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IA - The Nightguard


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I'd be against that as the Nightguard still need to be recognizably space marines and giving them starcraft style helmets would detract from it and make thzm look a bit ridiculous in my opinion. Lenses of that possibly but not an entire visor.


And as regards to not having more pyskers, the Nightguard favours recruiting from pariah heavy legions so they have a disproportionate number of pariahs

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Theres nothing a Quick Search of Sci-Fi Helmet can't do to help kickstart that imagination:








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I was leaning towards a kinda knightly look, but a little different to GK. For a couple of officers, at least, I'm thinking a sci-fi-ized version of these. Could be a slight divide between the main Nightguard and the Rangers, if the two don't merge entirely.



This is what I imagne Nux wearing. With our Khârn, I was thinking a DA helmet with the wings, just as a reference to the old bunny ears.





Grand Master, anyone?

Edited by bluntblade
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How about the Mass Effect helmets?

There are some knight-ish variants as well.



Got no time to post a link, just search for Mass Effect Helmets.

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The thing is, if we go too far towards the knightly aspects, they'll end up looking like "Grey Knights, except they're Pariahs". We really want them to be as distinct as possible, surely ?


While I agree that the bubble helmet is probably a bit ridiculous if you imagine a plain old Starcraft or Astronaut helmet, some variation mixing both aesthetics should be workable I think. So, if you imagine those Armets (I believe ?), but with a uni-visor instead of ceramite with small lenses, you could achieve something that stands out.


I'm having trouble finding pictures that get my meaning across, but here's a separate attempt (from Gundam 00)



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Still. We can't mess too much with the established image of SM.


IDEA: How about, imstead of being replaced by a plain pane of translucent material, the Nightguard replace their faceplates with a mask forged to resemble the Emperor's features and then gilded, one bright point amidst the black of their armour?

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Wouldn't thzt be to reminescent of the sanguinary guard?


I like the eyeless skull helmet..can't we think of sometimg unique? Otherwhise I favor hoods and capes with a fur neck ^^



Damn...Slips you ninja!!!


By the way: the wardens of light use masks. That would be very.reminescent.of them^^



Speaking of hoods and masks...what about that?



Make the mask a very light silvet against all that black and the furpelt white and you have great contrast and a very unique look


Or forget the gooded.look and go for that style here ( only change the.color)740f52d014f4e8260b8ed269ef22a202.jpg

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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I'm not sure such a thing would be needed, I mean, normal marines in canon don't start painting octed stars on their armour after one encounter with daemons, they just go through the usual purification rituals and psy-screening by Librarians.


Would madness-filtering glass be useful enough to warrant a new helmet design with what would probably be a glaring weak spot perfect for bolt shells? Would the glass even need a full-face window like that or could it just fit in normal eyeholes?


On a separate note, as both a nod to his canon Legion and the Bloodborne theming of his BotL Legion I'd like to suggest Khârn's helmet resemble this Knight from Dark Souls 2:



EDIT: Regarding the Death Mask idea, I like it as an interesting alternative to the Knightly helms for the elite Nightguard, their helms depicting humanity in it's idealised form, noble & fair-faced. I admit the first image that came to mind was the Looking Glass Knight from Dark Souls 2:


Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Mikhael, you just gave me the perfect look for my druid Crimson Lion.


For once mine and blunt's visions regarding the Nightguard are in the same vein :)

And didn't take a whole two days to realise our ideas could coexist...

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How about the following? (Currently at work. Therefore I can only post links.)


SpecOps: http://fantasysquare.com/tsw/images/fullhelmet.jpg - resembling MK IV


Sergeant: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f2/a3/ff/f2a3ff64c7ff5f1eeda638e0b2dbabd1.jpg - resembling MK II


Trooper: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/N9df47iOUwg/maxresdefault.jpg (mostly that of Cyrax in front / the yellow one :wink:)

 resembling MK II or III

Terminator: http://orig14.deviantart.net/23ab/f/2012/093/c/c/cerberus___centurion_by_machine56-d4uyas6.jpg

Edited by Kelborn
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Kelborn, that is a bit too high sci fi for my tastes. The dark Gothic Taste is off.


