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Thanks for the kind words and the finecast advice Dr. Ruminahui!


My hobbying on "Operation Blood Moon Phase 2" is proceeding apace. Hopefully soon my 30ish Bezerkers/Legionaries will be fully upgraded with Space Wolf and World Eaters bitz.


Here are some photos...



Various Blood Wolves being upgraded




And an opponent had to cancel a game on Saturday. So I took some army photos before going home from the game store.


Blood Wolves at 2000 points







Basecoated Memory of Fenris



And Memory of Fenris with some oil washes





And I added and (mostly) painted up a Blood Wolves Havoc with lascannon, Freya




I still need to paint Freya's lenses, add patina to her gold parts, add weathering powder to her base, and add Dirty Down Rust effects to her metal parts.




And a lounging Finn supervises me while I paint





Enjoy the pics!


Blood Wolves, "Khorne All Father is our salvation!"

Thank you Volgon!


I have 6 armies and a very small force of Chaos daemons.



Here is a list of my armies


Tallarn Commander's Tally of Painted 40K Miniatures

1.)  Total number of Doomfevers Deathguard/ Nurgle Chaos Marines models: 51ish

2.)   Total Number of Night Lords Chaos Marines Models: 133ish

3.)  Total Number of Nostroman 9th Renegades & Heretics Chaos Militia Models (aka Traitor Guard): 173ish

4.)  Total Number of Blood Wolves World Eaters/ Khornate Chaos Marines Models: 71
5.)  Total number of Warpborn Chaos Marines models: 23

6.) Total Number of Helltide Chaos Daemons Models: 34
7.) Total Number of Tallarn 23rd Imperial Guard Models: 365ish
8.) Plus 1 random Tau Devilfish
Total number of models=847



I finished upgrading the bases of my first batch of Nostroman 9th Traitor Guard troopers. So now I have 23 down and 125ish to go. This project involves repainting everyone's base from red to desert tan, adding a rusted metal bit to each base, touching up paint nicks on each model, adding random rust spots to each model's metal gear, and adding matte varnish to each model so they are better protected during games.



5 Nostroman 9th troopers with new bases




Rebased Corporal Zeva




Rebased Red Talon




Enforcer Annika with new Rusted Bit on Base




Rebased Renegade Commander Vicious Pete




Rebased and Upgraded Madame Voodoo


Madame Voodoo used to be a Chieftain in a Marauder Squad. But since the 9th Edition Chaos Renegades and Heretics Militia list is no longer valid she will now be a sergeant in a Traitor Guard Squad. So she lost her plasma pistol and gained a corrupted pistol.



Freya and Simon





And I finished painting Freya, the first member of The Alliance, a Squad of 5 Blood Wolves Havocs

    Freya was once Freya the Grey, chief huntress of the Ice Ravens clan on Fenris. Then one day she fell, mortally wounded in combat with a Tundra Mammoth. She briefly entered Valhalla and was gloriously chosen to ride the skies as a Valkyrie. But then suddenly she was ripped from Asgard and returned to the mortal realms. A Chooser of the Slain had revived her so that she could join the ranks of the Space Wolves.
     She served dutifully as a Space Wolf for centuries. First as a Blood Claw, then as a Grey Hunter, and finally as a member of a Wolf Lord Retinue serving Svane Vulfbad But she still harbored hostility. She was supposed to be a Valkyrie. Soaring high above the Heavens on her own wings. Not here among mere mortals.
     Then one day Svane Vulfbad approached her with an offer. If she would aid him in his revolt and if she would lend her marksmanship skills to the warband for 888 days, then he would give her wings and allow her to form her own band of Raptors, called the Valkyries. For Freya this was the next best thing to rejoining the halls of Valhalla. She agreed to Svane's offer. She aided the revolt and is now counting the hours until she, once more, flies the skies as a Raptor.


I really like the sculpt of the new plastic Chaos Havocs. Way better than the old metal 2002 Havoc sculpt.



Enjoy the photos!



Blood Wolves, "The Chooser of the Slain Chose Us But We Chose Khorne!"



Edited by Tallarn Commander

What a collection! Totally agree regarding the Havocs. I think they are my favorite style of Space Marine armor. I used 4 out of 5 of their sculpts for my kill team and still use a lot of individual parts for other things. Lots of Havoc shoulder pads and shin armor in my army.

Thanks Volgon!


I finally managed to finish "Operation Blood Moon," my big project to add Space Wolves and Bezerker bitz to 33ish Bezerkers/Legionaries. I had thought this project would take 20 days. It took 60 days. Oh well, it was very fun to upgrade all these models.



Here are some photos



The old Squad Bloodfrenzy which was called Squad Bloodbliss when I finished it back in 2018.



The new, upgraded Squad Bloodfrenzy







The old Squad Bloodtongue back in 2018




The upgraded Squad Bloodtongue




And here are some individual troopers from Squad Bloodfrenzy




Gudmund, formerly named Red Skull

It is said that Khorne One-Eye himself protects Gudmund.


The Old Gudmund



The new Gudmund





Someone commented about this model that he embodies the old Dawn of War videogame Cultist who says,"I feel the warp overtaking me."


The old Zor




The new Zor







As a feral on Fenris, Dreagher hunted best at night. He still does.


The old Dreagher




The upgraded Dreagher


Out of all my 70-ish Blood Wolves models, Dreagher for some reason is my favorite.



And Simon and Finn like Dreagher too!






During battle, Maim enters a trance and utters, "Maim! Maim! Maim! Maim!"


The old Maim




The new Maim






Kilwrath is not a fallen Space Wolf like the others. He was once a Night Lord Chaos Marine. He was content as the Squad Champion of a warband's 4th Claw. But Khorne delivered visions unto Kilwrath. His actions in melee became particularly bloody and, instead of flaying those he killed, he collected their skulls. Since the Night Lords refuse to worship the Chaos Gods, Kilwrath was cast out of the warband. He wandered the 'verse as a lone mercenary until Svane found him and took him in.


