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[HH1.0] Dark Angels Tactics


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Anyone care to critique my Ravenwing list? It's just a small 1500 to get the army started.


HQ: 145 points

-Delegatus w/ artificer, bike, refractor, rad nades, combi-stasis and greatsword


Troops: 830

-6 outriders w/ plasma

-2x 6 outriders w/ sergeant and 2 warblades. Sergeant has plasma pistol, warblade, and rad nades


Fast Attack: 525

-2x 3 attack bikes w/ acid bolters and melta bombs

-Xiphon w/ armoured cockpit, chaff launchers, and ground tracking auguries.

Edited by ShadowCore67
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Um 1500 points is hard to judge for 30k. Not trying to sound narcissistic, but anything under 2000 points for 30k doesn't really hold any balance or diversity for lists. There's little to no redundancy or elbow room to make use of legion rules to their full ability.
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Upped it to 2000


HQ: 635 points

-Praetor w/ jetbike, acid shells, iron halo, rad nades, and paragon blade

-Full Command Squad w/ jetbikes, acid shells, 4 combat shields, 5 power swords, and 2 combi-stasis


Troops: 830

-6 outriders w/ plasma

-2x 6 outriders w/ sergeant and 2 warblades. Sergeant has plasma pistol, warblade, and rad nades


Fast Attack: 525

-3 attack bikes w/ acid bolters

-3 attack bikes w/ multi-meltas and melta bombs

-Xiphon w/ armoured cockpit, chaff launchers, and ground tracking auguries.

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Hey there! I'm having a little skirmish match, which will by my first actual time playing 30K! The game's 1000 points(I know, maybe too small for the heresy, but the other guy only has time for a short game) and I wanted to pass my list by you guys, if it isn't too much of a bother. I felt as though neither of the RoW's were viable to play in such a small game(I'd get, what, a Jetbike Squad and an Outrider Squad?), so I'm going with the vanilla DA rules.


Anyway, here's the list at current:


[Legion Centurion]


-Terranic Greatsword


[Legion Terminator Squad]


-Plasma Blaster

-3x Combi-Plas



-Pair of Claws


[Legion Tac Squad]

-15 man

-Combat Blades

-Artificer Armor & Calibanite Warblade on the Sarge


[Legion Tac Squad]

-13 Man

-Combat Blades

-Artificer Armor & Power Fist on the Sarge


[sicaran Battle Tank]

-Lascannon Sponsons


Comes out to 1 point over 1000.


General plan is for the Tacs to be big ol' meatshields while the Tank & Terminators take out whatever meaty units/tanks the other guy has. Not to say that plan is being implemented in the best possible way, however. The Terminator squad is gonna take awhile to get into CC thanks to S&P, and I'm relying on my opponent trying to focus down my squishier but more numerous units so I can get shots off with my big scary tank.


The alternative option is to just run a Delegatus to get Pride of the Legion and bringing some melee vets in a drop pod and terminators in a transport, but I don't feel great about only having ~25 models in play.


Sorry if some of my choices were a bit head-scratchy, like I said it's my first physical game and I'm still trying to get used to the rules:biggrin.:. Thanks a ton for any advice you guys are willing to give, I'd really appreciate it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Purely because I've thought about it too much and my brain is fried....


With Ironwing, do I have to take Rhinos for Tac marines?


Could I for example, take a Heavy Support Choice of 3 Proteus to transport them?


Or is the Rhino that they come with covering them for the sake of "Half the Units need to be Tanks" rule?


If so, I suppose Empty Rhino's giving Land Raiders a cover save is the order of the day :P

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Yes you basically need anyone who can to take a rhino, if you don't you're extremely limited on what stuff you can bring, even then its still a little restricting... Plus unless you're taking the land raiders as three separate heavy supports, they would have to stay in coherency which having that many tacticals clumped up like that I don't see much use in.
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Been toying with the idea of running a 3 strong talon of Cortus with Duel Kheres Cannons in an Ironwing formation that's


36 Shot's @ BS4 With Rending and Tankhunter! for a melta bomb under 500


And as its a Talon it only takes up one slot for non tank for the rite of war.



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Been toying with the idea of running a 3 strong talon of Cortus with Duel Kheres Cannons in an Ironwing formation that's


36 Shot's @ BS4 With Rending and Tankhunter! for a melta bomb under 500


And as its a Talon it only takes up one slot for non tank for the rite of war.




Oh wow I never thought of that. That does seem very strong, pretty cheap for what you're getting too.


However it's still unclear to me whether talons count as one unit or not? If they do then great. If the don't then that's just kind of a bummer.

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Been toying with the idea of running a 3 strong talon of Cortus with Duel Kheres Cannons in an Ironwing formation that's


36 Shot's @ BS4 With Rending and Tankhunter! for a melta bomb under 500


And as its a Talon it only takes up one slot for non tank for the rite of war.



Oh wow I never thought of that. That does seem very strong, pretty cheap for what you're getting too.


However it's still unclear to me whether talons count as one unit or not? If they do then great. If the don't then that's just kind of a bummer.

A Talon only takes up one slot, and they have to deploy together. After that they act separately, if that's what you're asking.

Edited by IronDrake28
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Been toying with the idea of running a 3 strong talon of Cortus with Duel Kheres Cannons in an Ironwing formation that's


36 Shot's @ BS4 With Rending and Tankhunter! for a melta bomb under 500


And as its a Talon it only takes up one slot for non tank for the rite of war.



Oh wow I never thought of that. That does seem very strong, pretty cheap for what you're getting too.


However it's still unclear to me whether talons count as one unit or not? If they do then great. If the don't then that's just kind of a bummer.

A Talon only takes up one slot, and they have to deploy together. After that they act separately, if that's what you're asking.



I agree the Talon rule is unclear from re reading it again it does not say.


From my reading i believe you only need to meet the ROW requirements for army selection and as the Talon rule states they deploy as a unit with 6" coherency then can act independently after.



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  • 2 weeks later...
So the terrannic greatsword is better than i thought. Have one on my primus medicae centurion. He beheaded 2 praetors in challenges yesterday, in one game. Iron hands praetor went down without doing any damage, white scars praetor killed my medicae as he lost his head.
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All it takes is that single roll of a 1!


ID is very powerful, especially at initiative and a high strength that mean you are going to wound often.


I think sure, compared to the likes of the Blade of Perdition/ Power Gliave/ Legatine Axe/ Phoenix Spear, it seems a little lack luster - but those weapons still need to chew through 3 wounds of an invuln save - the Warblade only needs to get one!


...Unless your opponent is a Salamander :P

Edited by Charlo
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Man I can't wait to see what unique units the Dark Angels get.

I was discussing this army with a friend who's really interesting in painting some up, and as we know unique characters and units can really alter the ways in which an army works...

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Hopefully they go big and get a unit for every wing.


-Deathwing Veterans.

-Ironwing tank/dread - hell a Mortis talon would be fluffy....

-Dreadwing Destroyers

-Ravenwing Bikers

-Stormwing Boarding Assault Marines

-Firewing.... Uhh Yeah we know nothing other than the name :P


I think we'll get a super terminator for Lions bodyguard too.

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Personally I think tactical squads would be a bit much, but I definitely agree with the idea. Maybe Veterans/Seekers should all be able to replace their bolters with Volkite Chargers when used in a DA army? Edited by Fenbain
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I just can't see a stockpile extending to covering whole tactical squads, unless maybe in a Unification-era Row? I think giving Veterans and Seekers access to them would be fluffy and at the same time wouldn't diminish the other legions actively present during the unification era.
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