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Tallarn Commander's Chaos (Assembling Cloaks & Maulerfiend)

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Thanks for the kind words.


Later this summer I will also order some more gubbins (backpacks, crates, jerry cans, erc) from Victoria Miniatures and I'll put them in the panniers on the sides.


Yes, you can never have enough gubbins. In photos of military vehicles from WW2, Korean War, etc. military vehicle crews attach gubbins all over their vehicles. My squad did the same thing to our Humvee in the US Army. :)

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Hello all,

I've recently finished 3 Chaos hobbying projects: 9 Plaguebearers, 6 R&H Disciples, and 6 Chaos "Greatcoat" R&H troopers. Here are pics of all 3.

1. Plague bearers

Last month I finished up a batch of 8 Plaguebearers, using 5 from some unknown game system and 3 kitbashes (I finished painting a 9th Plaguebearer back in May)

Here is a shot of all 9


Plaguebearer Penar


Plaguebearer Aife


Plaguebearer Donat


Plaguebearer Nareen


Here are all 25 of my Plaguebearers


I only need 5 more to have 3 small troops choices...

And here are my 9 new Plaguebearers serving as Gary's bodyguard


Nurgle, "There's something rotten in Denmark."

2. Progress on my ETL Pledge: a batch of 6 Disciples

My 6 Completed Disciples: Pater the Enforcer, Trooper Gaur, lascannon gunners Kurx and Svar, Sgt. Zoica, and Comms Officer Enok


Pater is a former Ecclesiarchy Priest who went over to the other side. Now he is just as zealous in his worship of Slaanesh as he was in his worship of the Corpse God.


Pater whips himself into a bloody frenzy by self-flagellating with the flail you see here. He then leads the Chaos Militia in headlong charges at the foe.


When he reaches the enemy, he unsheathes his power sword, "Excess," from his back and hacks away.

Kurx and Svar are Catachan ex Imperial Guard troopers. During a years long siege of Anthos V, they just went stir crazy, fragged a Commissar, stole a shuttle, and made for the stars.


They ended up living the (Chaos) mercenary life. The Nostroman 9th puts their heavy weapon expertise to good use, skills which were underutilized by the Catachans.

Sergeant Zoica is distant cousin to the Nostroman 9th's leader, Dnegrah


Like Dnegrah she was raised on stories of the good old days when the train ran on time and Konrad Curze kept the streets safe. She is bitter at what she sees as the Imperium's unjust assassination of the Night Haunter. Zoica wants all worshippers of the Corpse God to pay for his murder. As she blasts the foe with her laspistol and chops them apart with her adze she often screams "This is for Night Haunter bitches!"

Vox Officer Enok speaks over a dozen languages and his knowledge of the comms network helps keep the 9th's leaders in contact with their troops.


Whenever Warpsmith Hoth is incapacitated (this happens a lot if enemy snipers are around), Vox Officer Enok steps in. He uses his ability to speak Binary and gives orders to the warband's Daemon Engines Deffy, Mary, BloodLady, and 888.

Trooper Gaur and his Ork head Gibbon. Gaur and Gibbon are mates and sporebrothers. Gibbon was beheaded by an Eldar splinter rifle...


...but Ork physiology being what it is, Gibbon is still alive. He's Gaur's good mate so Gaur carries him everywhere. This makes everyone in the Nostroman 9th a little annoyed because Gibbon won't shut up about the rise and soon-to-come fall of the Imperium.

And, as a final image, here is a WIP shot of my next batch of Disciples.


Nostroman 9th, "Hell's Horde!"

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3. 6 "greatcoat" Renegades and Heretics infantry

Most of these troopers will end up in 4th Squad, a Chaos Militia Squad.

All 6 troopers: Bullets, Heldane, Anak, Warptouch, Cthulu, and Slaith


Trooper Anak


Trooper Heldane


Gunner Slaith



Master Sergeant WarpTouch




Trooper Bullets



Bullets tries hard, but he often fails to understand the finer points of Chaos worship. For example, he tried to put a Chaos star on his greatcoat but didn't really succeed.

Champion Cthulu with power sword


The 9th's officers suspect that Cthulu is worshipping something other than the gods of Chaos. What little do they know...

I hope you enjoyed the pics!

Nostroman 9th, "Hell's Horde!"

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Hello all,

I finished up Batch 3 of 4 of Disciples. Now I only have 5 more Disciples to paint and my vow is complete.

Here are some pictures...

Troopers Gorthor, Angash, and Mal; Gunner Sek, Trooper Watwr


Raised on a feral world where the shamans practiced Chaos magic, Trooper Angash is a whirling dervish with his two axes.


His beloved mama knitted the grey scarf you see here. He misses her fiercely but when the Necromundan 9th came calling the shamans told him it was his duty to join up.

Trooper Gorthor can decimate the foe at range with autogun and autopistol


And then when the enemy closes he can chop them down with the large blade you see strapped to his back.

Trooper Mal, seen crouching here with his autogun during operations by the Nostroman 9th during the Assault on Lutum


Gunner Sek, while proficient in all types of small arms, hopes to someday become an ordained Chaos preacher


Trooper Watwr is a fierce believer in the Dark Omnissiah. He has begun adding bionic parts to his body, starting with his arm.


He works closely with the Nostroman 9th's Warpsmiths to keep the unit's sentinels and Russes in good condition.

And here is a WIP shot of my last batch of Disciples...


Nostroman 9th, "Hell's Horde!"

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Today I took some photos of all of my WIP unfinished Renegades and Heretics... I've completed about 160 infantry, 6 spawn, 3 artillery pieces, and 2 walkers. I still have pending:

2 WIP Russes, 16 hounds/3 ogryn houndmasters, 17 rank and file infantry


This will put me at a comfortable 2,500 or so points. I hope to finish painting up all my unpainted models by Halloween or Thanksgiving. In addition to the 38 or so models you see here, I have about 16 other unpainted Chaos miniatures and 2 unpainted terrain pieces.

