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Tallarn Commander's Chaos (Assembling Cloaks & Maulerfiend)

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---------------Continued from above--------------



---------------NIGHT LORDS VS. TYRANIDS---------------


My Nids opponent was a very sporting chap with an awesome beard. On two occasions his beard proved useful as I left the table during his movement phase to get water or go to the bathroom and forgot what my table number was. So I wandered the large gaming hall with over 100 tables looking for the gentleman with an awesome beard and found my table! 


My opponent's Nid list


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Tyranids at 2,000 points [from memory]




-Hive Tyrant with wings

-Hive Tyrant on foot



-3 Warriors

-3 Warriors



-3 Hive Guard


-5 Zoanthropes



-3 Raveners

-3 Raveners




-Mawloc (in deepstrike)



This looked like a fun and very scary Nid list.


My opponent got first turn and unlike any other bug player I've gone up against in 22 years he didn't run willy nilly towards me. He moved a Ravener Squad and a Trygon towards me on my left but he otherwise only shuffled forward a bit.


In contrast, during my first turn I moved towards him as quickly as I could with everyone except for my 3 objective holding units (the 7th Cultist Squad, the Bastards CSM Squad, and the Harbingers CSM Squad)


Night Lords move out on Turn 1

1. Night Lords after Turn 1 Movement Vs. Nids




Murcielago de Muerte, the Possessed's Rhino, moves up and parks in front of a Trygon on Turn 1

2. Possessed's Rhino Moves Up




The dynamic duo, Sorceress Valkia and Daemon Prince Buzzard move up on Turn 2

13. Sorceress Valkia And Daemon Prince BuzzardIf we get to keep jump pack sorcerers in the next codex (not likely) then I think I'll buy another Kromlech Chaos pedestal and put Ruven my jumppack NIght Lords sorcerer on a Chaos Pedestal as well




Mary Warptimes up, fails a charge, and waves at the Nids (they respond by blowing her away on Turn 2)

3. Mary Waves Hello To Tyrants And Tyrant GuardRumors are that with the new Codex we will no longer be able to charge a unit after it gets Warptime. If the rumor is true this will mean the spell will go from an "always take" to a "take once in a blue moon."



On Turn 2 the Possessed charge Warriors and Raveners on an objective

11. Ravagers And Possessed Fight On




Harbingers CSM Squad relaxes on an objective

5. Harbingers CSM Squad Hangs Out On Objective




Scoundrels Blow away an Excocrine with meltas and then kill off warriors on the charge on Turn 2

6. Scoundrels Chosen Squad Finishes Off WarriorsIt's all in a day's work



Jackals CSM Squad moves up to midboard on Turn 2 (Buzzard's wing can be seen on the right)

7. Jackals CSM Squad Moves Up To Midboard




Bastards CSM Squad hangs out in the backfield guarding their banner

8. Bastards CSM Squad Hangs Out On Backfield Objective




Grumpy Trygon on the Night Lords' left flank

8. Bastards CSM Squad Hangs Out On Backfield Objective




Buzzard and Harry approach Trygon

10. Buzzard And Harry Approach Trygon




Trygon's last moments

14. Monster Vs. Monster

I have to admit I prefer Daemon Prince Buzzard's sword over Daemon Prince Azrath's axe. The axe's additional AP and strength just don't seem to be worth the -1 to hit. Of course, since Azrath is a World Eater and axes are fluffy for World Eaters, Azrath will keep his axe.



Ravagers and Possessed fight on

16. Fierce Fight On The Left Drags On




Deffy hits the bug back line on Turn 2

12. Deffy Hits The Nids' Back Line



Warpnight the Warp Talons Squad drops in on the right on Turn 3 and charges the Tyrant Guard

15. Warpnight Warp Talons Drop On On The Right









The Nameless Possessed Squad are finally triumphant and capture the objective from the Raveners

18. The Nameless Are TriumphantAnd then they promptly get zapped and charged to death by a Zoanthrope Squad who recapture the objective





7th Cultist Squad uses Tide of Traitors in an effort to distract the Nids from the Possessed

19. 7th Cultist Squad Tide Of Traitors20. Tide Of Traitors Closeup

The plan didn't work as the Possessed die. But the Cultists do get me "Engage on All Fronts" points.



And game 3 ends with an incredibly close and hard fought Night Lords victory. I managed to win by something like 9 points. A very fun game against a nice opponent.


My MVP for the game would have to be the Nameless Possessed Squad for killing a Warriors Squads and 2 Raveners Squads on my left flank and for nabbing the objective from my opponent for awhile.



Comment about swag

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On a sidenote, our event swag bag had lots of nifty stuff. I didn't know how bad Kirkland-to-Tacoma rush hour traffic was going to be so I left at 6:00 am and got to Tacoma at 6:52 am. This mean I had about 2 hours to kill. I hung out in the event space (which had tons of extra tables and chairs) with an ork player I know from Seattle. He had also left ridiculously early because he did not know how long it would take to get to Tacoma. While we waited for everyone else to show up with traded swag. I gave him my ork pin from my swag and he gave m a nice Chaos pin from his swag.



Nifty Chaos pin

22. Nifty Chaos PinThe wondrous 8-pointed star. May the Corpse Emperor fall!



So with that, Day 1 of the tournament ended and I had a respectable 1 win and 1 loss.



.........to be continued below




Night Lords, "Prey on the weak!"

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Thanks for the nice comments Warrior Fish. Ironically, my codex was in good condition 'til this event. Sadly, I ripped the spine at this GT though, so now it's ripped halfway down the spine. D'oh! Oh well, won't be long til the current codex is no longer needed.

---------------Continued from above----------------

--------------GAME 4: NIGHT LORDS VS. THOUSAND SUNS/DEATH GUARD---------------

My fourth game was against an Thousand Suns/Death Guard list, so two Chaos codexes that were both much newer than mine. While there were only 3 CSM armies at the game there were quite a few Thousand Suns forces and oodles of Death Guard warbands at this event.

My opponent was a very nice guy. He is an owner of The Game Wizard and Blue Sky Games in Bremerton, WA. I've been meaning to attend one of their events for while now. My opponent reminded me that they have a 40K Rogue Trader Tournament in early June (they often run one tournament a month). I might have to wander out there next month. They are a bit of a hike for me as I'd have to drive down to Tacoma and then back up the peninsula, since the ferries have been slow lately, but it's a pretty drive.

If you are in the area, I encourage you to check out Game Wizard and Blue Sky Games. Here is a link to their page: http://blueskyhobbies.com/The_Game_Wizard_and_Blue_Sky_Hobbies/About.html

My opponent's Nurgly Ahriman List

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-Infernal Master (these blokes are like a sorcerer and Dark Apostle rolled into one, I'm very jealous we don't get this type of unit)

-Death Guard Daemon Prince

Random Comment on Base Size:

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When I glanced at my opponent's army I saw a Slaaneshi daemon prince and a DG Daemon Prince and was confused. My opponent said that he brought along the Slaaneshi Daemon Prince in case people got grumpy that his DG Daemon Prince was on a slightly larger base. He said so far no one had objected. For my part, I was totally cool with him using the DG Daemon Prince. Especially since in my army the Harbingers, Scoundrels, Jackals, and Bastards were all on the wrong base size. I'm slowly upgrading my various CSM armies from 25 mm bases to 32 mm bases. But I only upgrade about 10 to 20 or so a year so this is a project that probably won't be finished til much later in the decade.


