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[HH1.0] 30k Space Wolves tactics


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If Bligh and company have something to say following this release it should be official.

I agree but I've heard conflicting information from the weekender about what Bligh and co have said regarding Inferno so who's reporting the correct information?

Edited by TheWolfLord
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So I might get a 1000 HH point game in against my brother this evening. I'll hopefully be running some proxys with my 40k Wolves.


Here's what I'm thinking of taking:


1000 points (Pale Hunters RoW)


Geigor Fell-hand


(2x) Grey Slayer squads (2x combi-weapons, 2x power axes, Huscarl: artificer armour, great frost sword, rhino dedicated transport)


Legion veteran squad (2x power axes, missile launcher with suspensor web, sergeant: artificer armour, power weapon, rhino dedicated transport)


Legion contemptor-cortus talon (twin-linked autocannon, power fist with graviton gun)


(2x) Legion javelin land speeders



Geigor goes with the vets (who will take sniper/outflank). The javelins outflank and catch side-armour when they arrive. All the infantry can pretty much handle most medium-level combats, and the contemptor can support if a heavier combat comes up.


What think you?

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If I take double fists I'll only have 20 points for upgrades. That's why I took the autocannon and graviton. He can still get rage.


I agree on the speeders, guess I won't be using the +1 reserves bonus, but I think hit and run could be useful. Or should I just take bloodied claw instead?

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Autocannon is just an underwhelming weapon in this edition. And cortus really is a combat unit.

But I don't want him to be useless while he's 'slogging up the board. I'm gonna give it a go and see how he does.

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Today I played a 2.500 points Carnage game (a three for all with kill points and securing special objectives). Here are some of my conclusions:
-The HQ tax is closer to a boon. Grey Slayers are good, but what really makes them shine is the Speaker of the Dead. An HQ that gives a unit Feel No Pain, Fearless and Prefered Enemy Infantry is incredible after testing. Hvarl Redblade is also fantastic, great to scout with a big blob of units and Leman Russ, facing Mortarion and his Deathshroud head on. Scouting three units is as thought great benefit. The only one that survived was the one with Russ, while the Deathsworn died to Mortarion and ten deathshroud with a Primaris Medicae (very expected though). One point of importance is that the way the table was set because of the Carnage game, outflanking was a bit more awkward to do, so that got in the way of the proper close combat.
- Russ is killy, but not that much. He lacks complexity and options. A beat stick Primarch as expected. He certainly would have killed Mortarion, but it takes time (specially with a god damn feel no pain).
- A lightning destroyed a Word Bearer Spartan in the second turn. I think he is essential now.
- Deathsworn as expected are lackluster, but then again, they were fighting Mortarion and his superstar. They survived these guys charge and cause wounds. But feel no pain is still a problem. I encourage more Thunder hammer if you are investing in these guys. 
- Sicaran Venator and the special Autocannon are excellent against Rhinos (obviously), but can be suprisingly good against Leviathan Dreads (when attacked from the back obviously).
A few pictures:







Hvarl Red Bladehttp://i.imgur.com/CKF5Fns.jpg


Mortarion and Russ duel:










Edit: Oh, I won the game. I finish a few things the other playes couldn't, and I scored a few good objectives.

Edited by Ranwulf
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If I take double fists I'll only have 20 points for upgrades. That's why I took the autocannon and graviton. He can still get rage.


I agree on the speeders, guess I won't be using the +1 reserves bonus, but I think hit and run could be useful. Or should I just take bloodied claw instead?

After testing Pale Hunter, I gotta say it's okay. I think Bloodied Claw would feel a bit better, since I didn't get to use Hit and Run once in the entire game.



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If I take double fists I'll only have 20 points for upgrades. That's why I took the autocannon and graviton. He can still get rage.


I agree on the speeders, guess I won't be using the +1 reserves bonus, but I think hit and run could be useful. Or should I just take bloodied claw instead?

After testing Pale Hunter, I gotta say it's okay. I think Bloodied Claw would feel a bit better, since I didn't get to use Hit and Run once in the entire game.




Hm, I'm super undecided. I might just flip a coin lol. I'm leaning more towards bloodied claw now though as I think it's more in line with Geigor's fluff.