Here are closeups of my Ogryn houndmasters...

Troll ogryn


Ogryn with mask and buzzsaw. He can also be used as the Ogryn Boss with power drill if I decide to run ogryns rather than hounds.


Ogryn with whipgallery_88062_14499_46282.jpg

If I'm diligent with my ETL painting, I will be able to pledge these 3 ogryns as a small squad for the ETL (knocks on head).

And, on a fun note, here's a picture of my cat Spike with my Defiler Deffy and my BloodSlaughterer BloodLady.


He loves to bat the forces of Chaos around my apartment!

Enjoy the pics!

Nostroman 9th, "Hell's Horde,"

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Hi everyone,

I finished up my 1st ETL vow of R&H! My last batch of Disciples is completed. Here are some pics:

A shot of all 5: Trooper Skara, Corporal Bale, Troopers Oracle, Duqud, and Wirewolf


And Excessus gave me a great idea, paint a helmet white with blood drops...


Trooper Wirewolf, Disciple of Khorne


Front and back of Corporal Bale



Trooper Duqud with meltagun


And Trooper Oracle, and expert at using human entrails to augur the future


Here are some shots of all 22 models from my 1st vow...



And for fun I set up all 160ish completed Renegades and Heretics infantry along with their sentinels, Earthshaker Carriages, and Spawn

The Nostroman 9th Mercenary Company all its hideous glory






Enjoy the pics!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

In 2 weeks I'll be attending a 40K team tournament with my team "The Infiltraitors." This is an event I go to every summer in my hometown of Vancouver, Washington in the United States. The event is called the "Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge."

It's a fun weekend that involves a nice drive, stopping off for a cinnamon roll in Centralia's Country Cousin, seeing my parents, hanging out with my team-mates, and, of course, playing 40K.

I thought I had already decided on a list. But I recently changed my mind and made some tweaks. I've now decided on a new list. And this one is locked in because I've sent it to our team captain who will then send it on to the tournament organizer.

Here is the list I'll be bringing to the 2019 OFCC:

2019 OFCC List
• 2000 pts
• Renegades & Heretics Battalion
• Night Lords Chaos Marine Battalion

Warband Origins: Long ago there was a noble family, the house of Nightfall. They lived in an age of peace and stability established by their world's ruler. Their ruler was Konrad Curze, the fair and just lord of the garden planet Nostramo. And then one day, a corrupt and weak emperor sent an assassin to slay the Lord Curze. The vile assassin succeeded. The emperor then destroyed the paradise that was Nostramo. House Nightfall managed to escape. But since that day they have never forgotten. Vengeance upon the emperor will be theirs!


HQ [67]
• Dneghra Nightfall, Renegade Commander, power sword=
• Buzzsaw, Renegade Commander, power fist plasma pistol
Dnegrah Nightfall has lead the Nostroman 9th Mercenary Company for decades. She travels the verse, selling her mercenaries' skills to any non-Imperium clients with enough coin. Dnegrah's ancestors were Nostroman nobility, the noble House of Nightfall. They feared Curze but respected his ability to establish order. They seek to avenge Curze's death at the hands of the Emperor. Buzzsaw is Dnegrah's lover. He won her affection through his devotion to Chaos and strict personal code of honor.

ELITES [102]
• Nostramo, Enforcer, power sword
• Garok, Enforcer, power sword
• Cthulu, Enforcer, power sword
The enforcers use fear to keep the troops in line.

TROOPS [400]
• Sevatar's 1st Squad, 20 Chaos Militia
• Lobo's 2nd Squad, 20 Chaos Militia
• Kira's 3rd Squad, 20 Chaos Militia
• Vicious Pete's 5th Squad, 20 Chaos Militia
• Zeva's 7th Squad, 20 Mutant Rabble, shotguns
The Chaos Militia and Mutant Rabble are a diverse lot. Some fight for coin, some for Chaos, some fight against the fascist Imperium, and some fight for the sake of fighting.

• Hound of Chaos, armored sentinel, lascannon
• Star of Chaos, armored sentinel, lascannon
Sentinels are the Nostroman 9th's mobile antitank firepower.

• Reaver, Leman Russ Battle Tank, Battlecannon, heavy bolter
• Khorne's Ire, Leman Russ Battle Tank, Battlecannon, heavy bolter
The tank crew are traitor guard who now use their weapons against their former comrades.


HQ [158]
• Dark Techmagus Hoth, Chaos Warpsmith, Mark of Nurgle, power axe, meltagun, flamer
• Bolivar, Master of Possession, Mark of Tzeench, force stave
Warpsmith Hoth teamed his Night Lords up with Dnegrah's Renegades & Heretics because he received a vision from the Dark Omnissiah. In the vision he joined with the Chaos Militia to consecrate dozens of Imperium-held worlds in blood. Bolivar has long been Hoth's mentor.

TROOPS [265]
• Jarvak's Death Bats, 5 Chaos Marines, Reaper Chaincannon
• Hatred's Sentry Killers, 5 Chaos Marines, lascannon
• Ninja Joe's Night Masques, 5 Chaos Marines, lascannon
The Chaos Marines and cultists provide the warband with a lethal, flexible core.

• BloodLady, Blood Slaughterer, Mark of Khorne, pair of Slaughter Blades
• 888, Blood Slaughterer, Mark of Khorne, pair of Slaughter Blades
BloodLady and 888 scuttle towards the enemy eager to shed blood for the glory of Khorne.

• Deffy the Defiler with Defiler Claws and Battlecannon, Mark of Khorne, Defiler Scourge, Reaper Autocannon
• Mary the Maulerfiend, Maulerfiend fist, Mark of Khorne, lasher tendrils
Deffy and Mary are always in the vanguard of the assault competing to see who can get the most kills.

Total points=2,000

Number of Models=130 (122 infantry, 6 walkers, 2 tanks)

Command Points=13 (3 base, 2 battalions)

Here are some pictures of I took of my army on my display board











I still need to paint up 2 Russes in the next 2 weeks. And if I have time I'd like to add names to about 50 troopers' bases.