-20ish Tzangors


-10ish Scarab Terminators

-That one bloke that makes you fight last if you are within 6 inches, but my units were too busy being dead for this character to have any effect:biggrin.:


-Mower Plague Drone

-Mower Plague Drone

-5 Spawn

-1 Spawn


-Plagueburst Crawler

-Plagueburst Crawler

-Plagueburst Crawler

So he had a solid blend of shooting and durability with a respectable amount of melee. It was a balanced list that would be a tough nut to crack indeed. My opponent said he didn't think his Death Guard lost too much by being accompanied by a non-DG detachment. This might inspire to me to try using Nurgle Daemons alongside my Death Guard at some point.

The board at deployment



The thin blue line


Jackals deploy onto objective


The Rhinos ready to roll!


Death Guard parking lot


Beep! Beep! I'm backing up!

Scarab Termies


The Nameless move up and say to the Death Guard, "We're green too! But we worship Slaanesh."



The board after Night Lords Turn 2 movement


Warpnight the Warp Talons and Buzzard after taking out the DG Daemon Prince


Chaos Space Marine Terrorclaw provides ranged anti-tank support against a Mower Drone


"Someday I'll get a 32 mm base," he says wistfully.

The Spawn strikes back


Buzzard closeup


Ahriman joins the fray



Back in 6th edition, I once proxied my Night Lords Sorcerer Bolivar as Ahriman in a game with mediocre results. He's a bit better now.

Termies charge



Harry takes out a couple of Termies and then gets chopped down by kopeshes


Deffy waves his claw triumphantly after taking out a Plagueburst Crawler


And the game ended with a sizable DG/TK victory, something like 90-ish points to 40-ish points. All I had left in the end was a Spawn and my 4 troops units (all of whom were cowering behind buildings on objectives in my deployment zone). But it was a fun game and my opponent and I were laughing and joking all the while. Since my opponent also plays CSM he and I are both eagerly awaiting the new codex. My opponent's army was a work of art. I'm looking forward to adding Plague Drones with Mowers to my Death Guard army as his were really nice-looking.

My MVP for this game would have to be Warpnight, my Warp Talons Squad, for taking out the Nurgle Daemon Prince

.........to be continued below........

Night Lords, "From the Shadows"

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---------------Continued from above--------------

-------------GAME 5: NIGHT LORDS VS. DARK ANGELS--------------

My fifth game was against a classic Dark Angels combination of Greenwing, Ravenwing, and Deathwing.

My opponent's list

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Dark Angels at 2,000 points





-5 Intercessors


-5 Deathwing Terminators (had obsec)

-5 Deathwing Terminators (had obsec)

-5 Deathwing Knight Terminators [in reserve]



-3 Eradicators (the super melta troopers)

-5 Hellblasters


-Dark Talon, the one with the nasty Rift Cannon

-Dark Talon, the one with the nasty Rift Cannon

According to a friend who brought Dark Angels to this tournament, this might not be the most effective combo of DA. But if I were to run Dark Angels it's how I would run them because it's very fluffy and it looks great on the table.

The board at deployment


The thin blue line


You can see Brrble the Spawn at the back performing his usual deep-strike denial job

The thin green, black, and bone line


Buzzard spent the first two turns of the game chasing this darn Dark Talon Benny Hill style.


gallery_88062_14499_367127.jpegHe kept charging it and chipping off wounds and then it flew off the board. Sigh.

Deep-striking Knights


Their flail is like my DG's old flail of corruption where wounds carried over. Very nice.

Buzzard after the Dark Talon flew off the board, "Get back here ya little bugger!"


Chosen and Possessed fight Termies on an objective


It was very satisfying to melt Azrael to slag with my Chosen's 5 meltas. In previous games against DA he's been quite the thorn in my side.

Deffy about to charge the Hellblasters


Deathwing Termies Prepare to Charge


The Knights charge 7th Cultist Squad


But Champion Zeva lives!


Deathwing Termies approach Chosen


In the end, it was a Night Lords victory. But the points were really close. A fun game indeed against a classic and very well-painted army. Those Rift Cannons sure were truly terrifying.

My MVP would have to be a t4-way tie between:

-7th Cultist Squad, for using Tide of Traitors to escape melee with the Knights and then nab an objective

-Valkia the Sorceress for successfully earning lots of Psychic Interrogation points

-The Scoundrels Chosen Squad for killing Azrael/grabbing objectives

-The Nameless Possessed Squad for killing Deathwing Termies/grabbing objectives

........to be continued below

Night Lords, "Remember Tsagualsa"

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---------------Continued from above---------------


My opponent was a nice bloke who was very chill. His Custodes army was a well-painted classic gold and red. My opponent and I agreed that the new Custodes codex really didn't do the Custodes any favors, which is a shame because every other army has gotten better with a new codex.

His army was...

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Adeptes Custodes, 2,000 points


-Trajann Valoris, a buffed up shield captain

-Shield Captain on bike


-3 Sagittarum Custodes?

-3 Custodian Guard

-3 Custodian Guard



-Contemptor Dreadnought (this guy looked so cool he inspired me to buy my own Contemptor)


-3 Vertus Praetors (the Custodes jetbikes)


-Telemon Heavy Dreadnought (basically a Leviathan)

-Caladius Grav Tank

The board after Night Lords movement phase on Turn 1


The thin gold line


Night Lords right flank as they move up on Turn 1


Night Lords left flank after Turn 1


Shield Captain charges Buzzard who rolls ridiculously well on his invulnerable saves and lives



Guardians hold the center


Possessed fail to kill of the Guardians on the right


The random number of attacks that Possessed get is rather annoying. I'm looking forward to a static attack profile in the next codex.

Trajan tries to save the Contemptor by taking out Mary


But he failed to do much damage so she hugged the Contemptor and accidentally killed it


Mary: "Where did my new friend go? I just wanted to hug him!"

Warpnight takes out Guardians



Harry tries to save Buzzard, "I'll save ya boss!" The Helbrute successfully knocks out the Shield Captain on Bike.


Bikes charge the Nameless


Let's roll a 1 for our number of attacks....again

Scoundrels and Jackals vs. Telemon



A Brief Complaint about the randomness of random numbers

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In a stroke in incompetence, the Scoundrels, Jackals, and Harbingers failed to even scratch the Telemon with their meltas. Together they leveled a total of 11 meltaguns against the Telemon. When you factor in the Veterans of the Long War and the Endless Cacophony on the Scoundrels, that's 16 melta shots. 16! And 10 of those shots were wounding on 3s. You'd think I could have stripped a few wounds off of the large dreadnought. But, sadly, I rolled really poorly for shooting and wounding and he was able to successfully make invulnerable saves against the few shots that did get through.

