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[HH1.0] Dark Angels Tactics


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Since Javelins are affordable (and better) I think it's worth to emphasize how good they are with RWprotocols.

1. Start with speeders on the table/DS them turn 2

2. Opponent's turn - obviously they become a target, so jink

3. Your turn - Since you jinked your shooting is irrevelent so...

4. Search and destroy - move them off the table and outflank your next turn (and being fast skimmer you can escape from anywhere)

5. Repeat if needed

Edited by rendingon1+
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I just built a half a dozen vets...now I need to make the rest of the squad and include another combi grenade or two.

On a separate note I had planned on making them furious charge vets... so maybe the +1 ws tactic now?

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I just built a half a dozen vets...now I need to make the rest of the squad and include another combi grenade or two.

On a separate note I had planned on making them furious charge vets... so maybe the +1 ws tactic now?

Kinda goes against the DA rules where you need equal weapon skill, but I don't think that matters too much. You'll be hitting other armies' WS5 unique units on 3's :)

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I just built a half a dozen vets...now I need to make the rest of the squad and include another combi grenade or two.

On a separate note I had planned on making them furious charge vets... so maybe the +1 ws tactic now?

Kinda goes against the DA rules where you need equal weapon skill, but I don't think that matters too much. You'll be hitting other armies' WS5 unique units on 3's :)
That was a major thought of mine, but I wanted a tooled out coolness-factor squad. I guess I can go sniper with them, but that seems like a poor trade off for a squad with stasis grenades and power weapons.
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I'f go for the Xenobane tactic instead of WS, as unless you are fighting a WS6 unit (or are charged by a WS5 one) it would never come into play really, what with stasis grenades imposing a -1 and you always hitting a matched WS on 3+ anyway.


Re-rolls on MC is pretty cool against mechanicum, otherwise even the sutbborn trait is very powerful in 30k (and also very DA)

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Yeah, weaponmasters tactic is a bit overkil for DA especilly with stasis grenades which lower WS. But if you want to go by fluff, take one squad of veteran-terran-snipers and one of calibanite weaponmasters knights.


People how do you see this new "jetbike devastator" squad in RWprotocols? Is it worth it or should we leave tank hunting to speeders and flyers? I'm thinking about 4-5 multimelta jetbikes with attached siege breaker.

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Using a SB with them is a great idea actually... And in RW RoW they get a lot of benefits, being able to easily get into Melta-range, slag something, jink the return fire and then redeploy ready to do it again somewhere else.


I quite like Culverins for the squad too, rate of fire means you can snap-shoot and do some damage still while the Tank Hunters on them will still do work against up to AV12.

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Yeah, weaponmasters tactic is a bit overkil for DA especilly with stasis grenades which lower WS. But if you want to go by fluff, take one squad of veteran-terran-snipers and one of calibanite weaponmasters knights.


People how do you see this new "jetbike devastator" squad in RWprotocols? Is it worth it or should we leave tank hunting to speeders and flyers? I'm thinking about 4-5 multimelta jetbikes with attached siege breaker.

Siege Breakers cannot take Jetbikes, or can they?
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Siege breakers have such a strange kit.


The heavy weapons they buff are usually stationary, so they can't get close to bomb or in a better position to use the vox.


Or they get close to Phosphex bomb something and give up the other benefits.


Obviously things like Fulmentarus and Siege Tyrants alleviate this, but they aren't for everyone!

Edited by Charlo
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Looking at Ravenwing protocal as an allied detachment. 


Paragon Blade, Iron Halo,Rad Grenades, Digital Lasers, Artificer Armour, Jetbike, Combi-grenade Launcher,Molecular Acid Shells


Legion Terminator Squad

Sgt; Chainfist, Rad Grenades

4 x Calibanite Warblades

2x Combi-weapons



(trying decide between Tartarus and Cataphractii for re-roll sweeping advance or 4++)


Jetbike Skyhunter Sqd

4 x Bikes

Sgt; Rad Granades, Calabanite War Blade

4x Molecular acid shells


I only had about 770 to spend this adds up to 769, I think it makes the most of the bonus rules for LA:DA and Ravenwing protocal but what do you guys think?

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Looking at Ravenwing protocal as an allied detachment.



Paragon Blade, Iron Halo,Rad Grenades, Digital Lasers, Artificer Armour, Jetbike, Combi-grenade Launcher,Molecular Acid Shells


Legion Terminator Squad

Sgt; Chainfist, Rad Grenades

4 x Calibanite Warblades

2x Combi-weapons



(trying decide between Tartarus and Cataphractii for re-roll sweeping advance or 4++)


Jetbike Skyhunter Sqd

4 x Bikes

Sgt; Rad Granades, Calabanite War Blade

4x Molecular acid shells


I only had about 770 to spend this adds up to 769, I think it makes the most of the bonus rules for LA:DA and Ravenwing protocal but what do you guys think?

