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Tallarn Commander's Chaos (Defiler & Dark Apostle Done)

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SFPanzer, yes the squad's banner is a Meatlaof reference. :)


Warrior Fish, come to think of it, yes it did feel like an Apoc game what with the 2 lords of war and the 8,000 points of models on the table. Yes, at times both sides had an uphill fight as they scrambled to recover from sudden losses. A very fun and even fight (the overpowered Necrons' Decurion nicely balanced out the overpowered Wraithknight). At times I felt really bad for my opponents as the Necron player used various shenanigans.

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Hi everyone, I made some more progress on my Night Lords Chaos Renegades. I finished up 11 more troopers bringing my total to 44.

Here are some photos.

Shot of all eleven renegades


Shot of Champion Lobo, flamer trooper, scythe trooper, & 2nd Squad's icon



Flamer, Demagogue Sevatar, vox operator, flail trooper


Flamer, sword trooper, shotgun trooper


Close up of 2nd squad's icon bearer (beastman caster from Fantasy)

Close up of Lobo taking aim with his autopistol


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I played a fun 1850 point game last night vs Dark Angels. I brought my Night Lords CAD (Raptor Lord Duvalier, 2 squads of 8 raptors, Harry the Helbrute, Mary the Maulerfiend, small biker squad, squad of 10 CSM with meltas in a rhino, squad of 5 chosen with meltas in a rhino, and a small havoc squad with 4 autocannons). I also brought along a CAD of Chaos Renegades (Arch-Demagogue Captain Zero with a small disciple squad, 3 squads of 15 renegades—each squad had an icon, flamer, and bazooka, and a squad of 10 mutants with shotguns). My opponent brought along a Dark Angels formation (I can’t recall the name) which gave him free transports. He brought 3 rhinos, 3 razorbacks, 3 drop pods and filled them all with various flavors of melta vets, tacs with plasmas, and devs with grav. He also had a nifty couple of HQs with jump packs running around with a squad of assault marines.

My raptors, bikers, rhinos, and Maulerfiends advanced onto midfield objectives before being blown away by mid game with plasma, bolter, and, especially, grave firepower. My havocs, Harry the Helbrute, and renegades covered the backfield until they too were blown away. I was able to kill off all 3 deep-striking pod squads and a couple of rhinos w squads. He killed off all my army except for a renegade squad with my warlord renegade arch-demagogue. My mutants managed to outflank and spend the game cowering behind a building until they died on Turn 7. His units crept forward slowly, mowing me down with a wall of lead, plasma, and grav.

On paper we were tied in maelstrom points in the early and mid game. But the game was never really close thanks to grav and all those free transports. He was just mowing down my units left and right while I was doing far less damage to him. In the end, I lost 10 to 14 maelstrom points. However, the game was very fun and my opponent was very nice. He said he’d bring a more friendly list next time.

-My MVP: my shotgun mutants, for actually killing a grav dev in close combat, for getting a maelstrom point for being in the opponent’s DZ, and for successfully cowering behind a building in my opponent’s deployment zone from Turns 2 through 7. They were finally wiped out on Turn 7.

-Lesson Learned: I think I’ll up my renegades’ squad size from 15 to 20. This would increase their durability nicely. Also, at one point I forgot to jink my bike squad when they charged a dev squad. That meant the squad would have lived a little longer against all that grav, but only a little longer.

Here are some pics:

My armies' warlord, Renegade Commander Captain Zero, with his renegade militia platoon


My other HQ, Raptor Chaos Lord Duvalier, with Raptor Escort


Harry the Helbrute


Raptors vs Greenwing tac marines


Chaos rhino drivers open up their front hatch to spot the enemy


Chaos bikers race forward before learning about the cruel mistress that is grav weapronry


My Sentry Killers chaos marines squad prepare to charge a Dark Angels tactical squad


Renegade platoon advances towards a Dark Angels vehicle


Autocannon Havocs, Bughunter Squad, and Renegade and Heretics missile launcher trooper provide covering fire for the Night Lords


Mary the Maulerfiend brings her fist down on some drop-podding melta vets


Enjoy the photos!