In a fit of spite the Jackals and Scoundrels then charged the Telemon and managed to pin it in melee for the rest of the game while also chipping off most of its wounds in melee. Because, for some reason, Custodes don't get the Armor of Contempt rule.

Bikers about to avenge their fallen Shield Captain on Bike


Trajann charges Buzzard


And easily knocks the Night Lords Daemon Prince unconscous


But he'll be back!

The game was not close at all and the forces of the Night Lords were bested by the Adeptes Custodes. A very fun match against a sporting opponent.

All in all, a very fun tournament and 2 wins and 4 losses is respectable for such a bottom tier codex. It was great seeing all those wonderfully-painted and converted armies. There were over 200 players in the 40K tournament. Plus there was an Age of Sigmar tournament and a separate casual 1-day 40K narrative tournament. it was also great to see folks from the various gaming stores in the area, Wizards Keep Games in Renton, Mox Boarding House in Bellevue, Mox Boarding House in Seattle, and Mugu Games in Everett.

A fun weekend indeed!

Closing comment on lack of financial discipline

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While this GT didn't have tons of independent retailers and bitz by the pound like GW GTs had back in the 2000s, they still had Forge World miniatures for sale. I felt a bit guilty bringing my green and black Warpborn Deffy and Warpborn Possessed to this event rather than units in Night Lords colors. To rectify this problem I splurged a bit and bought some Forge World Night Lords units. I got a Night Lords Contemptor Dreadnought to replace Deffy. And I got a squad of Night Raptors who I will convert up so they can replace the Nameless.

11 new Night Lords about to join the ranks of House Nightfall's 2nd Claw


Plus since I finished painting Buzzard last week I had run out of models to paint. And not having models to paint would be a travesty.:biggrin.:

Thanks for taking the time to look at my tourney report.

Night Lords, "The quick and the dead."

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I think you've earned yourself a treat :wink: Looking forward to seeing them added to your forces for the new codex :smile.: As much as yours is feeling the strain from your busy gaming schedule, but better at the end of its run than the start :laugh.:


Some more nice armies and opponents, though I do wonder about the levels of terrain a bit as a few tables seemed a little on the empty side? Especially of larger pieces that can help block LoS which is important for more combat focused armies like yours. Either way you managed some solid victories against good lists and armies so I think you did well :thumbsup:

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Yes, it's nice to splurge. And the best part about painting up 30K Chaos models for 40K Chaos armies: no trim!


With regard to terrain, yes, many of us commented that the terrain was rather bare. My only experience with large tournaments is NOVA in northern Virginia; Ordo fanaticus Club Challenge in Portland, Oregon, and various GTs back in the 2000s. All of those tables usually featured more terrain.

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Yes, the Nids finally have a respectable codex. I too am looking forward to painting Malcharion, my Contemptor Dreadnought.

I'm going to try to paint him in a blend of my newer, darker style with rust, weathering, and chipped paint that you can see here in my Renegades & Heretics Russ


But also try to integrate some of the wetblending and brightness in the blue that you can see here in my older Night Lords vehicles


In addition I'll try to give Malcharion faded red stripe. I've never done stripes before.

"In midnight clad."

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Painters tape can be a great help for doing things like stripes - it is a great way of get a straight edged line over curved or bumpy surfaces.  Doesn't usually cling tightly enough to use it as an edge for painting, but putting it on and using it as a guide for marking the line in pencil works.

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  • 1 month later...

Uh oh, it looks like the changes to Bolter & Chainsword broke all my photo links from my B&S gallery. Sigh.


I tested and I can manually re-copy and re-paste each photo from the gallery. But that would take a lot of time.


At least I should be able to buy the new Chaos Codex in a week or two. :)


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  • 2 months later...

Hello all,


It's been awhile since my last post back in June. But as ya'all know, life can get busy.

It looks like the June revamp of the website only wiped out about two dozen of my photos. So it's not nearly as bad as I feared.  I'm really liking the new Codex. It add tons of fun and versatile tricks to the Chaos Space Marines.  

I'm behind on this blog's hobby and gaming content. So without further ado here is a brief battle report. Well, more of a quick battle summary really. It covers a game I played back in May. So yes I used the old codex. I dusted off my Nurgle Warband, the Doomfevers, and brought them out of their long hiatus. I dragged them to a local gaming store, Mox Boarding House in Bellevue. For this game I used the rules for the Purge because I'm procrastinating on buying a Death Guard Codex. Sadly legion rules for the Purge no longer exist in the new 2022 CSM Codex. Although I noticed some of the Purge's tricks made it into the book as relics and such.



For millenia, Evita and her Doomfever warband have has wandered the 'verse spreading Granfather Nurgles blessing.

HQ [95]

-Evita, Greater Possessed, Warlord, Daemonic Mutations, Mark of Nurgle, Orb of Unlife relic=65
• Warlord Trait: Blessed Mission, Evita cannre-roll any wound roll of 1 and she can re-roll any damage roll
• Relic: Orb of Unlife: once per game during my shooting phase Evita can throw the Orb of Unlife. Pick a point within 8 inches. Roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 6 inches of that point (with a -2 if the unit is a vehicle). For each roll of a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Evita is slowly becoming one with the Warp and it is a good thing. She is so dedicated to flaying the citizens of the Imperium that she had her arms surgically replaced with mutated claws
☆ Resk, Chaos Sorcerer, Mark of Nurgle, force sword (90), plasma pistol (5)=95
• Spell: Smite (standard rules)
• Spell: Prescience (casts on a 7, a Doomfever unit within 18" gets +1 to hit until my next psychic phase)
• Spell: Warptime (casts on a 6, Doomfever unit within 3" can move again during the Psychic Phase)
Resk is slowly acquiring tomes of great power. He hopes to use these sorcerous librams to grow a system-wide Garden of Nurgle.


• Dave the Dreadnought, Chaos Helbrute, Mark of Nurgle (70), Helbrute Fist (20), multimelta (25)=115
• Cholera Squad, 7 Chaos Terminators, 5 combi-bolters, Mark of Nurgle (196), 1 reaper autocannon (5), 1 combi-melta (5), 1 power maul, 3 power swords, 1 lightning claw, 2 powerfists (10)=216
• Dengue Squad, 7 Chaos Marines, Mark of Nurgle (84), power sword (5), meltagun (10)=99
• Bubonic Squad7 Chaos Marines, Mark of Nurgle (84), powerfist (10), meltagun (10)=194

Shambling mounds of disease-ridden flesh, the Chaos Marines act as Grandfather Nurgle's shock troops. They spread plague and death among the Imperium's systems.Dave attempted to seize power from a Chaos Lord. He now suffers for eternity inside his adamantium sarcophagi.
Cholera Squad is made up of the warband's veterans. They enforce Evita's will. These Chaos Terminators wear ancient suits of Tactical Dreadnought Armor that can teleport the wearer over great distances.

-Tentaculus, Chaos Rhino, Mark of Nurgle, combi-bolter (80), combi-melta (10)=90
-WrathChaos Rhino, Mark of Nurgle, combi-bolter (80), combi-melta (10)=90
These ancient AFVs manuever the Doomfever around the battlefield.