You know what would make Bloodied Claw super amazing? If the mandatory charge requirement allowed you to charge even when you normally can't (like out of a rhino, outflank, etc.). That would be amazing.

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Not sure if anyone has pointed out that the Priest entry has them at initiative 4, rather than 5 like all other consuls. Can anyone think of a reason for this or is it likely a typo? 

This is an interesting find. 


Im not sure , maybe its because they are cheaper than similarly geared consuls since they get the refractor field base and such? 


Good pickup tho , I couldnt tell you.  

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I played a few games against my friends SW army. Grey Slayers are outstanding troops and Geigor punched his way to glory in both games. Pocket power fists and combat shields make them like baby tartaros, but with many more bodies. The special rules are also great. It can be restrictive, but SW are a strong legion. Not really surprised by how they play and feel.
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Pocket power fists and combat shields make them like baby tartaros, but with many more bodies. 

please elaborate ?




Combat shields give 5+ Invul in combat. So it's comparable to Tartaros termies, but they don't have the 2+ armour save (outside the sarge with AA) 

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Pocket power fists and combat shields make them like baby tartaros, but with many more bodies. 

please elaborate ?




Combat shields give 5+ Invul in combat. So it's comparable to Tartaros termies, but they don't have the 2+ armour save (outside the sarge with AA) 


I am aware of the effects of a combat shield 

I am also aware that a grey slayer cannot be armed with both a combat shield and a power fist 

And you may only take 1 powerfist per 5 grey slayers.  

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6+ against shooting as well. Compared to grabbing a bolter, it's a 1 point difference. Think of it like an apothacary as it costs about the same. Being able to shoot into combat before charging is also really strong.
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Bulba you still havent answered my question. 

The  comparison you made makes no sense. 

No grey slayer can have  a Combat Shield and a Power fist 
No Grey slayer can have a Combat shield and a Bolter 
Only 1 in  5 Grey slayers may have a power fist.  

Are you sure your opponents unit was properly composed if they performed remotely like terminators? 

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Is the 5+ Inv. save really that useful? Is a 5++ Inv. Save and Feel No Pain comparable to a 4++ Inv save? Because Speaker of the Dead are a main stay in my army now.



I feel the 5++ and FNP 5+ is more useful than a 4+. It's basically like a re-rollable invul at that point.


But yeah SotD are basically must have. Preferred Enemy AND FNP?

Mark me down as scared and aroused. 

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Is the 5+ Inv. save really that useful? Is a 5++ Inv. Save and Feel No Pain comparable to a 4++ Inv save? Because Speaker of the Dead are a main stay in my army now.



I feel the 5++ and FNP 5+ is more useful than a 4+. It's basically like a re-rollable invul at that point.


But yeah SotD are basically must have. Preferred Enemy AND FNP?

Mark me down as scared and aroused. 


And Fearless in a setting without And They Shall Know No Fear (which makes Pale Hunter's Hit and Run useful if you need to get the hell away, now that I think about it).



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Bulba you still havent answered my question. 


The  comparison you made makes no sense. 


No grey slayer can have  a Combat Shield and a Power fist 

No Grey slayer can have a Combat shield and a Bolter 

Only 1 in  5 Grey slayers may have a power fist.  


Are you sure your opponents unit was properly composed if they performed remotely like terminators?

I see what you're saying


Because slayer's aren't characters, you don't need to give your power fist guys shields. Hence, pocket power fists. Lots of warm bodies to spread your casualties around.

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You could even add a forge lord with rad grenades and boarding shield (defensive grenades) to a grey slayer squad. With the bloodied claw rite of war they would wound on 2+ on the charge and the great frost blade wielding huscarl would insta death t4 multi wound models. Hvarl would do too. Points add up pretty quickly thought.


I'm thinking about something like this:



-Speaker of the dead with great frost blade, aether armour

-Forge lord with rad grenades, boarding shield, power fist

-20x grey slayers 8x shield, 6x power axe, 2x power fist

Huscarl with AA, great frost blade

-Spartan with flare shield, armoured ceramite, dozer blade

It costs 1204pts but the sight of it would be glorious !

Edited by RedwaKe
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