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Tallarn Commander's Chaos (Assembling Cloaks & Maulerfiend)

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Happy New Year everyone!

I brought my Chaos to a very enjoyable tournament yesterday. I was soundly trounced in all 3 games. I tend to bring casual lists to competitive environments. :smile.: But my opponents were all very nice and I got to push toy soldiers around a board and discuss 40K so I was content.

Here are some photos and comments

Here's a photo my Chaos army before the tournament begins

My 4 HQs: Madame Voodoo, Gary the Daemon Prince, Barnabas the Sorcerer (before I added his magnetized weapons), and Vicious Pete


The Death Bats Squad, 5 CSM with missile launcher, sadly the missile launcher bit broke off and was lost.


My Bezerkers hit the Death Guard line

Sorcerer Barnabas vs a Nurgle Daemon Prince

Nurgle Knight stomps on some Renegades and Heretics Mutants

Before the Plasma Chosen finish off the Nurgle Knight
This was the fist time I managed to kill an enemy knight in 40K! My how I hate those things. They belong in Apocalypse games and that's about it.

Harry the Helbrute targets a Corvus Blackstar
This was the first time I ever used lascannons on a dreadnought, er, Helbrute. I was very impressed. This was also the first time I used fire frenzy on a Helbrute. It sure can be a great stratagem in the right situation.

Renegade Commander Madame Voodoo overcharges and finishes off a Corvus Blackstar
Wow! She was freshly painted up last week so I guess new model syndrome doesn't always apply. :smile.:

My R&H Earthshaker Carriage with crew, Blood Debt, treats the Space Marine infantry with extreme prejudice
I hope I'm not the only one who makes the sound of incoming arty when I fire off my big guns. :smile.:

Renegade Commanders Madame Voodoo and Vicious Pete somehow Survive 2 rounds of combat with a Knight!
One for the record books. The cowardly knight would then leap out of combat and gun them down.

Bezerker Champion Blood Drinker goes solo with a squad of Dark Elf Warriors

Dark Elf Air Force clears out the Chaos riff raff
Man those flyers sure were gorgeous. Over 3 turns the Flakk Missile stratagem actually downed one of the fliers.

My dead pile after Game 3

In other news, I finished up my first painting project of the year: a batch of 5 Renegades and Heretics infantry. I'm now up to 125 troopers!

Here's my favorite trooper, Nyith, because every chaos lunatic needs nunchaku

Overall, here are my thoughts on how my units performed

Thumbs Up
-Barnabas the Butcher, sorcerer with jumppack--a superb force multiplier thanks to prescience, warptime, and other goodies
-Harry the Helbrute with Helbrute Fist and Twin Lascannon--since the twin lascannon came down in price I finally magnetized and painted one up the night before the tournament. I'm glad I did. He was quite the beast, responsible for many of my kills
-Death Masques, 5 Chosen with 4 plasma guns--I haven't taken plasma chosen since 2016. Wow was this unit effective, especially with Endless Cacophony, Veterans of the Long War, and/or Prescience
-Earthshaker Carriage, 5 trooper CSM squads and 5 trooper Renegade and Heretics command squads with lascannons or missile launchers--solid, cheap firebase units

Thumbs Down
-Gary the Greater Daemon--in casual settings he's fine, here he was gunned down before I could say "Nurgle." I still like him but he might be better served deepstriking down to the fight (see below)
-Bezerker Squad in a Rhino--these blokes felt like they were re-enacting the charge of the light brigade, I should probably bring at least 2 of these or none.
-Mary the Maulerfied-ditto, 2 crazed dino beasts, say Mary and one of my Blood Slaughterers, would have been much more difficult for my opponents to deal with
-Renegade Militia and Mutants-also dissolved quickly due to enemy firepower, I either need way more of these guys, I only brought about 60, or the bare minimum
-summoned daemons-in every single one of my games I forgot that I had set aside 80 points for daemon summoning. Oops. I think that, because my memory is horrible, if I take daemons I had better just take a separate battalion of daemons. If I buy and paint up 10 Plaguebearers then I can bring a small force of 2 Poxbringers and/or Gary the Daemon Prince of Nurgle, 2 squads of 10 plaguebearers, 3 bases of Nurglings, and a squad of 14 plaguebearers, I could probably proxy my 7 old Nurgle Cavalry as something too.
-4 Chaos Bikers with meltaguns--solid in casual settings, they got liquidated too fast here.

I think I might want to try out a winged DP and a slightly more effective set of assault units. I have plenty of wing bitz lying around so mayble I'll give my Khorne DP Azrath a wing makeover, a wingover. Such an HQ might nicely synergize with with a pair of daemon engines like Bloodslaughterers and /or Maulerfiends and a pair of Zerker squads in Rhinos. That way I have 5 fast assaulty units that the enemy has to deal with. And I still have some points left over for firebase units like R&H earthshakers, command squads, CSM plasma chosen, etc, and support units like a sorcerer.

All in all it was a great tournament and I'm still stoked about finally killing a knight!

Til next time, "Death to the False Emperor!"

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Hello again everyone,

I went to another tournament on Sunday. I lost all 3 games again but had a fun time indeed and all my opponents were great sports, gentlemen and scholars to be sure. I brought my World Eaters army (1500) points and, while most of it was mine, the blood certainly flowed so Khorne was happy. :smile.:

Here are some photos and comments on the games.

A photo of my army before the game. My fluff is that my force is the Night Eaters legion. The Night Eaters are a former Night Lords warband that has converted to Khorne.


From front left you can see a small 5-trooper CSM squad, Chaos Lord Barnabas, Warpsmith Hoth, Brrrbbbble the Spawn

On the middle tier you have BloodTongue Bezerker Squad with Rhino, Death Bats and Night Masques plasma chosen squads with Rhino, and Bloodflowers Bezerker Squad with Rhino

On the top tier you have BloodLady the Blood Slaughter, Mary the Maulerfiend, and Harry the Helbrute

Here are my 2 HQs, Barnabas the Butcher and Warpsmith Hoth (twho I stole from my IG army where he was a lowly techpriest)


Barnabas did good work as always, especially through his buffs. This was the first time I used a Warpsmith and I was impressed, mostly with his meltagun. I think I need to start putting some combi-meltas on 1 or 2 of my characters. I consistently forgot to use Hoth's repair ability. Doh!

Here is a view of the battlefield for my first game. Chaos on the bottom and Dark Eldar on the top.


My opponent went first. Here you can see Mary and BloodLady hunkering down behind a building so that darklances and disentagrators don't target them.


They weren't born yesterday. They know darklight kills.

The Death Bats Chaos Marine Squad snipes at the enemy with krak, frag, and flakk missiles. In this game I used at least one of each of the 3 types of missiles. :smile.:


My 3 Rhinos getting hit by Disintegrator fire on Turn 1


The Bezerkers take out 2 of 3 Ravagers and were then cut down by a hail of shredder fire from scourges


Harry powerfists the last Ravager down to the ground


My 2nd game was against a fellow Chaos player with a Tzeench and Black Legion list. He had both Ahriman and Abbadon.


BloodLady the Blood Slaughter eyes her Chaos foes from across the battlefield

The two forces of Chaos approach each other


Black Legion Cultists fight Khorne Bezerkers around the Rhino


I managed to kill 36 cultists in 1 turn, which is a good thing because they would have all come back if I hadn't finished off the squad

Abbadon uses the Talon of Horus to kill my Rhino, Death's Head


After killing 1 Daemon Prince, Bezerker Champion Red Messiah goes up against a 2nd Daemon Prince and loses


....to be continued.....

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...Continued from previous post.