The tactics for this will be my usual. I'll run the Daemon Engines straight towards the enemy in a very unsubtle faction. I'll shell out a command point to unlock all the nifty new daemon engine stratagems from Vigilus. Meanwhile my 100 horde troopers will flood the midfield, grab objectives, tarpit, screen my firebase, and be a general harassment force. And back in my deployment zone my firebase of 3 CSM squads, 2 Russes, and 2 lascannon sentinels will throw shots downrange. It's a casual fun list for a pretty casual tournament.

In some games I'll make Warpsmith Hoth my warlord which will grant my Daemon Engines an extra 2 inches of movement if they are within 6 inches of him. In other games I'll make Renegade Commander Dnegrah my warlord and give her the Covenant of Slaanesh, thus granting extra mobility to my Mutant Rabble and Chaos Militia.

I'm trying out some new things. I'll be bringing a Master of Possession for the first time. On paper it looks like this unit synergizes well with Daemon Engines. I'll also be trying out Reaper Chaincannons for the first time. In addition, I've been using Russes in my IG armies for 19 years, but this is the first time I'm bringing them in a Chaos list. Fun times.

Nostroman 9th, "Hell's horde"
Night Lords, "The quick and the dead"

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You're always beavering away on something hobby, I wish I could say the same lately :tongue.: The Leman Russ is a real workhorse and aside from being good are iconic for the Guard (so good a Primarch named himself after them!) - I think your traitors will benefit a lot from their inclusion as you tend to have your gribbly horde up against tough armour :smile.: Let us know how it goes, and good luck :tu:

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Hello all,

I got in a test game with the OFCC list I'll be using at the big 40K event on the 17th and 18th. I fought a Maelstrom mission against an Eldar army. The opponent was a regular who is a very nice chap who always brings gorgeously painted armies. In the end I was slaughtered. I killed 3 units and he killed 20 of mine and he had 16 maelstrom points to my 8. But, as always, we both had a great time!

Here are some photos for your enjoyment:

My Blue Hordes after the battle


His Purple force before the battle. His Crimson Hunters & Wave Serpents did much of the damage to my army (his list did not include the Wraith units you see here)


He did a great job screening his Wave Serpents from my Daemon Engine assaults (that's a trick I've never seen before) and since he was Alaitoc my 2 battlecannons and 4 lascannons spent most of the game missing.

The Night Lords and Nostroman 9th Renegades and Heretics at deployment


The Alaitoc at deployment


Zeva's 7th Squad, Mutant Rabble with shotguns, on the left flank


The Night Masques Chaos Marines set up shop in a ruin, while Militia Trooper Moontongue mills about near them



While the Death Bats, with their Reaper Chaincannon deploy forward


This was my first time using a Reaper Chaincannon. I only got to use it once before the squad died but it did a wound to a Wave Serpent.

My firebase was anchored by Khorne's Ire and Reaver, my Traitor Leman Russes (freshly basecoated Works in Progress)



They spent most of the game missing thanks to the Alaitoc rule but they did do the bulk of the damage against the 1 Wave Serpent I managed to kill

The hordes move forward, the Covenant of Slaanesh means my foot R&H have a decent amount of mobility







The trooper on the right is October, he's my favorite out of the Renegade and Heretics armies' 160ish models

My warlord, Dneghra, actually lived. Probably because she hid in a building the whole game.


Khorne Boy the Militia trooper, Bolivar the Master of Possession, and Mary the Maulerfiend on the right flank


Hound of Chaos takes lascannon pothshots at Wave Serpents


Renegade Commander Buzzsaw re-enacts the scene from end of the movie the Blair Witch Project by staring blankly into a cliff face


Enforcer Nostramo supports 1st and 5th Squads. Militia Trooper Pater to the right was painted last month as part of an ETL vow.


As usual, Enforcers were superb buff units this game

To be continued......

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Here are some more images and comments from my game vs Alaitoc....

The Crimson Hunter Screen passes BloodLady, with 1 wound remaining, by. Because they could easily kill her, they no longer feared her charging the Serpents.


Heh, but when they killed her she did 11 mortal wound to surrounding Eldar units!

Star of Chaos sends lascannon shots downrange


I love this terrain. Note the Tau corpse by the Sentinel's feet.

The Scorpions infiltrate onto an objective


I wish R&H had a unit that could do this. I miss my outlanking R&H veteran squads that we had back in 7th.

Howling Banshees learn that it might not be wise to multi-charge a Master of Possession and a Warpsmith


My two Night Lords HQs, Master of Possession Bolivar and Warpsmith Hoth, after the Banshees jumped out of combat


Both units did yeoman's work buffing my forces

5th Squad, Bolivar, Hoth, and Enforcer Nostramo finally finish off the Banshees in melee and regroup


And my favorite Night Lords model, Ninja Joe, holds Objective 5


The Sentinel Pilot removes his top so he can better see the Scorpions in melee


And then he quickly puts it back on when the Fire Dragons are about to shoot him


The Fire Dragons did good work. They kept running around the midfield staying in ruins and shooting stuff and I kept hilariously failing charges against them.


The Eldar Air Force targets Khorne's Ire



His Farseer warlord guns down Enforcer Cthulu in cold blood


And Bolivar's pet, Sparky, flutters around the Fire Dragons annoying them


A closeup of some of my troopers after the gamegallery_88062_14499_26598.jpg

1st rank: 1st Squad icon bearer, Militia Trooper Kalross, Sparky 2nd rank: Vicious Pete and Warmsmith Hoth

Random closing shots: vehicles and objective markers and a nifty Chaos sigil on the wall in the gaming store (Mugu Games in Everett, Washington)



I look forward to using this army in the big event next weekend!

Enjoy the pics!

Night Lords, "The quick and the dead."

Nostroman 9th, "Hell's Horde"

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Hello all, I've finished my 2nd ETL vow, a pair of R&H Russes!

Now I get to use them at the OFCC this weekend.

