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Hello everyone,


I've made more progress on Wirewolf the Maulerfiend. And the perpetual man vs cat battle for the painting space continues.





Edited by Tallarn Commander

True. Simon does make himself very comfortable on my, er, our painting table.



I finished up a Blood Wolves trooper named Krassek. When I run the army as World Eaters he will be a Bezerker with eviscerator. When I run the army as Chaos Marines he can either be a Chosen with a powerfist or a Legionary with a heavy melee weapon.


Krassek's Bio


   Aspiring Champion Krassek is a hunter's hunter. As a feral tribal warrior on Fenris he could track and kill the deadliest of native beasts, from the great Fenrisian Wolf to the Brutal Frost Mammoths. Krassek would patiently stalk his prey through ice tundra and snow-swept mountain. And then he would finally strike with unmatched zeal.
     When his tribal chief told Krassek he must begin the ordeals to become an Adeptes he was sad. He knew he would miss the hunt. But he also knew he had a duty to his tribe and to the All-Father.
    And so Krassek underwent the trials and eventually became a Space Wolf. As a Space Wolf he joined a particularly devout warrior cult. And so the eventual transition from Space Wolf to Blood Wolf was not difficult fir him.
     And as a squad leader he is sometimes allowed a small vessel and navigator and released from warband duties for a year and a day. During these sabbatical he takes up the hunt once more. He travels to the nearby Death World and stalks the most Vicious creatures he can find.










I also got some more work done on Wirewolf. I finished chipping the red basecoat away with my trusty AK chipping solution.


WiP Maulerfiend



By way of illustration, here is her arm with just a basecoat




And here it is after I've chipped away at the red paint with a brush containing very hot water (the water activates the layer of chipping fluid underneath)





And here is the arm after I've added a layer of black oil wash






Enjoy the photos!



The Chooser of the Slain considered us worthy. Blood Wolves.


I successfully installed blue glowing LEDs into Wirewolf the Maulerfiend!


I thank my cousin and B&S' Bonehead for all their tips and coaching on soldering and electrical circuits. It took some practice but thanks to them and thanks to numerous YouTube and other guides I managed to assemble a successful circuit with switch.


Here are some photos.









Edited by Tallarn Commander

Hi everyone,


I finished painting 4 models. Huzzah! Here are some photos:



Wirewolf the Maulerfiend



"Talix trees, tall and slender, brew along the Outsides of the avenue. At least two had been decapitatedand remade into gibbets for the wirewolves. There was no point trying to avoid them. Landerson walked on, trying not to look up at the skeletal mannequins hanging limply from the axl-trees on their metal strings. They creaked, swinging slightly in the breeze."

-Excerpt from Traitor General, by Dan Abnett









Svane Vulfbad, Chaos Lord and warlord of the Blood Wolves



   Svane Vulfbad was a young pup on Fenris when he was stalked one evening by a ferocious Ice Troll. He was able to use the light of Fenris' moon, Valdrmani, to escape. Since then Svane had felt a close connection to moons and to their symbolism and power.
     Svane was born into the Fire Breather tribe and named to honor the tribe's leader Sven Bloodhowl. The young Svane proved particularly adept at hunting and tracking. One night, under a crescent moon, Svane battled a giant Remhoraz on Fenris' ice fields. Both Svane and the Remhoraz fell during this duel. But the lucky Fenrisian was selected by a Chooser of the Slain. He then survived tests and ordeals too numerous to count. Eventually Svane succeeded and became a Space Wolves Neophyte serving in a Blood Claw Pack.
     Svane served honorably for many centuries in the ranks of Blood Claws, Grey Hunters, and Wolf Guard. He performed hundreds of heroic deeds and the Skalds told countless sagas about Vulfbane. He eventually became leader of the Blood Wolves Great Company.
      But one night while leading his company on campaign beneath a full moon in the Ghoul Stars, Svane Vulfbad heard the call. From its mighty Throne of Skulls Khorne sensed a kindred spirit and it reached out to Svane Vulfbad. Boundless rage filled Svane's soul. He became aware of the hypocrisy at the Empire's core. When Vulfbad awoke from his trance he uttered these words, "I murdered thousands for the Emperor and He gave me nothing except His damning silence. Now His lapdogs yap for every life I take, while the gods promise me the galaxy."
     Svane and his entire great company immediately declared themselves for Chaos and rebelled. A cadre of loyalist Space Wolves pursued them. But, after a handful of running skirmishes, Svane and his Blood Wolves escaped into the warp.







Barnabas the Butcher, formerly a Dark Apostle and now a Master of Executions



     While the warband is lead by Svane Vulfbad, Barnabas the Butcher is Azrath's trusted lieutenant. He often leads smaller detachments on special missions.
     His mother was a butcher by trade. So he became quite skilled with blade and cleaver. As a Space Wolf Barnabas was quite devout in his fealty to the All Father. But his bonds to Svane were stronger. When Vulfbad rebelled, Barnabas grudgingly went along. But, over time, Barnabas became particularly zealous in his love of Khorne One Eye (Barnabas has  conflated elements of Odin into his worship of Khorne).
     Sadly, one day the BloodWolves' Master Warpsmith Crowsoul for some reason prevented Barnabas from getting into one of the warband's Rhinos with his squad. Confused and hurt Barnabas did not know what to do. He had been allowed to enter the Rhino the day before. Crowsoul told Barnabas that if he exchanged his mace for a giant Axe of Dismemberment, then he could enter the Rhino. Barnabas complied and now he is a Master of Executions







Mad Martigan, The Warpborn's Master of Executions



 Mad Martigan is not truly a Warpborn. He was not present on Kai when the Warpborn revolted and overthrew their Dark Mechanicum masters.  Instead, Mad Martigan is a space pirate who recently allied with the Warpborn under the promise of booty. He is a wanton miscreant who excels at boarding operations and disemboweljng enemy champions with his giant Axe of Dismemberment. He has temporarily allied with the Warpborn warband. As long as it is profitable, his war sloop will fight alongside the Warpborn's Explorator vessel Forward Into Dawn.









All six of my daemon engines


Back row: Deffy, Blood Golem, and Wirewolf

Front row: 888, BloodLady, and Mary




And all four Khornate daemon engines




And all four models I just finished






Next up: I am working 8 Blood Wolf Bezerkers/Chosen/Legionaries




Enjoy the photos!



Blood Wolves, "Tell them we follow the All Father no more"

Warpborn, "Remember Kai! Death to tyrants!"

Edited by Tallarn Commander

Thanks Dr. Ruminahui!



I finished up another Blood Wolf. Skull Fiend is a member of the Company of Eight. As a Chaos Marine, he is a Chosen with pair of Accursed Weapons. As a World Eater, he is a rank-and-file Bezerker.