For my 3rd game I went up against a Death Guard player who brought Mortarion. Whew! I'd never faced Morty and his bazillion or so wounds before. He sure is nasty. On Turn 1 he charged my lines and started doing mortal wounds to all units around him. Luckily I charged everything but the kitchen sink at him on my Turn 1 and managed to kill him off, but not before he used his ability 2 more times, once during the fight phase and once when he blew up. Ouch!

After that my army was so weakened by all those mortal wounds caused by Mortarion, that it was just a mopping up action.

Green vs Red, Nurgle vs Khorne


A member of the Death Bats CSM Squad spies Mortarion on the horizon


This is probably what it felt like for the Rebel troopers on Hoth when they looked through their binoculars and saw ATATs coming towards them

Morty says hi before charging my Rhino on Turn 1


First you see Mortarion....


....And then you don't


Taking him out was a moral, but not an actual, victory!

All in all, it was another great tournament. Thanks to Mox Boarding House in Ballard for hosting this fun event!

Over the last week I've been working on magnetized more melee weapons and small arms for my champions and other troopers. I also magnetized up the hands on 4 Chaos terminators.

Here you can see the Chaos Termies with mostly lightning claws


And here you can see them with mostly combi-plasmas and powerfists


And here you seem them with dual power axe configuration! It's not in the rules of course, but I have a lot of power axes. :)


And in this photo various unit champions and characters are rocking combi-plasmas, power swords, and power mauls


Here is my future Chaos Terminator Lord/Chaos Terminator Champion with a pair of power axes


I hope to pick out a name for him and to paint him up this spring

Here is my next project, which I plan to finish up next month. My parents and sister got me each of these for Christmas!


They will be a pair of lascannon-equipped armored sentinels for my Chaos Renegades force. I'll try using weathering powders, AK chipping fluid, and some oil paints, following the techniques in the FW Imperial Armor painting book. That book is a wonderful resource.

Til next time, "Maim! Kill! Burn!"

PS Apparently Flickr is now limiting people to 1,000 images. If you want to go over this you have to pay. As a result, some of this blog's photos have dissapeared. I'll gradually put them up as I move my images over to the Bolter and Chainsword gallery.

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The Rhinos were an effective, cheap mode of transport. And, as you know, they are great at soaking up overwatch. I tend to run Maulerfiends and Blood Slaughterers (I also just ordered a Defiler from my local gaming store so I'll soon have another Daemon Engine). The opponents often pour their fire into these beasts which means my Bezerkers, plasma chosen, or what have you can often jump out on Turn 2 or 3 and do their thing.



This was the first time I used dual combi-bolters on them and I found the 2-point upgrade to be nice as well. 

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Good to hear! I was thinking that along with the Maulershrimp (and eventually a second) a couple of Rhinos should do a useful job in a similar vain for me. Now I'm plodding along with the Chosen it'd be a good way to help them retain effectiveness on the way in so I should plod along with my Rhino too :P


A second combi-bolter would be good were it not for modelling concerns (as in I've not done it :lol: ), I do have the Havoc launcher magnetised though. I feel it might not be the best use of points however? Especially if I want to keep costs down for glorified bullet sponges :P

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I worked a bit on assembling miniatures this weekend.

I put together a squad of 10 Elysian drop troopers for my Renegades and Heretics force. They can be used as Disciples or as a Command Squad. I think I'll paint this squad in a Khornate red and gold color scheme to make them stand out.

Here are some photos:


Possible command net vox trooper, 2 rank and file troopers, and lascannon team


2 rank and file troopers, possible disciple champion aiming a pistol if the squad is a disciple squad (command squads can't have squad leaders), and 2 rank and file troopers


Blood for the Blood God!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,

I got in a 1000 point pickup game against an Eldar player. It was another loss, but I had a great time. Here are some pics.

Here's a shot of the Eldar army. My opponent's painted red models were quite nice. He says he's developing a Craftworld of his own.


His army featured a Farseer on foot, a Farseer on a Jetbike, a squad of Jetbikes, a Guardian Squad, 2 Wave Serpents, a War Walker, and a squad of Wraith Guard with the flamer thingies (I cannot recall the official name)

Here is a picture of my Night Lords at deployment


From right to left: BloodLady the Blood Slaughterer, Mary the Maulerfiend, 3 squads of CSM (2 with autocannon and combi-plasma and 1 with lascannon), Chaos Lord Duvalier with jump pack and Claws of the Black Hunt, Sorcerer Castro with jump pack, and 2 Spawn (many of my units are hiding behind the building)

He got first turn and shuffled forward. Thanks to the long range and the building, he didn't do much damage. On my Turn 1 I charged Mary, BloodLady, Duvalier, and the Death Bats Chaos Marine Squad with autocannon into a Wave Serpent. BloodLady blew it up before the Maulerfiendf, CSM, or Chaos Lord got to swing. In a very lucky use of a command point, my opponent re-rolled the explosion result doing about 10 or so mortal wounds to the 2 Daemonforged units, CSM, and my warlord. Ouch!

Here you can see my heavy hitters after they took out the Wave Serpent


On my Turn 1 my Spawn also charged his War Walker which had outflanked. it was a bit of a slapfest, but at least the War Walker wouldn't be shooting at me on Turn 2. In fact, the Spawn would keep harassing the War Walker on Turns 2 through 4, finally killing off the Eldar Scout vehicle on Turn 4. However, on Turn 5, my Spawn was the only surviving model in my army and it was easily gunned down.


On Turn 2 the Eldar pounced by moving up their bikes and Guardians. He cast doom on Mary the Maulerfiend and shot her down to 3 wounds. He also gunned down the Blood Slaughterer with ease. It has been awhile since I've gone up against Guardians or Jetbikes. 6s on the damage roll are -3! As a result, I was down one daemonforged vehicle and I had a 2nd daemonforged vehicle at the bottom health bracket.

Eldar Bikers pounce and gun down BloodLady the Blood Slaughterer


The red Chaos mouth terrain in the background was purchased from a chap in Poland by the gaming store, Heroic Knight Games in Issaquah, Washington in the United States. That sure is one gorgeous piece of terrain!

In Chaos Turn 2 I got some measure of revenge as my CSM gunned down his jetbikes. I also got Mary (who went back up to the middle health bracket thanks to Infernal Regeneration) and Duvalier into melee against the Guardians and managed to kill 4 of the pointy-eared craftspeople.

Duvalier and Mary vs Guardians


As a bit of a sideshow, my opponent kept his Wraith Guard in the back. On Chaos Turn 2 I dropped a melta raptor squad behind them and opened up. I forgot to use Veterans of the Long War and I did a total of 2 damage, even after using Endless Cacophony. I think I need to convert my raptors in to small 5-trooper triple plasma squads instead of their current configuration as small 5-trooper triple melta squads. With VotLW, plasma would statistically have put 12-14 damage on the squad as opposed to the meltagusns' statistical 9-12 damage.

Here you can see my survivor Raptor Champ about to be charged to death after the squad was flamed


On Eldar Turn 3 he jumped his Guardians out of melee and gunned down Mary, Duvalier my Chaos Lord, and Castro my Sorcerer

On Chaos Turn 3, in a desperate attempt to get closer to the objective in the middle of the board, I order my 2 remaining CSM Squads to assault a Wave Serpent



On Eldar Turn 4 the Xenos consolidate around the objective and wipe out the remaining CSM with firepower


And on Chaos Turn 4 the Spawn is all I've got left. Here is a photo of my spawn before it charged the War Walker (again), finally killing the Eldar walker.


And the Eldar had no difficulty gunning down Brrrbbbble the Spawn for a tabling of Chaos

Another fun game. Shoutouts have to go out to Mary for tanking so many hits and to Sorcerer Castro for handing out all sorts of useful buffs. I'd have too say my opponents' VIPs were his 2 Warlocks and his Bladestorming Guardians and Jetbikes.

