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[HH1.0] 30k Space Wolves tactics


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What are people's thoughts on russ with a tartaros command squad so that he can run down the poor souls who survive the combat

I've honestly thinking about doing Russ Hvarl priest and Tartaros being able to run down can be a game changer. But I'm also considering trying to run him witb a non terminator bodyguard so he can get hit and run.

Edited by Purge the Daemon
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Chances are any decent melee unit Russ encounters is likely to have fearless so I'm not sure the decrease in invulnerable save is worth the possibility of sweeping


I could see it being useful against hordes though

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Chances are any decent melee unit Russ encounters is likely to have fearless so I'm not sure the decrease in invulnerable save is worth the possibility of sweeping

I could see it being useful against hordes though

Maybe the Wulfkin will help with that, they seem the perfect nuisance units to charge in alongside Russ/Varagyr and sweep where the main unit cannot.

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So from sifting through all the tactica, bolters just don't get a look in with the GS?


Lol ... I was planning on doing 2x 20 with bolters but now reconsidering. Maybe I'll just do a single squad with bolters for the looks?


I've recently built and painted 2 x 20 strong bolter Tactical squads with extra close combat weapons which I'll be running as Grey Slayers until I can bring myself to build more troops. I think the bolters make both options of Warriors Mettle viable as opposed to just running and charging. Particularly if you are using hit and run from Pale Hunter or if something drops in near you... 

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Here's a basic idea for a 6000 point list (running pale Hunters) I want to work towards as an overall collection of models.


It can be split down into two 3000 point lists (one using Bloodied Claw, the other using Pale Hunters).






Command Squad No.1 (tartaros terminator armour, 1x chainfist, land raider phobos DT)


Geigor Feel-hand


Command squad no.2 (3x power axes, goes in the phobos squadron)


4x Speakers of the Dead or Casters of Runes


Wolfkin of Russ


Damocles Command Rhino




Grey Slayer squad (2x power weapons, Huscarl: AA, Great Frost Blade, goes in the phobos squadron)


Grey Slayer squad (2x power weapons, Huscarl: AA, Great Frost Blade, goes in the phobos squadron)


Varagyr squad (6x members, 6x power fists, 6x frost claws, Spartan Assault Tank DT, Flare Shield)


Varagyr squad (5x power fists, 5x frost claws, land raider phobos DT)




Deathsworn (9x members, rad grenades, land raider phobos DT)


Deathsworn (9x members, rad grenades, land raider phobos DT)


Contemptor-Cortus (2x power fists, 2x graviton guns)


Fast Attack


Primaris strike fighter (4 kraken penetrators, battler servitor control, ground tracking auguries)


Primaris strike fighter (4 kraken penetrators, battler servitor control, ground tracking auguries)


Primaris strike fighter (4 kraken penetrators, battler servitor control, ground tracking auguries)


Heavy Support


Land Raider squadron (3x land raider phobos)


Lord of War


Leman Russ




3000 point sub-list No.1                                                                                 


Pale Hunters




command squad no.1






Varagyr (spartan)


Varagyr (phobos)


Primaris strike fighter


Primaris strike fighter


Leman Russ



3000 point sub-list No.2


Bloodied Claw




Command squad No.2




Damocles Command Rhino


Grey Slayers


Grey Slayers








Primaris strike fighter


3x Land Raider Phobos (3x separate slots)

Edited by Runefyre
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Might work for kill points missions but you are having a hard time with objective missions and you can't expect to table your opponent with that list either.

This is just a base idea for a "collecting directive" to help guide my purchases. But I agree with your observations on objective grabbing. This list was designed for facing tank gunlines that I face alot, with the Strike fighters to take care of the mandatory Warhound my buddy fields at that points level (well, as soon as we hit 3000 points, he's very insistent on using it as a crutch lol).


But I do feel like this list has alot of melee potential and if I can get momentum I could definitely decimate whole flanks at a time.

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Varagyr are still hopelessly overpriced, but I am starting to reconsider my stance regarding Deathsworn being superior. Not sure why I started thinking this way. Probably just as hunch. I will need to try out some dedicated melee units of them. Certainly seems easier to use than Deathsworn in terms of composition.
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Varagyr are still hopelessly overpriced, but I am starting to reconsider my stance regarding Deathsworn being superior. Not sure why I started thinking this way. Probably just as hunch. I will need to try out some dedicated melee units of them. Certainly seems easier to use than Deathsworn in terms of composition.

I think the biggest challenge for the Deathsworn is their lack of Inv. Saves. Facing down other legions elite units can be quite complicated without those, and because they don't have enough numbers to compensate it, or better WS, they are not that good. Personally, the rad grenades are what really make them shine.