Skull Fiend

Skull Fiend ripped the bionic eye from a recently slain Mars worshipper over a century ago. He paid Crowsoul, the Blood Wolves' Warpsmith, one thousand and one skulls to have the bionic eye inserted. No one knows why, but through the eye Skull Fiend can see if someone is lying to Skull Fiend. As such, Svane Vulfbad, the Blood Wolves' leader always brings Skull Fiend along on parleys with other factions. The better to see if the other party is a potential alley or a mere Loki trickster who will soon die to the Blood Wolves' blades.











Here is a WIP shot of the remaining Bezerkers





And here is a fun photo from a local gaming store. Mindtaker Miniatures in Vancouver, WA has a wonderful bitz table where you can sit and sift through bitz at your heart's content. It is very therapeutic to sit alongside a fellow bitz hunter and chat about 40K.


Bitz galore!




The Blood Wolves, "We too shall cross Bifrost Bridge someday"

Man that bitz table looks awesome. I don't have a huge collection of bits but kitbashing is easily my favorite thing to do in the hobby.


The maulerfiend in particular is looking awesome! I've seen people use chipping fluid before but never tried it myself. How did it work for you? The end result certainly looks convincing. And the LEDs are great! Do the wires under its base or is the connection only for display purposes?

Volgon, thanks for the kind words.


I plan on turning the LED light on before each game and turning it off after each game. That's what my friend Fred does and that seems to work well for him. The battery, battery holder, switch, resistor, and various wires are all in the body of the Maulerfiend. The LED and the remaining wires are in the magnetized removable head of the Maulerfiend.


I've just written up a guide on chipping. At some point I'll add pictures and put it into the Forge section:


Chipping Fluids


I've been using chipping fluids since 2017. I love 'em!

When To Use
    Here are some things I've learned. Chipping fluids are only one of many tools in the toolkit to create a situation where paint has chipped off your model. Sometimes chipping fluid might create a great effect. But in other instances you might want to create a chipped effect using a sponge, brush, or the venerable salt and hairspray effect.
     Generally, chipping fluids shine on models which are relatively free of detail and have smooth metal pieces such as shoulder pads. A Chaos Space Marine is a classic instance of where a chipping fluid might work. When you have a model with a lot of detail and not many smooth surface, such as a highly detailed Dark Apostle, then you'd be better off using a brush or sponge to create the effect. And on larger models such as vehicles or terrain, sometimes salt and hairspray is more effective than chipping fluid. Over time you will get a feel for when to use each method.

What to Use
Here are some things to have on hand when applying chipping fluid
-chipping fluid. Various products exist. My favorite is AK heavy chipping fluid. But I sometimes use AK Worn Effects fluid. The latter will create a less chipped effect. I buy directly from AK at
But I've found AK at hobby stores and online hobby vendors too.
-regular paintbrush
-tea kettle
-Green scratch pad
-cheap or worn paintbrush
Note that traditionally chipping fluid is applied with an airbrush and not a regular brush. I've only ever used a brush and my results are sufficient. I recently acquired an airbrush and will try using it to apply chipping fluid in a month or two.

Preparing a Model for chipping
     Prime the model and then paint whatever undercoat you want on the model. This is the coat that people will see once some of the top coat has been chipped away. Common undercoat include metal, rusted metal, factory primer red, and older layers of paint.
     Or you can combine these. During WW2 the Soviets would paint white on their T34s directly over their olive drab coats. I have seen nicely chipped T34 models where the top coat is white and below that are layers of green, metal, and rust. Heck, rust itself can take many forms and I have found my rust recipes evolving a great deal over time. One part of a tank might have one set of rust colors while another part of the tank might have a different combination of rust colors.
     Then I apply 3 or 4 very thin coats of varnish over the model. I brush on Testor's Testor's Dullcote, but use your favorite varnish depending on the effect you wish to create. I like to wait at least an hour between layers so that each varnish layer can cure. But if you are gentler with your models during chipping you could probably get away with less varnish.

Applying Chipping Solution
     Next I ensure that I have a block of time to chip. I usually need at least an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half to chip. Most of this time is waiting for stuff to dry. So while I'm waiting I paint other things, eat a meal, shower, play with my cat Simon, etc. Only about 25 minutes of this hour and 15 minutes or so is spent on chipping the model.
     I then apply 2 to 3 coats of coats of chipping fluid. I don't apply too much in each brush stroke. Multiple, thin coats is key. Let the fluid dry between coats. This usually takes 25ish minutes in winter and 15ish minutes in summer. For larger models I like to apply 3 coats and for smaller rank-and-file miniatures I only use 2 coats. I've found 1 coat just doesn't cut it.

Applying Your Top Coat
     Now you are ready to apply your top coat of paint that will eventually be partially chipped away. Don't lollygag too much before applying this step. If you wait too long between chipping fluid and top coat, then the chipping fluid won't properly activate.
     I usually apply 2 to 3 thin coats. For a standard infantry model this will take about 15 minutes. I've found Chaos tends to take about 20 minutes because taking care to not get paint on all the trim slows me down.

Chipping The Model
     I usually wait 10 or so minutes to let the top coat cure properly. I've found that bad things happen and the whole effect is ruined if you don't do this. During this time I usually paint other models and put on a teakettle to boil.
    Next you pour your hot water into a mug. Then using your cheap or worn brush you apply hot water to a part of your model. The hot water activates the chipping fluid. I usually start with a leg. Now you are ready to begin chipping by lightly applying pressure to the model with your chipping implement. Then apply more hot water to another part of the model and repeat the process til the entire model is chipped.
    Your chipping implement can vary. Different tools create different effects. I switch between gentle strokes with a normal brush, more aggressive strokes with a worn brush, sponges, pins, green scratch pads, toothbrushes, and those little hook devices you use in sewing. Different tools will get different effects so I encourage you to experiment. I try to chip more heavily on the more exposed parts of a model such as towards the bottom or near access panels. And "voila!" you are done.

Edited by Tallarn Commander

Hello! I completed 3 Blood Wolves infantry today. As usual, they will be Bezerkers in World Eaters Blood Wolves armies and they will be Legionaries and Chosen in Chaos Marine Blood Wolves armies. Here are some pics:






And After...






Gorath, Squad Bloodflowers


 Aspiring Champion Gorath is an artist. He unlocks the potential of the Crimson within us all as he paints great canvases using only differing shades and types of Blood. His art tells the story of death not life. Gorath rejects the use of mere paint as gauche.
     Svane awarded Gorath command of the Bloodflowers out of nostalgia. The two were comrades in the same Bloodclaws pack centuries ago. And while Bloodflowers is as effective as any squad, Svane believes Gorath's affectations as an artist are inhibiting his ability to lead.





I noticed I had forgotten to paint in the bullet damage in the shoulder pads above. I have since added black and metal paint to the bullet damage.



Torsten, Squad Bloodtongue


As a female Traitor Astartes Torsten must fight twice as hard as everyone else and demonstrate twice as much devotion to the  Taker of Skulls as everyone else. She does this in many ways. But she most known for challenging anyone to a game of "Russian Roulette" with one of her many bolt pistols. A blindfolded third party will randomly load a clip with 8 live rounds, of course it would be 8, and 12 blank rounds. She and her opponent then take turns putting the pistol to their bare head and pulling the trigger. Torsten has not lost yet. But she knows it is just a matter of time.







