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Tallarn Commander's Chaos (Defiler & Dark Apostle Done)

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Hello everyone,

I hope ya'all are doing well. It's been ages since I've posted here. Life has intervened, especially a sick family member. :(  You all know how that goes.

But I've signed up for a local tournament. I was pondering which of my Chaos armies to bring. And then yesterday I got this receipt when I bought some groceries. You can all probably guess which Army I'm bringing..




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Welcome back, TC, its great to have you posting again.


I don't normally take army building advice from my grocery store, but chaos does work in mysterious and fickle ways, so I suppose an omen can come from anywhere.  Given the khornate roots of both your own force and 2nd night lords fluff, it does seem highly appropriate, even if derived from fish and greens. :smile:

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Yes, fish and greens are an omen of sorts. :laugh:



I finished up a project I've been working on since last summer. I'm gradually rebasing my Night Lords from 25 mm bases to 32 mm bases. Here's the latest batch of upgrades, what I'm calling "Night Lords Upgrade, Phase 6." I also added new bitz to most models in addition to the larger bases.


Before and After Group Photos





Wulfrik Before and After Shots





Wulfrik likes his new shoulder pad decoration. Human flesh is very fetching in Night Lords circles.





Here is Soulblight with a new right arm





Bolivar didn't get a new base, but he did get a new book





Forrix only got a new base and a new chain on his back to hold his sword in place (not shown) but he's one of my oldest models


I got Forrix in 2003 (3rd edition) and his sculpt dates back to the 1990s (2nd edition)





Enjoy the photos! Now most (but not all) of my Night Lords are re-based. Once they are done I'll start on my Death Guard.




Ave Dominus Nox!



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Hello Chaos-ites,


I've finished up another project. A batch of 10 "test" Chaos Legionaries. Last summer I was pondering what colors to paint my homebrew Chaos Space Marines warband, the Warpborn. So I painted up 5 Legionaries in a white and green color scheme and I painted up 5 Legionaries in a black and yellow color scheme. As a result of my test, I have chosen to go with a black and yellow color scheme. The black and yellow color scheme does not look as good to me as the white and green color scheme. But the black and gold color scheme is more fun to paint.


I have earned a newfound respect for those of you with white in your color schemes!



Here are some photos of my test Warpborn Legionaries.




All White and Green Legionaries Together



I painted one of them, Death Dancer, back in 2022 so there are 6 models here.


Murder of Crows, Exalted Champion





Ultimate End, Reaper Chaincannon Trooper



Since my other Chaos armies don't use many Reaper Chaincannons, I figured I'd feature them in my Warpborn forces.


Zharr, heavy chainaxe trooper






Deathgaze, bolt pistol and chainsword trooper





Freedom Until Death, Icon Bearer with bolt pistol and chainsword





To be continued below......



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Continued from above........



And here are some photos of my black and yellow Warpborn.



All 6 troopers, together they form "The Liberators" Legionaries Squad



Swordhiss was painted in 2022. The other 5 were finished this past weekend.



Bone Picker, Aspiring Champion of The Liberators





Diabolical, The Liberators' Reaper Chaincannon trooper



I need to find some 3rd party shell casings bitz and add them to his base.



Argument of Blood, chainsword and bolt pistol trooper




Felhunter, heavy chainaxe trooper




The Conductor, Icon Bearer with bolt pistol and chainaxe


The Conductor played a crucial role in helping escaped members of the Warpborn hide from the Dark Mechanicus prior to the Revolution.



And since this is my own warband, I thought I'd give the Warpborn their own symbol. Here are some test symbols.




And here's the one I went with, a stylized crescent moon and Chaos Star


Moons are powerful symbols in the Warpborn lore. One of the key Warpborn safehouses was located on the moon of Piazza IV. It is there that the Revolution truly began.



And in preparation for my big tournament in July, I've begun working on upgrading my World Eaters.


One thing I'll be doing is repainting the bases for all 50ish World Eaters/Khornate Daemon models. I'm replacing the old Khorne Red with a deserty Tallarn Sand.