Here are a couple of images of my modeling progress. I've assembled 9 Chaos Renegades using Wargames Factory greatcoat troopers.

5 new members of 5th Squad, my Chaos Militia/Cultist Squad for my Renegades and Heretics Army. I picked these blokes up at a swap meet last month.


I think I might give Squid Head on the right a power sword and make him the Renegade Militia Champion

4 More Members of 5th Squad


The trooper on the right will be a Vox Trooper. In a force that includes 2-3 Command Squads with command net voxes, voxes are a great way to buff the leadership of Renegades and Heretics militia squads.

And after 16 years, I finally broke down and bought a Defiler. The points drop in the latest chapter approved made this sucker look very appealing to me. A bare bones version is only 142 points. I'll treat it as an assault walker and run it alongside my Zerkers in Rhinos and/or Maulerfiends and other fast assault units like Blood Slaughterers. If the battlecannon or reaper autocannon actually hurt anything, it will be icing on the cake.

Spike and Deffy



Enjoy the photos everyone!

"Kill! Maim! Burn!", World Eaters

"The Quick and the Dead," Night Lords

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Hello again everyone,

I am slowly moving all my photo images over from Flickr to Bolter and Chainsword's gallery.

While I was moving images, I noticed a series of photos from a March 2017 7th Edition game I played using my Death Guard. Well, they're not really Death Guard. They're really just Nurgle CSM. I prefer to just run Nurgle heavy CSM so I can still take units that are denied to the DG. I thought I'd spend my snow day posting then up here for you all to enjoy.

This was a 2000 point 1 vs 2 game. My 2000 points of Death Guard were pitted against 1000 points of Necrons and 1000 points of Eldar. It was a close fun game, and, for the life of me I cannot recall who won. But that's never really the point when I play a game of 40K. :)

Here are some pictures. As you can see, my Nurgle is red. I was going for a sort of hot, feverish look. :)

My Warlord, Dama Evita on a Palanquin of Nurgle


A Nurgle icon bearer proclaims his allegiance before the game begins


Some Plague Marines before Turn 1


More Plague Marines


A Blurry Image of the Eldar Necron Line Before Battle


Nurgle Terminators Move Out on Turn 1


As Do Some Immortals


And Some Storm Guardians


They must have already taken some bolter fire because one of the Storm Guardians is missing an arm. :)

And on the Chaos Left Flank the Two Forces Move Toward Each Other


In the Center, Plague Marines Toss Bolter Shots at a WraithLord


Banshees vs Terminators on the Left Flank


Scarabs Tie Down Nurgle Bikers (I used the old Plague Rider models as my bikers) and Terminators


Banshees Get to Work on some Plague Marines


You can see my Chaos lascannon Havocs at the bottom right of this image

A Plague Marine Champion with powerfist dukes it out with a Banshee Exarch with Executioner


Whilie the Exarch keeps the forces of Nurgle distracted, the Wraithlord sneaks up on the Chaos line and draws his sword


My opponent has done a brilliant job converting this wraithlord so he looks like he is drawing a bokken!

Evita, the Bikers, and the Terminators Surround the Wraith Guard and an Eldar Character


Another Plague Marine Champion with powerfist duels a Banshee Exarch


Biker Champion Becomes a Daemon Prince of Nurgle


Huzzah! I love it when this happens. It happens so rarely, but when it does it is truly glorious.

The Battlefield as the Game Draws to a Close


Dama Evita Treats Some Necrons with Extreme Prejudice


Enjoy the Nurgly photos!

Nurgle, "There's something rotten in Denmark."

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've been busy assembling my Defiler and more Renegades and Heretics dudes.

I've decided I'm going to use the top half of a Helbrute as the top half of my Defiler. This means that until my Helbrute gets here, I cannot proceed any further with Deffy.

To keep myself entertained, I've dry fitted 5 variant ideas for how to kit out Deffy's top half.

Here are some pics:

Deffy with Stock Defiler Top Half


I think I'll actually use this Defiler top half as one of the turrets for my 2 Renegade and Heretic Leman Russes. If I stuck a gun on front then my Russ will look a bit like the WWII Soviet KV1 with 76mm gun.

This is how I intend to use the Defiler top half


Boom! Boom! My other Renegade and Heretics Russ will have the turret from a M48 Patton tank.

Defffy with Dragon Head


This might work if I were to feature an underslung battle cannon and reaper autocannon.

Deffy with an old Rackham Confrontation Troll Top Half


Because nothing says Chaos like a troll with an anchor. Sigh I miss all those gorgeous Rackham miniatures. I had a pirate goblin army that was really fun.

Deffy with Chaos Lord on Palanquin as the Top Half


And, my personal favorite, Deffy with Predator Turret as Top Half


This looks a lot like how I imagine the Chaos Stalker Tanks in the Gaunt's Ghosts series. I'll definitely magnetize my Helbrute top half onto Deffy so that, in some games I can run the top half of my Helbrute as an actual Helbrute. In those games, I could easily use this turret as Deffy's top half.

I finally finished assembling all my Renegades and Heretics infantry models. Here are the last 9 I assembled. This batch also use the old Wargames Factory greatcoat troopers.

Saw Arm Dude, Reaver Head Guy, and Mace Man


Wanna Be Wolverine, Whip/Mace Trooper, and Dual Pistol Duelist


Axe Mutant, Pickaxer, and Icon Bearer


That's it for now. My next tasks are to assemble a couple of Plaguebearers and a pair of Armored Sentinels. I hope to magnetize the top of each sentinel and model up each sentinel pilot so they look like they are atrophying and merging with their vehicles.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I got in another game with my Chaos! This time I brought a Night Lords battalion and a Renegades and Heretics battalion. I faced up against an Ultramarines force. When my opponent plopped down Guilliman I knew I would be fighting an uphill battle. In the end, I lost the game and this was my 10th loss with my Chaos army in a row! But it was a fun game and my opponent was very sporting.

I tried out 2 new units from the fight: Deffy the Defiler and 2 Renegade and Heretics armored sentinels with lascannons. I was impressed by both. Deffy died to shooting on Turn 3 but not before he managed to deal out 3 wounds to Guilliman with his Defiler Scourge. One sentinel died Turn 2 but the other sentinel, Hound of Chaos, lasted the whole game and sent many lascannon shots downrange.

I also pretty much tried out Marauders for the first time. The only other time I used them they took a couple of casualties to an exploding Rhino at the beginning of the game, then I rolled a 1 for "In it for the money," then I rolled a 1 for the re-roll and the entire squad ran away. If you are not familiar with the "In it for the money" rule, it basically means that instead of a morale check you roll 1d6. If you roll a 1 then the whole squad leaves because they are only in it for the paycheck after all. But if you roll a 2+ then the Marauders squad ignores morale.

This time around the Marauders performed much better. They were very hard to remove due to the "In it for the money" rule and, with 3 attacks each, they weren't half bad in melee either. Also, they sent plenty of overcharged plasma shots downrange. If you play R&H, I strongly recommend you try out some Marauders.

Here are some images from the battle.