Harrald, Company of Eight Squad


Every second of every hour of every day, Harrald hears great thunderous booms that no one else can hear. He knows not why. It is only in the midst of a killing frenzy, when he is swinging his mace and emptying his bolt pistol that the booms briefly cease. And Harran, for a time, knows peace. Then the fighting inevitably dies down. And the hellish thunder returns.








Enjoy the photos!



Blood Wolves, "Logan Grimnar failed."

Edited by Tallarn Commander

What a characterful log! Barnabus and Sjull Fiend look incredible. You're really channeling the old school Chaos style, really reminds me of the older codices.

Thanks Pearson! Like many of us, I cut my teeth on 2nd and 3rd edition sculpts and paint styles. So your words are high praise indeed!



I managed to finished up another batch of 3 Blood Wolves. Here are some photos.



Three Bezerkers/Chosen/Legionaries






Redmaw devours the hearts of his foe, leaving their ichor on his chin is a badge of honor.







Bjorn Blackwolf


Bjorn Blackwolf was a leader of the Blackwolf Clan back on Fenris. When he died raiding a rival clan and was chosen by a leader of the Slain he was overjoyed. He believed a Valkyrie had raised him and brought him to Valhalla. When he learned this was not the case he was quite bitter. He remains angered and his resentment has only grown since then.







Eyegouger earned the name when accidentally removed an opponent's eyes on the training field as a young Blood Claw. The name was intended to mock him for his excessive violence. But he has taken the name to heart and now he ritually removes and keeps the eyes of his enemies, at least those opponents that have eyes.




And last week I ran a 500 point demo game for a friend. I ran my Chaos Marines and my friend ran my Tallarns. He is getting into the hobby. Sadly, he will be joining the loyalist lapdogs and is starting a small army of Imperial Knights. But hopefully I will be able to gradually corrupt him to the ways of Chaos.


He's an experienced gamer and managed to defeat me. It was a fun casual game and he learned the basic mechanics of the game. Here are some photos.



I forgot to bring my terrain so we used a 3d printed D&D Tarrasque as a large terrain piece




Legionaries Surround Primary Psyker Rosa


There is a random Sons of Malice Chaos Marine, Lashmaster, on the bottom right.



Tallarn Lascannon Teams set up a base of fire




The Neverborn Possessed Squad battles an Iron Fist IG Squad




Death The Executioner takes out Cultists




10th Squad, Chaos Cultists




Four colors of Chaos


I mixed and matched Chaos Marines from my various armies. From left to right red and gold of the Blood Wolves, orange and white of a random Chaos Marine where I tested out the color scheme, black and gold of the new Warpborn color scheme, and black and green of the old Warpborn color scheme. And in the back you can see the pink head of my Warpborn's warlord, Talos Slaughtercall.



Traitor Enforcer Annika and Tallarn Commissar Akinna, The Two Sisters

Commissar Akkina has seen it all. From eight-foot tall Chaos Astartes to towering Tyranid living battering rams. She lost an hand on some Imperial Guard campaign-though no one knows how. She is now equipped with a deadly hook hand. She uses it to slice open the foe ascwell as cowardly Tallarns who shirk their duty.
Unbeknownst to all but the Inquisition, Commissar Akinna hides a dark secret. She was born into a powerful Chaos-worshipping mercenary and merchant Clan, House Nightfall. House Nightfall is sort of like a Chaotic Rogue Trader family. The House's Council of Eight owns and operates over a dozen star systems, a score of void ships, 3 warbands of Night Lords Chaos Marines, a free company of Chaos Knights, and 9 regiments of Traitor Guard.
Through cunning and guile Akinna and her twin sister Annika rose through the ranks of House Nightfall. But at some point Akinna had been recruited by the Inquisition. She had come to believe that for all their hypocrisy, the Empire was still humanity's best hope. She began to see her House as weakening humanity through their raids and machinations. So Annika decided to throw her lot in with the Inquisition and the Empire of Man.
For decades she spied on House Nightfall from within, feeding valuable information to the Inquisition. But one fateful day Akinna tried to steal the self-destruct codes to House Nightfall's flagship, Eternal Damnation. Her plan failed and Annika learned learned of her sister's true allegiance. The House Nightfall sister and attempted to kill her Traitor sister Akinna. In a fierce running fight throughout the holds of The Eternal Damnation the two fought. In the end, Akinna managed to jettison an escape pod and she fled to safety, although she lost her hand as she jury rigged the escape pod.
The Inquisition sent Akinna to a Schola Progenium and her hatred of Chaos motivated her to become a commissar. The Inquisition keeps close tabs on her. They might even recruit Akinna into their ranks someday.
Bur Akinna's sister Annika is still scouring the universe looking for the Traitor sibling who dared betray House Nightfall!




Sadly, one of my cats passed away last week. Bella was one of the nicest kitties I ever had. She was very affectionate and would put up with a lot of annoyances imposed on her by humans and other kitties. She was twelve and passed away in her sleep. RIP Bella, you will be missed. Here are some photos.



Bella and the desert terrain




Bella and a member of First Claw, Chaos Chosen


Bella is not amused.



Bella being cuddly





Take care everyone!

Edited by Tallarn Commander

Your berzerkers are looking great - the blue eye lenses and glow really provide a nice bit of contrast.


Sorry for your loss of your fuzzy demon - I'll certainly miss you catching Bella in the odd photo.  She was a beautiful cat.

Thanks Dr. Ruminahui. Now I'm going back and adding more bitz to my older Bezerkers and changing their eyes from purple to blue. Yes, Bella will be missed.



Last weekend I went to a local rogue trader tournament at Fate & Fury Games in Vancouver, Washington, in the US. I had a wonderful time!



Here is the army I brought...


Night Wolves (2000 points)

Chaos Space Marines
Strike Force (2000 points)
Renegade Raiders

Svane Vulfbad, Chaos Lord (90 points)
• Enhancement: Despot's Claim (15 points)
Barnabas, Master of Executions (80 points)
Lady Esmerelda Hoth, Chaos Warpsmith (70 points)

10th Squad, 10 Cultists (50 points)
BloodTongue, 10 Legionaries (170 points)
Bloodflowers, 10 Legionaries (170 points)

Death's Head, Chaos Rhino (75 points)
Dragonne, Chaos Rhino (75 points)
Murcielago, Chaos Rhino (75 points)

Lightning, Predator Annihilator (130 points)
Stormcrows, 5 Terminators (180 points)
Company of Eight, 10 Chosen (250 points)
Blood Golem, Defiler (190 points)
Night Snipers, 5 Havocs (125 points)
Wirewolf, Maulerfiend (130 points)
◇ Warpnight, 5 Warp Talons (125 points)

Note: I will give the tournament organizer and each opponent a list containing each unit's upgrades and backstory.

The Night Wolves Chaos Marines

     Being a Chaos Space Marine force featuring dastardly daemon engines, terrifying Terminators, lethal Legionaries, and various and sundry other horrors of the warp.