This excellent idea was suggested by Dr. Ruminahui way back in 2018:







I've also purchased some kits to add to my World Eaters' ranks





Simon looks judgingly at my World Eaters miniatures and thinks, "You already have too many unpainted miniatures. Do you need to buy more?"





Enjoy the photos!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


I've been working on my World Eaters lately.


So I now have a squad of 3 Eightbound for my World Eaters army.




The Serrated, a Squad of 3 World Eaters Eightbound






Jadath, formerly of the Warpborn Warband, Now a World Eater



Yesterday I finished repainting him from green and black colors to red and gold.



Sarvak Khrul, painted up last month



Instead of giving him eyes like I normally do, I used red glaze instead. It gives him a sort of crazed look that I like.



Soul Eater, He was painted back in 2020. I only had to repaint his base from red to desert tan.






And now I'm working on this batch of 3 Bezerkers. They will join the "Company of Eight" Bezerker Squad.



The new Bezerker sculpts are marvelous. Truly a joy to work with.


This is my first time using weathering powders on a whole squad of regular infantry, other than the odd one-off model or a test squad. I rather enjoy the effect. But it's a gradual process. As you can see with the Serrated, I used too much. I'll tone down the use of weathering powders next time.




I hope you enjoyed the photos. Blood for the Blood God!

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Hello everyone,


I got in a fun pickup game with my World Eaters last weekend. I faced off against a nice-looking Blood Angels force. As usual I was tabled and I only killed a handful of his units. But it was a fun game because I got to play with my toy soldiers.  :biggrin:



Here are some photos.



The board before the game





Trio of World Eaters Daemon Engines


Deffy is, of course, borrowed from my Warpborn Warband of Chaos Marines. Last week I got a new Defiler kit in the mail so I'll paint up a World Eaters Defiler this spring.



Azrath hangs out with the BloodBliss Bezerker Squad and The Serrated Eightbound Squad






Blood Angels Scouts Infiltrate Onto Objective


I've always loved SM Scouts. And these scouts did a good job of blocking my Eightbound's scout moves.



Deffy is happy to charge a Land Raider. But he rolls poorly and his claws bounce off of the vehicle. Sigh.


The Land Raider then blows Deffy away with lascannon fire.



BloodFlowers Bezerker Squad Grabs An Objective




Daemon Prince Azrath Bounces Off of a Redeemer. Daemon Princes seem lackluster this edition. The AP going down to AP -2 really hurt them.







Intercessors Approach the Company of Eight Bezerker Squad





Blood Angels with Jump Packs Approach the BloodFlowers





Jakhals (proxied from my Nostroman 9th Renegades and Heretics Chaos Militia Army) take out a BA plasma trooper




888 Bounces Off of a BA Squad




Chronos and Constantine Hold an Objective




888 is surrounded by the foe and in honor of the film Galaxy Quest he screams, "Never give up! Never Surrender!"




I really like the new "Blessings of Khorne" rule that the World Eaters get. This was my first time using them in 10th edition. It's a bizaare wacky rule that can grant you some fun buffs (although my opponent was very sporting and had to keep reminding me about the various buffs).


Here's how I'd rate the units I used


A: Eightbound and Master of Executions--the Eightbound were both choppy, although less choppy than in 9th, and somewhat durable, The Master of Executions seems better than previous editions with the "Bezerker Glaive" enhancement. Still very much a melee glass cannon though.

B: Bezerkers and Jakhals--Zerkers seem to be less lethal than in previous editions, but at least they have 2 wounds now. And they are still pretty choppy. Jakhals are cheap as chips and make objectives sticky. Huzzah! I'll definitely get more Jakhals at some point.

C: Blood Slaughterers and Defilers--still pack some punch but in today's shooty meta they go down really quick

F: Azrath--did nothing and died fast, even his 4++ bubble seems meh when the enemy has lots of shooting


I think I'll swap out Azrath for another squad of 8 Zerkers (which I'll paint up this spring).




And here are some work-in-progress photos of 3 new Bezerkers I'm painting up.