Here are some pictures:

Both Russes together


Closeups of both turrets



Closeup of the stowage on the rear of each tank



Khorne's Ire, seen from left front oblique


And Reaver seen from the left front oblique


Khornate symbol on Khorne's Ire


Reaver, seen from the left


This was my first time using weathering powders. I think I got a bit carried away. :)

Enjoy the pics!

Nostroman 9th, "Hell's horde"

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Hello everyone,

As ya'all know, I went to a big 40K tournament down in Vancouver,Washington in the US this weekend, the OFCC Club Challenge. I was part of a 4 person team called Infil-Traitors. I brought a R&H horde and NL Daemon Engine themed list. You can scroll up for the actual list. I had a great time and went 0 wins, 4 losses, and 1 draw. This brings my overall OFCC performance for the 3 years I have attended to 1 win, 11 losses, and 3 draws. :smile.:

As usual I had a wonderful time. My opponents were all very chill and nice and, as is fitting for the OFCC, they all brought casual, friendly lists.

Here are some photos and comments on my units:

Photo of my force: Night Lords bringing the pain and Renegades and Heretics bringing the Numbers


Renegade Commanders Buzzsaw and Dneghra, Enforcers Nostramo, Cthulu, and Garok


Renegade Commanders:F

An HQ tax that didn't do much other than help bubble wrap my Russes. But they are a very cheap troop tax for a Renegades and Heretics list.

Enforcers: A

Pure gold. My Enforcers really helped increase my Mitia and Mutant Rabble durability through their morale buff mechanic.

Champion Sevatar's 1st Militia Squad of 20 troopers


Champion Lobo's 2nd Militia Squad of 20 troopers


Champion Kira's 3rd Militia Squad of 20 troopers


Champion Vicious Pete's 5th Militia Squad with 20 troopers


Militia: D

Not very good. Milita are pretty good at screening, bubblewrapping, deep strike denial, etc. But they suffer from seriously low damage output. My militia blobs were outclassed by much smaller squads of Admech Vanguard, IG Stormtroopers, and Eldar Dire Avengers. I used to run Cultists rather than Militia but switched over to Militia last year when the 2018 Chapter Approved made Cultists cost 1 point more. I think I'll go back to using R&H Cultists. Cultists' extra range, WS, and BS mean they will do a bit more damage and help attrit the enemies' forces far more than Militia.

Champion Zeva's 7th Mutant Rabble Squad with 20 troopers


Mutant Rabble: B

Their shotguns and zany randomness kept them fun and they contributed a bit here and there.

As a parting shot, here's a funny image of Trooper Kalros seeming to flee from a squad of Death Company


Aaaaa! Run for your liiiiives!

To be continued...

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2019 Overview Continued....

Armored Sentinel Hound of Chaos lays down a base of lascannon fire


Armored Sentinels with lascannons: B

Solid, fairly durable AT units

Khorne's Ire sends round downrange


Traitor Leman Russes: A

Excellent and hard to kill firebase units.

I think I only lost my Russes in my last game against an IG opponent. And I was pretty much mostly tabled by Turn 3 in that game anyway

My 2 Night Lords HQs, Master of Possession Bolivar and Warpsmith Hoth (before I glued his arm back on)


The NL mascot, Sparky, can be seen on the left. Sparky survived the tournament without a scratch!

Master of Possession: A

A very effective support unit for a Daemon Engine-heavy list. Cursed Earth and Sacrifice are especially good powers. When casting Sacrifice, I often did a mortal wound to Warpsmith Hoth so I could heal a Daemon Engine the full 3 points. I would then use the Grandfather's Blessing stratagem to heal Hoth back up. Although sometimes I just killed a miltia trooper instead.

Warpsmith: A

A cheap and cheerful support unit with a smorgasborg of tricks up his sleeve. And his BS2 meant that the Daemon Shell stratagem usually worked out well for him.

15 Night Lords Chaos Marines


Small CSM Squads with lascannon: B or Reaper Chaincannon: D

I wasn't too impressed with the Reaper Chaincannon (it just seemed less threatening than the lascannon despite its 8 shots), but the lascannon CSM Squads did yeoman's work.

Also, unlike my 100 R&H troopers, my Chaos Marines actually had Objective Secured. I sure hope R&H get a rework soon because it's really annoying having 20 Militia on an objective and a small squad of 3 little Vanguard keep you from claiming that objective!

My wing of walkers


Daemon Engines (Maulerfiend, Defiler, Blood Slaughterers): A

These were the heart and soul of my list and did most of the heavy lifting. If an enemy unit died it was usually these suckers (or the Russes) that did the kiiling. They really benefited from the various Soulforged stratagems as well as the Master of Possession and Warpsmith buffs.

That's it for the unit overviews. Now I'll provide some photos and comments on my games.

Game 1 took place on some wonderful ice world terrain and I was up against a stunningly well-painted black and red Blood Angels opponent. In the end, we managed to draw, which is always respectable in my book.

BA flyers strafe the Chaos line


BA Terminators deep strike onto my right flank


Deffy, Blood Lady, and 888 respond by bounding toward the terminators


But the termies strike first slaying 888


Deffy and BloodLady would then countercharge the termies wiping them out

The chaplain and Death Company prepare to charge 1st Militia Squad


Nunchaku Ned tries to hold them off, but they wiped out the squad


Fortunately my Blood Slaughterer 888 then ran up killing the Chaplain and Death Company

In the center, Mary chomps on a squad of Tac Marines after they jump out of their drop pod


And in a hilarious turn of events, a squad of assault terminators charges into my Enforcer Nostramo and fail to kill him


5++ save on a 34 point model for the win!

Then the next turn my Renegade Commander Buzzsaw charges in to help Nostramo


Buzzsaw's powerfist brings one down! The termies fail to hurt Nostramo after a 2nd phase of melee. At this point the game ended with Nostramo still alive. Huzzah!

Game 2 to 5 comments and pics to be added later...

Take care,

Night Lords, "The quick and the dead."