An Uneasy Alliance
     The Night Wolves Chaos Marines are a temporary alliance of two Chaos Space Marine factions: the Blood Wolves and House Nightfall. The Blood Wolves have hired the mercenary House Nightfall's Night Lords. Both forces will combine and conduct a raid on a handful of systems. Whether this alliance endures remains to be seen.

The Blood Wolves
     The Blood Wolves are a warband of Khorne-worshipping Chaos Space Marines. They were once Space Wolves. Then one fateful day they fell from the Emperor's Grace and followed Wolf Lord Svane Vulfbad when he and his Great Company mutinied.  Svane and his followers proclaimed themselves to Khorne; stole a small fleet of Battle Barges, Cobras, and Strike Cruisers; and fled to the Cliedes System.
     It was in the Cliedes System that the Loyalist lackey Harald Deathwolf found and fought the Blood Wolves. But Svane and his Heretic Astartes had been blessed by the Blood God and they managed to escape into the warp. Since that day they have wandered the verse. The Blood Wolves seek nothing more than to shed blood in His name. They always manage to remain one step ahead of the pursuing forces of the Space Wolves.

House Nightfall
     Long ago there was a noble family, the House of Nightfall. They lived in an age of peace and stability established by their world's ruler. Their ruler was Konrad Curze, the fair and just lord of the garden planet Nostramo. And then one day, a corrupt and weak emperor sent an assassin to slay the Lord Curze. The vile assassin succeeded. The emperor then destroyed the paradise that was Nostramo. House Nightfall managed to escape in their merchant families' vessels. But since that day they have never forgotten and  vengeance upon the emperor will be theirs!
     House Nightfall is a mercenary and merchant house, sort of like a Chaotic Rogue Trader family. The House's Council of Eight owns and operates over a dozen star systems, a score of void ships, 3 warbands of Night Lords Chaos Marines, a free company of Chaos Knights, and 9 regiments of Renegades and Heretics Chaos Militia and Traitor Guard.

Svane Vulfbad, Chaos Lord, daemon hammer, plasma pistol, warlord (90), Despot's Claim--enhancement (15)=105
● Special Rule: Lord of Chaos--once per game a Svane can increase his melee AP, STR, DMG, and ATT by 1 for 1 melee phase.
● Special Rule: Chance for Glory--once per round a Chaos Lord can allow their unit to use a strat for free, even if that strat has already been used.
● Special Rule--Despot's Claim: during my command phase I gain an extra CP on a 5+ if I remember to roll. If Svane is in the enemy deployment zone I gain a CP on a roll of a 4+ instead.
   Svane Vulfbad was a young pup on Fenris when he was stalked one evening by a ferocious Ice Troll. He was able to use the light of Fenris' moon, Valdrmani, to escape. Since then Svane had felt a close connection to moons and to their symbolism and power.
     Svane was born into the Fire Breather tribe and named to honor the tribe's leader Sven Bloodhowl. The young Svane proved particularly adept at hunting and tracking. One night, under a crescent moon, Svane battled a giant Remhoraz on Fenris' ice fields. Both Svane and the Remhoraz fell during this duel. But the lucky Fenrisian was selected by a Chooser of the Slain. He then survived tests and ordeals too numerous to count. Eventually Svane succeeded and became a Space Wolves Neophyte serving in a Blood Claws Pack.
     Svane served honorably for many centuries in the ranks of Blood Claws, Grey Hunters, and Wolf Guard. He performed hundreds of heroic deeds and the Skalds told countless sagas about Vulfbane. He eventually became leader of the Blood Wolves Great Company.
      But one night while leading his company on campaign beneath a full moon in the Ghoul Stars, Svane Vulfbad heard the call. From its mighty Throne of Skulls Khorne sensed a kindred spirit and it reached out to Svane Vulfbad. Boundless rage filled Svane's soul. He became aware of the hypocrisy at the Empire's core. When Vulfbad awoke from his trance he uttered these words, "I murdered thousands for the Emperor and He gave me nothing except His damning silence. Now His lapdogs yap for every life I take, while the gods promise me the galaxy."
     Svane and his entire great company immediately declared themselves for Chaos and rebelled. A cadre of loyalist Space Wolves pursued them. But, after a handful of running skirmishes, Svane and his Blood Wolves escaped into the warp.

Barnabas the Butcher, Chaos Master of Executions, Axe of Dismemberment, bolt pistol=80
● Special rule: Warp-Sighted Butcher--Barnabas' unit can re-roll hits in melee against foes that are below starting strength. His unit can also re-roll wound rolls in melee against foes that are below half strength.
    While the warband is lead by Svane Vulfbad, Barnabas the Butcher is Azrath's trusted lieutenant. He often leads smaller detachments on special missions.
     His mother was a butcher by trade. So he naturally became quite skilled with blade and cleaver and was chosen to become an Astartes. As a Space Wolf Barnabas was quite devout in his fealty to the All Father. But his bonds to Svane were stronger. When Vulfbad rebelled, Barnabas grudgingly went along. But, over time, Barnabas became particularly zealous in his love of Khorne One Eye (Barnabas has  conflated elements of Odin into his worship of Khorne).
     Sadly, one day the BloodWolves' Master Warpsmith Crowsoul for some reason prevented Barnabas from getting into one of the warband's Rhinos with his squad. Confused and hurt Barnabas did not know what to do. He had been allowed to enter the Rhino the day before. Crowsoul told Barnabas that if he exchanged his mace for a giant Axe of Dismemberment, then he could enter the Rhino. Barnabas complied and now he is a Master of Executions.

☆ Lady Esmerelda Hoth, Chaos Warpsmith, flamer tendril, melta tendril, plasma pistol, Forge Weapon, Warlord=70
● Special Rule: Warpsmith--Esmerelda has Lone Operative if she is within 3 inches of a vehicle.
● Special Rule: Master of Mechanisms-- during her command phase Hoth can heal a friendly vehicle within 3 inches for D3 wounds. That vehicle then gets +1 to hit until the next Night Lord command phase.
● Special Rule: Enrage Machine Spirits--at the end of her command phase Hoth can force an enemy vehicle within 12 inches to make a battle-shock test.
     Lady Esmerelda Hoth is an ambassador dispatched from the Dark Mechanicum to aid House Nightfall. The two Chaos factions have enjoyed a long and fruitful alliance: the Warpsmiths provide daemonic technology and House Nightfall provides mercenary fighting prowess. Hoth has teamed her daemon engine "monster menagerie" up with House Nightfall because she received a vision from the Dark Omnissiah. In the vision she joined with the Night Lords to consecrate Imperium-held worlds in blood.
      She secretly is aiding the "Black Nebula" faction within House Nightfall's Council of Thirteen. Esmerelda hopes that her efforts will destabilize House Nightfall's easternmost star systems. Systems which are coveted by Esmerelda's Dark Mechanicum superiors. Although lately she is begun questioning this mission and she may even ally with House Nightfall as a double agent.