These blokes have just had AK chipping fluid and Khorne Red applied. And then I've chipped off some of the red.













Varren the Maimer







I hope you enjoyed the pics!




World Eaters, "Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, he only cares that it flows."


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hello everyone,


I've finished up 2 of the 8 projects I need to complete to prepare my World Eaters for the July 2024 Tacoma Open Tournament!



The first project I completed was a random assortment of upgrades to existing models. Basically upgrading them from 8th edition to 10th edition (I didn't use my World Eaters much in 9th).



Here is a list of the upgrades:

■ Jadath needs to have Khornate iconography added
■ Upgrade 2 World Eaters Bezerkers' chainaxes into Khornate Eviscerators (currently Moonslaughter and Gormeghast are the only Bezerkers with Eviscerators)
■ Upgrade Voslok by demagnetizing him and giving him an adze.
■ Ensure each member of the Company of Eight (Constantine, Felheart, Hell's Angel, Knight of Despair, Voslok, and the 3 new members each have golden skulls with patina hanging from their belts)
■ Demagnetize Kilwrath, Maggot, and Red Messiah. Equip each with a melee weapon and plasma pistol.
■ Demagnetize Blood Drinker and Cull Human. Equip each with a melee weapon and plasma pistol.
■ Give holsters to: Chronos, The Mighty, Zor, Dreagher, and Maim
■ Give Blood Rose a bolt pistol
■ Add bitz to bases: Gormenghast, Cull Human, Bearclaw, Memory of Bodt, Barnabas


Here are some photos.



888 enjoying his new base




888 on his old base






Memory of Bodt: WiP and Completed with his new Eviscerator





Cull Human






Red Messiah





And Before and After Photos of Bearclaw



I suspect he really enjoys his new plasma pistol arm.



And the 2nd World Eaters project I completed was a batch of 3 Bezerkers. They will join the "Company of Eight" Bezerker Squad.



Three New Zerkers: Oresk, Gharrax, and Varren


If you inspect Gharrax and Oresk, you might notice a hint at a direction I will soon take in this armies' back-story.



Gharrax, it is a position of pride to hold the squad's banner. Only a grizzled veteran is granted the right.




Through countless victories and a one-on-one melee with an Ur-Neogi, Gharrax has earned this right.



Varren the Maimer, The Company of Eight's Eviscerator trooper





And Oresk, a former Space Wolf, he kept items from his past





And a group shot of all of "The Company of Eight"






And now I'm on to painting up "The Indentured," a squad of 10 Jakhals. And I still have 13 bases to paint up in my new tan desert color.


Enjoy the photos!



"Blood for the blood god!"

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Posted (edited)

Work continues apace to get my World Eaters ready for the July GW Tacoma Open Tournament.


I finished assembling Jakhals and I've started assembling my Defiler. I really like the Jakhals models. It also helps that I have plenty of Warhammer Age of Sigmar Blood Reavers bits left from previous projects. Here are some photos:



Jakhal with Icon




Jakhal Dishonored (with Ogre Head and Orc Chainaxe)


Yes, the scale of his head is really off. You be the one to tell him his head is too big. :biggrin:




Jakhal Pack Leader with Mauler Chainblade




Jakhal with Torch (I'll try some Object Source Lighting on this model--I need to get better at that skill)





Jakhal with Autopistol (looted from the Imperial Guard of course)





Jakhal Musician with Horn




Jakhal with Big Axe




Jakhal with Parrying Dagger




And my favorite, Jakhal with Chain Whip Adze Thingy






And this squad of Jakhals was made possible by "help" from Simon




And here Simon hogs the hobbying space




And gets his foot stuck in the primer. D'oh! Luckily, it all washed off.




Now I'm working on assembling my World Eaters Defiler


Seen here next to my Warpborn Defiler, Deffy. Deffy was a very useful reference point.



And now the World Eaters Defiler has guns and a Defiler Scourge.


I will add the claw as a "scorpion's" claw on the back. I'm sure many of you have seen other folks do similar Defiler scorpion conversions.




Enjoy the photos!