The old Kilwrath




The new Kilwrath





Cull Human

When the warband attacks Imperial settlements, Cull Human knows no restraint.


The old Cull Human




The new Cull Human





The squad's lascannon trooper, Njal

Njal is the essence of "The Teeth of Khorne," a martial tradition of ranged firepower within Khornate cults




And I finished up a new model for this squad since I lost the old model.


The old Bezerker, MIA due to cat: Memory of Bodt




The new model, Memory of Fenris

Memory of Fenris is terrified he will forget the old ways. So he remembers.








Enjoy the photos! More to follow....


Blood Wolves, "Martial Prowess is the third pillar of Khorne's teachings."



Edited by Tallarn Commander

Continued from above....


Here are some more photos of my completed Blood Wolves project, Operation Blood Moon Phase 2.




The Old Squad Bloodtongue




The New Bloodtongue




Some members of Squad Bloodtongue



Aspiring Champion Gormenghast is a philosopher warrior, a rarity among Khorne worshippers. As a Space Wolf he read widely, devouring the works of Aquinas, Logar, and Aristotle, among others.
     But one fateful day on an Imperial ecclesiarchy world he stumbled across one of the Eight Books of Khorne. Not knowing the tome was a Chaos artifact he took it. Back on the Strike Cruiser he began reading the book. Its contents revealed a great deal to the loyalist marine. He learned the elements of the perfect murder, he learned the inner peace brought about by intense anger, and he learned the eight pillars of the Khorne faith. Gormenghast remained loyal to the All Father but the seeds of doubt were sown.
     When Svane Vulfbad began speaking of the Emperor's hypocrisy, Gormenghast understood what he meant more than most Blood Wolves. Gormenghast eagerly advocated for rebelling and, as a result, after the revolt, Svane promoted the philosopher warrior to Squad Champion in charge of Squad Bloodtongue. 


The old Ghormenghast



The new Gormenghast




Blood Rose

His mother was a beastman who forced herself upon his father during a raid. The mutant strain is latent, but on nights of the full moon Blood Rose howls and kills with wild abandon.


The old Blood Rose



The new Blood Rose




Sadly, I cannot find old photos of some members of Squad Bloodtongue


The new Boooger

No one knows why Booger has acquired his unfortunate nickname. He kills anyone who mocks his name. [He was named by my cousin who was 5 or 6 at the time]




The Mighty

He can best any man or woman in the Blood Wolves in feats of strength.


A photo of the old Mighty, bottom left



The New Mighty






He is the guardian of the Warband's sacred tree, Ygdrassil, nourished with the blood of the foe.


The old Heimdall, formerly known as Skull Crusher, seen as foremost squad member in this photo




The New Heimdall, formerly known as Skull Crusher





World Devourer

Now I am become Death. The destroyer of worlds.


The new World Devourer




Arngrim, formerly known as Blood Drinker

Arngrim has formed a subcult within the Blood Wolves that elevates blood above skulls. Khorne has gifted Arngrim with visions. And thus has Arngrim taught the other members of the entire warband the 888 secret uses of the blood of one's foes.



The old Arngrim, formerly Blood Drinker, second from left



The old Blood Drinker, seen here in melee with a Carnifex




The new Arngrim, formerly known as Blood Drinker





  Aspiring Champion Maggot was once a Nurgle Plague Marine. Then one day Vomit, a Khornate Nurgling came into his life. Maggot converted to Khorne and never looked back.


The old Maggot, seen in the middle of this melee



The new Maggot








The old Squad Bloodflowers




The new squad Bloodflowers





Some Members of Squad Bloodflowers



Blood Price

Blood Price is the warband's tallyman and quartermaster. He keeps track of all the Blood Wolves bullets, replacement chainaxe blades, geneseed, and innumberable other items. It is said that he knows the blood price of each item under his watch.


The old Blood Price




The new Blood Price








It is said that if Bearclaw grapples you it is as if a bear itself held you in its crushing grasp.



The old Bearclaw




The new Bearclaw




Red Messiah

Aspiring Champion Red Messiah is a particularly zealous and articulate Bezerker. As a youth and as a Space Wolf he loved to spread the faith of Odin All Father. And, as a Bezerker, he still likes nothing more than to spread the word of Khorne All Father. He hopes to one day become a Dark Apostle and trusted lieutenant to Svane. To further that end, he urges his squad, the Bloodflowers, to commit great acts of bloodshed in Khorne's name



The old Red Messiah



The new Red Messiah






Enjoy the photos!



The Blood Wolves, "Khorne All Father Has Taught Us the 888 Secret Uses of Blood"





Edited by Tallarn Commander

Continued from above....


Here are some more photos of my completed Blood Wolves project, Operation Blood Moon Phase 2.




The Old Squad Bloodtongue




The New Bloodtongue




Some members of Squad Bloodtongue



Aspiring Champion Gormenghast is a philosopher warrior, a rarity among Khorne worshippers. As a Space Wolf he read widely, devouring the works of Aquinas, Logar, and Aristotle, among others.
     But one fateful day on an Imperial ecclesiarchy world he stumbled across one of the Eight Books of Khorne. Not knowing the tome was a Chaos artifact he took it. Back on the Strike Cruiser he began reading the book. Its contents revealed a great deal to the loyalist marine. He learned the elements of the perfect murder, he learned the inner peace brought about by intense anger, and he learned the eight pillars of the Khorne faith. Gormenghast remained loyal to the All Father but the seeds of doubt were sown.
     When Svane Vulfbad began speaking of the Emperor's hypocrisy, Gormenghast understood what he meant more than most Blood Wolves. Gormenghast eagerly advocated for rebelling and, as a result, after the revolt, Svane promoted the philosopher warrior to Squad Champion in charge of Squad Bloodtongue. 


The old Ghormenghast




The new Gormenghast




Blood Rose

His mother was a beastman who forced herself upon his father during a raid. The mutant strain is latent, but on nights of the full moon Blood Rose howls and kills with wild abandon.