Champion Annika's 10th Squad, 10 Cultists, 10 Cultist Firearms, Brutal Assault Weapons=50
-Special Rule: ForThe Dark Gods!--Cultists can make their objective "sticky" during the command phase
     The Cultists are detached from the Nostroman 9th, a House Nightfall Traitor Guard Regiment. The Nostroman 9th are a diverse lot. Some fight for coin, some for Chaos, some fight against the fascist Imperium, and some fight for the sake of fighting. These combat veterans are willing to put their lives on the line as long as they receive their due from the Regiment's Paymaster.
     Chaos Cultist Aspiring Champion Annika is a feared symbol of House Nightfall's Chaos Commisariat. She is always willing to use summary execution on laggards.
     However Annika does have a dark secret. Her twin sister, Akinna, defected from House Nightfall to the Imperium. Ironically, Akinna now serves as a Commissar in the loyalist Tallarn 23rd Light Regiment. Only Annika and her lover, Renegade Commander Buzzsaw, know the secret of her loyalist turncoat sister. If it were discovered the Council of Eight would quickly have her executed. Enforcer Annika hopes to one day meet and kill her traitor sister Akinna upon the field of battle.

Aspiring Champion Gormenghast's BloodTongue, 10 Legionaries, 9 bolt pistols, 1 plasma pistol, 7 chainswords, 10 close combat weapons, 2 heavy melee weapons, lascannon, icon=170
Aspiring Champion Gorath's Bloodflowers, 10 Legionaries, 9 bolt pistols, plasma pistol, 7 chainswords, 10 close combat weapons, 2 heavy melee weapons, lascannon, icon=170
-Special Rule: Veterans of the Long War--Legionaries re-roll wound rolls of 1 in melee. If the enemy is on an objective, Legionaries can re-roll all wound rolls in melee.
-Icon: Unit can re-roll Dark Pact tests
     Bloodtongue and Bloodflowers serve the warband as Chaos Legionaries, rank and file troopers who excel in capturing strategic locations on the battlefield.
     Aspiring Champion Gormenghast is a philosopher warrior, a rarity among Khorne worshippers. As a Space Wolf he read widely, devouring the works of Aquinas, Logar, and Aristotle, among others.
     But one fateful day on an Imperial ecclesiarchy world he stumbled across one of the Eight Books of Khorne. Not knowing the tome was a Chaos artifact he took it. Back on the Strike Cruiser he began reading the book. Its contents revealed a great deal to the loyalist marine. He learned the elements of the perfect murder, he learned the inner peace brought about by intense anger, and he learned the eight pillars of the Khorne faith. Gormenghast remained loyal to the All Father but the seeds of doubt were sown.
     When Svane Vulfbad began speaking of the Emperor's hypocrisy, Gormenghast understood what he meant more than most Blood Wolves. Gormenghast eagerly advocated for rebelling and, as a result, after the revolt, Svane promoted the philosopher warrior to Squad Champion in charge of Squad Bloodtongue.
     Aspiring Champion Gorath is an artist. He unlocks the potential of the Crimson within us all as he paints great canvases using only differing shades and types of Blood. His art tells the story of death not life. Gorath rejects the use of mere paint as gauche.
     Svane awarded Gorath command of the Bloodflowers out of nostalgia. The two were comrades in the same Bloodclaws pack centuries ago. And while Bloodflowers is as effective as any squad, Svane believes Gorath's affectations as an artist are inhibiting his ability to lead.

Death's Head, Chaos Rhino, armored tracks, combi-bolter=75
Dragonne, Chaos Rhino, armored tracks, Havoc Launcher, combi-weapon=75
Murcielago, Chaos Rhino, armored tracks, Havoc Launcher, combi-weapon=75
● Special rule: Self Repair--at the start of my command phase, repair 1 wound.
     These ancient transports manuever the Blood Wolves and Night Lords around the battlefield. They deliver their deadly cargo and then provide fire support with bolter rounds and Havoc missiles.

Lightning, Chaos Predator Annihilator, 2 lascannons, Predator Twin Lascannon, combi-weapon, Havoc Launcher=140
● Special Rule: Annihilator--Lightning re-rolls damage rolls on 1 when shooting enemy vehicles or monsters.
● Special Rule--Twin Linked--Lightning's main gun can re-roll rolls to wound
     Lightning and its crew have been fighting the Long War since the Horus Heresy. Lightning's Soulshatter Lascannons can pierce the toughest enemy armor at long range. In their free time the crew likes to craft dresses and suits made of living human flesh.

The Stormcrows, 5 Chaos Terminators, heavy flamer, 3 combi-bolters, chainfist, 3 powerfists, pair of accursed weapons=180
● Special Rule--Despoilers: If the Stormcrows successfully Dark Pacted this phase then they get to re-roll to hit rolls until the end of the phase.
     The Stormcrows also have started the "Crow Cult" within the Blood Wolves. The members of the Crow cult collect and worship birds of the Corvidae family. They seek to embody the spirit of the crow and other Corvidae--fierceness, independence, wisdom, and feistiness--and, in so doing, attain a state of being that is closer to Khorne. 
     Crows also harken back to Odin Allfather and his two Crow companions, Hugin and Munin. And so crows hold a special place for many clans on Fenris.
      The other members of the Blood Wolves warband are not too sure about this new cult. They don't really see a connection between Corvidae and Khorne. But the Crow Cult are not particularly zealous in recruitment and, moreover, its members have somehow become better warriors as a result of the cult. So the rest of the warband's members don't mind the cult.
     Snow Rook is the squad's Aspiring Champion. Unlike the other squad champions, Snow Rook was elected leader by the squad members. The Stormcrows see Snow Rook see him as a wise and bloody father figure. He is not sure how he feels about this.

Krassek's Company of Eight, 10 Chaos Chosen, 6 Accursed Weapons, 9 bolt pistols, plasma pistol, 10 bolters, 2 powerfists, 2 pairs of accursed weapons, icon=250
● Special Rule: Chosen Marauders--Chosen can fall back and then shoot and charge
● Special Rule: Chosen Marauders--Chosen can advance and charge
● Icon: Unit can re-roll Dark Pact tests
      The Company of Eight are a squad of Chaos Veterans. They represent the Blood Wolves' best hunters. Each has been hand picked by Krassek and each has at least a score of sagas to tell of their great deeds.
     Aspiring Champion Krassek is a hunter's hunter. As a feral tribal warrior on Fenris he could track and kill the deadliest of native beasts, from the great Fenrisian Wolf to the Brutal Frost Mammoths. Krassek would patiently stalk his prey through ice tundra and snow-swept mountain. And then he would finally strike with unmatched zeal.
     When his tribal chief told Krassek he must begin the ordeals to become an Adeptes he was sad. He knew he would miss the hunt. But he also knew he had a duty to his tribe and to the All-Father.
    And so Krassek underwent the trials and eventually became a Space Wolf. As a Space Wolf he joined a particularly devout warrior cult. And so the eventual transition from Space Wolf to Blood Wolf was not difficult for him.
     He eventually surrounded himself with others who were big game hunters. On and off the battlefield, they specialize in stalking, killing, and making totems of their prey. And as a squad leader he is sometimes allowed a small vessel and navigator and released from warband duties for a year and a day. During these sabbaticals he takes up the hunt once more. He travels to nearby Death Worlds and stalks the most vicious creatures he can find.