Nostroamn 9th, "Hell's horde."

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Game 2 was a fun game against a Genestealer Cult. Although I've never beaten the GC, they are always fun to play against because they have so many fluffy tricks up their sleeves.

The purple tide vs the red and blue tide


Night Lords Chaos Marine Pale Death directs his comrade's lascannon fire, while 5th Militia Squad rushes past



Deffy about to charge and squish a Genestealer Patriarch


Chillgibber and his squad of Militia engage the Hybrids in melee


With 41 attacks on the charge the militia killed a total of 0 Hybrids. Methinks I need to upgrade 'em to Cultists so I can actually hurt something. :smile.:

BloodLady and the Mutant Rabble assault the Genestealer right flank


An impressive-looking Cult assassin materializes and blows Master of Possession Bolivar away with some well-placed pistol shots


Trooper 01010001, Enforcer Cthulu and Trooper Iconoclast face off against gribblies


Enforcer Cthulu to the Hybrids: "Hey, don't attack me! I'm purple and blue too and have tentacles just like you."

In a funny turn of events, a Cult Psyker takes control of Deffy. Deffy then turns around and blasts 2 Chaos Marines to oblivion.


Night Masques Chaos Marine Squad, "Hey, what the hell Deffy?! Why'd you shoot us?"

Deffy dukes it out with a gorgeous Cult character and hybrids


Mary slugs it out with Hybrids while awesome-looking dune buggies vroom by



Mutant Rabble hit the Neophytes with the butts of their rifles


Photos of Game 3 vs Eldar to come soon....

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I thoroughly enjoy your whole thread. I like that you do these batreps, you're serious enough to the point you name your individual models but silly enough your commentary makes me laugh. I also like that you just enjoy playing and don't go for meta lists, commenting on your wins to losses. Keep up the good work!
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Thank you for the kind words Putrid Choir!

I also really enjoyed my 3rd game against Eldar. My opponent was very chill and playing a fluffy Iyanden list with oodles of wraithguard and even a Wraithseer. Unlike my other games, I actually dominated this game but the random objective gods favored my opponent. :smile.: By the end of the game he was down to a handful of infantry and 2 Fire Prisms and I had only lost a CSM squad, 20 Miltia, and 2 Daemon Engines. And I was rampaging in his back field. He and I both agreed that had the game gone past Turn 4 I would have won.

Here are some photos from my 3rd Game vs Eldar.

The Iyanden face off against the Night Lords and their Renegades and Heretics mercenaries


Chaos Combined Arms: the Leman Russ Khorne's Ire, the Death Bats Chaos Marine Squad, and 888 the Blood Slaughterer


Trooper Kriza, 3rd Militia Squad


BloodLady assaults the Wraithblades


Both units would pretty much kill each other off by the middle of the game

Night Lords Chaos Marines survey the battlefield and aim their Reaper Chaincannon


Wraithguard pop out of their Wave Serpent and aim their wraithcannons


Mary the Maulerfiend: I'm still alive?

Wraithguard: Yeah, our shooting is kind of mediocre this edition. We don't have D weapons these days.

5th Militia Squad and 888 the Blood Slaughterer move up to assist BloodLady against the surviving Wraithblade


2nd Militia Squad shuffles up the battlefield


This squad has the highest concentration of D&D gnolls out of all my squads. :smile.:

Champion Sevatar and 1st Squad member The Abomination look uncomfortable as they are about to be charged by a Wraithblade Squad


Lascannon gunner Kevark targets a Fire Prism


Closeup of 5th Squad. Enforcer Cthulu can be seen at the back left.


Wraithblades hack away at Mary. They would kill her off and then Deffy, Hoth, and Bolivar would kill them off.


A Wraithseer's last moments as it faces off against 888


Meanwhile 5th Squad chops apart a small Dire Avenger squad.

Next up, my game vs an assault-themed AdMech Army....

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Hello all,

My 4th game was against a great AdMech opponent. His army was truly breath-taking. Heck, each of his team-mates also had a very well-painted army. His army differed from AdMech in that it was close combat oriented. But he also had some solid shooting.

The game was fun but not particularly close, he had the upper hand all the way. But if Renegades and Heretics troops units actually had Objective Secured the game would have been a bit closer.

Here are some pictures.

Khorne's Ire and Reaver with 5th Squad in support


Red and Blue Army vs Red and Blue Army (we both had similar color schemes!)


Tangling in the center


Deffy, BloodLady, and the Dragoons Attrit Each Other


Hilariously, these 3 units would pretty much all destroy each other

Hound of Chaos provides AT fire support


Reaver blasts away at self-repairing Kataphrons


Mary charges the Kataphrons only to be interrupted and whomped to death


This was awesome! No one ever takes melee weapons on Kataphrons. It was great to see them.

1st Squad actually kills an enemy unit in melee


Although it took 2 fight phases

3rd Squad fights over an objective with Vanguard


And they are sad that they don't have objective secured.

7th Squad zombies shuffle up the battlefield


Mutant Rabble waving their shotguns in a threatening manner

Mutant Rabble getting blown off the board by Kataphrons


Kastellans deep-striking in


R&H Walkers vs Ad Mech treads


Jarvak and his squad battle Kataphron


Unlike the Renegade and Heretics' Militia, we have obsec!

Renegade Commander Buzzsaw broods menacingly at a squad of Electro Priests


888 swats down a very pretty underground crawler thingy


Electro priests fry Master of Possession Bolivar while Sparky the Bat looks on


Enjoy the pics!

Next up...Game 5 vs IG.

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Hello all,

Game 5 was against a really nice chap with an incredible-looking Mordian army. Back in 2017 I faced off against him at OFCC using my Tallarn 23rd recon-themed sentinel-heavy IG Tallarn army.