Shot of Chaos Lord Duvalier's Night Lords Detachment of Doooom and Chaos Renegade Commander Dneghra's Nostraman 9th Mercenary Company


Night Lords in the front, Renegades and Heretics in the back

My army consisted of:

Night Lords


-Raptor Lord Duvalier with Claws of the Night

-Raptor Sorcerer Castro with force sword and combi-melta


-Harry the Helbrute with twin lascannon and fist

-Bloodflowers, 8 Bezerkers, icon, fist, 7 chainaxes, plasma pistol in a stock Chaos Rhino

-BloodTongue, 8 Bezerkers, icon, fist, 7 chainaxes, in a stock Chaos Rhino


-Death Bats, 5 CSM, lascannon

-Night Masques, 5 CSM, lascannon

-Sentry Killers, 5 CSM, lascannon


-The Brotherhood, 3 Spawn


-Mary the Maulerfiend, fist, lasher tendrils

-Deffy the Defiler, claw, battlecannon, reaper autocannon, Defiler Scourge

Nostraman 9th Mercenary Company (Renegades and Heretics Militia)


-Renegade Commander Dnegrah, power sword

-Renegade Commander Vicious Pete, power axe


-9th Squad, 10 Marauders, 2 plasma guns, Captain Zero with plasma pistol and power axe

-10th Squad, 10 Marauders, 2 plasma guns, Madame Voodoo with plasma pistol and power axe

-11th Squad, 10 Marauders, 2 plasma guns, The Abomination with power sword


-1st Squad, 10 Militia

-2nd Squad, 10 Militia

-7th Squad, 10 Mutant Rabble


-Hound of Chaos, armored sentinel, lascannon

-Star of Chaos, armored sentinel, lascannon

My 2 Night Lords raptor HQs, Duvalier and Castro


A closeup of Harry, the Chaos Spawn, Deffy, and Mary


Deffy is still waiting for his Helbrute top half so I temporarily gave him underslung battle cannon and scourge and a reaper autocannon turret for a head

My 3 Marauder squads


These units were quite effective. They plinked off overcharged plasma shots as they approached the enemy. Then in melee they had 3 attacks each and the "In it for the money" rule pretty much made them immune to morale effects. The Ultramarines had to kill off whole squads to make them go away.

Deffy before the Battle


Guilliman charges Mary, doing 15 wounds. Ouch!


2 Squads of Bezerkers, Duvalier, and Mutant Rabble reach the Ultramarine line


Deffy charges Guilliman, doing 3 wounds and taking 6 back in return


10th Squad advances


The Marauders were definitely this game's MVPs!

Raptor Lord Duvalier surrounded by Thunderhammer terminators. This went about how you would expect it would.


At least he was pretty before he died...

The Spawn assault the scouts


15 attacks, 3 hits, 1 wound at -4 AP...only 1 dead scout. Sigh.

2 Marauder squads get revenge for Duvalier's death.


The irate space pirates were heard screaming, "Bastards! You just killed our employer! Who's going to pay us now?!" as they pulled the terminators limb from limb


My Night Masques Chaos Marine Squad sat back and blew up Predators the whole game


In the rear with the gear!

With the Chaos front line dead, Guilliman tears into the Night Lords backline firebase units


The Death Bats Chaos Marine Squad meets a quick end

Hound of Chaos Snipes Guilliman down to 1 wound


Closeup of Hound of Chaos


And here are some WIP pics...

I've finished assembling my 2 Renegade and Heretics armored sentinels with lacannons and sentinel chainsaws


Hound of Chaos and Star of Chaos...I'm in the process of magnetizing the armored tops

And here are some goofy photos made possible by magnets

Armored sentinel with battlecannon


I'm pretty sure the first shot would cause the sentinel to fall apart from the recoil!

Armored Sentinel with Reaper Autocannon


This actually seems like a pretty plausible upgrade

Harry borrows the sentinels' lascannons and makes them into a twin lascannon


My Helbrute Dave becomes a Defiler


I hope you've enjoyed the pics! :smile.:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Solution

Hello again,

I have completed 5 more Renegades & Heretics infantry. This brings the ranks of the Nostroman 9th up to a total of 131 painted troopers!

Here are some photos:

5 Renegades


Disciple lascannon team, 6th Squad


I poured superglue over the troopers' aquilas in an attempt to make them look defaced.

Charles, Marauder Chieftain with plasma pistol and power axe, 11th Squad


Chaos Renegade Militia trooper Piotr, 4th Squad


"Da Chaos Gods promised me more teef!"

Greenklaw, Chaos Renegade enforcer with powerfist and autopistol


Here are some shots of all 131 troopers

From the top


Renegade Horde


The true warlord of the Nostroman 9th, Bella


"How many points am I?"

Charles and Madame Voodoo, 2 Marauder Chieftains


I just realized Charles should have an 11 on his shoulder pad not a 10 since he's the leader of 11th Squad, Doh!

Pair of lascannon teams


10011101 and Greenclaw


I also finished assembling and magnetizing my Defiler, Deffy.

Here are some photos...



In this pic I've made his battlecannon underslung, moved the reaper to his right arm, and used an alternate scourge


Here are a couple of photos of Dave the Helbrute using some weapons from the Defiler and new Helbrute kit

Deffy with power scourge and Helbrute Fist


Deffy with power scourge and reaper autocannon


Also, I've signed up for a 2000 point tournament this weekend. The tournament will be at a gaming store called Games and Gizmos. I've been going to tournaments there on and off since about 2002 and it's always a fun time.

Here is the list I'm going to bring. No Forgeworld is allowed so I can't bring my Renegades and Heretics. I'll be bringing a Night Lords battalion and a World Eaters battalion.\\\



• Hatred, Chaos Sorcerer "Lord," jumppack, Mark of Tzeench (112), force sword (8)=120

• Chaos Lord Chamorro, Bike (113), pair of lightning claws (12), combi-melta (15)=140

Sorcerer Hatred and Chaos Sorcerer Lord Chamorro are cousins who fought under Curze's banner before, during, and after the Horus Heresy. They recently allied their Night Lords warband with Azrath's World Eaters. Hatred and Chamorro are uncomfortable about hitching their horse to a band of Khorne-worshipping fanatics. While they recognize that the Night Lords' fortunes have improved since they allied with Azrath's World Eaters, the Night Lords sorcerer and lord are still weary.

TROOPS [235]

• Night Masques Squad, 5 Chaos Marines (65), lascannon (25)=90

• Sentry Killers Squad, 5 Chaos Marines (65), lascannon (25)=90

• 9th Squad, 11 Cultists=55

The Night Lords Chaos Marines are the warband's original members. They provide the warband with a tough, flexible core. The cultists are a diverse lot. Some fight for coin, some for Chaos, some fight against the fascist Imperium, and some fight for the sake of fighting.


• Bat to the Bone, 4 Chaos Bikers, Mark of Slaanesh (92), 2 plasmaguns (22), combi-plasma (11)=125

• Bats Out of Hell, 9 Chaos Raptors, Mark of Slaanesh (135), 2 meltaguns (28), combi-melta (15), power axe (5)=183

The Chaos Bikers and Raptors are classic Night Lords units that terrorize with rapid strikes on the foe's vulnerable flanks.


• Deffy the Defiler with Defiler Claws and Battlecannon, Mark of Slaanesh (120), Defiler Scourge (12), Reaper Autocannon (10)=142

• Mary the Maulerfiend, Maulerfiend fist, Mark of Slaanesh (120), set of lasher tendrils (12)=132

Deffy and Mary are always in the vanguard of the assault competing to see who can get the most kills.


HQ [256]

• Azrath, Daemon Prince of Khorne, wings (170), Daemonic Axe (10)=180

• NightGaunt, Dark Apostle, Mark of Khorne (72), power maul (4)=76

Daemon Prince Azrath has teamed his World Eaters up with Lord Hatred's Night Lords because he received a vision from Father Khorne. In the vision he joined with the Night Lords to consecrate dozens of Imperium-held worlds in blood. Azrath recently converted Dark Apostle NightGaunt to the worship of Khorne. NightGaunt renounced the Night Lords' philosophy of Chaos Undivided and gave himself over to the Blood Path.