Khorne, "Burn! Maim! Kill!"




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  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hello everyone,


Sadly I was not able to complete my World Eaters in time for the big tournament. So I'm bringing my Night Lords.


The tournament, the 2024 Tacoma 40K Open, starts soon. Here are some photos.


A shot of my Army



This is my 1st time using our new codex. A lot of the detachments look fun, but I went with "Renegade Raiders" because I really like their movement-oriented strats.


I only painted up 1 model for the tournament, Chaos Biker Nevar.


Nevar's icon





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On 7/19/2024 at 4:57 PM, Tallarn Commander said:

Hello everyone,


Sadly I was not able to complete my World Eaters in time for the big tournament. So I'm bringing my Night Lords.


The tournament, the 2024 Tacoma 40K Open, starts soon. Here are some photos.


A shot of my Army



This is my 1st time using our new codex. A lot of the detachments look fun, but I went with "Renegade Raiders" because I really like their movement-oriented strats.


I only painted up 1 model for the tournament, Chaos Biker Nevar.


Nevar's icon





Dude that banner is great! 

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Posted (edited)

Thanks for the kind words Dr. Ruminahui and Mad Librarian.


The tournament is now over and I had a blast!


Sadly, a family member went to the hospital yesterday so I had to drop from the tournament. The family member is doing better--surgery will be today or tomorrow--and Mike Brandt the head judge said that my dropping was totally OK. :)


But I still got 6 games in. My House Nightfall Night Lords ended up with 5 losses and 1 win. Usually when I go 8 games at this tounament I end up with 2 wins and 6 losses so maybe I would have won a 2nd game yesterday.  But the important thing is all my opponents were very nice and the games were very chill and fun. In some games the opponent started out grumpy because they were stuck on the bottom tables. But once they saw all my dudes were old school, that my list was casual, and all my troopers had names painted on their bases they quickly realized that they were facing a clubbed seal and they stopped being grumpy. :) 




Here is a random collection of photos and comments about various & sundry....


First, my army list


House Nightfall's 2nd Battalion, CSM, Renegade Reavers Detachment



* Lord Duvalier, dual claw jumppack Lord



* Jarvak's Jackals, 10 Legionaries 

* Hatred's Harbingers, 10 Legionaries

* Batista's Bastards, 10 Legionaries

* Nyith's Fourth Squad, 10 Cultists

* Red Talon's Fifth Squad, 10 Cultists



* First Claw, 10 Chosen

* Second Claw, 5 Possessed

* Bat To the Bone, 6 Chaos Bikers

* Night Riders, 6 Chaos Bikers

* Bats Out of Hell, 10 Chaos Raptors

* Night Snipers, 5 Chaos Havocs

* Lightning, Chaos Predator Annihilator



* Dragonne, Chaos Rhino

* Murcielago, Chaos Rhino



Here are some army shots


First Claw, The Chosen


As always, these blokes performed admirably



Night Snipers, Lascannon Havocs


One of my most effective units, if not the most effective unit



Fourth Squad with Champion Nyith (the one with the nunchaku)


These folks admirably did actions and capped objectives



And some group shots








Continued with Game 1 below....



Night Lords, "Ave Dominus Nox"

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Thanks for the constant updates! I have a question for you, as in this hobby I am not a gamer so I've never been to a tournament. It's cool to see your display board with the entire army. Is that something you carry around from game to game or is it setup pre or post tournament for people to look at? It looks to be all one solid piece so I have to imagine (if that's the case) it's a real pain to move from table to table?

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Posted (edited)

I use the foam tray to transport the army from table to table and, yes, it is difficult. It is one piece that I have carved with a hot wire cutter.


A lot of people use nifty carts to move their armies around at the tournament venue. Other folks use laser cut or plastic trays you can buy that are a lot like cafeteria trays but designed for armies.


There are tradeoffs to each approach. The carts can be VERY unwieldy on the street. I saw one poor gentleman chasing his army down the hill in Tacoma over the weekend. He caught his army before disaster struck.