• Gramps, Chaos Predator (90), Predator Autocannon (40), 2 sponson lascannons (40)=170
No longer crewed by Chaos Marines, Gramps has become sentient. He prowls the battlefield like a great cat in search of prey.


☆ Gary, Daemon Prince of Nurgle (140), Hellforged Sword (10)=150
Gary oozes forth from the warp to spread disease and decay. He uses spells to empower the Plaguebearers and a Hellforgef Sword to slay the Corpse God worshippers.

TROOPS [302]
• Plaguerot, 14 Plaguebearers (126), icon (15), instrument (10)=151
• Aife's Assassins, 14 Plaguebearers (126), icon (15), instrument (10)=151
The Plaguebearers pour forth from the warp to spread Doom and virulent fevers.

Total Points=1,496

• Number of Models=56 models (51 infantry, 3 tanks, 1 daemon prince, 1 Helbrute)
• Number of Relics: 1


My opponent brought the good old Black Templars. I'm very fuzzy as to what he brought though.



-a lieutenant

-some other characters



-A big squad of Intercessors and Neophytes

-Another big squad of Intercessors and Neophytes

-a Heavy Intercessor Squad?


-Some Bladeguard


-A Redemptor Dreadnought


I can't exactly recall the secondaries or the specifics of the primaries, but I think it was a hold 1, hold 2, and hold more on primaries mission.

Anyway, enough with the text, here are some fun photos...



The Doomfevers in a Box1279327893_1.ThePurgeinaBox!.jpg



Gramps, Chaos Predator1948120251_2.GrampstheChaosPredator.jpg

This game was played using the 2017 CSM Codex. But is it just me or does the Predator Autocannon seem woefully outgunned by the new Twin Soulshatter Cannons? It looks like Gramps is going to have to get a new turret.


A Black Templar Character817518567_3.BlackTemplarsCharacter.jpg


The Thin Red Line



The thin Black Line1429810592_5.BlackTemplarInfantryDeploy.jpg


The board at deployment251335576_6.TheBoardafterDeployment.jpg


Black Templar Infantry at Deployment1722675525_7.TheThinBlackLine.jpg


Wrath the Chaos Rhino and the Plague Marine Champion of Squad Dengue



Dave and Gary



Gramps and Plaguebearers at the Back of My Deployment Zone774517727_10.GrampsandPlaguebearers.jpg


The Doomfevers Move Out on Turn 112. The Doomfevers Move Out.jpg



To be Continued below.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

Continued from Above......


Since both the Black Templars and the Doomfevers Chaos Marines were primarily assault armies (with a little shooting), both forces proceeded to rush across the board at each other.


On the top of 2 the Templars grabbed objectives

14. BT on Objective Turn 2.jpg



And on the bottom of 1 the Doomfevers Bubonic Squad of Plague Marines grabbed an objective

15. Bubonic Plague Marine Squad on the Right on Turn 2.jpg


Cholera Terminators Squad and Sorcerer Resk Nab Objective on Turn 1

17. Cholera Terminator Squad and Sorcerer Resk on Objective.jpg


And Sorcerer Resk, Squad Bubonic Plague Marines, and Chaos Lord Evita seize an object on Turn 1

19. Resk and Evita Retake Objective on Doomfevers Turn 3.jpg




The board after Turn 1

16. Board after Doomfevers Movement Turn 2.jpg


On Turn 2 melee happened!


The Templars charge termies on my right flank

24. BT About to Wipe Out Chaos Terminators on T4.jpg18. Templars Attack Cholera Squad on Turn 3.jpg26. Big Scrum on an Objective.jpgThe Chaos Termies fall before the might of the Emperor's Finest


Redemptor Charges but Whiffs Against Gary the Daemon Prince on my left flank

22. Gary the Daemon Prince vs. Redemptor.jpg27. Gary Swings His Hellforged Sword.jpg

On Turn 2 Chaos Lord Evita and Squad Bubonic Counter Charge on my Right

28. Evita Counter-Charges on Bottom of Turn 4.jpg\\\


Meanwhile Aife's Assassins the Plaguebearers Squad Drops Down in the Templars Deployment Zone

23. Aife's Assassins Plaguebearers Squad drops down near objective on Turn 3.jpg


While Gramps the Chaos Predator lays down a base of fire

21. Gramps the Predator Keeps Sending Rounds Downrange.jpg


Lord Evita, Sorcerer Resk, and the Plague Marines from Squad Bubonic fail to retake the objective on the right flank and by Turn 3 they are all wiped out

30. Templars Mop Up on Turn 5.jpg

You can see Sorcerer Resk bravely cowering behind a Chaos Rhino at the top left of this photo.  :)  


And by Turn 3 the Redemptor Dread took out Gary the Daemon Prince and the Templars Infantry had cleared their deployment zone of pesky daemons

32. Templars Finish of Aife's Assassins Plaguebearers Squad on Turn 5.jpg


A fun game but a total blowout. I lost my entire army except for a single squad of Plaguebearers (which cowered on an objective at the back). My opponent lost a 5-trooper Intercessor Squad and an Impulsor tank.  ;)














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Hello everyone, 

I hope you are all doing well. And I hope you are all enjoying the new CSM Codex as much as I am. While it is certainly an imperfect beast, it really helps out casual gamers such as myself. I'm definitely doing better on the table with the new codex than I was with the old codex.


But I still have some old material to catch up on. So here is a tournament report for a tournament I went to back in June. I went to a very fun event at a gaming store called The Keep. The TO and all the players were very nice and I really had a fun time. Plus the drive around the Puget Sound to Bremerton is always  very pretty, especially on a gorgeous June day and evening.


My list consisted of some of my favorite Night Lords units (Warp Talons, Termies, Raptors who were supported by various and sundry units)



Buzzard's Bastards, Being a Night Lords Chaos Space Marine Battalion featuring Rapacious Raptorkin, Cruel Chosen, and Various and Sundry other Horrors of the Warp


2,000 points, Reid Gustafson, Tempest of War at the Keep, June 2022

Long ago there was a noble family, the house of Nightfall. They lived in an age of peace and stability established by their world's ruler. Their ruler was Konrad Curze, the fair and just lord of the garden planet Nostramo. And then one day, a corrupt and weak emperor sent an assassin to slay the Lord Curze. The vile assassin succeeded. The emperor then destroyed the paradise that was Nostramo. House Nightfall managed to escape. But since that day they have never forgotten. Vengeance upon the emperor will be theirs!