Blood Golem, Chaos Defiler, Defiler Claws, Defiler Scourge, twin lascannon, battlecannon=190
● Special Rule: Scuttling Walker: during his movement or advance phase Blood Golem can move over friendly models as if they were not there. Deffy can also move over terrain pieces 4 inches or shorter as if they were not there.
● Special Rule: Daemonforge--once per fight phase Deffy can use the "Counteroffensive" strat for 0 CP even if I have already used it this turn.
     Blood Golem was created by Warpsmith Crowsoul from an ancient recipe with three ingredients: the Blood of a daemon, the dust of an enemy, and the Butcher's Nails from a willing Bezerker sacrifice. Blood Golem was created to act as a bodyguard for the leaders of the Blood Wolves.
     Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, Blood Golem was not a good bodyguard. He had a penchant for running pell nell towards the foe to crush them with his claws. He would often leave the Chaos Lord or Daemon Prince that he was supposed to be guarding far behind in his dust. As such, Blood Golem was banished from the command retinue cadre and relegated to the Blood Wolves' daemon engine assault cadre. Now he competes with Blood Slaughterers, Maulerfiends, and other daemon engines in a competition to see who can rack up the most kills.

Forrix's Night Snipers, 5 Chaos Havocs, accursed weapon, plasma gun, 4 lascannons=135
● Special Rule: Stabilization Talons--Havocs ignore all negative modifiers to hit when shooting.
     The Night Snipers are perpetually surrounded by a black mist. They strike from the shadows with thundering heavy weapons fire and then dissappear. They never fight fair and they sow terror upon the foe.

Wirewolf, Chaos Maulerfiend, Maulerfiend Fists, Lasher Tendrils=130
● special rule: Siege Crawler--Mary ignores all negative modifiers to movement, advances, and charges
     "Talix trees, tall and slender, brew along the Outsides of the avenue. At least two had been decapitatedand remade into gibbets for the wirewolves. There was no point trying to avoid them. Landerson walked on, trying not to look up at the skeletal mannequins hanging limply from the axl-trees on their metal strings. They creaked, swinging slightly in the breeze."
-Excerpt from Traitor General, by Dan Abnett

Warpnight, 5 Chaos Warp Talons, warp claws=125
● Special Rule: Warpstrike--If Warpnight ends a fight phase and no enemy units are within engagement range, it can jump back into ongoing reserves.
     The Warp Talons are more akin to daemonic Blood Hounds than Chaos Marines. The Night Lords normally would not tolerate such daemonic taint amidst their ranks. But they see Warpnight not as fallen Chaos Marines.  Instead the Night Lords view the Warp Talons as a symbolic manifestation of Curze's hatred towards the Empire's hypocrisy.

Total number of models: 64 (58 infantry, 4 tanks, 2 daemon engine



Here are some photos of the army











Game 1 vs Squats


Game 1 was a fun game! Here are some photos.


The board on Turn 1, Votann on the right and Chaos Marines on the left




This was my first time bringing a Warpsmith this edition


Here you can see Esmerelda buffing Lightning. Is it just me or are Warpsmiths way more fun and effective this edition than previous editions?



Warpnight and Sagitaur





Hearthkin blow away Squad Bloodtongue




Warp Talons and Bikers chip away at each other




Chaos Lord Svane Vulfbad's Last Moments




Master of Execution Barnabas' Last Stand




And the game ended with a Squats victory. It was a bit like the charge of the light brigade. I ran my army forward to get into assault and my opponent, who was very nice, just blew me off the board. In the end, I was tabled and I had killed 4 of his units. This is a fair result though because in my last couple of games against Votann I've been able to reach their lines largely intact. And things did work out well for them.






Chaos Marines, "Yours is not to reason why, yours is but to do and die."



----------------------------TO BE CONTINUED BELOW-----------------------------------------------------------------

-----------------------------------------Continued From Above-----------------------------------------------------------



Game 2: Night Wolves vs Crusher Stampede Nids



Game 2 pitted the Sons and Daughters of Fenris and Nostromo against the bugs. I've always enjoyed going up against bugs, including big bug lists like crusher stampede. Both of us had mostly assault armies with some shooting, so this matchup would be decided by melees in the middle of the board.


Here are some photos



Board at deployment





The CSM line




Moving up on the right flank: Bloodflowers Legionary Squad, Chaos Lord Svane Vulfbad, and Chaos Rhino Murcielago de Muerte




Big bugs move out




Screamer Killer vs Rhino




Screamer Killer vs Legionaries




Wirewolf vs Norn Queen (the Norn Queen wins this fight)


This is a beautiful model with a great paint job!



Stormcrows and Hive Tyrant


I sure do like Rapid Ingress on Termies.


Squad Bloodtongue grabs an objective




Blood Golem vs Norn Queen (Blood Golem wins this fight)





Stormcrows roll fairly well for their invulnerable saves




Snow Rook battles Exocrine




In the end it was an incredibly fun and close game. But the forces of Chaos managed to squeak by with a narrow victory. My opponent was very laid back and fun to play. My MVP of the match would have to be Blood Golem for finishing off a Norn Queen.



------------------------------Game 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Game 3: Night Wolves vs Emperor's Children


It's always fun to go up against other CSM players because you can geek out about all things Chaos. This game was no exception!


Here are some images.



A beautiful Emperor's Children army


You might even say it was excessively gorgeous.  :biggrin:



The Night Wolves deployment zone on Turn 1




CSM forces jockeying for position against each other




Abby and Chosen nab the objective




Bloodflowers Legionaries charge EC Legionaries on the left




A work of art Predator Destructor





Termies of different flavors drop in





Abbie easily drops Wirewolf




Barnabas and Bloodtongue take out the Chosen and drop Abbie down to 3 wounds





This was a really fun game against an awesome opponent. The game was never really very close. I killed 2 units and he killed most of my army. But it was fun throwing dice and chatting about Chaos Marines. Both of us are hopeful about the upcoming Emperor's Children. But, like many of you on this forum, they will probably lose access to a lot of their units.



So in the end, the tournament was a lot of fun. The TO did a great job, I played 3 very nice opponents, I saw lots of really nice armies, geeked about 40K, and got to spend a rainy Saturday playing with toy soldiers. Huzzah! Plus, I actually won a game. That hasn't happened since July.



Night Lords, "Remember Nostromo"

Blood Wolves, "Remember Fenris"





Edited by Tallarn Commander

I've made some progress on the hobbying front.



I finished up 2 Bezerkers. This means I've finally finished the box of 10 Bezerkers I started back in March. I now have 4 squads of 10 Bezerkers. But they are configured so that they can also be 30 Legionaries and 10 Chosen in a Chaos Space Marines force.