Here is a link to the post that includes pictures from that 2017 OFCC game:


In both that game with my IG and this game with my Chaos, his Mordians quickly shot my army off the table. But both games were very fun and my opponent was very sporting. Here are some pics:

3 gorgeous scout sentinels scout move up


Troopers Wulfrik and Pitrov mill about before the game begins while Commander Buzzsaw looks on


Daemon Engines regroup after a tasty snack consisting of scout sentinels


Some Mordians get out of their Chimera


I'm not sure why they are facing to the rear...perhaps Mary is too intimidating?

Trooper Marox totes his large box of shotgun shells


He doesn't like to share his ammo with anyone!

An impressive IG Dune Buggy snipes at Daemon Engines


I've been wanting to make a Dune Buggy for my Tallarns for 19 years. Perhaps I should finally do so. This sucker was awesome!

The Thin Black Line blows away Daemon Engine after Daemon Engine in 1 turn of shooting


5th Squad fights Stormtroopers in the trenches


This game felt like I was enacting a Gaunt's Ghost novel. Even though I was horribly slaughtered, it was awesome!

Sadly my forces seemed more like the numberless hordes from Zoica than the well-trained and well-equipped Blood Pact.


GW give me back my 10 point "militia training" upgrade! My whole R&H army was designed around that upgrade.

Trench battle


A stormtrooper captain enters the fray


Meanwhile the Mutant Rabble goes up against Mordians


My Warlord Hoth, with most of his army dead around him on Turn 3, challenges the enemy


Come at me! I'll kill you all!

I love that my opponent took Rough Riders. This is one of my favorite IG units. I've been using them with my Tallarns since 2000, but they've only been good this edition.

Well that's it. This year's OFCC consisted of 5 very fun games against 5 very nice opponents with gorgeous armies. I look forward to next year. I'm not sure what I'll bring. If GW releases Sisters in time, perhaps I'll bring a Sisters battalion and a Tallarn IG battalion. Or maybe I'll bring a pure Chaos Space Marine army of some flavor. Or I could bring a World Eaters battalion and a Khorne daemon battalion. I could use next year's ETL to paint up all the Khorne daemons. The possibilities are endless.

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and comments.

Nostroman 9th, "Hell's Horde"

Night Lords, "The quick and the dead."

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Hello all,

I got in another game with my forces of Chaos.

This time I drove over to West Seattle (I haven't been over there in years) to check out a friendly local gaming store there called Meeples Games. Meeples is a wonderful venue with a pretty active miniatures night. There were 2 40K games, 1 Horus Heresy game, and 2 AOS games going on. The staff and players were all really friendly and laid back.

I was fortunate enough to get in a great game against a very nice Orks player. I've seen him over the years at tournaments and game night. I never play him at tournaments because I'm always at the bottom tables with the more casual gamers. But I think I played his orks in a pickup game at Mox Boarding House in Ballard in Seattle. It was with my IG back in 2017 back in 7th edition. That game was very fun too, although I think he quickly tabled me in that game as well.

Here are our respective lists. I forgot which Ork factions he took. He got lots of advance and charges and lots of shooting re-rolls.


-3 characters on bikes

-meq with shock attack gun

-Weird boy


-a big Nobs squad


-2 squads of 30 boyz

-2 small squads of grotz

-a trukker boyz (?) squad with a trukk


-4 jets, 3 Dakkajets and a plasma-shooting jet of some kind


-Battlewagon (carrying the Nobs and a grot squad)

I brought a 2,000 point force of Night Lords. It was a mostly fluffy, casual list although I did include 2 Zerker Squads and a winged DP so as to have 3 token competitive units. :smile.:


-My warlord was a raptor lord, Duvalier, with Claws of the Black Hunt

-Biker Sorcerer Chamorro

-Khorne Daemon Prince Azrath with wings


-BloodFlowers and BloodTongue, 2 squads of 8 Zerkers in Rhinos, each had a powerfist, 7 chainaxes, and Icon of Wrath


-Prone Predators, Sentry Killers, and Night Masques, 3 squads of 8 Chaos Marines (the old number of Chaos Undivided), each had a lascannon, combi-plasma, and a power sword or power axe on the champ


-Bat to the Bone and Bats Out of Hell, 2 Squads of 4 Chaos Bikers, one with double plasma with power axe and one with double melta and power axe

-Death from Above, 7 Raptors with triple melta and powerfist

Here are some pics and comments...

The board before the game. My opponent's army was incredibly well-painted. It was an honor to be slaughtered by such a nice-looking army.


An ork boy peeks out a window before the game begins


Peekaboo I seeee you!

Well-painted blue plasma jet of doooooom


This sucker blew away a bike sqaud, a Maulerfiend, and a Zerker squad

The thin blue line...Raptors, Biker Sorceress Chamorro, Raptor Lord Duvalier, and Bikers before the game begins


Plasma bikers right before they get plasma'd off the board on Turn 1


First Strike!

Night Lords Rhinos Dragonne and Night Masque and Daemon Prince Azrath


During the Turn 1 magic phase, the Orks jump a large boyz squad over on my right flank. They then charge and wipe out the Prone Predators CSM Squad


Night Lords Chaos Marine cowering before his sudden and inevitable demise. "Aaaah, make it stop!"

At the bottom of Turn 1, most of the surviving Night Lords shifted to the left


Sentry Killers Squad moves up on my Turn 1


Oops, my icon bearer lost his shoulder pad!

Sweet-looking Ork HQs on bikes


And Chaos Sorceress Chamorro on a Bike


I really need to paint up some of my magnetized melee and special weaponry, like the force mace she holds in her left hand.

Come to think of it, there were a lot of bikes on the table. I had 9 and he had 3!

Mary the Maulerfiend finishes off the Battlwagon on the bottom of Turn 1


My melta raptors had softened it up for her

And Deffy pops open an Ork Trukk with his Defiler Scourge


It blows up killing off the melta bikers and 2 Raptors. Bad Deffy!

At the top of Turn 2, the Ork Boyz and Biker Warboss are about to shoot/charge my Rhinos


Shooting would kill 1 Rhino and 1 Zerker Squad. The charge would kill off the other Rhino, killing 5 (2 died in the explosion and 3 couldn't deploy)

On my Turn 2 I was able to get stuck in with all three of my HQs, 2 CSM Squads, and my Bezerkers. Together they took out a mob of 30 boyz.


