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Welp, this arrived today, so I guess it's time I got round to making this thread:


You're mad, IHF doesn't do models - what have you done with them?

I'll concede the first point, this is dumb even for me.

Since B@C's release I'd planned on getting in on the plastic heresy action, and with rumours of vanishing stock, I finally got the push I needed to actually go and buy it.

I'm not going to pretend that this is the start of a crazy-fast painting spree that will end in a full army after a couple of months - I'm bad at finishing projects, painting fast or painting large numbers of models at once - plus I love obsessively converting every model & painting totally unnecessary freehand details, none of which is conducive to successfully collecting an army.

Instead: baby steps - stupidly ambitious plans, but sub-divided in to teeny, tiny baby steps.

What's a 'Brannsar'?

Clan Brannsar is my homebrew Clan for the Iron Hands Legion (very WIP Liber Astartes thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/316214-clan-brannsar-of-the-xth-legion/ ) - Brannsar is Norwegian for 'burn' because I am absolutely awful at coming up with names for stuff.

There's a dark corner of my brain which whispers about plans to expand this into Shattered Legions Sallies, Raven Guard & Imperial Fists, plus Solar Auxilia, Mechanicum, Imperialis Militia, Titan Legio & Knights but that's crazy talk.

Show me an army list, I have to see an army list

The way I'll be constructing this army is slightly unusual - for me, fluff is everything so how I'll proceed is to plan multiple 'detachments' (each based around a small formation within the Clan) which can be combined to form a functional (albeit likely noncompetitive) army list representing a portion of the Clan's 4th Order. If that's a little tricky, here's an example of a 'detachment':

  • Zone mortalis / siege assault infantry Phalanx: here a Phalanx constitutes a third of a full company, so it might contain:

1x 10 Cataphractii Termies, 2x 10 Breachers, 3x Graviton Rapiers, 1x Contemptor (possibly in addition to enough Anvilus / Kharybdis Assault Claws to carry them all)

The first detachment I'll be working on is the titular Seeker-Killer Cohort Ultor - a mechanized anti-infantry division mainly equipped with MkIV plate due to its mobility & enhanced sensor suite, for which B@C will form the core.

The end goal for Ultor's organisation is as follows:


Praevian Consul Centurion + 3 Vorax Battle Automata





10 Tacticals with Rhino

10 Tacticals with Rhino

10 Support marines with Rhino (these will probably double for a heavy support squad too)


Fast Attack:

10 Seekers with Rhino


Heavy Support:

3 Predator Executioners

Land Raider Phobos (MkIIb)


Victory is Vengeance

Anyhow, back to the baby steps - I'm gonna start off Ultor by first making a ViV Extermination warband based off the formation's constituents, so the first models to be attempted will be:

* Praevian Consul

* Techmarine

* 5 Tacticals

* 5 Seekers

* 2 Vorax

This might change a bit, but expect it to remain within the framework of Ultor's larger organisation as set out above.

...This is an opening post without any actual pictures of models, isn't it?

Guilty :happy.:

I've got loads of stuff to set up before I really crack on with this, so I wouldn't hold your breath for any actual painting within the next month (apart from painting all the bare heads in B@C because I want to experiment with skin-tones / circuitry tattoos), but I'll probably be doing a load of converting, so expect plenty of grey.

Anyhow, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy this new project of mine :biggrin.:

Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic
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You're mad, IHF doesn't do models - what have you done with him?


I'm not going to pretend that this is the start of a crazy-fast painting spree that will end in a full army after a couple of months - I'm bad at finishing projects.



Join the cluberino captain. :biggrin.:

Looking forward to this project moving forward.

Oh why do you do this to me? I have been resisting building an Iron Hands force for a while (my Immortals still hate me for abandoning them) then Book 6 comes along with all the awesome Autek Mor fluff and now you IHF?? 


Can't wait to see this though :D 

Thanks everyone, it's great to have so much support in what is inevitably going to be an achingly slow, entirely sporadic enterprise - I think some of you are more enthusiastic about this project than I am, which is great / worrying :laugh.:

Is there absolutely any possibility that you might still be painting when ETL number five drops on us all? Every paintbrush counts, brother. :smile.:

Sorry Olis, there's no way I can commit to anything really when it comes to this little project - I'm too inconsistent & time is too much of a concern :happy.:

What. The. Hell.

Seriously??? You're actually doing a WIP? Wowsers. I can barely believe it. Wow.

Yeah, I'm kinda at a loss right now. Can't wait to see this ViV warband! :thumbsup:

IHF doing actual models?!?..... Aaannnndddd followed......

Oh why do you do this to me? I have been resisting building an Iron Hands force for a while (my Immortals still hate me for abandoning them) then Book 6 comes along with all the awesome Autek Mor fluff and now you IHF??

Can't wait to see this though :biggrin.:

IHF? Doing 3D work? By what divine power is this happening?

I still can't really believe it myself, but I snuck out some photographic evidence to show you all quite how little I've done :P

As I'm getting used to the fine work again (these are the first miniatures I've touched in something like 6 years), I've made a start on 'Iron-Handsifying' the Cataphractii by 'crenelating' some of the trim to emulate the classic cog-toothed pattern:




I need to do a little file-work to clean up the edges, but I think it's looking okay so far - I've also been experimenting with scoring the pteruges to suggest scale / chain - mail


I'll probably also be looking to recreate the suggestion of bionics under the TDA in a similar style to this by carving out some of the bare sections of armour & sticking in sections of guitar wire in the recesses

Thanks for looking

Thanks guys, good to hear I'm on the right track

I know updates like this are super mediocre, but hot damn I'd forgotten how cool even this amount of progress feels:

Here's the first seeker, with cog-toothed pauldrons - I'm using the shoulder-pads to help delineate the squads, so the seekers get these ones, & the support squad gets the MkII pads:





What I really need to do next is get my hands on some greenstuff, so I can add some crenelated trims to a couple of the MkIV Legionaries, and also so I can modify the torsos somewhat - I'm also planning on giving all the seekers chain-mail loincloths somehow, so I need to figure that out too

There is a fairly decent guide for what I feel is alright looking chainmail here if that is what you are looking for. Just make sure to leave a flat green stuff tab on the top to attach between the torso and legs before pinning and gluing the model together to make things a hell of a lot easier

Edited by Cthonia

There is a fairly decent guide for what I feel is alright looking chainmail here if that is what you are looking for. Just make sure to leave a flat green stuff tab on the top to attach between the torso and legs before pinning and gluing the model together to make things a hell of a lot easier


Thanks Cthonia, that looks super useful

I've finally put some paint to plastic - all that I'm really doing at the moment is experimenting with the bare heads, primarily because they're the one thing I don't have to be consistent with - I can improvise with each rather than sticking to a strict scheme

The main aim for this aspect of the force is to display as diverse a range of ethnicity as possible, to represent the fact that the Xth Legion took a tithe of recruits from most conquered planets to counteract Medusa's inability to support a large population - whilst native Medusans are generally represented as being pale-skinned, these recruits will be drawn from a huge range of different climates and environments, so I'll be representing every race within the army, as well as some skin-tones we aren't familiar with, to show adaptation to entirely alien environments

Just gonna apologise in advance for the quality of the images, I really need to sort out a decent photo setup for the future

So this is the seeker above in the initial stages of painting:


Now that was before I started applying the now canonised circuitry tattoos - they're not quite as precise as I'd like, but I need to invest in some finer brushes, and I think I might lightly score on the lines for future attempts to help guide straight lines over the contours of the face:


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