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What do you all think is our optimum loadout for slayers? I am considering a squad with 10 shields, 2 fists, artifice and gfb in a full 20 man. Part of me thinks that, while a really good rule, warriors mettle is kind of a trap and that we need to put apothecaries or speakers with the squads.
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What do you all think is our optimum loadout for slayers? I am considering a squad with 10 shields, 2 fists, artifice and gfb in a full 20 man. Part of me thinks that, while a really good rule, warriors mettle is kind of a trap and that we need to put apothecaries or speakers with the squads.

I'm finding that smaller squads with just afew power weapons and the Huscarl equipped for challenges seems to be a happy balance of points-efficiency and utility. Grey Slayer pack a surprising punch even at only 10 dudes, you can use that to your advantage.


I use them as a reactionary unit, as they can't charge out of a rhino. Roll them up, cap an objective, and prepare to support your other units in assault were needed.


Keeping them cheap also let's you bring other, nastier units to do the heavy lifting.

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Something that might interest me is Orbital Assault with this core:


Praetor with gear

Tartaros Command

Speaker with Aether-Rune Armour



5 Varagyr with double Frost Weapons or Combis



2 units of Slayers with 7 Bolters, 2 Combis, Vexilla, Sarge with AA and Great Frostblade



Leviathan with Claw and big Melta

Dread Pod


5 Pods and around 1700 I believe. I wonder what else to add.

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I would take 2 contemptors over the leviathan (take 2 pods) then deep strike the terminators. You would still have 5 pods, drop down the 2 contemptors and the praetor then have the GS come in turn 2.


I was experimenting with something similar. Using 2 contemptors with dual fists and dual grav. You might also add in a Lightning for some anti tank.

Edited by sturguard
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Hello All,


Are there any Legion specific counter-tactics to consider with the Wolves? I am going to attend a 3k Loyalist vs Traitors Tourni and I think my list is all over the place.


I am looking for any tried and tested or best uses of the Wolves to counter Traitor legions (and I do appreciate no list will do it all).


But especially, I am having kittens about Quad Mortars, Knights and Javalins.


What works best against those, and what will help fight specific Traitor Legions?


Will Recon marines with Melta bombs help vs Iron Warrior artillary? Will twin kheris contemptors make Javalins cry? Lightenign an essential?


And what Wolfy things are going to help (and how / where) ?

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World Eaters have a good chance outchopping you. EC will as well if you let them charge. Other than that you will be at a disadvantage against shooty lists if you decide to run melee-centric builds. It is still a new setup though. Only playtesting will show true weaknesses. From what I gathered by playing is that Pod or Mech is the way to go. Foot Blobs with Scouting are not good enough.
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Fill your list with guns and let LA:SW and great frost blades carry your combats for you. Don't get caught over committing to combat upgrades, figure out what you need to kill 10 ws4 t4 3+ bodies and 5 t4 2+/4++ bodies and gear your slayers to that.

Avoid legion units like everyone else, and spend Quad mortar points on Dedicated anti-armour.

Edited by Baluc
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Some dumb questions:


1) Is there a point to the Herald Consul now? The +1WS on the charge is pretty huge, and the Herald comes with a significant downside. Can they stack?


2) Does a Wolf Lord get to WS7 on the charge? That seems nuts to me despite how it is written

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Some dumb questions:


1) Is there a point to the Herald Consul now? The +1WS on the charge is pretty huge, and the Herald comes with a significant downside. Can they stack?


2) Does a Wolf Lord get to WS7 on the charge? That seems nuts to me despite how it is written

Herald is straight useless for us. The WS is capped at 5 so on units besides command squad and Varagyr I guess you can get ws5 on the second turn of combat... 0% worth.


Yeah he gets ws7 but unless you are fighting ws3 that doesn't actually matter because you were hitting on 3's and them on 4'a anyways.

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Darn, I had one made up I kinda liked.


The bump on the Wolf Lord will help him against other Praetors and some of the Primarchs....what, I wanna think big here!

You can always use a banner in a command squad at least we benefit from those, probably would get more use there anyways.



Like I guess it helps in a Praetor vs Praetor challenge? Which is rare and chaplain exist for other legions which really mitigates the difference actually makes it better for them.

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Like I guess it helps in a Praetor vs Praetor challenge? Which is rare and chaplain exist for other legions which really mitigates the difference actually makes it better for them.



Rare for you perhaps. I almost always aim my praetor towards his opposite number

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Like I guess it helps in a Praetor vs Praetor challenge? Which is rare and chaplain exist for other legions which really mitigates the difference actually makes it better for them.


Rare for you perhaps. I almost always aim my praetor towards his opposite number

I just think it's rare to even take Praetors with most special cheaters Delegatus and primarchs giving master of the Legion

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Like I guess it helps in a Praetor vs Praetor challenge? Which is rare and chaplain exist for other legions which really mitigates the difference actually makes it better for them.

Rare for you perhaps. I almost always aim my praetor towards his opposite number

I just think it's rare to even take Praetors with most special cheaters Delegatus and primarchs giving master of the Legion


You haven't read any WLK bat-reps then lol


I haven't seen WLK take a special character (short of a primarch) like, ever.

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