But inside the venue the carts are much much easier to manuever. But it's not so bad. I've been going to large tournaments since 2001 and there is sort of an unwritten rule that people carrying their display boards have right of way. It's also not uncommon at conventon hall table intersections to hear someone with a tray shout "Blood Angels coming through!" or "Orcs coming through!" and everyone steps aside for them. :)


And both the cart and tray approaches can be nicely modeled with foam and plasticard to create dynamic themed displays akin to what you see at GW stores during their Armies On Parade event.


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Posted (edited)

2024 Tacoma Open Game 1


Game 1 pitted me against a Khornate daemon army. It was a blowout as the forces of Khorne quickly dispatched the Night Lords. But I did managed to take out a Bloodthirster and Skarbrand so that's something. Most of the wounds were done by the Predator and Havocs. The Havocs somehow managed to do 15 wounds to Skarbrand in 1 round of shooting. They definitely were my MVP unit.


In addition, I sure love Dark Pacts! And the AP buff Renegade Reavers get against enemies on objectives is also very nifty. Here are some photos.



Bat To the Bone Biker Squad is Surrounded




Bloodthirster About to Pound Lightning the Predator To Smithereens





Dragor The Chaos Biker Flees From a Bloodcrusher


I would run too!


First Claw, The Chosen, Squares Off Against Skarbrand


The Chosen chipped away some wounds and set up my Havocs to deliver the coupe de grace. Note that Skarbrand is standing on an objective here. I was worried that my opponents would be cagey and avoid objectives because of my legion's ability to do extra damage to foes on objectives. Luckily, no one did avoid objectives and my units were much killier than they otherwise would have been. 




Game 2 vs World Eaters


Game 2 pitted my army against another Khornate army. This time it was World Eaters with a Knight. Again, my army was quickly tabled. But it was a fun, fierce match.


My MVP for this game would have to be Lightning the Predator for doiing the lion's share of damage to the knight.



Bats To The Bone Nabs An Objective




On an interesting side note, the judges approached me during the first game and specifically said that they were cool with my bikes being on smaller bases. They said if any of my opponents objected that I should just tell the opponent the judges OK'd my old school biker bases. The judges probably took one look at my list and realized I was a casual player. Interestingly enough, I've been using these bikers at tournaments for years, including previous Tacoma GTs, and no one has objected. Of course, I usually hang out on the bottom boards with other casual gamers. My opponents are far more likely to get nostalgaic about the bases then object. For about a decade I've gradually been converting my Night Lords over to the offical base sizes. So eventually I'll convert the bikers over too. Someday. :)



Bezerkers Duke It Out with the Harbingers Legionaries Squad




Chaos Knight Towers Over the Sons of Nostramo




Chaos Lord Duvalier and His Raptors About to Be Shredded By Angron




An Impressive Lineup of Maulerfiend, Angron, and Invocatus





To Be Continued Below......





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Sorry to hear about your family issues, but glad to hear that things didn't turn out to be more serious - having to drop out of the tourney before you got your second win is annoying, but not of much significance in the grand scheme of things.


Kind of funny your own kind-of khornate force facing off against the 2 official khornate armies in the first 2 rounds of the tourney - hopefully your 2 competitors later faced off in the tourney to determine who was the most favoured by Khorne. :biggrin:


Yeah, your bike bases are sure old school - I don't think those bases have come with the models since at least 5th edition (I think its in 5th I rebased my roughriders from homemade lozenge shaped bases to actual GW lozenge bases) as between then and 8th (I think that's when the change to modern oval bases occured) they were on the GW lozenge bases - which is how I refer to the bases with the same width as the rectangular ones but with rounded ends.  And yeah, given your army and your own "fun at all costs" play style I can't see anyone who isn't already in a foul mood for other reasons complaining about them.


Personally, I think the new oval style bases look better (I rebased my own bikes from lozenge to oval bases in late 8th or early 9th for that reason) so I would recommend the swap, but certainly not if your own aesthetic sense on this issue differs.  Its the same reason I've bumped my marines up from 28mm to the newer, larger bases, even my metal raptors for whom I had to convert my own slotted, weighted bases.