The old Blood Rose



The new Blood Rose





Sadly, I cannot find old photos of some members of Squad Bloodtongue


The new Boooger

No one knows why Booger has acquired his unfortunate nickname. He kills anyone who mocks his name. [He was named by my cousin who was 5 or 6 at the time]




The Mighty

He can best any man or woman in the Blood Wolves in feats of strength.


A photo of the old Mighty, bottom left



The New Mighty






He is the guardian of the Warband's sacred tree, Ygdrassil, nourished with the blood of the foe.


The old Heimdall, formerly known as Skull Crusher, seen as foremost squad member in this photo




The New Heimdall, formerly known as Skull Crusher





World Devourer

Now I am become Death. The destroyer of worlds.


The new World Devourer




Arngrim, formerly known as Blood Drinker

Arngrim has formed a subcult within the Blood Wolves that elevates blood above skulls. Khorne has gifted Arngrim with visions. And thus has Arngrim taught the other members of the entire warband the 888 secret uses of the blood of one's foes.



The old Arngrim, formerly Blood Drinker, second from left



The old Blood Drinker, seen here in melee with a Carnifex




The new Arngrim, formerly known as Blood Drinker






  Aspiring Champion Maggot was once a Nurgle Plague Marine. Then one day Vomit, a Khornate Nurgling came into his life. Maggot converted to Khorne and never looked back.


The old Maggot, seen in the middle of this melee



The new Maggot








The old Squad Bloodflowers




The new squad Bloodflowers





Some Members of Squad Bloodflowers



Blood Price

Blood Price is the warband's tallyman and quartermaster. He keeps track of all the Blood Wolves bullets, replacement chainaxe blades, geneseed, and innumberable other items. It is said that he knows the blood price of each item under his watch.


The old Blood Price




The new Blood Price








It is said that if Bearclaw grapples you it is as if a bear itself held you in its crushing grasp.



The old Bearclaw




The new Bearclaw




Red Messiah

Aspiring Champion Red Messiah is a particularly zealous and articulate Bezerker. As a youth and as a Space Wolf he loved to spread the faith of Odin All Father. And, as a Bezerker, he still likes nothing more than to spread the word of Khorne All Father. He hopes to one day become a Dark Apostle and trusted lieutenant to Svane. To further that end, he urges his squad, the Bloodflowers, to commit great acts of bloodshed in Khorne's name



The old Red Messiah



The new Red Messiah






Enjoy the photos!



The Blood Wolves, "Khorne All Father Has Taught Us the 888 Secret Uses of Blood"

Hello everyone,


Here are a few of the remaining Blood Wolf Bezerker/Legionaries upgrade shots...



Soti, Bloodflowers' lascannon gunner

Soti means soot-colored horse in the old tongue. And Soti is as strong as a horse, able to carry and accurately fire a Hellbore Mk III class lascannon with ease.


I really enjoyed adding the chainsword attachment. A Khornate Marine certainly would add such an embellishment.



Krueger is a bastard among bastards.





In battle he he rages and foams at the mouth like a beast incarnate.





He watched the clouds above Fenris for signs. Even though he now wanders the verse, he still watches.





He believes Orks to be the finest foe, a true challenge. He adopts their weaponry at times. The Blood Wolves' Warpsmiths have noticed Bloodbeast can often improve upon their creations. For example, he simply believes giving a Maulerfiend a second head will work and so it does.





And I also finished a small project involving three of my House Nightfall Night Lords.



Bloodied Wanderer got a new right arm


Photo of the old arm, which broke off and skittered off somewhere during a tournament awhile back



The new arm, now with bloodied tattered skin!





And Chaos Renewal fell and his banner became detached last month. I promptly forgot where I put the banner. Doh!


Old banner



New banner



Frankly, I like the old Meatloaf-inspired banner better. But I was experimenting with stars/nebula effects and decals here. I might try to recreate the old banner at some point.



And I noticed that lately I always give my Chaos Terminator Lord Saris, formerly named Sarran, the same weapons loadout of chainfist and combi-bolter. So there's no reason to magnetize him. I removed the magnets and gave him permanent weapons. I might regret this in a future edition. But for now he's happy with his new permanent gear.



The old Saris




The new Saris, now with desert base!








And here are some photos of upcoming projects...


The Alliance, a squad of Blood Wolves Havocs


I've found Havocs fit well with the Creations of Bile detachment in case you roll the +1 BS ability



Two dozen Traitor Guard to kitbash


I'll paint up some as an "88th Blood Pact" Kill Team during the Kill Team event next month. The others I'll paint up as Nostroman 9th Renegade Guard troopers in the summer/fall.




These three blokes will be a Blood Pact plasma gunner, grenadier, and comms trooper





Wulfrik the Wanderer, will be a Counts-as-Bile Blood Wolves kitbash using Biles' backpack and hands


I'll use the remaining bitz as a 2nd counts-as-Bile kitbash later this year or next year. That model will probably be a Warpborn "biologist." Or possibly a Night Lords "Flayer of the Living Biologist".



Not Chaos, but I'll also start reviving my old Dogs of War/Empire army now that the Old World has brought Warhammer Fantasy back.




Two new Rogue Psykers will join the Nostroman 9th. You can see my 2 completed Rogue Psykers, Horned One and Warprend, here.




Some random other troopers who will become Nostroman 9th Traitor Guard



The last two are gorgeous Victoria Miniature sculpts. She sure does good work!



And now that I have chosen a black and yellow color scheme for the Warpborn, my homebrew CSM warband, I need to re-paint my 13 old black and green Warpborn in the new colors. I'll also have to give him the, now traditional, back banner.


I'll start with Vhol Atresh, whose base size will have to go up from 40mm to 32mm (he's a Possessed)





And, finally, I'll change these 5 Nostromans' bases from red to desert.



And I'll add new Victoria Miniatures shoulder pads where appropriate.