ELITES [125]

• Dave the Dreadnought, Mark of Khorne (60), Helbrute fist (30), power scourge (35)=125

Dave attempted to seize power from a Chaos Lord. He now suffers for eternity inside his adamantium coffin.

TROOPS [398]

• Champion Red Messiah's Bloodflowers Squad, 8 Bezerkers, Mark of Khorne, Icon of Wrath (10), 7 chainaxes (7), powerfist (9)=154

• Champion Maggot's BloodTongue Squad, 8 Bezerkers, Mark of Khorne (128), Icon of Wrath (10), 7 chainaxes (7), powerfist (9)=154

• Champion Kilwrath's BloodSniper Squad, 5 Chaos Marines, Mark of Khorne (65), lascannon (25)=90

The Bezerkers are Night Lords who have survived the Butcher's Nails procedure. The BloodSnipers provide ranged antitank firepower.


• Death's Head, Chaos Rhino, Mark of Khorne (70), combi-bolter (2)=72

• Tentaculus, Chaos Rhino, Mark of Khorne (70), combi-bolter (2)=72

These ancient AFVs manuever the Bezerkers around the battlefield.

• Total Points=2,000; Command Points=13

• 53 infantry, 5 bikes, 3 walkers, 2 tanks, 1 DP=64 models

• Unit Overview: 6 assault, 5 shooting, 6 support

• My 8th Edition Chaos Record: 4 wins and 19 losses, 17%

I'll post some pics from the game here next week!

Ave Dominus Nox!

Blood for the Blood God!

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Hello all,

I brought my Chaos to another tournament on Saturday. This event was held at the venerable Games Matrix in Lakewood, Washington in the United States. I managed a respectable 1 win/1 loss/and 1 draw. As usual, all my opponents were great sports and I had a blast.

Here are some comments and images.

A front shot of my army. World Eaters at the back and Night Lords at the front


Daemon Prince Azrath and Dark Apostle NightGaunt


This was the first time I put wings on Azrath. It really improved his performance, the added mobility makes him a really fun unit.

9th Squad, Chaos Cultists


As usual, my cultists were a solid support unit. They didn't kill anything but they did hold objectives and serve as bubble wrap for my more expensive units. As you can see, these Night Lords cultists are really drawn from my various Nostroman 9th Renegades and Heretics squads.

The Sentry Killers Chaos Marine Squad


And again, squads of 5 CSM with lascannon continue to do yeoman's work for me, stripping wounds off high toughness units and holding backfield objectives. CSM are certainly underpowered compared to many other armies' troops units, but they are not worthless.

Game 1 was a fun Chaos vs Chaos matchup against Slaanesh. Both our armies had a smattering of magic and shooting, but were mostly assault. As a result, it made for a dynamic matchup full of melee and manuever.

Slaanesh Daemons allied with a Knight/Armigers face off against World Eaters allied with Night Lords


My dynamic duo: Mary and Deffy


In my first 2 games my opponent went first and blew Deffy off the board. For some reason, my opponents find a giant daemon spider bot intimidating. :smile.: But since my opponents usually poured so much firepower into Deffy, it usually meant Mary and or my Helbrute Dave would live to get into combat though. I haven't finished painting Deffy, I've just given him a rust undercoat. I still haven't determined what color to paint him. I'm thinking of starting a custom warband and for some reason I'm thinking green and black might look nice.

Raptors learn their lesson: don't charge a Masque, Herald, and Daemonettes


My raptors jumped forward on Turn 1. Then they activated Endless Cacophony and Veterans of the Long War allowing them to blow an Armiger off the board. I then got carried away and charged the Slaaneshi left flank. Bad move and lesson learned.

Azrath and the Daemonettes


My zerkers went first and blendered a bunch of daemonettes. Then my opponent wisely removed her daemonettes so that they were out of melee and Azrath never got to swing. She then managed to roll a 1 on morale. She started to remove models when I asked her if she had an icon. :smile.: She did which meant the squad didn't dissolve away. It was awesome!

Things were going well for my bikers. On turn 1 they had gunned down a bunch of daemonettes. The Turn 2 plan was for them to shoot over towards the knight and overcharge a bunch of Endless Cacophonied plasma into the side of a knight. Sadly, Slaanesh had other plans for my bikers.



These 2 images demonstrate why deepstriking daemons is so fun. I really need to get another box of plaguebearers so I can field a small battalion of Nurgle Daemons.

While the bikers were tarpitted by daemonettes for the rest of the game, my Biker Lord Chamorro with Claws of the Night was with them so they felt better


Mary chomps on a knight doing about 10 or so wounds


For some reason the knight objected to being eaten and finished Mary off

She had previously been chewing on Daemonettes, or rather they had been chewing on her. AP -4 on 6s to wound can sometimes hurt.


Mary the Maulerfiend eats some Daemonettes, but on the way down they poke her a bit

Meanwhile Azrath and the Bezerkers pulled down an Armiger


The WE +1 on the charge combined with Veterans of the Long War means that Zerkers can even deal with T7 opponents

But my opponent's knight avenged the Armiger.


Azrath falls to a knight. But Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows!

This fun game ended in a draw with the DP and Dave the Dreadnought failing to kill each other.


Since we had marked each other for death, if either unit killed the other, that unit's army would have been victorious.

Game 2 was quick, brutal, and short. It was against IG backed up by a Castellan. As you might imagine, it reminded me of the charge of the light brigade. I managed to kill 2 squads of infantry and 2 sentinels. He killed my entire army. But he was fun and apologetic as he ripped my army apart with what he called a very OP list.

Bullgryns Bash Bezerkers


As an IGer (who only owns ogryns) I was impressed at what Bullgryns can do

IG infantry leap out of melee with Mary so that the Castellan can gun her down


Squad Bloodsnipers battles it out with IG infantry and Bullgryns


In Game 3 I was up against a Death Guard army featuring Morty. As you can see from my January tournament summary above, the last time I faced Morty he singlehandedly tore apart my whole army. As a result I was a bit nervous. Fortunately, I went first, had a lucky long charge with Deffy, and then rolled really well with Deffy doing about 19 or so wounds to Morty with my Defiler Claws and scourge. Since my lascannons and meltaguns had already weakened him he died Turn 1.

Deffy, upset about being blown up at the top of the turn for the last 2 games lets out some pent up frustration on poor Morty



Later on on the game my opponent and I had a blast when our DPs duelled each other


Unfortunately for him, I rolled a bit better and daemonaxed his DP back to the warp

On the left flank Mary and the bikers take forever to grind through Poxwalkers


We finally did it on the last turn of the game, capturing the Chaos objective marker

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Tournament Report continued....

Meanwhile Cultists chill on an objective


Meanwhile Dave was minding his own business...


When he was bushwacked and killed by a Plaguedrone


In the end, my opponent couldn't recover from the loss of Morty and I managed a win. My first since August. And my loooong 11-game Chaos losing streak finally ends. :)

All in all, a fun tourney. My MVPs for each game would have to be:

-Game 1: Sorcerer Hatred, he flung Warptimes and Presciences about and then helped the Zerkers finish off a squad of Daemonettes

-Game 2: Azrath, he jumped over bubble wrap and killed off the pesky Strakken and priest

-Game 3: Deffy, his killing of Morty was glorious.

And on a parting note, there were only 3 Chaos players in the tournament and I was fortunate to play against both. Both opponents were as nice as can be. To honor the Chaos Gods, we set up our respective Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Khorne DPs for a photo op.


I hope you enjoyed the photos!

We have come for you.

Blood for the Blood God!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I promised myself I'd try to finish up the Chaos models I currently have before I buy any of the gorgeous new Chaos models. Consequently, I've been slowly working away at my Chaos hobbying projects. Here are some WIP shots.