On his Turn 3 he jumped his warboss out of combat and gunned down my 3 HQs, my Zerkers, and 1 of my CSM Squads. He assaulted and finished off my other CSM Squad in melee, thus tabling me at the top of Turn 3.

Raptor Lord Duvalier before being blown off the board


It was a fun game against a gracious opponent with a really nice-looking army. I'll definitely return to Meeples Games in the future! :smile.:

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I took a week off from painting after ETL.

But now I'm forging ahead on my plan to paint up all my unpainted 40K models. This is a pipe dream I've had since 2000. But now I'm on track to achieve it. I had hoped to finish by Halloween but now I'm scheduled to finish by Christmas.

Here's the hobbying plan (it's probably a bit idealistic. In reality, I'll probably finish it up at some point in January or February)


• Paint 12 Greatcoat Chaos R&H infantry (2 hrs remaining)
• Paint 16 Chaos Hounds (7 hrs remaining)
• Paint 3 Renegade Houndmasters (8 hrs)
• Assemble 10 Possessed, Annika, Valkia, 1 terminator (8 hrs)
Total=25 hrs (31 models)

• Paint Deffy in WE colors, magnetized twin lascannon, power scourge, & 2 Helbrute fists (8 hrs)
• Paint Valkia, Annika, & 1 Possessed in WE colors (8 hrs)
• Paint 4 NL Chaos Terminators (12 hrs)
Total=27 hrs (8 models)

• Paint Slaaneshi Sorcerer (3 hrs)
• Paint 2 Furies (1 hrs)
• Paint R&H heavy bolter team (3 hrs)
• Paint 6 Possessed--Call of Chaos vow (18 hrs)
Total=25 hrs (11 models)

• Paint 3 Possessed--Call of Chaos vow (9 hrs)
• Paint 2 Greater Possessed--Call of Chaos vow (6 hrs)
• Paint FW gun emplacement (8 hrs)
• Paint Pegasus tech bridge (6 hrs)
Total=29 hrs (7 models)


Here are some pics of my 57-ish models to paint...






A closeup of the R&H Chaos Hounds on a Pegasus Tech Bridge. In a Khorne Daemon force I'll also use these blokes as Flesh Hounds.


I seem to have lost one of my hounds off my hobbying table. I blame my cat Spike. :smile.:

The last of the R&H infantry. I should finish these chaps on Wednesday.


Although I'll probably add a bit more to my R&H forces next year. I'll buy and paint up 10 Raging Heroes Coyote troopers and 7 Blackstone Fortress Chaos Traitor Guard next year. You can never have enough Chaos horde troopers, right?

Deffy in back (he'll be in World Eaters colors since he loves to get close and rip opponents to shreds)...


In front from left to right 2 Greater Possessed I got for a song at OFCC last month (which also means I don't have to buy the Shadowspear box, I'll strip and repaint them in WE colors), 3 R&H Ogryn Beastmasters, an R&H heavy bolter team, and some Chaos Terminators (who I will paint in Night Lords colors).

The 2 projects that most interest me are:

-finishing up Deffy finally

-painting up my squad of 10 Possessed. I'll use 10 of the 2002 sculpt CSM plastics (the sprues seen above), give them green-stuffed cloaks, daemon skull heads, power axes (to represent their +2 str, -2AP), and Chaos warrior shields. They look like a fun unit. Possessed also capture the essence of my Chaos forces: fluffy, nice-looking units that are mediocre at best.

Hopefully I can successfully get everything painted by year's end!

Night Lords, "The quick and the dead"

Khorne, "Blood for the Blood God"

Renegades and Heretics Nostroman 9th, "Hell's horde"

Death Guard, "Something is rotten in Denmark"

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Hello everyone,

I recently finished up 12 more Renegades and Heretics cultists. These 12 troopers will be assigned to the 4th Squad of the Nostroman 9th Mercenary Company.

Here are some pics:

A shot of all 12


The Beast, Scientist, Desolane, Memory of Nostromo, Bloodhands, and Vlad


Azure Chaplain, Raaawr, End of Days, Grok, and Galhax


Hailing from the slave fighting pits of Fester IV, the Beast truly lives up to his name.


Although he also likes to relax with a good novel and a cuppa.

Scientist completed his PhD dissertation on gene splicing


He then tried out various techniques on himself. He is pleased with the results.

Desolane is a revenant. An undead mutant who rose from the grave to exact revenge upon the Imperium.


Memory of Nostromo is the squad historian and vox officer


Vlad is unsatisfied that his ork warboss, Greenklaw, has hired his warband out to a bunch of Chaos mercenaries


"Even though we're orks we ought to have some standards on who we work for."

Everblight, a latent psyker, has been hearing the whispers of the warp lately


He hopes to someday join the Nostroman 9th's Rogue Psyker Cadre

Galhax's lungs were scorched by an Imperium toxic bombing campaign on his homeworld


He is forced to wear a rebreather apparatus at all times. Consequently, he is slightly bitter.

Bloodhand is a master of maces. To see him wield his pair of maces, Comedy and Tragedy, in battle is to witness a thing of beauty.


Azure Chaplain was once an itinerant (Chaos) preacher on his homeworld, a mining colony.


When the Inquisition came calling, he fled the planet and ended up in the Nostroman 9th, where his way with words is more appreciated

Raaawwrr is one of the Nostroman 9th's cooks.


His specialty is braised Eldar. Which he loves to chop up live before cooking.

End of Days is so tough that his brutal assault weapon is his fist!


Enjoy the pics!

I recently got in a game against Imperial Fists. For the first time, I brought a pure Renegades and Heretics battalion. I had a blast. I'll post the pics soon. Here is a teaser photo.