So what about combining the masks resembling humanity (pariahs could implement the wardens of light masks, so, that they are focussed and can work with their psykers toegheter. we would have the only army consisting of psykers AND pariahs, which is undoubtly coooooool^^.


Oh...I lost my point....ah yes, combining the masks with hoods and the furpelts i showed above would give them a special distinct look. higher ups could use those grid masks i posted earlier.


I have some masks with hoods from my fallen army so you can think on the look. I will built today some test nightguard to show you. and for the terminator the same things work, when we use the grey knights as base, just give them masks, hoods and fur^^.















More pics in the here:


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Only because of the greestuff color and the silver mask^^


I try one today, maybe it will come of better, maybe not.^^


Edit: Hah! 3rd one has doom on his shin.

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Oh, I found this one and I love it! :biggrin.:



The faceless defenders of man. The fearless warriors. The Anathema of demons. The Emperors hidden hand. The ghosts in the fog.




The Nightguard.



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Well, some pretty cool ideas coming up here :smile.: Even if my idea hasn't seduced you, it seems at least to have generated some thought, and I guess that's already a pretty good goal X)


Could we lean into the samurai stuff? I wouldn't mind limiting the knightly look to those characters who already leant that way.


I'd be inclined to shy away from too much samurai stuff, as the Lightning Bearers/Harbingers are already like that, and putting more samurai here would end up just looking like a copy of the Ist Legion...


[@Doctor Doom and the Death Masks]

They might well look a bit too reminiscent of Doctor Doom as-is, but with a bit more work that would look really cool. However, I don't think that's really how the majority of the Nightguard should look for some reason. But I would be inclined to use it in some fashion. Perhaps for the Pariahs or the Librarians ? As in, the Pariahs could have completely black masks and Librarians completely white ? (Side note: what about the other "consul" posts in this Order ?)


I really like the aspect of the Helm with the mask as a visor that Slipstreams posted up :smile.:

(side note 2: Wouldn't Doctor Doom and the Death Masks be a killer heavy metal band name ?)



I don't know if the furred cape would be good for the whole NightGuard (it looks a bit barbaric/Night's Watch to my taste), but we could use them for one of the Keeps ? - As an extension, each keep might have a distinctive look provided by some kind of wargear, so that could meant the one of the others could very well have the Death Masks



If vast canopies of this glass are used in Starship design, it can't be that fragile surely ? I had at first thought that it could be a problem, but considering the huge stresses involved in a starship hull design, and considering these are meant to withstand shipboard combat... I don't know, it was just an idea.

Also, Marines aren't usually involved in fighting Daemons on a daily basis (except for Grey Knights that is, but they're the ultimate Mary Sues :tongue.: they're still badass though X) ) but the NightGuard pretty much will.

I had been thinking that the glass would need to be created in larger panes than just the eye-lenses, but that was more in order to fit the aesthetic in my mind. Of course, we're writing all this, so we can adapt the ideas we want to keep.


I also second the use of a T-slit helmet for Khârn :smile.: And I also like the idea of the crest wings to hearken back to his original helm design...



If adapted, both the Special Ops and the Mandalorian Deathwatch helmets could be made to work. The others look a bit too alien for the Imperial Aesthetic. The third picture look like Necron Pariahs, and the 4th looks like a Gue'vesa helmet...



I think the grid-mask looks cool, but not really for higher officers. Some kind of use could be found though, like sorts of Deathwatch blackshields ?

Masks and fur will look very weird imo, I'd keep them for separate people.

Also, I don't think it's the greenstuff colour that made me think of Doc Doom. I think that replacing the silver with black and white enamel (or other colours)  would work much better. Just not Silver or Gold.




In all seriousness, that doesn't scream Space Marine to me, I think it looks a bit too slim and doesn't have enough techy stuff. With techy stuff around it, maaayyybe... ?



I understand Slipstream's and Mikhal's confusion. That isn't a Death Mask...

X) Me and my big mouth...

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