HQ [310]

☆ Buzzard, Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, Warlord, Malefic Talon, wings, Intoxicating Elixir (185), Hellforged Sword (10)=195

• Relic: Intoxicating Elixir [gives Buzzard +1 strength and +1 attack]

• Spell: Smite (standard rules)

• Spell: Death Hex [casts on an 8, remove a unit's invulnerable save, range 12"]

• Warlord Trait: Killing Fury [if Buzzard charges, is charged, or heroically intervenes he gets D3 extra attacks]

☆ Ruven Godslayer, Chaos Sorcererer, jumppack, Mark of Slaanesh, bolt pistol, force sword=115

• Spell: Smite (standard rules)

• Spell: Delightful Agonies (casts on a 6, Night Lord unit with Mark of Slaanesh within 18" gets 5++ "feel no pain" saves until my next turn)

• Spell: Warptime (casts on a 6, Night Lord unit within 3" can move again during the Psychic Phase)

Daemon Prince Buzzard was already an ancient crime lord on Nostramo when Conrad Curze began his purge of criminals and the corrupt. Seeing which way the winds were blowing Buzzard wisely reined in his followers and moved his criminal operations underground so that the Nighthaunter could not sniff him out. When the call for volunteers to join the Night Lords came, Buzzard, who was at the end of his mortal life, joined up.

Normally such an elderly man would not have been transformed into a space marine. But Curze saw something of a kindred soul in Buzzard's fierceness and penchant for instilling fear. The Nighthaunter allowed the native Nostroman into the ranks of the Night Lords. As a Night Lord, the rejuvenat processes kept Buzzard alive and, over time, thriving. He saw a great many things as the Night Lords wandered the verse converting mankind to follow the empire. He saw the purple darkness of the Lamenian Nebula. He saw the fear in those who joined the empire under threat of death. He saw Grand Cruisers burning near the Suns of Xerxes. And he saw the glorious bloody pyres of those who refused to join the empire.

As did most Night Lords, Buzzard wholeheartedly supported Horus' uprising because he believed the Emperor's persecution of the Night Lords was hypocrisy at its finest. The subsequent descent of the Night Lords into Chaos was really nothing new to this hardened criminal. He took things in stride when the Night Lords splintered following Curze's assassination. And over the millenia, through treachery and guile, Buzzard managed to become a Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided.

A few centuries ago, Buzzard crossed paths with House Nightfall. He was amused by this mercenary company of mortal humans with their warped memories of the Nostramo that was. He was, however, quite impressed at the fact that House Nightfall commanded 3 Night Lords Chaos Marine mercenary warbands, 9 Renegade and Heretics Mercenary Chaos Militia Companies, and even a company of Freeholder Chaos Knights. He was also astounded at the network of anti-Imperial clients and allies House Nightfall had forged. Buzzard soon allied himself with House Nightfall. A move he does not regret because he now commands House Nightfall's 2nd Claw of Night Lords Chaos Marines. He has gained a seat on the House's Ruling Council of Eight. While his faction is a lesser faction on the council, he is content to slowly let his power grow as he watches how the winds blow. He is amused at how things have and have not changed since his days as a Nostroman crime lord.

Ruven Godslayer is a brilliant duellist and spellcaster. His skill with axe and tome knows no equal. He is a trusted leader within 2nd Claw. Before the Horus Heresy he was a delinquent in a street gang on Nostramo. When Night Haunter asked for volunteers to swell his ranks Ruven, seeing a way out of poverty, joined up. As a Night Lord he is able to murder and terrify on a grand scale.


TROOPS [560]

♧ Jinx's Jackals, 10 Chaos Marines, Mark of Slaanesh (120), 2 meltaguns (20), combi-melta (10), Icon of Excess (10)=160

♧ Hadrian's Harbingers, 10 Chaos Marines, Mark of Slaanesh (120), 2 meltaguns (20), combi-melta (10), Icon of Excess (10)=160

♧ Batista's Bastards, 10 Chaos Marines, Mark of Slaanesh (96), 2 lascannons (30)=150

♧ Zeva's 7th Squad, 18 Chaos Cultists=90

The Chaos Marine squads skulk around the battlefield, grabbing objectives, peppering the enemy with melta and bolt shots, and flaying

them with chainswords. They excel in terror tactics, slipping behind enemy lines to slit throats and terrorize the foe.

The Chaos Cultists are a diverse lot. Some fight for coin, some for Chaos, some fight against the fascist Imperium, and some fight for the sake of fighting.



○ Dragonne, Chaos Rhino, Mark of Slaanesh, combi-bolter=80

This ancient transport manuevers the Night Lords around the battlefield.


ELITES [483]

♤ Harry the Helbrute, Chaos Helbrute, Mark of Slaanesh, Helbrute Fist (90), multimelta (25)=115

♤ The Scoundrels; 8 Chaos Chosen; Mark of Slaanesh (112), 4 meltaguns (40), combi-melta (10), 2 power fists (20), power sword (3), power maul (3), Icon of Excess (10)=198

♤ The Atramentar, 5 Chaos Terminators, Mark of Slaanesh (140), Icon of Excess (10), 4 combi-bolters (0), 2 lightning claws (0), 4 powerfists (20)=170

Harry attempted to seize power from a Chaos Lord. He now suffers for eternity inside his adamantium sarcophagi.

The Scoundrels are murderous bastards who have scrounged up a deadly collection of ranged and melee weapons. In a legion consisting of m urderous criminals, the Chosen are seen as particularly heinous.

Harry attempted to seize power from a Chaos Lord.

The Atramentar are the warband's veterans. They enforce the will of House Nightfall. Their job is to keep an eye on the newcomer Daemon Prince Buzzard and to ensure he acts in the best interests of House Nightfall. They wear ancient suits of Tactical Dreadnought Armor that can teleport the wearer over great distances.



◇ Ironclaw's Bats out of Hell, 13 Chaos Raptors, Mark of Slaanesh (180), powerfist (10), Icon of Excess (10)=200

◇ WarpNight, 10 Warp Talons, Mark of Khorne=200

◇ The Doomed, Chaos Spawn, Mark of Slaanesh=23

The Chaos Raptors epitomize the Night Lords way of war. They prowl near the foe's flanks terrorizing the most vulnerable enemy units and avoiding a fair fight.

The Warp Talons are more akin to Blood Hounds than Chaos Marines, they hunt the foe with vicious zeal.

The Chaos Spawn were Chaos Marines who angered some long-forgotten Chaos God. They were eternally Cursed with Spawnhood.



□ Mary the Maulerfiend, Maulerfiend fist, set of lasher tendrils, Mark of Slaanesh=140

Mary aspires to be the first Night Lord to reach the enemy lines. She is a happy Daemon engine. She loves making new friends and giving them a big old hug. Sadly, her new friends usually do not survive her "hugs."


• Total points=1,996

• Number of models: 83 infantry, 3 vehicles, 1 Daemon Prince=87 models

• Relics:  A master artificier in his own right, Daemon Prince Buzzard used the Forge of Souls to craft the Intoxicating Elixir

• Starting CP=12



• In Midnight Clad: when an infantry unit is targeted during an enemy shooting phase that unit is at -1 to hit

• Raptor Strike: jumppack unit gets 3D6 for its charge rolls on the turn it comes out of deep strike

• Prey on the Weak: add +1 to hit in melee or shooting if the Night Lords unit has a higher leadership than the target

• From the Night: a Night Lord infantry unit that is wholly within cover gets +2 to its charge roll and +1 to hit during that melee phase

• We Have Come for You: a non-vehicle Night Lords unit can prevent the enemy from falling out of combat

• Hit and Run: any Night Lords unit that fell back out of melee can charge

• Vox Scream: turn off 1 enemy unit's auras, range 18 inches

• Flay them Alive: If I kill an enemy unit, 1 enemy unit with 12 inches rolls 1 additional

D6 for morale. 1 die of my choice is then discarded.