Shot of 80 or so CSM and R&H models on the painting table (not seen are a termie, some terrain, and some Possessed still on their sprue)


I won't touch the 2 Renegade Russes or the Renegade infantry on the right til May or June because they will be my ETL pledge this year

I already have Death Guard, Night Lords, and World Eaters. So I thought a nice way to herald in all these gorgeous new Chaos models would be to design and paint them up in a custom warband colors. I'm not sure what the warband's name or origin story will be. But I'm thinking warpborn CSM who were vat grown in the warp. And I'm not sure what the exact color scheme will be, although I'm thinking a nice green over rust with some black and gold accents.

Here are some of my rust-coated test panels


The rust recipe is borrowed from the Creative Twilight blog:


Here are 3 of the green test panels (although they still need to be highlighted, then washed with oil paints, and brushed with weathering powders)


On the left is Loren Forest Green, in the middle is Waaugh Flesh Green, and the right is Warboss Green. I still have 5 other greens to test out though.

I'm not sure which one is my favorite, but its early days yet.

Here is a small batch of Renegades and Heretics infantry and 1 Plaguebearer I'm also working on


This month I hope to finish up this batch of infantry, my 10 test panels, and (hopefully) finish up 2 R&H armored sentinels. Then next month I'll choose my 3 top green color schemes and try them out on a batch of of 10 Possessed.


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Yes, deciding to paint all my models before buying new ones is an ambitious (and foolish) plan. I hope to complete it by Halloween. But we'll see... :)



• Finish painting 10 test panels, 8 green for custom CSM warband and 2 blue for R&H (10 hrs)

• Finish painting 9 R&H militia, Plaguebearer (6 hrs)

• Finish painting 2 armored sentinels (10 hrs)

Total=29 hrs



• Assemble 10 Possessed (5 hrs)

• Paint 10 Possessed using the best 3 green color schemes (20 hrs)

• Paint up 2 Furies (4 hrs)

Total=29 hrs



• Finish painting Deffy using your final green color scheme (10 hrs)

• Paint Renegade Enforcer and 10 Disciples, ETL pledge (15 hrs)

• Paint Valkia the Bloody using the final green color scheme (3 hrs)

Total=28 hrs



• Paint 10 Renegade Disciples, ETL pledge (10 hrs)

• Paint 2 Renegade Leman Russes, ETL pledge (20 hrs)

Total=30 hrs



• Paint 3 Renegade Ogryn Houndmasters (6 hrs)

• Finish painting 16 Chaos Hounds (10 hrs)

• Paint names onto the bases of 100ish Renegades and Heretics infantry (8 hrs)

Total=24 hrs



• Paint up Chaos Terminator Lord, Chaos Terminator Sorcerer, Slaaneshi jumppack sorcerer, and 2 Terminators (12.0 hrs)

• Paint Pegasus TechBridge (6 hrs)

• Finish painting 8 Plaguebearers (5 hrs)

Total=23 hrs



• Finish painting 18 Renegade greatcoat militia (20 hrs)

• Paint Forgeworld sandbag terrain piece (10 hrs)

Total=30 hrs

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Well, this plan looks a lot less foolish than when I repainted my Guard and Marine armies at the same time... :P I certainly wish I could paint anywhere near as fast as you do with these timings, but that's still a lot of hours. Keep us updated on your progress - I won't wish you luck as you won't need it ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again everyone.

I got in a pickup game this evening against a Mars Ad Mech army. I went up against this same opponent and his army in May of last year. And as in that game, my opponent was great fun to play against and his army is full of incredibly well-painted models.

Here are some photos and thoughts on the battle:

My army was all painted except for my WIP Renegades and Heretics armored sentinel. Seen here with top on...


And seen here with the top off...


And a shot of the board before battle. Red and Blue on the left and Tan and Green on the right.


The board is an awesome Necron-themed table. I played on this table with my Chaos back in January in a tournament game against Deathwatch.

BloodLady the Blood Slaughterer, Mary the Maulerfiend, and some Chaos Renegades and Heretics Militia


10 trooper squad of Skitaari Vanguard hold Objective 6


"Let us irradiate you."

The Green Gunline


This sure was an intimidating amount of firepower. And he let loose on the top of Turn 1 with quite a ranged whallop.

Bezerker Squad Bloodtongue after their Rhino was Blown away. Luck was not with them today. 4 of the squad died when their Rhino blew up.


After losing their Rhino they were shot with some heavy stubbers and they immediately rolled a triio of 1s and a 2 for armor saves. Doh!

Thanks to the glory that is Warptime, Mary is catapulted up to the Admech line on the bottom of Turn 1


She would kill 2 destroyers and a Tech Priest Dominus before being gunned down on the top of Turn 2

Leaking oil and spitting parts because he is down to 4 wounds, Deffy crawls forward on the bottom of Turn 1


"Why do they always shoot me first?"

Mary consolidates into a Dunecrawler


Dunecrawler: "Have you heard about our lord and saviour the Ommissiah?"

Some Night Lords CSM, Deffy, and my Warpsmith Hoth


I made Hoth my warlord and put him into the new "Soulforged Detachment" with my Daemon Engines. Boy the extra 2 inches and those 2 stratagems were excellent!

The Knight and Belisarius Cawl make short work of Mary the Maulerfiend


BloodLady the BloodSlaughterer looks grumpy, possibly because the AdMech killed her friend Mary


BloodLady had quite the day. She actually lived. Also, she also took out a Kastelan Robot, Belisarius Cawl, and stripped 3 wounds off a knight.

BloodLady whomps on some Kastelans



10th Marauder Squad mangles with the Skiitari Vanguard


3rd Militia Squad, Enforcer Nostramo, and 9th Marauder Squad seize Objective 4


Nostramo to the Admech: "You'll have to kills us before we leave this objective!" Charging knight: "OK."

Champion Sevatar's 1st Militia Squad after they failed a charge against the Skiitari


Meanwhile 2nd Militia Squad just sort of hangs out near Objective 1


Dark Omnissiah Worshipper vs Omnissiah Worshipper....Warpsmith Hoth's last moments


And Cawl's last moments


In the end, the maelstrom luck gods were with me and I squeaked out a close 8 to 7 point win. But, more importantly, my opponent and I had a great time!

Again, I cannot say enough about the new Souforged Detachment for Daemon Engines. The extra 2 inches of movement and the 2 stratagems are solid gold!

Til next time,

World Eaters, "Kill! Maim! Burn!"

Night Lords, "Ave Dominus Nox."

Renegades and Heretics, "Hell's Horde."

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Thank you for the kind words.


I still need to add 93 images to the blog by uploading the images to Bolter and Chainsword.


Sadly, no new Lord Discordant anytime soon. I promised myself to paint up all my models before I buy any new ones. But I should be done by Halloween. :)


Hmmm, but perhaps I could raid my bitz box and assemble and paint up a counts as Lord Discordant and Blue Tac him to one of my Blood Slaughterers. That would be a quick easy project.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all,

I finished painting another 10 Chaos infantry: 1 Plaguebearer and 9 Renegades and Heretics troopers.

This brings me to a total of 15 painted Plaguebearers and 140 painted Renegades and Heretics foot soldiers!

Here are some photos:

A shot of all 10 troopers


A closeup shot of some of them


And another closeup shot of some others


And here is a closeup and brief comment on each trooper



Yish was born into a loyal imperial colony where the beastman strain was toleratedOne day a preacher arrived proclaiming all beastmen to be heretical. Yish, a loyal servant of the Emperor, was hurt and confused. Eventually the preacher succeeded in having all the beastmen put down. Yish managed to escape and now vents his frustration through service to the Nostroman 9th Mercenary Company as a member of the 7th Mutant Rabble Squad (with shotguns). He somehow still believes himself to be a loyal servant of the Emperor.