On some of these models I used decals for the first time in over a decade. I really enjoyed the process. It was made much easier by three hobby tools: Micros Set, Micro Sol, and a set of tweezers where the default setting is to apply pressure and you have to apply pressure to release the clamps. This meant no decals went floating away in the water tin. Huzzah! I will definitely be using more decals in the future. Especially on my IG, Nostroman, and Blood Wolf vehicles.


I'm also really enjoying using Dirty Down for rust effects. I recommend ya'all give it a whirl. I've found it works best as complementary rust effects alongside acrylic and oil rust-colored washes (with a bit of Ryza Russ tossed in for good effect).



I hope you enjoyed the photos!



Blood Wolves, "Logan Grimnar lies."


Edited by Tallarn Commander

Great to see all your wonderful work.  I definitely think you should try to keep your bats out of hell banner, in some form.


Particularly looking forward to seeing your traitor/cadian kit  bashes - I'm really eager to see how they look compaired to my own traitor/krieg kitbashes and my loyalist (old)cadian/catachan ones.  One great thing about the traitor guard kit is it comes with more than 20 heads - for my own kitbashes, I did all 20 guys with traitor guard heads and still have some left over.  That means you can, if you want, replace every single cadian head and thereby remove what is probably the most distinctively identifiable (and imperial) elements of the models.

Thank you Dr. Ruminahui.


Yes, I would like to avoid the Cadianesque heads and stick to Traitor Guardish heads. The Cadian Upgrade sprue has some female heads that look Chaosy. And I have some Escher, Catachan, and other heads as well.

I finished the first of 33 Traitor Guard I'll be working on bit by bit over the next six or so months.



Goragon, Nostroman 9th Traitor Guard Trooper




Learn More about Goragon


Goragon and her sister Moragon were sired on a planet held by House Nightfall, Nachfel. As such she has only known life under House Nightfall's ruling Council of Thirteen. She and her sister Moragon grew up in the shadow of the Great Unknown Spire, an edifice constructed by the pro-daemon faction within the Council. Both her parents were priests of Chaos and she was expected to follow in their footsteps. But she and her sister followed a different path. They left the ever-present shadow of the Spire and joined the guard, the Traitor Guard. They started as rank-and-file Cultists serving in the Nostroman 9th Chaos Renegades and Heretics Militia. But while on campaign in the Ouros Nebula both sisters impressed Enforcer Commissar Greenklaw. He promoted them on the spot. Both became corporals in the Nostroman 9th's Traitor Guard, a far more professional armed cadre than the Cultists Mobs. To celebrate her promotion, Goragon had a hook surgically grafted to her left arm, which she had lost during the campaign.







And here are various other WiP Nostroman 9th Traitor Guard/Cultist/Chaos Militia troopers...







Carrion Picker




Nochfel and Simon




While taking photos I managed to take a photo of Simon in mid-sneeze


Bless you Simon!




And here are photos of the 88th Blood Pact, my Traitor Guard Blooded Kill Team



Bloodbitch, Chieftain with bolt pistol and power sword




Jackal, Flenser with Skinning Blades, and Simon, cat with claws




Enjoy the photos!



Nostroman 9th, "Hell's Horde!"

I agree, Jackal is great - the mix of cadian and bloodborn bits works really well, as does the serrated curved blade you gave him - where is that part from?  It really works with the "butcher" look.


Also, what's the base model for Bloodbitch?  I don't recognize it. 


Also great to get glimpses of your Greater Furred One.  How's he and your Lesser Furred One getting along?

Thank you for the kind words Dr. Ruminahui and Madlibrarian!


Jackal's curved blade is from the 5th Edition Warhammer Fantasy Zombie kit, so it was probably released in the late 1990s (?). The sculpts from that kit are mostly dated now but there are still some nice bitz and bobs like this knife and some of the heads.


The base model for Bloodbitch is a Cadian from the latest Cadian kit, the sword arm and head are from the current Cadian upgrade sprue, the banner is from the Blooded kit, but I don't know where the bolt pistol arm is from--I got it from a store's bitz box.



Yes, the greater and lesser furred ones, Simon and Finn, are best of friends now.



They nap together



They play together



They watch the snow fall together








Have a nice day!



I finished assembling my Blooded Kill Team, the "88th Blood Pact," and some more Nostroman 9th troopers. I now have 23 of 33 Traitor Guard assembled. Next month I'll enter the 88th Blood Pact into the Kill Team painting competition.



Here are some photos. I gave a lot of my Kill Team extra melee weapons and/or pistols so they can also stand in as Chaos Cultists. I still need to add greenstuff and milliput to fill gaps here and there, especially on the Dust Witch.



88th Blood Pact



Creed, Grenadier with lasgun, bomb, and grenades



Ram, Trench Sweeper with shot gun, bayonet, and riot shield



Mishka, Flenser with skinning blades




Commissar Zhukov, Enforcer with bolt pistol and powerfist




The Dust Witch, Chaos Ogryn/Renegade Ogryn Bezerker with power maul and mutant claw






Bonesaw, Medic with lasgun, bayonet, and stim needle




Dekker, Comms Trooper with lasgun and bayonet




Morr*, Gunner with bayonet and grenade launcher


* In no way named after Warhammer Fantasy Empire's God of the Dead, Death, and Dreams   :biggrin:



Zenn, Banner Bearer with lasgun and bayonet



Zenn won't be used in Kill Team games. Instead he'll replace a plasma/sniper/or grenade launcher trooper in 40K games so that the squad can be a WYSIWYG Cultist Squad.



Rusalka, Gunner with bayonet and plasma gun




Vor, Sharpshooter with bayonet and long las




Grim, Thug with heavy club






And I assembled some troopers for my Nostroman 9th Renegades & Heretics Chaos Militia.



Nostroman 9th Chaos Militia


Corporal Rutger, Cultist/Militia Trooper/Marauder



Gathalmor, Traitor Guard Trooper or Disciple




Kromghar, Mutant Rabble/Cultist/Militia/Traitor Guard Trooper







And as part of my effort to assemble and paint up 33 Traitor Guard troopers, I'm re-organizing some of my Nostroman 9th squads by moving troopers about.