All strats are 1 CP except Vox Scream which is 2 CP


Night Lords Legion Ability: Terror Tactics, each biker, infantry, Helbrute, or Daemon Prince unit within 6 inches reduces enemy leadership by 1, to a max of -3


Here are some photos of the army:758818875_1.ArmyShot.jpg1352986822_2.ArmyShotStageLeft.jpg


Blackstar's Bastards, a Chaos Marine Squad969163869_3.BlackstarsBastards.jpg


Dragonne, a Chaos Rhino1781486384_4.Dragonne.jpg

My Spawn, the Doomed5. The Doomed N.jpg

The Bats Out of Hell Raptor Squad, this was the last time I used Raptors in Squads of More than 10 troopers  :( 386890598_7.BatsOutofHell.jpg

This was also the last time I used a Jump Pack Sorcerer. RIP jump pack characters, hopefully GW brings you back someday, but I'm not holding my breath.


My first game was against a very nice Grey Knights opponent who brought a gorgeous-looking Thunder Hawk! It was awesome. It also quickly ripped my units to pieces. But it was an honor to be destroyed by such an illustrious model.

I cannot really recall what was in my opponent's list since it was 3 months ago. Suffice it to say he had various and sundry termies, strike teams, etc.


The thin grey line374239212_9.TheThinSilverLine.jpg


Some photos of the Night Lords at deployment728735384_8.PreGameDeployment.jpg1690077492_10.TheThinBlueLine.jpg


......and then the game began....




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During my turn 1 I moved up and seized objectives in no-man's land. Not much else happened since I'm a melee army with only a wee bit of shooting. During my opponent's turn he pretty much bided his time and kept many units in deep-strike although his Thunderhawk did vroom up on the right and gun down a bunch of Chaos Marines and almost killed a Rhino.

During my Turn 2 I jumped my melta Chosen out of a Rhino on my left. They targeted the Thurnderhawk. 330288487_13.ScoundrelsChosenSquadDamagesThunderHawk.jpg

They bracketed the flyer But couldn't bring it down.

Not much else happened on Turn 1 except "Bats Out of Hell," my Raptors Squad, did take out a small squad of GK on an objectivef

Raptors clear an objective534599025_14.RaptorsClearGKOffofObjective.jpg

Huzzah! This would be the first and last GK unit I killed during the game. Sigh


The rest of the game consisted of the GK beating up on the Sons of Curze

GK Termies treat the "Scoundrels" Chosen Squad with extreme prejudice637862201_16.GKJumpOutofThunderhawkT2.jpg2143553581_17.GKAbouttoCutDownChosenT2.jpg


The "Bats Out of Hell" Raptor Squad is Taken Out in the Center1153358695_15.GKTermiesClearRaptorsOffObjective.jpg




A Spawn and Aspiring Champion are the only survivors on my left flank1390806534_19.SurvivingChampionandSpawnonNLLeft.jpg


A GK Thunderhawk does a flyby2113386552_25.ThunderhawkFlyBy.jpg



"The Atramentar" Chaos Terminator Squad prepares to counter the GK threat20. Terminator Aspiring Champion Sarran.jpg23. The Atramentar.jpg


But, even with a re-roll, they fail their 5-inch charge


Ruven, my sorcerer, had already made the charge and he gets cut down, "Guys, where were you?"


"Warpnight" my Warp Talons whiff and do very little damage (they are usually my star performers)1542685264_21.WarpTalonsBounceOffofGKT3.jpg


Surprisingly, "7th Squad," my cultists held an objective almost the whole game (my opponent rolled very poorly against them)29. 7th Squad Holds Objective.jpg


In the end, only one Night Lord was left alive, a Warp Talon named Doomseeker ironically90890117_30.DoomseekertheOnlyNLtoSurvivetheGame.jpg


It was a great game and I really enjoyed playing against the beautiful Thunderhawk!




















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Game 2 pitted the forces of the Night Lords against those of the tricksy Eldar. My opponent was a fun, sporting chap with a great sense of humor. Sadly, the game was a blowout. He tabled me by Turn 3 or 4 and I only managed to kill 3 or so of his units. But it was a fun game.

I cannot recall what he had so I'll just post some photos of the game.


The board at deployment1433118063_2.BoardatDeployment.jpg



The thin blue line at deployment308869033_4.TheThinBlueLine.jpg


The approach of the point ears1716843169_5.EldarApproach.jpg


A Harlie charges the Night Lords line2107230348_6.HarlieCharging.jpg


And jetbikes charge the CSM line1805918429_7.JetbikesCharge7thSquad.jpg


Mary and the Atramentar Move Out1768907981_8.MaryandtheAtramentarMoveOut.jpg


Jarvak's Jackals Charge a Vyper1162247733_9.JarvaksJackalsChargeaVyperonT1.jpg


Bats Out of Hell Charge a Wave Serpent994738691_10.BatsOutofHellChargeaWaveSerpentT1.jpg


Some Eldar Character Bamfs in and Takes Out Harry and Buzzard570841297_12.BigEldarCharacterBamfsIn.jpg

Once I killed a unit this unit could take its place. That was a bit of a surprise. I haven't faced Ynarri since early 2017.


Banshees vs. the Scoundrels2112351127_16.Bansheesvs.ScoundrelsChosenSquad.jpg


Warpnight rips a tear into reality and strikes!873547425_14.WarpnightStrikes!.jpg


Banshees vs. Warpnight1793850371_18.BansheesDecimateWarpTalons.jpg


I always enjoy games against the Eldar as they are fun and fluffy army to play against. I'll get my revenge now that I have an improved Codex.  :) 





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Game 3 pitted the Night Lords against the forces of the vile Necrons. My opponent was really nice and his army was most impressive (it won best painted). Not only was the painting and modeling top notch, but many of his models had little LED lights installed. I had also seen an army that belonged to my opponent the previous month at the Seattle GT in Tacoma. At that event, each of his Blood Angels' eyes lit up. It was a truly an impressive sight.


Here are some photos of the LED Necrons428166309_1.PurtyNecronLord.jpg1506806845_2.NecronArmy.jpg


I cannot recall exactly what units were in my opponent's army so I'll just provide a photo essay of the game. 