I thought that calibanite war ladies were for characters only, but I might be wrong.

Also, I personally prefer the tartaros pattern armor.

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Also you can't take ravenwing protocol as allies. Or any legion specific rite of war for that matter.

The rules are pretty unclear on it IMO.


In the book it says the following RoW are primary only, but then in a later paragraph says the BA/DA/WS rules are available etc

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Also you can't take ravenwing protocol as allies. Or any legion specific rite of war for that matter.


They are in separate sections of book VI. The section with the RoW for existing legions has the not about being for Primary detachments only.

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I feel like that is grasping at straws to make something work that is a bit unintended. But I suppose play it however you want. 


Not really, the rites of war in context of the description also make sense. It talks about them being sensitive to the time period of book 6 and such. The BA/ DA/ WS RoW however are much more standard as a base legion operation, like Terror Assault or the Reaping.


whats the benefit of combi grenade launchers?


Shooting off a Stasis Grenade before the charge etc.

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So lets work  off the idea that  we can take ravenwing as Allies ( which works quite well for me) , this would be a list I would take to an event,  critique welcome. 

+++ Dragonflight 30k Event List Maybe (2500pts) +++
++ Questoris Knight Crusade Army (Questoris Knight Crusade Army) (895pts) ++
+ HQ (495pts) +
Seneschal (495pts)
····Cerastus Knight-Atrapos (445pts) [Occular Augmetics (10pts)]
+ Troops (400pts) +
Scion Martial (400pts) [Cerastus Knight-Lancer (400pts)]
++ Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List (Allied Detachment) (1605pts) ++
+ HQ (680pts) +
Legion Praetor (680pts) [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers (15pts), Iron Halo (25pts), Legion Scimitar Jetbike with Heavy Bolter (45pts), Melta Bombs (5pts), Molecular Acid Shells (5pts), Paragon Blade (25pts), Rad Grenades (5pts)]
····Legion Command Squad (455pts) [5x Combat Shield (25pts), Legion Scimitar Jetbikes with Heavy Bolters (175pts), 4x Legion Space Marine Chosen (80pts), Legion Standard Bearer, Melta Bombs (25pts), Molecular Acid Shells (25pts), 3x Power Fist (45pts), 2x Power Weapon (20pts)]
····Master of the Legion [Ravenwing Protocol]
+ Elites (365pts) +
Legion Terminator Squad (365pts) [Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod (115pts), Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist (10pts), 4x Combi-Weapon (28pts), 4x Legion Terminators (120pts), 3x Power Fist (15pts)]
····Legion Terminator Sergeant (22pts) [Combi-Weapon (7pts), Grenade Harness (10pts), Rad Grenades (5pts)]
+ Troops (340pts) +
Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (340pts) [Melta Bombs (30pts), Molecular Acid Shells (20pts), 6x Space Marine Sky Hunters (210pts), 2x Volkite Culverin (20pts)]
····Sky Hunter Sergeant (30pts) [Calibanite War Blade (10pts), Rad Grenades (5pts)]
+ Fast Attack (220pts) +
Xiphon Interceptor (220pts) [Chaff Launcher (5pts), Ground-tracking Auguries (10pts), Interceptors]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [i: Dark Angels, Traitor]
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Why the command squad? DA already his Ws4 units of 3's. Also fists on DA Terminators seem a waste since they get rad grenades and free Calabnite warblades to would on 2's anyway, and it lets them hit on 3's. I think you would be better served by taking a chainfist or 2 to help with dreads but leave the est with swords.

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Why the command squad? DA already his Ws4 units of 3's. Also fists on DA Terminators seem a waste since they get rad grenades and free Calabnite warblades to would on 2's anyway, and it lets them hit on 3's. I think you would be better served by taking a chainfist or 2 to help with dreads but leave the est with swords.

Because I also want to hit WS5 Units on 3s 

The command squad is a bit points heavy though as Charlo mentioned , I think its one of those situations where the unit can handle most things and idue to the way its equipped has a  way to pose danger toward just about any type of unit because acid heavy bolters are just insane


The Fists are there to be a threat to vehicles and  2+ units They are equipped with combimeltas because they are going to be armor hunting  or rather anti tank hunting cause firing off a bunch of melta into robots aint a bad idea The fists and chainfist work as a means to an end there  in keeping the unit dangerous after it has offloaded its combi meltas  

Rad grenades are great but wounding well doesn't negate the fact that a calabinite warblade will bounce off a 2+ save unit 

I am of the opinion that terminators should be hunting bigger game and with fists they will do better at that than they will with swords , the only reason the sargent has one is cause I dont give the sarge a weapon. 

Also robots , they are a thing , even with the rad grenades Id want to have the fist 

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Since techmarines can have servitor retinues armed with missile launchers...has anyone thought of equipping two with stasis missiles and another with an acid heavy Bolter? Or one rad missile, one stasis, and one acid Bolter?



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