Eric the Bold


On Fenris the name Erik the Bold was an ironic misnomer awarded to Eric by his tribe. While he was an effective warrior when he fought other humans, he tended to shirk his duty whoever the tribe battled one of Fenris' many monsters such as Ghost Whales, Blackheart Mastadons, and the ferocious Ice Trolls. When he was killed during a raid a Chooser of the Slain selected Eric--he had brought down a half dozen enemy warriors before falling. But as an Astartes Eric truly became bold and lived up to his name. He stood up against fercocious daemon Princes, terrible Orc warbosses, and deadly Avatars. Now after the Blood Wolves' fall to Chaos, Eric the Bold has truly become bold.







On Fenris Rune always wanted to become his tribe's shaman. He learned how to call upon the moon, read the entrails, and he was especially good at casting runes. So his tribe took to calling him Rune. The Space Wolves noticed his talents and chose him for the trials. After many difficult challenges, Rune succeeded and became an Astartes. He served an assistant to the Librarian cadre and eventually became a powerful Space Wolves Librarian in his own right.
     But when the company fell to Khorne there was no tolerance for magic. And so Rune put down his staff and picked up the axe. He became a rank and file warrior. Unbeknownst to the other Blood Wolves he hid his staff in a pocket dimension instead of destroying it. Rune secretly still casts the runes to aid his warband. He worships Khorne, but he thinks magic is too useful to renounce. And Tzeentch gains great amusement that he has a spellcaster within the ranks of a Khornate force.







I also rebased 10ish Night Lords and 10ish Nostroman 9th Traitor Guard models for the tournament. They were all my old red bases. But I'm gradually converting over to desert bases.





Sister Magrog with new desert base



Now with desert bases!




The two lascannon troopers, Soti and Kurgan, went from the old 25 mm bases to the new 32 mm bases. They also got new power backpacks and cabling.








And now I've started on my next project, to upgrade the other 30 previously painted Bezerkers with Space Wolf bitz and leftover nifty looking bitz from my Bezerker box. Plus other bitz I have lying around.





Red Skull's new axe




Memory of Bodt gets a wolf's tail




Skull Crusher gets some Black Orc bitz





And to help us cope with the loss of Bella, we have a new puddy tat. Meet Finn.




Blood Golem is in peril!




Enjoy the photos!



Blood Wolves, "Death to the Sons of Russ!"


Edited by Tallarn Commander

Thanks for sharing your battle reports - looks like some great games against some lovely painted armies.  And you won one!  Congrats!


Like the new berzerkers, and your models definitely look better on their new tan bases.


Finn sure is a cutey!  Such an itty bitty kitty.  I hope Finn's new brother Simon is adapting to your newest furball and has taken Finn under his wing.  Is Finn a boy or a girl?  I would guess a boy by the name, but his/her paint colour scheme is quite unusual for a male.  Whichever it is, I'm sure Finn is a real tripping hazard at night - I know my Grace is, and she's lighter in colour than Finn.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Thanks for the kind words.


Yes, the desert tan bases do look better. And it really is fun to add the weathering powder to the trooper's legs.


Finn's brother Simon is a houseguest out at a cousin's house (and playing with their cats) for various logistical reasons. But on Saturday Finn and Simon will get to meet each other.



I have mostly finished assembling and priming my upgrade project in which I removed dorkier looking heads and weapons and ensure that each of my Blood Wolves infantry has at least 1 Space Wolf bit, so about 26ish or so Blood Wolf troopers. I am calling this project "Operation Blood Moon, Phase 2."


A More Detailed Description of Operation Blood Moon, Phase 2, for those of you who are OCD


■ Cull Human
● plasma pistol and melee weapon
● has Space Wolf bit(s): Wolf skull
● has rusted bit on base
● obtained holster
● Needs greenstuff: cables holding up the holster. Disregard. His holster fell off somewhere.
■ Dreagher
● has Space Wolf bit(s)
● has rusted bit on base
● has new right hand melee weapon
■ Hell's Angel
● has Space Wolf bit(s)
○ Needs his shoulder pad to be painted black
■ Kilwrath
● Has 32mm base
Has bolt pistol
● has a holster
Has Space Wolf bit(s)
○ Needs flock
■ Maim (rank & file)
● Has Space Wolf axe and shoulder pad
○ Needs more flock on his base
■ Memory of Bodt
● with eviscerator
● obtained holster
● obtained Space Wolf bit: wolf's tail
■ Red Skull
● has rusted bit on base
● has a new axe
● has a SW bit
● has a holster
■ Sangre
○ got a rusted bit on base
● got holster
● got 2 new axes
● got a SW head
■ Varren the Maimer
● with eviscerator
● got new black shoulder pad
● got Space Wolf bit(s): Wolf tail
■ Zor
● banner bearer
○ Swap out his left arm with a squad banner
○ Needs Space Wolf bit(s)
○ Needs rusted bit on base

■ Blood Drinker
● obtained Space Wolf bit(s): head, pouch
● obtained rusted bit on base
● Obtained items on belt: chain, pouch, skull, and grenade
● got a new head, his current head is dorky
○ Needs to be renamed Arngrim
■ Blood Rose (banner bearer)
○ Needs a green stuff cloth and chainsto be hung from the bottom of his banner
○ Needs his banner to be repainted
● Obtained Space Wolf bit(s): head
○ Needs rusted bit on base
● Has a new chainsword left arm. His current arm is kinda dorky.
● Has a holster
● has a left shoulder pad
○ Needs greenstuff: banner
■ Booger
● obtained rusted bit on base
● obtained a holster
■ Felheart (rank and file)
● Needs Space Wolf bit(s): necklace
● got a new left hand--his old hand had list a finger
■ Ghormenghast
● with eviscerator
● Needs Space Wolf bit(s)
○ Needs more rust on his jerry can
● Needs a holster
● Needs a handle on his chainsword
● needs a chain to secure his chainsword
■ Kurgan with lascannon
○ Finish painting Kurgan's skulls
Go back and highlight red and gold and sponge on paint chips
■ Maggot
replaced plasma pistol with bolt pistol
● Obtained a pouch and dagger with Space Wolves iconography
● Obtained a holster with Khorne iconography
■ The Mighty
● Got a Space Wolf bit(s): shoulder pad
● Got a new right-handed melee weapon: dagger
● Got a rusted bit on base
● has 4 daggers!
■ Skull Crusher with eviscerator
● Needs Space Wolf bit(s)
● Needs rusted bit on base
●Obtained new arms and eviscerator
● Obtained rounds on his belt
● has a holster
Torsten, Duel pistol trooper
● has spikes in her back

■ World Devourer
● has new arms, both with axes
● hass Space Wolf bit(s)
● has rusted bit on base