Nostroman 9th Mercenary Company, "Hell's horde"

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Hello everyone,

Now that I finally have 2,000 points of painted Renegades and Heretics, I was able to play my first game with a pure R&H list! I had a great time. The R&H list is quite the underdog. My opponent was surprised when I told him I had no access to stratagems or relics and that my troops were not obsec. I went up against a Space Marines player using Imperial Fists chapter rules. My opponent was very laid back and very nice. It was a fun evening of pushing sci fi toy soldiers around a table. Here are the lists and some photos.

I might be wrong but I believe my opponent had a double battalion.


-Captain Bobo in terminator armor (I can't recall exactly but I think this model was affectionately named after my opponent's brother) :smile.:




-3 Dreadnoughts, each with missile launcher and twin lascannon (these suckers quickly took out my tanks and artillery, then they spent the rest of the game killing Cultists)


-2 units of scouts

-4 squads of Tactical Marines with lascannons

A knight of some sort and 2 Armigers. The knight and Armigers looked awesome!

My list:

Warband Origins: Long ago there was a noble family, the house of Nightfall. They lived in an age of peace and stability established by their world's ruler. Their ruler was Konrad Curze, the fair and just lord of the garden planet Nostramo. And then one day, a corrupt and weak emperor sent an assassin to slay the Lord Curze. The vile assassin succeeded. The emperor then destroyed the paradise that was Nostramo. House Nightfall managed to escape. But since that day they have never forgotten. Vengeance upon the emperor will be theirs!


HQ [147]
• Dneghra Nightfall, Renegade Commander, Army Warlord, Covenant of Slaanesh, power sword
• Buzzsaw, Renegade Commander, power fist, plasma pistol
• WarpRend, Malefic Lord
Dnegrah Nightfall has lead the Nostroman 9th Mercenary Company for decades. She travels the verse, selling her mercenaries' skills to any non-Imperium clients with enough coin. Dnegrah's ancestors were Nostroman nobility, the noble House of Nightfall. They feared Curze but respected his ability to establish order. They seek to avenge Curze's death at the hands of the Emperor. Buzzsaw is Dnegrah's lover. He won her affection through his devotion to Chaos and strict personal code of honor. WarpRend is spiritual of the warp. She can call upon the warp's power to commit unholy acts upon the foe.

ELITES [438]
• Nostramo, Enforcer, power sword
• Garok, Enforcer, power sword
• Greenklaw, Enforcer, powerfist
• 6th Squad, Disciple Squad with 10 troopers, lascannon
• Madame Voodoo's 9th Squad, 9 Marauders, 2 plasma guns, power axe, plasma pistol
• Charles' 10th Squad, 9 Marauders, 2 plasma guns, power axe, plasma pistol
• The Abomination's 11th Squad, 9 Marauders, 2 plasma guns, power sword
The Enforcers are "Chaos Commissars" They use fear and summary executions to ensure that Cultists' obedience. The Disciples are expert tank hunters. The Marauders are space pirates who have been subcontracted by Dnegrah. They are wanton miscreants who excel at boarding operations.

TROOPS [576]
• Sevatar's 1st Squad, 20 Cultists, flamer
• Lobo's 2nd Squad, 20 Cultists, 2 flamers
• Kira's 3rd Squad, 20 Cultists, 2 flamers
• Vicious Pete's 4th Squad, 11 Cultists, flamer
• Cthulu's 5th Squad, 20 Cultists, 2 flamer
• Zeva's 7th Squad, 20 Mutant Rabble with shotguns
The Chaos Militia and Mutant Rabble are a diverse lot. Some fight for coin, some for Chaos, some fight against the fascist Imperium, and some fight for the sake of fighting.

• Hound of Chaos, armored sentinel, lascannon
• Star of Chaos, armored sentinel, lascannon
• Raaaawwwrrr, Chaos Spawn
The Sentinels are the Nostroman 9th's mobile tank hunters. The Chaos Spawn were once Noise Marines who displeased Slaanesh.

• Blood Debt, Earthshaker Carriage, 4 crew
• Unholy Rapture, Earthshaker Carriage, 4 crew
• Khorne's Ire, Leman Russ Battle Tank, Battlecannon, heavy bolter
• Reaver, Leman Russ Battle Tank, Battlecannon, heavy bolter
The artillery and tank crew are traitor guard who now use their weapons against their former comrades.

• Rotscythes, 20 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, Instrument of Chaos, icon
The Rotscythes are the stuff of the Immaterium. They seek only to spread Grandfather Nurgle's blessing.

Total Points=2,000

Number of Models=189 (182 infantry, 2 artillery, 2 walkers, 2 tanks, 1 spawn)

Command Points=15 (3 base, 12 for a brigade)

Pre game shot, Imperial Fists on the left and Renegades & Heretics on the right


Pair of Armigers stare down the forces of Chaos


Chaos combined arms on the right flank


Chaos combined arms on the left flank


The Hound of Chaos armored sentinel in support of Champion Sevatar's 1st Squad in the center


The advancing hordes at the end of Turn 1


The Knight approaches the Mutant Rabble on Turn 2


The Chaos Spawn and Champion Lobo's 2nd Squad clash with Captain Bobo on Turn 2



On Turn 2 the crew of the Earthshaker Carriage "Unholy Rapture" are dismayed when their gun is blown away, but they are relieved to be alive


The crew would then run across the board to help the army warlord, Commander Dnegrah, hold an objective during the end game

Enforcer Greenklaw, grumpy at having lost 2 wounds to enemy sniper fire, instructs his squad to charge the snipers on Turn 2


A blurry vox pict of 6th Squad, a Disciple Squad, targeting a Knight on Turn 2


Even though it came out blurry, this image seems to capture a certain feeling of the lascannon crew's sense of urgency as the large knight approaches

Another shot of the knight on my right flank


Sevatar's 1st Squad hoofs it up the board


And in this image you can see the Imperial Fist firebase in the background


5th and 3rd Squads consolidate after taking out the snipers on Turn 2


Meanwhile Blood Debt supports the advance by sending rounds downrange against the Knight


to be continued.....

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