mettle etc? It's those types of things that have me scratching my head in confusion.

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I am hoping you can assault out of outflanking in 8th, would make Grey Slayers better (not broken, but better) and give us a reason to actually take the Bloodied Claw.

I like bloodied claw already but i am i think considerably out voted on many things. I just don't understand other little things, like vets not getting combat shields when Grey Slayers do, sure they become more threatening and throw off in comparison to other legions but from the fluff, why would the standard marine be better equipped than the vets? Especially when they can have the same rule of Mettle etc? It's those types of things that have me scratching my head in confusion.

The space wolf rules mostly have me smashing my head into a desk. Grey Slayers are better equipped than Russ' hurscals Yolo. Russ freki and geri don't count as leadership of the force but are the warlord primarch and one of the universes greatest tactician Yolo. It's like they had a good base and then they just started typing extra words to make it hard as he'll to use.

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I'm happy with our core rules and grey slayers, and even our rows are useable IMO. And Russ


Everything else needs serious fine tuning.

I'm happy with the Legion rules Russ the priests freki and geri (if theyou counted as an HQ slot) and I guess Grey Slayers on their own are okay.


Our right of wars need some changes they aren't the worst ones in the game but they are far from good.


The specicall units in terms of Varagyr and Deathsworn I think need some tweaks.


Biggest thing that needs fixing Imo are the flat restrictions on space wolves.

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I'm happy with our core rules and grey slayers, and even our rows are useable IMO. And Russ


Everything else needs serious fine tuning.

I'm happy with the Legion rules Russ the priests freki and geri (if theyou counted as an HQ slot) and I guess Grey Slayers on their own are okay.


Our right of wars need some changes they aren't the worst ones in the game but they are far from good.


The specicall units in terms of Varagyr and Deathsworn I think need some tweaks.


Biggest thing that needs fixing Imo are the flat restrictions on space wolves.


And frost weapons.

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Here's yet another list brainstorm using Pale Hunters.


2500 points




command squad (chainfists, phobos DT)


(2x) Grey Slayer squads (2x combi-weapons, aa, great frost sword huscarl, rhino DT)


(3x) varagyr squads (5x reaper autocannons, granted scout by Red-blade)


(2x) javelins


Primaris Lightning (4 kraken missiles, battle servitor control)


Sicaran Venator




The idea being maybe if you invest enough into the varagyr, they might just have quite an effect, especially with an added 12" range to their autocannons at the beginning of the game (scout+1st turn move).


The javelins, lightning, and venator can deal with heavier targets and Red-blade+command squad are more of a reactionary reinforcer squad. Of course the varagyr also add to the scoring unit count.


If varagyr ever get 2w, this list becomes even more resilient.

Edited by Runefyre
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Agreed. At our core, the legion is fine. But oversights.... *shudder*


My personal dream changes?


1) All characters get the warriors mettle rule.

2) legion command squads count as a hq for purposes of legion rules.

3) russ also counts as a hq (and praetor) for legion rules.

4) frost weapons loosing specialist weapon.

5) grey slayers starting at 9 strong, rather than 10***



I feel the above would allow for more flexible lists, and an answer to our character placement problems, whilst not breaking the game.


Our rites aren't amazing, but are far from terrible. (I think it's more noticeable because of our restrictions on other rites)


Would be nice is varagyr got a points drop or that extra wound but I can live without.




*** my main gripe is that land raiders, rhinos and pods should be capacity 11 or 12, but what can you do?

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Here's yet another list brainstorm using Pale Hunters.



I never liked reaper, it has always left me feeling underwhelmed after the round of shooting, although 15 of them could give some solid returns. 


Javs and lightning are some of the best anti armor in the game so solid choices.


It could be quite slow though once the game turns into turn three. That whats always kept me away from mass CataTerms, you spend so many points trying to make them maneuverable or swift, and model count is always so low. It does work but I always seem to struggle with it personally.

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I could drop one unit of varagyr for some additional javelins, and maybe some sniper vets to outflank or scout

Derp about the hqs. I'm used to listing 2000 pointers


Well if you drop a unit of varagyr you should have enough points for a couple more javelins and a sotd.

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I can see myself using wolf guard and regular cats termis


I will probably go in on some grey slayers.


The wolfkin and Russ I find good choices as well


Priests are almost mandatory in our lists


The only thing I have no use for is deathsworn


I feel like the unit needs to be adjusted to either be more hardy or more dangerous on the charge.

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Kinda sucks the grey slayers are not like the black shield mauraders now that would be great 5 base for a cheap way of fufilling the required troop tax but able to add more so you can bulk them out as larger squad running on foot or smaller squads which can be fitted with independent characters in transports
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