Old Configuration

-100 Chaos Militia Troopers, each squad with 2 heavy weapons

-20 Chaos Mutant Rabble

-30 Chaos Marauders


New Configuration

-100 Chaos Cultists

-60 Traitor Guard

-3 heavy weapons teams



I set up all my Nostroman 9th infantry to help me with this re-organization. Here are some photos.



Nostroman 9th, "Hell's Horde!"





2nd Squad, Chaos Cultists


As you can see some of the troopers have already benefited from my base re-painting project. This project is dubbed "Operation Night Moon, Phase Zeta."


Operation Night Moon, Phase Zeta involves:

-Re-painting all the bases from Wazzdakka Red to Tallarn Sand and adding appropriate shading and highlighting

-adding weathering powder to each base

-adding a rusted bit to each base

-Re-doing each trooper's squad badge (often involving the addition of a Victoria Miniatures shoulder pad),

-Touching up paint nicks

-Either adding matte varnish to the trooper or, if the trooper is too shiny, I'll tone down the shine with Contrast Medium

-Adding Trollslayer Orange to the red lettering in the name on the trooper's base


This project should take a few years. Back in the 2010s, I did a similar treatment to my 300ish Tallarn troopers. It took forever, but the troopers looked way better as a result.



Enforcers & Ogryns




6th Squad, Traitor Guard




1st Squad, Cultists




3rd Squad, Chaos Cultists




Enjoy the photos!



88th Blood Pact, "Blooded by Gaur!"

Edited by Tallarn Commander

Hello everyone,


I finally completed assembly of 33 Traitor Guard. Here are some photos.



10th Squad, Nostroman 9th Traitor Guard


10th Squad received 8 new troopers and Trooper Creed got a new sniper rifle




Nostroman 9th Traitor Guard



Aalith the Agonizer, 10th Squad



Genocidal Tendencies, 9th Squad




Daras Carrow, 11th Squad




Sanad, 10th Squad




Hazar the Child Skinner, 6th Squad Aspiring Champion




Apathy, 10th Squad





Witchmelt's flamer was replaced with a plasma gun


Flamers have not been good since 7th edition...


Creed's flamer was replaced with a sniper rifle


Sniper rifles are sub-par but fun.


Nox's giant CSM-sized plasma gun was replaced with a human-sized grenade launcher



Rygash's flamer was replaced with a sniper rifle




Mirrorborn, Rogue Psyker





Wraithgate, Rogue Psyker




Udreth, grenade launcher trooper




Eternal Night, 10th Squad


Formerly a Mordian.



Helldiver, 10th Squad


An Elysian who defected to Chaos.



Simon and Mad Mary, 10th Squad












And I pledged 15 of my 33 Traitor Guard as part of the ongoing Kill Team painting competition, Knives In The Shadows.




I hope to finish the Kill Team by the end of this month.



Enjoy the pics!


Nostroman 9th Renegades & Heretics Chaos Militia, "Hell's Horde!"

Posted (edited)

Hello everyone, 


I signed up for a "slow grow" league at a local gaming store. The games will take place at the most excellent "Nomad Games" in Edmonds, Washington here in the U.S. Games start at 500 points and go up from there in increments. I shall be bringing the Blood Wolves since I've been working on them since last summer in preparation for this summer's 40K Tacoma Open tournament in July. My first 500 point games will take place on the 14th and 15th up against Sisters and Squats. Huzzah!



Here are my league lists. You are not locked into lists and can change things up. But I'll just lock in my lists because that's simpler for me.



The Blood Wolves, 500 to 2000 Points Nomad Games League Lists


Blood Wolves, CSM, Creations of Bile Detachment


500 Points [06MAR to 27MAR]
Svane Vulfbad, Chaos Lord, joins BloodFrenzy (90),
BloodFrenzy, 10 Legionaries (170 points)
BloodTongue, 10 Legionaries (170 points)
88th Blood Pact, 10 Cultists (50 points)

1000 Points, add... [27 MAR to 10APR]
● Mark of the Hound enhancement, given Svane Vulfbad (35 points)
Wulfrik the Wanderer counts-as Fabius Bile, joins BloodTongue (85 points)
Barnabas the Butcher, Master of Executions, joins BloodFlowers (80 points)
BloodFlowers, 10 Legionaries (170 points)
Svane's Retribution, Chaos Rhino (75 points)
Tentaculus, Chaos Rhino (75 points)

1500 points, add...[10APR to 24APR]
Stormcrows, 5 Chaos Terminators (180 points)
Blood Golem, Defiler (190 points)
Wirewolf, Maulerfiend (130 points)

2000 points, add...[24 APR to 08MAY]
The Company of Eight, 10 Chosen (250 points)
Ygdrassil, Chaos Land Raider (240)



As one person in the league stated, the list is "melee forward."  :biggrin:



And in other news, work proceeds apace on my entry for the Kill Team Painting Competition, Knives In the Shadows. Here is a photo of Simon and the 88th Blood Pact.






88th Blood Pact, "Gaur's Blooded"

Edited by Tallarn Commander
Posted (edited)

Greetings fellow Chaos-ites!


I assembled and began working on 5 more Chaos Blood Wolves models last week: 3 Chaos Havocs, Wulfrik the Wanderer (counts-as Fabius Bile), and a Surgeon Acolyte.



Here are some photos...



All 5 models. Welcome to the Blood Wolves ladies and gentlemen!






Ida, Chaos Havoc


When the current squad leaders, Freya and Moontongue, leave the Havoc squad to become Warp Talons, then Ida will become the squad champion.


Orn, Chaos Havoc





Leif, Chaos Havoc



I think I kitbashed his lascannon battery backpack from a Helbrute or Forgefiend heavy weapon?



Wulfrik the Wanderer, Counts-as-Fabius Bile



A Rune Priest and Fabius kitbash. I'll write up a full back-story when I paint him. But basically, Wulfrik was a colleague of Bile's. But they parted ways because the Wanderer wanted to integrate runecasting into his biological experiments. The Spider was skeptical of this approach.


