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I'm finally getting around to posting my Death Guard. I got serious about painting and converting them a little while ago. Here is my first entry. My Death Guard praetor! More will be coming very shortly as I update photos.


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Here are a few more photos. Some of them are a bit old and their subjects have since been finished. Finished photos will be coming soon.



Here's a random Sicaran picture. I'll have better ones soon.




Here's a wip shot of a rhino. The side is nearly finishe and the rest is in the middle of an oil wash.




My 'tempter just needs some weathering done to the metal


Next, some BaC pieces




WIP Morty



Here is my almost completed command squad. They are just waiting for bases in the mail and banner bearer! Any suggestions or changes?






You and I share a love of Death Guard, I see. Well, looks like we're best mates now laugh.png!

I really dig what you've given us and I've run out of Likes. Well, comments are usually better anyway.

The bikes are looking completely Death Guard. I'm guessing a brown oil wash? Gah! We must swap painting recipes! Anywho, the only nitpick I have is that the wheels on the bikes aren't dirty enough. Since you're waiting for the bases to come in, I can only rightly assume that they will be more filthy after they are on them. Ah, mud. Glorious mud!

I look forward to many posts on your Death Guard. Tell me: will you be writing any backstory for them? I'd really like to read some.

Cheers smile.png!

@ BCB Thanks! The cape was definitely a pain to convert, but I absolutely needed a cape on him. I cut a U-shape out of the BaC chaplain cloak and mounted him on the bike. Then I GS'd the gaps to the bike. I'll post some unpainted pics tomorrow when I'm not responding in my phone.


@Mehman haha, I guess we are! Yeah, I use a burnt umber wash after a thin airbrush of seraphim sepia in select places. I've been considering mixing a burnt umber and burnt sienna to get a more orangish/brown grime. You can bet the bikes will get dirty. I love using pigments wet and dry. My basing theme will be a dusty wasteland factory (the bases my BaC termies are on). I'm hoping to use the same pigments on the bikes as on my dread in the above post.


I haven't really decided on anything as far as a back story goes, but it's on the docket after I hit 5000 points. I'm just some quad mortars, another medusa and a spartan away (with the spartan in the mail for the second time).


If you'd like to know more about my paint specifics feel free to pm me. My scheme isn't too fancy, but I think it gets the job done and keeps the time per model respectable.

Oh I'm sure it would and I've thought about how silly it is. Haha However, I just couldn't bring myself to model a death guard praetor without a scythe. Plus, the scythes aren't half bad on bikes considering their base size (sadly it'll probably always be run as a paragon blade).

Thanks Chaeron!


The contemptor is based with cork and the painted in rhinox hide. Then I dry brush steel legion drab followed by another dry brush of orangish brown. Anything really to bring it up to a lighter color. Then I break open my pigments and dusting brush. I use secret weapon minis pigments (violet earth, dark earth, and terra cotta earth). I use a mid grade brush with the top trimmed off. I apply the pigments dark for the ground and shadows,and lighter towards the edges and higher up on the legs (the darker pigments being freshly unearthed dirt/dust/shadows with the lighter pigments being more dried lose dust). I hope it helps!


Thanks for looking everyone!

So, I got this in the mail, in the place of a Spartan kit...



For anyone unfamiliar with the Spartan this definitely not what the contents should look like. This contained the resin pieces for 4 MKiib landraiders and 6 pieces for the spartan. They let me keep the pieces and $30 bucks and a craigslist add later this happened...




So, now these are my next two major projects..




I've gotten my first model done on my new basing scheme and I'm rather happy with it. I just need to order some more, convert the 25mm to 32mm, and rebase my army. What do you guys think?



@Depthcharge I've really been wanting a Leviathan, but its sadly further down on my list of things to get than some more artillery pieces and quad mortars.


Thanks for the compliments!

I got some painting done over the holidays. I was finally able get some oil washes done tonight. Here are my BaC terminators.They still need dusting on their bases and a little wear on the metal. My Grave Wardens will be following shortly.



Yes, yes, and yes. Those Terminators look great (both varieties)! The oil wash turned out very nice indeed. Very precise.


Here's a question: where should their squad designation go for the regular Cataphractii? The Grave Wardens have knee pads which is where I would normally place the colour combination but the other Terminators do not. Maybe the colours could go above the shin ornamentation where the knees are. What say you?

I completely overlooked the coloration on the regular Cataphractii! Great catch Meh! I think I might go in and add the green where you suggested. It does make a lot of sense. Catches like that are the perfect example of why I wanted to post my progress on here.

I finished a heavy support squad and a rhino. This rhino is for one of my tactical squads, but does look nice posed next to the heavy squad. Again, this guys need bases, but are mostly done. What do you guys think?







Those Autocannon... wow. They look fantastic! How hard was it to get the belt feed bent into shape? Also, ten of them blink.png? I'd hate to be the guy in the gun sights!

The Rhino looks lovely, as well. Whenever I get my hands on one I'm putting a Heavy Flamer right up top because I can.

By the way, the green helmet stripe on the Sergeant looks classy as hell!

I'm trying to keep all my heavy squads at 10. I'm a stickler for fluff and nearly only run my heavy guys at 7. I also feel like 7 is a good balance with 10 being too costly and 5 being to few.


The assembly was a pain in the rear end. It took a few hours with my Kuerig (running water through it brings it to the perfect temp to bend smaller pieces of resin), patience and frustration. In the end I think it was worth it. Autocannons feel really Death Guardy to me (next to heavy Flamers of course).


I'm glad someone else likes the head stripe too. All of my sargents have it. I figured I'd save the fancy heraldry for my command unit.


If only I hadn't built and primed my rhinos before forgeworlds pintle set was released... Le sigh.


Tomorrow there will be quite a few pictures including a group shot.

So, I finished another heavy squad and their rhino tonight.




I Also happen to have taken several group shot of my army. Here are a couple of all the painted mini and then one of everything together. I still need to rebase and dust.




The raptor still needs quite a bit of work as well as a canopy. Mine got lost somewhere. Sad times.


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