■ Bloodbeast
○ has Space Wolf bit(s)
○ has rusted bit on base
○ has a pistol/holster
■ Blood Price
● banner bearer
● obtained a new banner added to the old Khornate icon
● got Needs Space Wolf bit: Wolf totem
● obtained rusted bit on base: mace
trooper with eviscerator and Space Wolfish helm
● has a gs cloak
■ Krueger
● has a pistol/holster
● has Needs Space Wolf bit(s)
● has Needs rusted bit on base
■ Moonslaughter
● Bezerker with nunchaku
● has SW bit
■ Oresk
● has a gs cloak
● This is the trooper who started the switch from World Eaters to Blood Wolves. I gave him a random Space Wolves shoulder pad and axe in 2023 or 2024. That got me thinking, what if I did this to the whole army?
■ Orkbane
● has Space Wolf bit(s): necklace
● has qrusted bit on base
■ Red Messiah
● Needs a 32 mm base
● obtained Space Wolf bit(s): Wolf tail
● Needs rusted bit on base
● has a holster
● Obtained metal weight on bass
■ Rune
● has eviscerator and Khornate helm
● has a gs cloak
● is painted
■ Soti, lascannon trooper
○ Needs some finishing touches: chipped paint, a helmet hanging from his belt, light oil washes, etc.
Um, oops, there needs to be a 10th trooper in case I run the squad as Bezerkers. I have assembled Vlka from random bitz I had lying around.



Here are a half dozen random photos of the ongoing "Operation Blood Moon, Phase 2."



Vlka the Bezerker/Legionary



I forgot that Squad Bloodflowers needed another Bezerker. So I put Vlka together from my bitz box: 1 leg and half the torso is from a AoS model, the other leg is from a Warhammer Chaos Warrior, the front torso is from a Plague Marine, the back torso is from a 2002 sculpt plastic Chaos Marine, the cloak is from a 3rd party Etsy vendor, chainaxe is from the Bezerker kit, head and left shoulder pad are from a random Space Wolf kit, and right arm might be from the 2019? Spearthingy plastic Chaos Marine kit. Truly a hodge podge of sources. :biggrin:


Blood Price gets a new banner




Blood Rose Gets a New Banner




Dreagher's New Right Arm




Felheart's New Necklace and Chainsword




And I found an old metal daemonette in a store's bitz box. I'll give her a new home. She shall join the Helltide, my small force of Chaos daemons. Currently only about 32 models strong and currently only consisting of Khorne and Nurgle daemons.


Roisin, Daemonette




And during the tournament poor Bloodied Wanderer fell on the floor and his right arm was lost. So he gets a new arm (and new piece of flayed skin)




And October, a Nostroman 9th Traitor Guard trooper/Cultists/Militia also lost his arm at the tournament. So he got a new arm too.


The old October, freshly painted back in 2019




The new October (with helper Finn)




Enjoy the pics!



Blood Wolves, "WE are the true sons and daughters of Fenris."

  • 3 weeks later...

Happy New Year everyone!


Some of ya'all have been putting some impressive 2024 retrospective photos of all the minnies ya painted last year. So I thought I would follow suit.



2024 Retrospective


In all, I had a blast hobbying last year. I painted for 220 hours and completed 83 miniatures.


I developed 4 new hobbying skills


1. Painting skin using oil paints



2. painting muzzle burn onto meltas/flamers





3. Using glazes to saturate/tone down highlights



4. Installing LEDs/Soldering wire and components together




Here are some photos of 81 of the models I painted up. I gave 2 away as Christmas gifts (a Tau and an Orc) so they are not included here.


All Minnies I Painted in 2024












I also got into the habit of painting up banners for various units. Each banner features a free-hand image that tries to capture the feeling of the unit's name.



Bats Out of Hell Raptors Squad



Stormcrows Chaos Terminator Squad




Blood Golem The Defiler




Wirewolf the Maulerfiend




Reavers Legionaries Squad




Harbingers Legionaries Squad



Jackals Legionaries Squad




The Indentured Jakhals Squad




Company of Eight Chosen/Bezerkers Squad




Bat to the Bone Chaos Bikers Squad




Here's some of what 2025 will probably bring....


A fluid guideline of what I might want to paint this year

Winter 2025
□ 1.) Operation Blood Moon Phase 2: Upgrading 30ish Blood Wolves Bezerkers/Legionaries
□ 2.) Operation Norscan Aargh!:
Pirate for my Frostgrave Warband and Wulfrik the Wanderer, 1 counts-as Fabius Bile, for my Blood Wolves warband
□ 3.) Operation Night Moon, Phase 1:
88th Blood Pact, 10 Blood Wolf Cultists/Traitor Guard/Kill Team
□ 4.) Operation Airbrush Rising:
FierFracture and Ragnarok, pair of Blood Wolves Chaos Predator Annihilators

Spring 2025
□ 5.) Operation Blood Tree:
Ygdrassil, Blood Wolf Chaos Land Raider
□ 6.) Operation Bloodbeard:
Blood and Ice, 5 Blood Wolves Warp Talons
□ 7.) Operation Night Skull:
The Ghost Riders, 3 Blood Wolves Chaos Bikers
□ 8.) Operation Motor Pool:
Death's Head and Svane's Retribution, upgrading an existing Blood Wolves Chaos Rhino and painting up a new one

Summer 2025
□ 9.) Operation Warp Speed:
The Serrated, 2 Blood Wolves Possessed and 1 Warpborn Possessed*
□ 11.)  Operation Stalker:
Eternal Damnation, Nostroman 9th heavy stalk tank, kitbashed from a Rogal Dorn and a Defiler*
□ 12.) Operation Night Moon, Phase 2:
17 or so  Nostroman 9th infantry*
* These models might be my 2025 Call to Arms pledges

Autumn 2025
□ 13.) Operation Warp Moon:
upgrade 13 existing Warpborn models and paint Crowsoul the Warpborn Warpsmith
□ 14.) Operation Desolation:
large desert ruined building
□ 15.) Operation Terror Strike:
3 Night Lords Chaos Raptors



And here are some hobbying skills I want to learn

Winter 2025
• Painting a monochrome miniature
• using a wet pallette

Spring 2025
• Painting hazard stripes using painter's tape as a guide
• adding a decal using Microsol and Microset and then weathering the decal appropriately to match its surface
• Adding rust streaks using oil paints and white spirits
• Airbrush basics: applying primer, basecoat, and zenithal highlighting
• Advanced airbrush use: chipped paint effect

Summer 2025
• Painting star and nebula fields
• Using tape to paint chipped and faded lines
• Using oil paints of the same color to saturate highlights so they look more gradual

Summer 2025
• Painting tattoos
• Making and applying rivets

Autumn 2025
• Advanced airbrush use: fades on power weapons and cloaks
• Modeling and painting bloody, dripping gore on a weapon
• Paint up a window as stained glass
• Printing out tiny propaganda posters and working them into terrain
• Cutting plasticard evenly 





And on the last day of 2024 I managed to finish painting up Roisin, a daemonette.











Enjoy the pics and Happy New Year!




Edited by Tallarn Commander

Fantastic work - I'm particularly impressed by your various banners.  You've come a long way in terms of painting in the years we have both been on B&C.

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