This was my first (and hopefullly last) time working with Failcast. You were right Dr Ruminahui, it can be tricky stuff.



Genesplice, Surgeon Acolyte


As a jab at my cousin's love of Imperial Fists, the victim on the base will, of course, be an Imperial Fist Marine.




And last week I signed up for a Rogue Trader tournament on March 29th. I'll bring the Blood Wolves but I'm not exactly sure what my list will be. But I'd love to paint up these 15 models before the tournament:


My March Painting Goal: 10 Cultists, Wulfrik, and 3 Havocs


Wish me luck!



Enjoy the photos.



Blood Wolves, "Fenris lives in our hearts!"

Edited by Tallarn Commander
Posted (edited)

Hello everyone,


I hope you all are enjoying the last week of winter.


I'm making progress in my month's hobbying. My Havocs, Cultists, and counts-as Bile all have more paint on them this week.




And a local gaming store's "slow grow" league has begun. The first phase is on now and it's 500 points. This weekend I got in 2 games. Huzzah!


My Army List


The Blood Wolves at 500 points



Svane Vulfbad, Chaos Lord, daemon hammer, plasma pistol (90)=90



● Special Rule: Lord of Chaos--once per game Decimus can increase his melee AP, STR, DMG, and ATT by 1 for 1 melee phase.
● Special Rule: Chance for Glory--once per round Lord Decimus can allow his unit from to use a strat for -1 CP even if that strat has already been used.
     Svane Vulfbad was a young pup on Fenris when he was stalked one evening by a ferocious Ice Troll. He was able to use the light of Fenris' moon, Valdrmani, to escape. Since then Svane had felt a close connection to moons and to their symbolism and power.
     Svane was born into the Fire Breather tribe and named to honor the tribe's leader Sven Bloodhowl. The young Svane proved particularly adept at hunting and tracking. One night, under a crescent moon, Svane battled a giant Remhoraz on Fenris' ice fields. Both Svane and the Remhoraz fell during this duel. But the lucky Fenrisian was selected by a Chooser of the Slain. He then survived tests and ordeals too numerous to count. Eventually Svane succeeded and became a Space Wolves Neophyte serving in a Blood Claw Pack.
     Svane served honorably for many centuries in the ranks of Blood Claws, Grey Hunters, and Wolf Guard. He performed hundreds of heroic deeds and the Skalds told countless sagas about Vulfbane. He eventually became leader of the Blood Wolves Great Company.
      But one night while leading his company on campaign beneath a full moon in the Ghoul Stars, Svane Vulfbad heard the call. From its mighty Throne of Skulls Khorne sensed a kindred spirit and it reached out to Svane Vulfbad. Boundless rage filled Svane's soul. He became aware of the hypocrisy at the Empire's core. When Vulfbad awoke from his trance he uttered these words, "I murdered thousands for the Emperor and He gave me nothing except His damning silence. Now His lapdogs yap for every life I take, while the gods promise me the galaxy."
     Svane and his entire great company immediately declared themselves for Chaos and rebelled. A cadre of loyalist Space Wolves pursued them. But, after a handful of running skirmishes, Svane and his Blood Wolves escaped into the warp.


Aspiring Champion Varren the Maimer's BloodFrenzy, 10 Legionaries, 10 close combat weapons, 9 bolt pistols, plasma pistol, 8 chainswords, 2 heavy melee weapons, icon=170



Aspiring Champion Gormenghast's BloodTongue, 10 Legionaries, 10 close combat weapons, 9 bolt pistols, plasma pistol, 8 chainswords, 2 heavy melee weapons, icon=170


-Special Rule: Veterans of the Long War--Legionaries re-roll wound rolls of 1 in melee. If the enemy is on an objective, Legionaries can re-roll all wound rolls in melee.
-Icon: Unit can re-roll Dark Pact tests
The Legionaries serve the warband as rank and file troopers who excel in capturing strategic locations on the battlefield.
      Aspiring Champion Gormenghast is a philosopher warrior, a rarity among Khorne worshippers. As a Space Wolf he read widely, devouring the works of Aquinas, Logar, and Aristotle, among others.
     But one fateful day on an Imperial ecclesiarchy world he stumbled across one of the Eight Books of Khorne. Not knowing the tome was a Chaos artifact he took it. Back on the Strike Cruiser he began reading the book. Its contents revealed a great deal to the loyalist marine. He learned the elements of the perfect murder, he learned the inner peace brought about by intense anger, and he learned the eight pillars of the Khorne faith. Gormenghast remained loyal to the All Father but the seeds of doubt were sown.
     When Svane Vulfbad began speaking of the Emperor's hypocrisy, Gormenghast understood what he meant more than most Blood Wolves. Gormenghast eagerly advocated for rebelling and, as a result, after the revolt, Svane promoted the philosopher warrior to Squad Champion in charge of Squad Bloodtongue.
     Aspiring Champion Varren the Maimer  is the Blood Wolves' historian. Ironically know one can exactly remember Varten's own past. Some say he fought alongside them as a Space Wolves in the Blood Wolves Grande Company. Others say Varrenn is a World Eater who recently joined their ranks. And others insist Varren is a fallen Imperial Fist who had to undergo certain trials to prove his loyalty to the Blood Wolves.
     What is known is that Varren had collected, edited, and archived detailed oral histories of each Blood Wolf. This treasure trove of knowledge often aids Blood Wolf leaders. His service as a historian is so valuable that Svane has rewarded Varren the position of Aspiring Champion of Squad Bloodfrenzy.