As a young boy Kenat loved reading data slates about a particular comic book character armed with claws. When the Chaos Uprising hit his hometown he fashioned his own claws in homage to this character. Snikkt!




As a young lass on Necromunda, Witchmelt was deathly afraid of fire. So naturally her Escher gang made her the warband's flamer trooper. Eventually her career prospects on Necromunda dried up and so she took to the stars as a mercenary for hire.



Ghoulmoney is the Necromundan 9th's fixer. He is a sly talker who is always arranging games of chance and dealing in blackmarket relics. If you need something, go see see Ghoulmoney.



Crank doesn't really understand the finer points of Chaos worship. He does know that the Necromundan 9th provides him with all the rocket launcher missiles and all the teeth he could ever need.

The Cursemaster


A proud dour former Imperial Guard sergeant. The Cursmaster is a duellist par excellence.



On nights of gibbous moons when certain rituals are conducted, Slashdream can use his blades to rip open the fabric of space and time. Entering other's dreams and causing havoc and mayhem.



I found 7 models that looked like this last year. Since it was a squad of 7 I knew they had to become Plaguebearers. I don't know what gaming system they are from though.



October is an opener. He hopes to bring a dawn of freedom crashing down ending the tyranny of the Imperium. I named him October as a reference to the late Roger Zelazny's book "Night in the Lonesome October." This is a wonderful book that I highly recommend. It pitches "openers" such as Dracula, Rasputin, and a witch as openers trying to open the gates to the Great Old Ones against closers such as Jack the Ripper, Frankenstein, and others who want to keep the world as it is. The story is told from the perspective of Jack the Ripper's dog! It's a great Halloween read.

Chillgibber (front)


Chillgibber was a communications officer in the Nostroman 9th. He resented the fact that he was always in the rear with the paymasters helping to coordinate the fighting. So one day he chopped off his arm and attached a large chainsaw. After that his wish was granted and he is always sent to the front where the fighting is thickest.

Chillgibber (rear)


Chillgibber is just a rank and file militia trooper with a brutal assault weapon and autopistol. But since I made his brutal assault weapon so big, in larger points games I might change him into an Enforcer with powerfist.

Here you can see all my unpainted WIP models except for 2 terrain pieces, Deffy, 10 Possessed, 1 Terminator, and Valkia the Sorceress


The batch of 10 that I just completed are at the bottom left. My pledge for the ETL is the batch of primed white models at the top middle, a bunch of R&H Disciples.

Enjoy the photos!

Necromundan 9th, "Hell's Horde!"

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Hello everyone,

I got in another pickup game with my Night Lords and my Renegades and Heretics recently. In this game I was up against AdMech with a knight. Ironically my last game was also against an Admech army with a knight. The mission was the one where we each have an objective in our deployment zone.

Here are some photos and comments...

A shot of my opponent's army before the game begins


Before the game begins, the Night Masques Chaos Marine Squad and Champion Lobo's 2nd Militia Squad hold an objective together


And Marauders, Militia, Renegade Commanders, and Enforcers mill around on my left flank waiting for the game to begin


And here is a photo of my opponent moving up on Turn 1. In my lines you can see a mix of Daemon Engines, CSM and R&H infantry, and some Rhinos


Then the Knight managed to make a Turn 1 charge into Deffy, doing about 6 wounds or so of damage



BloodLady the Blood Slaughterer was out for, well, blood. She moved up, charged, ripped 15 wounds from the knight in assault!


I do love the Daemonforge stratagem.

Then Azrath chopped 3 wounds out of the knight with his daemonic axe


And Deffy finished it off with his Defiler Claws



My opponent then used some sort of stratagem to auto-explode my knight, doing D6 damage to most of my army. Ouch!

The board at the top of Turn 2


I then made a tactical error that cost me the game. For some reason I thought my Marauders and Militia would be enough to hold off his assault walkers and 4++ save infantry that were heading towards my objective. His assault units are the grey units in the middle of the picture above. I chose to move Azrath and my Zerkers up to take his objective. He just whittled them up on the approach while his assault units ripped my R&H apart with ease. Then his assault units grabbed my objective while my assault units got to his objective but were too weak to do anything. I should have used Azrath and my Zerkers to stop him from reaching my objective, thereby attaining a respectable draw. By the way, BloodLady and Deffy (seen in the photo above) were easily shot down on Turn 2 by all the Admech shooting.

Oh well, live and learn. I now know to not charge a weakened trio of Chaos units against an intact Admech gunline. Instead use them to stop Admech assault units from reaching my line.

Here are some images of my Marauders and Militia tarpitting and then being crushed by his forward units, who then grabbed my objective





And here are some images of my assault units trying and failing to grab his objective



Another loss for my army. This puts me at 6 wins and 21 losses with my Chaos this edition.

But, all in all, it was a fun game, my opponent was very nice, and I learned some good lessons. Plus it sure was fun using BloodLady to take 15 wounds off a knight.

In other news, I'm plugging away at painting. I had hoped to finish up all my Chaos models by Halloween, but it will probably be more like Thanksgiving.

I used oil paints for the first time last week. They are a bit messier in terms of cleanup, but you can achieve some really nice effects with them. In particular, I like how oil paints pool much more realistically on large flat pieces than does acrylic wash. I'm definitely going to try out oil washes on my larger models now.

Here is an image of 9 test panels that I used oil paints on


I'm going to use one of the green paint schemes on Deffy. I'm just not sure which to use. I've narrowed it down to the 3 green panels you see below.

Paint Scheme Number 4 (Loren Forest)


Test Panel Number 5 (Waaaagh Flesh)


Number 5 is alive!

Test Panel Number 7 (Castellan Green)


And this is the blue paint scheme I will use on my Renegade and Heretics sentinels and Leman Russes


And a random WIP shot of one of my sentinels


You can see some Typhus Corrosion on the tip of his lascannon--I love that paint!

I hope you enjoy the photos!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Hi everyone,
Today's post covers various and sundry:
-My ETL pledge
-The list I'll be bringing to this year's "Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge."
-Progress I've made on a pair of R&H Sentinels
1. ETL
Back in 2016 I dropped the ball and didn't finish my ETL pledge. But during the next ETL (last year's) I successfully completed about 20 Bezerkers, 2 World Eaters characters, a rhino, a DP, and 2 Blood Slaughterers. I then used all of these units in the 2018 Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge. This year my ETL plans are a bit more modest. I'll be pledging to the Lost and the Damned and I hope to use this year's ETL models in this year's Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge.
Pledge 1 of 2
-Enforcer with power sword
-Renegade Commander with power sword
-10 Disciples, lascannon, meltagun
-10 Disciples, lascannon, meltagun
Pledge 2 of 2
-R&H Leman Russ, battlecannon, heavy bolter
-R&H Leman Russ, battlecannon, heavy bolter
Here are some pictures of my 1st pledge
And I started painting my first batch of my 1st pledge
2. 2019 Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge
As some of you may recall, the Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge is my biggest 40K event of the year. It consists of 5 games, each at 2,000 points, and for each game you are paired up against your opponent by your team captain. It's a very fun, casual event. Plus, it's held in my hometown of Vancouver, Washington, in the US (which was also set up by the Hudson's Bay Company before the more famous Vancouver up in British Columbia up in Canada). So this way I get to see my folks and play some 40K.
If you're interested in seeing posts on previous ETLs:
[whoops, it looks like I still need to clean up some of my photo links because my photos are missing from the 2017 OFCC post!]
This year I decided to bring a whole bunch of Renegades and Heretics (because who likes winning). I'll also toss in some Daemon Engines because they are a blast to play. So here's the list I'll be bringing to OFCC in the middle of August:

2000 points

HQ [79]
• Dneghra, Renegade Commander (25), power sword (4)=29
• Vicious Pete, Renegade Commander=25
• Cthulu, Renegade Commander=25
Dnegrah has lead the Nostroman 9th Mercenary Company for decades. She travels the verse with her Chaos-worshipping Renegades and Heretics mercenary band, selling her mercenaries' skills to any non-Imperium clients with enough coin. Dnegrah's ancestors were Nostroman nobility. They feared Curze but respected his ability to establish order. Vicious Pete is Dnegrah's lover. He won her affection through his martial prowess, devotion to Chaos, and strict personal code of honor. Cthulu is the armies' no-no-nsense paymaster.