The pregame board926011940_3.ThePregameBoard.jpg



The 8th Legion moves out on Turn 1753693782_4.NightLordsMoveOut.jpg1281570567_5.TheBlueLineAdvances.jpg


Mary and the Bastards on the Right Flank1924481516_6.MaryandtheBastards.jpg



The Night Lords Center1692061107_7.TheJackalsBuzzardandtheAtramentar.jpg


Raptorkin fooosh forward on the left



7th Squad tries to look inconspicuous in the Night Lords rear



On the Necrons Turn 1 they move into prime shooting position1375642642_12.NecronsandNightLords.jpg


On Turn 2 I made oodles of successful charges1403231020_13.NightLordsT2Charges.jpg


The Necron Overlord heroically intervenes 1603284525_14.NightLordsT2Countercharges.jpg

He would jump out of melee during the Necron movement phase at the bottom of Turn 2. Coward! :) 


The Atramentar get stuck in



The Necrons dominate the Night Lords left flank1437756785_16.WarpTalonsThinnedOutT2.jpg


While the Night Lords control the center1919916738_17.BuzzardMovesRightT3.jpg


And both sides have a presence on the Night Lords right1046861411_18.SkirmishontheRightFlank.jpg


The Atramentar manage to take out a Necron Lord on turn 4540206279_19.AtramentarFinishOffNecronLordT4.jpg

The glue bottle was a proxied character (a Cryptek? Is that a thing?)


Cultist Champion Zeva Survives the game and continues holding an objective842381665_21.ChampionZevaSurvivestoHoldObjective.jpg


While the Necron Warboss continues to lock down the Night Lords left flank438729105_22.NecronOverlordinMidfield.jpg


In the end it was a very fun game. And, for a change, my Night Lords actually won. Huzzah! It was a very fun game and a great way to finish out a wonderful tournament. Thanks to the TO and all my opponents. I had a great time!



Night Lords, "Remember Tsagualsa!"

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Thank you for the kind words Relic!  

I got in a fun 2v2 game earlier this month. I brought 1,000 points of Night Lords.  My ally had a Red Corsairs army with a small Death Guard detachment. One opponent brought Genestealer Cult and the other brought some Sisters and a Knight.

My list was:

-Daemon Prince Buzzard

-Harry the Helbrute with fist and multimelta

-Harbingers Legionaries Squad with Mark of Khorne, 9 troopers, icon, fist, and heavy chainaxe

-Jackals Legionaries Squad with Mark of Slaanesh, 9 troopers, icon, fist, heavy chainaxe, and Balefire Tome

-Bastards Legionaries Squad with 6 troopers, lascannon

-Murcielago and Death Masque, 2 Chaos Rhinos


Here are some photos from the event...

Shot of my small force1. Army Shot N.jpg


Harry and the Bastards2. Harry and the Legionaires N.jpg


The Jackals Slaaneshi Legionaries Squad3. Dragonne and the Legionaires N.jpg


My opponent's gorgeous Knight Castellan, this model even had green-sculpted roses!4. Knight Castellan N.jpg


Castellan and Sisters5. Knight Castellan with Sisters N.jpg


Genestealer Cult6. GSC N.jpg


My Chaos ally, his Contemptor single-handedly propped up our right flank7. Cool Contemptor N.jpg


The board at deployment8. The Board at Deployment N.jpg


Contemptor charges Rock Grinder9. Contemptor Says Hi to a Rock Grinder N.jpg


The Castellan outflanks onto the board on Turn 210. A Knight Shows Up on Turn 2 N.jpg

My Chaos ally used the once-per-game Red Corsairs stratagem that forces the enemy to delay deploying one reserves unit for a turn. This is a wonderful strat.


The forces of the Night Lords and Death Guard approach the knight11. NL and DG Approach the Knight N.jpg


Hybrids finish off Champion Rosas12. Legionaires Champion is Overwhelmed by Hybrids N.jpg



Chaos Lord with Black Mace and Harry the Helbrute move up to counter-attack13. Chaos Lord and Harry are the 2nd Wave N.jpg


Buzzard the Daemon Prince manages to finish off a severely weakened Knight Castellan. Huzzah!14. Buzzard Finishes Off a Knight N.jpg


In the end, the forces of the Chaos Marines lost. But it was a fun, close game!

Enjoy the photos.



Night Lords, "The quick and the dead"


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I attended  a very fun 2 player vs 2 player tournament last month. The event was held at Mox Boarding House in Bellevue, Washington here in the US. Each player brought a 1,000 point list and was randomly teamed up with another player. 

I attended a similar tournament at the same venue back in February of this year. That time I brought 1,000 points of my World Eaters. For those of you who are interested, here is the link:  




This time around I brought my custom Chaos Space Marines warband, the Warpborn. The Warpborn warband with its green and black livery is still only a small force so it had to be augmented by various CSM models from my other armies. Over the last couple of years I've used various faction rules for the Warpborn, but much of the time I use the Creations of Bile List. I really like the +1 strength and +1 to movement. The Creations of Bile lost some of their niftier stratagems in the 2022 Codex but they are still a good, fun army. They also have fight on death in melee. But that doesn't really matter because I never remember it. :biggrin:


Here is a copy of the list I brought to the tournament:

Warpborn Chaos Marines Warband, Counts as Creations of Bile Legion


2022 Chaos Space Marines Codex, Reid Gustafson's 1,000 point list for the September 24, 2022 Bellevue Mox Boarding House Tournament

Warpborn Chaos Marines (counts as Creations of Bile) Vanguard Detachment

The Warpborn were all vatborn within the warp itself. Made from Geneseed that was made wholly within the warp. They were a project of the Dark Mechanicus, intended to be slaves and cannon fodder in the Dark Techpriests' forces. They were also intended to prove that a Chaos Marine force need not consist of fallen Astartes. But the Warpborn had other ideas. They didn't want to be anyone's playthings. After decades of servitude to the Dark Mechanicus they finally achieved freedom in a glorious slave uprising. The small band of rebels stole a Dark Mechanicus ship, kidnapped a navigator, and took to the stars. They now wander the verse pillaging, burning, and “liberating” anyone they perceive to be enslaved.

☆ Talos Slaughterborn, Master of Possession, Mark of Slaanesh, bolt pistol, Staff of Possession, knows Smite/Mutated Invigoration/Pact of Flesh/Delightful Agonies=120
Talos is the Warpborn's warlord. It is he who liberated the warband from its Dark Mechanicus creators deep within the Warp. While a slave, he acquired a great deal of knowledge of all things biological and mechanical. He applies this knowledge towards enhancing his followers' physical attributes.

TROOPS [191]
-The Unchained, 7 Legionaries, 7 bolt pistols, 6 chainswords (126), heavy chainaxe (10), Mark of Slaanesh (15), icon (5), Balefire Tome--bearer knows Smite, Prescience, and Delightful Agonies (20), lascannon (15)=191
Lead by Champion Swordhiss, the Unchained were one of the first squads of Chaos Marines to join Talos' uprising. As such, they hold a position of honor within the warband.