88th Blood Pact, 10 Cultists, 10 Cultist Firearms, 10 Brutal Assault Weapons=50

     The 88th Blood Pact are troopers on loan to The Blood Wolves from the infamous Blood Pact Traitor Guard Regiment. Urlock Gaur leads the 88th Blood Pact and each Blood Pacter swears fealt to Gaur in an unholy bloodletting ritual. Urlock Gaur and Svane Vulfbad have exchanged small detachments. The Blood Pact gains the melee brutality of the Blood Wolves' Legionaries and Bezerkers and the Blood Wolves gain the disciplined masses and tanks of the Blood Pact. This particular squad is known for its recon capabilities. They sometimes serve as scouts for the Blood Wolves.

Total=480 points



Game 1: Blood Wolves vs. Sisters


Both my opponent's were very nice and casual players and I really enjoyed both games! My sisters opponent also is a guard player so both of us were looking forward to trying out the new IG Codex.


My opponent's army



As you can see, his list was....



-Priest of +1 to wound and other buffs



-Arco-Flagellants of awesome blending

-3 Paragon Warsuits of tankiness



Since it was only a 500 point game, one of the organizer's said keep it casual and primaries only. We were cool with that. Plus at 500 points no one is really going to have secondary monkey units in their list.


Both sides moved towards each other.


Warsuits tangle with Bloodtongue Legionaries and the 88th's Cultists




Arco-Flagellants scrum in the middle with BloodFrenzy Legionaries and Svane the Chaos Lord




In the end, his Warsuits managed a long bomb charge against Svane and took him out



It was a fun game, but the forces of Chaos managed a win. Mostly because my Cultists had stickied my objective and then ran forward to tarpit. My opponent changed up his list at the last moment. His original list would have included more battle line units. We both agreed that the initial list would have been more effective in holding objectives in such a lower points game.


As always, I really like acts of faith. My opponent said they had been debuffed but got better recently. They are very thematic for Sisters.

-Lessons Learned: remember to use your strats! I think I made myself "fleet of foot" twice and I "fought on death" once. But that's the only CP I remembered to use. D'oh!

-My MVP: 88th Blood Pact Cultists for stickying an objective




Game 2 Blood Wolves vs. Votann (Squats)


My Squats opponent was a newbie to 40K. In fact, this was his first game. After the game I wished him a long and fun time in the hobby. He said he's followed the game for years. And it showed because he was steeped in the lore and more versed in the rules than a lot of folks I've met at tournaments. He took a second to glance at each unit's rules. But in these days of each unit having so many unique rules, most of us glance at data cards often. He was also a joy to play. Very nice and laid back.



My opponent's list






-10 Hearthkyn Warriors



-3 Pioneer Bikes

-5 Beserks



This was a fun game of back and forth. It was close til mid game when my opponent finally blasted me off the board. In the end, it was a victory to the Squats!


Bloodtongue charges Pioneers





Warriors chip away with firepower



One faction brought knives, the other brought guns



Beserks eliminate Bloodtongue


I knew from experience that Beserks were choppy indeed. So I targeted them with lascannon potshots from my Legionaries as I ran up the board.


Hearty Hearthkyn humble Svane



Twas a fun game. It was also great that my opponent's first game of 40K was a win for him! I love Squats and I'm glad they are back. Their token system is a great distillation of dwarven grudges.


-Lessons Learned: I remembered to use my strats this game. But I should have used the -1 to hit strat more often. I only used it once and it really helped reduce the incoming firepower I probably could have been a bit more aggressive with my Cultists, but I was worried about the Sagitaur swooping in and stealing my back-field objective from me so I kept them back. In the end, they would have been much more useful pushing up and threatening the squad of 5 Warriors.

-My MVP: Bloodtongue for taking out the bikers and almost taking out the Beserks



Creations of Bile Detachment

This was my 2nd and 3rd game running the Creations of Bile. It's not as effective as the Renegade Raiders but it is more fun for me since I love to run melee infantry-heavy lists. The augmentations are so zany and swingy and I love 'em.


I have now gotten my 2 Phase 1 games in. I'm looking forward to Phase 2 which is 1,000 points. The phase starts March 27th. I'm not sure what to include at such a low points value. But I'm thinking of adding:

-2 Rhinos for protection and mobility for my 2 Legionaries Squads--plus Rhinos are great at secondaries

-Wulfrik (counts as Bile) for the re-roll on my armies augmentations and for his ability to buff a squad

-5 lascannon Havocs for some ranged AT firepower, that Sagitaur dominated and I didn't really have an answer for it

-5 Raptors, for some cheap secondaries and mobility

-3 Chaos Bikers, also for some cheap secondaries and mobility



Enjoy the photos!



The Blood Wolves, "Collecting Skulls since 2018."



Edited by Tallarn Commander

Greetings everyone, I hope you are enjoying the first few days of Spring!


I finished up 6 Chaos miniatures for my Blood Wolves army. Here are some photos.


Wulfrik the Wanderer (and, yes, he's named after a certain Norscan--I've been playing too much Warhammer Total War 3 lately) :biggrin:





And here's Wulfrik the Wanderer's origin story


    The Spyder asked the Wanderer why he cast the runes. The Wanderer responded, "Why do I cast the runes? You might as well ask why does a Fenrisian honor her ancestors? Why does Thunder Mountain scrape the grey skies? Why does the Ice Troll stalk its prey? Foolish Spyder, ask no more questions."
    And thus ended the Alliance between Blood Wolves Runespeaker Wulfrik the Wanderer and the Clone Lord Fabius Bile. The two had collaborated for decades, teaching each other their differing trades. Buy eventually the Wanderer grew tired of the Spyder's aspersions on his runecraft. The Spyder believed chemicals were the key to gene splicing. The Runespeaker held faith in runes' ability to influence genes.
     And so Wulfrik the Wanderer took his cache of rune-enhanced geneseed and returned to wandering the verse
     Wulfrik the Wanderer was a young lad on Fenris when his tribe, the Ice Minotaurs, identified his skills at runecasting. He was apprenticed to the tribe's shaman, Urda Runespeaker, and began walking the bonereader's path. But one day Glacial Nomad Raiders treacherously attacked the village. Wulfrik's parents and most of his family were killed by the Glacial Nomads. Wulfrik and his entire family refused the offer from the Glacial Nomad chieftain, Bjorn One Eye, to join their tribe. Bjorn had Wulfrik's family slaughtered. After a harrowing adventure with the aid of chalk, strong twine, bone runes, and a friendly wolf orphan named Lark, Wulfrik managed to escape the clutches of the Glacial Nomads.
     And thus did Wulfrik become the wanderer. He and Lark left on a soul-searching walkabout. For twenty years they wandered the seas and erstwhile isles of Fenris. They saw volcano fires burning in the great Fire Breather, they panned for gold on Allfather Peak, worked as a sailor in a dozen seas, fell in love with a maiden who soon wasted away from the Grey Fever, hunted Mastadons upon the Silver Marches, and bought goods at the great market of Thunder Mountain.
     It was in Thunder Mountain that Wulfrik met the famed Runecaster Sindoi of the Thousand Eyes. He was tutored by the elderly sage for a year and a day and learned great and terrible runes indeed. Wulfrik even learned how to mold Fenrisians' bodies so they could be stronger, faster, or tougher, but at the cost of a sliver of their soul.
     Wulfrik then bade Sindoi farewell and continued on his walkabout. As a going-away gift, Sindoi gave Wulfrik a pet Raven. Wulfrik named the Raven Enigma. In turn, Wulfrik told Lark, his wolf companion to remain with Sindoi as a protector.
     One particular misty day, Wulfrik read his death in the runes. He picked up his axe, collected his bones, and went to meet his Doom. He soon came across his nemesis, Bjorn One Eye, who was raiding a nearby village. The two fought for three moonrises. In the end, both lay dead upon the field of battle, their axes buried in each other's throats.
      But a Chooser of the Slain found both to be excellent candidates for revivification. Both warriors were returned from Valhalla and made to begin the trials by which one becomes a Space Wolf. Bjorn perished during the trials. But Wulfrik survived. After a brief stint as a Blood Claw, he became a Space Wolf Runepriest adept. He proved a natural and quickly became a Rune Priest in his own right. But his superiors began questioning his ways. It was whispered that Wilfrik practiced Heresy and foul magicks with his runes as he attempted to enhance his fellow battle brothers in ways not allowed by the Codex Astartes or by the Space Wolves.
      Luckily Wulfrik's runes warned him of his chapter's suspicions. He and Enigma fled through a portal opened by his runecasting.
     And so Wulfrik wandered again. He managed to keep one step ahead of the Inquisition. Until one day the Wanderer met the Spyder. The Spyder had heard of the peripatetic former Space Wolf who could cast runes in a way that augmented one's body. And, of course, the Wanderer had heard of the Spyder and his penchant for genetic artistry. The Wanderer and the Spyder worked together on and off for decades before going their separate ways.
      And so the Wanderer wandered again for centuries. Eventually he met Svane Vulfbad and his band of rebel Fenrisians. Wulfrik found in Svane a kindred spirit. The two took each other's measure and liked what they saw. While Wulfrik did not worship Khorne All Father, he was a talented Runecaster and had no love for the Emperor. And Svane offered protection and a fully stocked biological laboratory for the Wanderer's research. Wulfrik soon joined the Blood Wolves as a member of Svane's retinue and as the Blood Wolves' Runecaster and Biologist.
     Wulfrik's runecasting often analyzes themes about which the Blood Wolves are curious: the location of geneseed caches, whether a particular alliance will prove fruitful, how to best please Khorne Allfather, and anything else which presents an obstacle to the Blood Wolves.





When Wulfrik parted ways from Bile, Genesplice left his old master and remained with Wulfrik. Not out of any sense of loyalty, but because the Spyder is an :cuss:.





4 Completed Blood Wolves Cultists/Kill Team Troopers




Blood Bitch



Blood Bitch was imprisoned on a Chaos Penal World working the forges for the Dark Mechanicum. Her life was a living hell, but she coped by organizing a "fight club." Then one day Urlock Gaur's Blood Pact forces raided the Penal world for supplies and manpower. Blood Bitch found herself freed. What's more, Urlock Gaur was impressed at how she had trained an entire cadre of prisoners in hand-to-hand melee. After a brief blood-letting ritual in which she impaled her hand on his armor's spikes, she was promoted to Chieftain of the Baba Yagas, a squad in the 88th Blood Pact Regiment. A role at which she has excelled. Blood for the Blood God indeed!


Zenn, banner bearer



Zenn comes from a Slavic world within the Imperium. It is he who gave the squad its name, the "Baba Yagas." The unit is named after an enigmatic character from Slavic folklore, a witch who sometimes aids the peasants and who sometimes eats them.




Nochfel is not technically a Blood Pact trooper. He is a Nostroman 9th trooper from House Nightfall. As part of an alliance, some members of the 9th have been temporarily assigned to the 88th. He is enjoying his temporary duty although he thinks the Blood Pacters are fools for putting their faith in a Chaos God. To Nochfel and most House Nightfall members, Chaos Gods are better used as tools and should never be trusted.


Ram, Trench Sweeper



It is Ram's duty to protect the Baba Yagas with his riot shield during close quarters fighting, such as during urban combat. He is seen as a bit of a protector, a father figure to the younger squad members.





With Wulfrik's completion I now have 6 Blood Wolves Headquarters units. So I thought I'd take some group photos:


Blood Wolves HQs, see from center


From left to right you can see: the Jarl Gahlan Surlak on Juggernaut, Barnabas the Butcher, Azrath the Assassin, Wulfrik the Wanderer and Genesplice, and Svane Vulfbad (Bloodgrin is hidden behind Svane and can be seen in one of the photos below)



Blood Wolf HQs, seen from left




Blood Wolf HQs, seen from right




I have no immediate plans to add additional HQs to the Blood Wolves. But someday I'd like to upgrade a Legionary named "Red Messiah" to a Dark Apostle and I'd like to add a Warpsmith as well.


Enjoy the photos!



The Blood Wolves, "We murdered thousands for the Emperor and He gave me nothing except his damning silence."

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