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Posted (edited)

Thank you for the kind words Ruminahui.


The family member's surgery took place today and went very well!


Yes, I wonder if the various Khornate folks faced each other. Since mine was a melee-heavy army I loved going toe to toe with Khorne forces rather than getting blown off the board. Come to think of it, all 6 of my opponents had a respectable amount of melee. And come to think of it all 6 opponents I faced were Chaos forces of one flavor or another. And this was awesome since they tended to be balanced or melee-heavy rather than shooty. It was also hilarous because there were over 400 people in the tournament! What were the odds that all 6 of my games would be against Chaos.


Yes, I definitely do want to upgrade all of my models someday. As I slowly upgrade my Night Lords (and my Nurgle CSM army) to larger bases, I have found that the extra space on the larger base is great for extra skulls, victims, bats, Nurglings, or whatnot . I've upgraded maybe 100ish models and have maybe 100ish to go. 




Game 3 vs. World Eaters

Game 3 featured a very nice opponent. The poor chap had just flown in from Florida and had missed the first 2 games because his flight had been delayed because of the big Microsoft error that crashed a bunch of systems around the world. He tried to tell the judges that it was a mistake putting him at the bottom tables against and 0 and 2 opponent and he was right. But he was a very fun opponent. And a very good opponent. Unlike when I play my World Eaters, he remembers his rules. I saw him later on in the tournament playing on the top tables.  


The game was over quickly with my Night Lords getting tabled. 


My MVP would have to be the Bats Out of Hell Bikers who sacrificed themselves to tie up some enemy forces on an objective. They lived way longer than they had a right to live.



Bats Out of Hell Defying The Odds





Bad Tidings the Raptor Facing Off With Exalted Eightbound





Angron Crushes Murcielago the Rhino




Bughunter Tries to Bring his Heavy Bolter To Bear Against An Eightbound




Nyith and her Fourth Squad Make a Last Stand Against Eightbound




I faced off against many gorgeously painted armies including this one. Just look at the attention to detail on the axe!






Game 4 vs. Chaos Knights (With Titan!)


Game 4 found the forces of House Nightfall up against a Chaos Titan of all things. I was a bit surprised to find that Titans could be in a tournament. But yes they can. I was even more suprised to learn that they are not very good. I managed to win this game. It was a close fun, game and I only won by 4 points. After the game the opponent, who was very nice, said I did the right thing by ignoring the Titan and focusing on objectives and on killing War Hounds. The Titan was essentially a huge points sink for a unit that can only eliminate 1 enemy unit a turn in shooting, and sometimes it didn't even do that, and it does very little in melee. 


But it was still a Titan and it was really coold to go up against one. I think the last time I fought against a Titan was around 2001 during a large 18,000 or so point Armageddon 40K game. I remember back then we all had difficulty keeping track of its void shields as they dropped and re-activated. I'm glad we didn't have to do that in this game.


My MVP for this game would have to be the Bats Out of Hell with Chaos Lord Duvalier. They deep-struck behind his lines onto an objective on Turn 3 and cowered in a ruin for the rest of the game. He had moved his forces too far upfield by then so he couldn't do anything to them as they racked up primaries and the occasional tactical card objective as well. Although, to be fair a 90 point Raptor squad without a lord attached could have done the same thing for 170 fewer points. D'oh!


Here are some photos...



Board At Deployment

1. Board at Deployment.jpeg




Lightning The Predator Annihilator Eyes The Titan

2. LightningEyesATitan.jpeg

Lightning did shoot the Titan on Turn 1. I then learned I had only stripped a handful of its bazillion wounds. In subsequent turns Lightning shot War Hounds.




Titan Gazes Down Upon the Rabble in Blue

3. ViewFromATitan.jpeg





Titan's Leg vs. Jarvak's Jackals




Since House Nightfall is a mercenary house my opponents and I joked that their Chaos warband had probably hired House Nightfall, didn't pay the bill, and now my army is essentially a bunch of armed bill collectors.  :)  



Continued below......





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