ELITES [360]
• 6th Squad, Command Squad with 5 troopers (30), lascannon (20), Command Net Vox (10)=60
• 8th Squad, Command Squad with 5 troopers (30), lascannon (20), command net vox (10)=60
• Madame Voodoo's 9th Squad, 8 Marauders (48), 2 plasma guns (22), power axe (5), plasma pistol (5)=80
• Charles' 10th Squad, 8 Marauders (48), 2 plasma guns (22), power axe (5), plasma pistol (5)=80
• Caprain Zero's 11th Squad, 8 Marauders (48), 2 plasma guns (22), power axe (5), plasma pistol (5)=80
The command squads are veterans who lend their expertise to the militiavia command net vox. The Marauders are space pirates hired by Dnegrah. They are wanton miscreants who excel at boarding operations.

TROOPS [445]
• Sevatar's 1st Squad, 15 Militia (60), icon (10), vox (5), flamer (6)=81
• Lobo's 2nd Squad, 15 Militia (60), icon (10), vox (5), flamer (6)=81
• Kira's 3rd Squad, 15 Militia (60), icon (10), vox (5), flamer (6)=81
• The Abomination's 4th Squad, 15 Militia (60), icon (10), vox (5), flamer (6)=81
• 0011's 5th Squad, 15 Militia (60), icon (10), vox (5), flamer (6)=81
• Zeva's 7th Squad, 10 Mutant Rabble with shotguns=40
The militia and mutant rabble are a diverse lot. Some fight for coin, some for Chaos, some fight against the fascist Imperium, and some fight for the sake of fighting.

• Hound of Chaos, armored sentinel (30), lascannon (20)=50
• Star of Chaos, armored sentinel (30), lascannon (20)=50
• Raaawwwrrr, Chaos Spawn=33
Sentinels are the Nostroman 9th's tank hunters. The Spawn were once Noise Marines who displeased Slaanesh.

• Blood Debt, Earthshaker carriage (105), 4 crew (16)=121
• Excess, Leman Russ Battle Tank (122), Battlecannon (22), heavy bolter (8)=152
• Khorne's Ire, Leman Russ Battle Tank (122), Battlecannon (22), heavy bolter (8)=152
The artillery and tank specialists are traitor guard who now use their weapons against their former comrades.


• Warpsmith Hoth (35), power axe (5), meltagun (14), flamer (6)=60
Warpsmith Hoth has teamed his daemon engine "monster menagerie" up with Dnegrah's Renegades and Heretics because he received a vision from the Dark Omnissiah. In the vision he joined with the human Chaos worshippers to consecrate dozens of Imperium-held worlds in blood.

• BloodLady, Blood Slaughterer, Mark of Khorne, pair of Slaughter Blades=165
• 888, Blood Slaughterer, Mark of Khorne, pair of Slaughter Blades=165
• Brrrbbble, Chaos Spawn=25
BloodLady and 888 scuttle across the battlefield eager to shed blood for the glory of Khorne. The Spawn mews piteously as the Chaos Gods mock its very existence.

• Deffy the Defiler with Defiler Claws and Battlecannon, Mark of Slaanesh (120), Defiler Scourge (12), Reaper Autocannon (10)=142
Deffy is always in the vanguard of the assault blasting away with his battlecannon and crushing the foe with his claws.

1,999 pts, 127 infantry, 5 walkers, 2 spawn, 2 tanks, 1 artillery=137 models, 16 CP
3. Sentinels
I finally did a bit of work on a pair of Renegade and Heretics armored sentinels I had hoped to have completed 2 months ago. :smile.:
Here is an image of the 2 sentinels after the rustcoat was added last month
And arehot from today, I've added a blue basecoat over some AK Interactive worn effects chipping fluid and then I had at them with a toothbrush and warm water
As you can tell from my previous post, I actually intended to base-coat these 2 in a slightly lighter blue rather than the Kantor Blue you see here. But since I've alread painted up 140 R&H infantry and maybe 100 Night Lords in Kantor Blue I just automatically grabbed the Kantor Blue without thinking. Oh well, I guess they were meant to be Kantor Blue! :smile.:
Now I'll seal 'em up, add an oil wash, wait 3 days for it to dry, then add some highlights, and then they'll be done!
I'll keep you posted on progress as I paint up ETL models as well as non ETL models.
Take care,
Renegades and Heretics, "Hell's Horde"
Edited by Tallarn Commander
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

Here are some pictures of my recent Chaos hobbying...

A shot of all 6 troopers who are part of my ETL pledge. I finished them today.


Ul, Chaos Disciple with autogun


Ul foolishly spends his teeth on upgrading his weaponry. Here he is seen with his favorite rifle, Spike.

Chaos Renegade Commander, Feytor


Feytor is one of the most loyal lieutentants to the leader of the Nostroman 9th Mercenary Company, Dnegrah. His loyalty is paying off because Dnegrah is starting to swear her allegiance to the covenant of Slaanesh!

Gl and Kark form a lascannon team. They are both former Imperial Guard veterans who went over to Chaos.


As seen here, Kark is cybernetically enhanced and can feed targeting data directly to the lascannon via his arm.

Corporal Lilek is a fierce warrior of Chaos


Her demeanor exudes much sadness. She has seen a great deal of turmoil in her life and blames the Empire. However, any fellow Renegades who inquire about her past get pistolwhipped into unconsciousness so her mates no longer inquire.

And here is the next batch of 6 Disciples


You can see a lascannon team, Enforcer with flail, and 3 rank and file Disciples

I also recently finished up my pair of Renegades and Heretics sentinels. Finally! I started this project in February and had intended to finish it in March. Oops.

Here are Star of Chaos and Hound of Chaos, you get 3 guesses as to which one is which. :smile.:







In games these 2 little dudes have proved solid. They often get ignored for other things which lets them kick some decent lascannon firepower downrange before they get blown up. And, as armored sentinels, they are not too bad at tanking in assaults vs decent matchups.

Here you can see the pilots of the sentinels. As you can see, they have atrophied a bit in their quest to become one with their machines.



Being a Sentinel Pilot in the Nostroman 9th isn't for everyone, but for those who truly wish to combine Chaos worship with their chosen trade, it is the be all and end all...

I also assembled a pair of Leman Russes that I'd like to paint this summer. Here are Reaver and Khorne's Ire.





gallery_88062_14499_57218.jpgDetermining which tank is Reaver and which is Khorne's Ire will require a more careful eye.

I will rustcoat these up as I have Deffy and then give them the weather blue look that my sentinels have. I've left empty front and rear hatches on the one tank because, at some point in the future, I want to buy and add a Zinge Industries V8 engine to the rear and LED lighting to the front.

The ranks of the Nostroman 9th grow ever larger. If you are a non-Imperium warlord or planetary governor act fast and hire their services now!

Enjoy the pics!

Edited by Tallarn Commander
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