ELITES [689]
-The Nameless, 8 Possessed Chaos Marines=224
-Navigator's Honor Guard, 5 Chaos Terminators, 4 combi-bolters, 1 Accursed Weapon (165), Mark of Slaanesh (15), chainfist (5), 3 powerfists (15)=200
-Harry the Helbrute, Chaos Helbrute, Helbrute Fist, multimelta (110), Mark of Tzeench (15)=125
-Dave, Chaos Helbrute, Helbrute Fist, twin lascannon (125), Mark of Tzeench (15)=140
Lead by Aspiring Champion Jadath, the Nameless can feel the warp overtaking them. And it is a good thing. They have surrendered their very souls to the Warp. Some of the Warpborn see the Nameless as damned. Others see the Nameless as truly liberated.
The Navigator's Honor Guard are entrusted with protecting the life of Veerata, the Warp Witch who guides the Warpborn through hell. It is a duty entrusted only to the warband's best fighters, such as Bloodgrin, the squad's champion. Sometimes these vatborn Chaos Terminators warp into the thick of fighting to rescue Talos and his warband.
The Helbrutes were once rebel slaves fighting alongside Talos. But they betrayed him and secretly became Dark Mechanicum agents. Their ploy failed and they now suffer for eternity inside their adamantium sarcophagi. For their trickery, Talos has inscribed each with the seal of Tzeench.

• Points: 1,000
• Number of models: 23 models (21 infantry, 2 dreadnoughts)
• Command Points: 2
• Relics: Jadeth, The Nameless Possessed Marines’ Aspiring Champion bears the Black Rune of Damnation

Here are various photos and comments from the tournament...





This was a fun, bizarre matchup to say the least. Our team was pretty logical, a freeblade of knights could feasibly fight for Chaos Marines. But for Thousand Suns and Grey Knights to ally together goes against all that is holy. But our opponents figured out a logical solution. These Thousand Suns were not Thousand Suns. Instead they were a faction of sorcerers who were still loyal to the Emperor who fled Ahriman after his failed effort to purge Chaos from the Thousand Suns. They were lost in the warp for a long time and retranslated near the Grey Knights who, for some reason, thought they were cool and agreed to fight alongside their fellow psykers. 


The board at deployment1689598040_1.TheBoardonTurn1.jpg


A really nicely-painted GK Squad1113998254_2.ImpressiveEnemyGKSquad.jpg


Sorcererous Thousand Suns1815022925_3.EnemyAhrimanandFriends.jpg


Warpborn Possessed and Terminators4. Warpborn Possessed and Termies.jpg



Big green knight



Chaos Legionaries Sit Back on Objective 6. Members of 'Unchained' Squad.jpg359238008_12.TattersoultheLegionary.jpg

The Warpborn Termies Approach 1989116_9.TheNavigatorsHonorGuardPreparetoChargeGK.jpg


Warpborn Possessed Charge Scarabs1054443602_10.TheNamelessPreparetoChargeScarabTermies.jpg11. Possessed vs. Scarabs.jpg


Armiger sends dakka downrange864642804_13.AlliedArmiger.jpg


Chaos Terminator Champion Bloodgrin takes out Ahriman14. Bloodgrin the Terminator Champion KOs Ahriman.jpg

Hmm, this model has taken out both Typhus and Ahriman now. Chainfists can be pretty good.


It was a very fun game but in the end the sorcerous forces of the Thousand Suns and Grey Knights beat the Warpborn and their allied Knights. Victory for the psykers!

This was the first time I had used the Master of Possession's stab a nearby chump for +2, cast Delightful Agonies, rinse, and repeat. It's a pretty powerful combo that really improves his spellcasting ability. This will definitely be a standard trick for me now. 

I also really liked Balefire Tomes. For 20 points you really contribute to the psychic phase.

And last edition my Possessed were a consistently good unit. But this edition they are truly outstanding, especially with the Black Rune of Damnation. Very fun indeed.



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This random matchup was actually quite logical as sometimes the Imperium and Eldar fight together against the forces of chaos. Here are some photos from Game 2.

Game 2 at Deployment, chaos on bottom759752002_15.Game2BoardatDeployment.jpg


The Unchained, the Nameless, and the Navigator's Honor Guard deploy844112531_16.TheWarpbornDeploy.jpg


Be'lakor and Harry the Helbrute hang out851865153_17.BelakorandDaveHoldtheLeftFlank.jpg


Closeup of the Nameless Possessed Squad18. The Nameless Move Out.jpg


Termies Charge a War Walker19. 'Navigator's Honor Guard' Charge War Walker.jpg


Warlord Talos and Unchained Legionaries Squad hold a backfield objective20. Talos and 'The Unchained' Hold the Backfield.jpg


Master of Possession Talos Slaughtercall and Legionary Adept Nightgaunt Nightfall21. Talos Slaughtercall and Nightgaunt Nightfall.jpg


Dave Bangs on a Wave Serpent. Let me in!1989760889_22.DaveSay:cuss:oaWaveSerpent.jpg


Talos bravely flees to the back of the board24. Talos Slaughtercall, Master of Possession.jpg


Harry says hi to a guard squad23. Harry Says Hi to a Guard Squad.jpg


Game 2 was also a blast. The forces of the CSM were wiped off the board pretty early one but Belakor and the daemons held out longer.







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For this game, we figured that the GSC had duped the knights into thinking that the Genestealer Cults were just the local Planetary Defense Force. I'm not quite sure why Talos would team up with the Ynarri. But he must have his reasons.


The board at deployment506845447_25.Game3BoardatDeployment.jpg

Warpborn and Ynnari on the right


Possessed charge a Rockgrinder, that thing would not die!219113103_26.PossessedChargeaRockgrinder.jpg27. Rockgrinder vs 'The Nameless'.jpg


Termies move up the board29. Chaos Terminators.jpg


Green Knight Goes Supernova, stripping wounds off of anyone in a large radius388224629_28.KnightGoesSupernova.jpg


Talos and Dave hang out in the midfield30. Dave and Talos.jpg

Dave's lascannons were very hot in this game, chipping many wounds off of knights and armigers.


Chaos Legionary "Devotion" chills in the backfield31. 'Devotion' the Chaos Legionary.jpg



As does his squad



Unchained Legionaries Squad is Charged by GSC Bikers1871493082_33.GSCBikesabouttochargeTheUnchained.jpg

But the Legionaries are victorious with their heavy chainaxe and a bazillion chainsword attacks.

This was a very fun game. My Ynarri ally and I lost it by only 1 point. I have to admit that the Ynarri character (I forgot her name) who can jump around the board did most of the heavy lifting. My termies, MoP, and Helbrutes contributed, but not nearly as much.

It was during this game that the other players started calling my Master of Possession a "mop" and a "custodian." Saying his staff looked like a cleaning instrument. I thought it was funny. But I'm not sure he did. :biggrin:


In the end, it was a very fun and well-run 16-player tournament. I was fortunate enough to win best painted for my army! I'm really enjoying the 2022 Codex. I've lost all my games using this new codex. But those of you who follow this blog know that's nothing new. And the games are not as uneven as they were using the 2017 CSM codex. 

Take care,


The Warpborn, "Death to the Dark Mechanicus!"

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1 hour ago, Tallarn Commander said:

This was the first time I had used the Master of Possession's stab a nearby chump for +2, cast Delightful Agonies, rinse, and repeat. It's a pretty powerful combo that really improves his spellcasting ability. This will definitely be a standard trick for me now. 

Thanks for the battle reports. Just a heads up that this is a common mistake. The MoP can stab someone for the +2 to powers off the Malefic Discipline only. 

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