Night Lords, "The Quick and the Dead"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,I just finished up another batch of 9 renegades platoon infantry troopers. I’ve got 53 done now! Here are some pics:

Front shot of all 9…


rear of a missile trooper and a flamer trooper…


All 53 completed Renegades



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Thanks for the kind words.  I believe the gnolls are from a 2002 discontinued line of metal miniatures put out by Wizards of the Coast for their Chainmail miniatures game (the Nagash faction). My friends and I never played the game, but it was a great source of minnies for D&D sessions and now its a great source for renegades. :)
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

I’ve finished my latest batch of Chaos Renegades. Here are the pics:


4 renegades including some artillery crew


Icon Bearer and 3 Other Troopers


Some More Rank and Filer


I’ve now completed 66 chaos renegades! I only have 16 more troopers and 3 artillery pieces to paint before this project is done for now. I’ll add to the detachment little by little—next year’s renegade project will probably be a pair of FW Khorne Blood Slaughterers with impalers.

Here are some photos of all the painted renegades together...



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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone, I finally finished painting up all my Chaos Renegades infantry troopers. Whew! Here are the photos from my last batch of 16 troopers...

Shot of all 16 troopers


3 artillery crew and autopistol trooper


These troopers were going to be my veterans, now that renegades no longer get veterans I'll probably use them as marauders, who are decent now


Shot of all completed 82 chaos renegades...


And next month I hope to finish my last Night Lords projects: a trio of spawn and a Dark Apostle. You can see them in this photo (the spawn are unassembled).


I hope you enjoyed the pics!

P.S. I'm loving 8th edition so far. But, like most renegades players, I feel FW phoned in the renegades Index last week. They dropped much of our flavor and they included many confusing typos. I'm planning on using this renegades force alongside my Night Lords CSM, bikers, raptors, furies (whch are back in the same book as CSM for the first time since 3rd edition), etc:

-renegade lord commander with squad


-2 squads of 20 cultists (RIP militia platoons that could take militia training)

-3 or 4 squads of 5 disciples, each with a missile launcher

-1 or 2 small squads of sniper and/or melta marauders

-3 basilisk artillery carriages with crew

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well done on finishing them all man! That's a real accomplishment.


I agree with feeling let down by FW though, real shame. Least you can use them alongside still.


I'll be returning to the emperors light for a while as my carpace armour grenediers are no longer renegade friendly.


can we get a close up of the tenticle cadian with bonoculars? that looks like a cracking conversion.

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Spafe, yes, if my Tallarns weren't my main army then I'd be playing my Night Lords renegades as IG.

Here are a couple of close ups of the tentacle Cadian. Sadly, he's one of the troops who still has an aquila becuase I forgot to scrape his off. Doh!


And here is a shot of tentacle Cadian with my remaining Chaos projects (rhino, spawn, biker, dark apostle). The photo does not include my still-to-be-purchased trio of renegade howitzers. The rhino and biker are for my Death Guard army not my Night Lords army.


I hope to finish this batch in August and then I'll start on my WWII soviet-themed ork army (snipa orks, great coat orks, kommissars, IL2 dakka jets, SU76 buggies, Katyusha lobbas, etc).

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  • 4 months later...

Hello everyone,

Over the summer I didn't do any Night Lords projects, but I did do some Tallarn IG and Nurgle Death Guard projects.

However, this fall I finally finished another Night Lords project, a squad of 3 spawn. Since both Chaos Marines and Renegades and Heretics can take spawn, these suckers can be used in either force if I run a pure CSM or a pure R&H lists.

Here are some photos

3 Blue Spawn


And here are a couple of close up shots

Lash Whip Spawn


Tentacle Spawn


And here are some upcoming Night Lords projects

My dark apostle and 2 furies


And a trio of Earthshaker carriages for my Night Lords Renegades aremy, seen here with some completed crew. These cannons need to be filed and puttied to fill in some gaps, but, at $8 a pop (from Toy Soldiers Depot) these US Army 155 mm howitzers are a solid alternative to the FW Earthshaker carriages (and none of the tournaments around here care whether we use Citadel models)



On a minor note, one of my raptors' arms kept falling off so I gave him an ork bit for a chainsword. I just need to paint it up.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I just finished up my Dark Apostle. This means I've finally painted up all of my Chaos Space Marine models, about 210 or so models between my Night Lords and my Death Guard. This means my Night Lords CSM army is done! But I might add a unit or 2 here and there in subsequent years, perhaps a Helblade Fighter and/or a Blood Slaughterer. But for now my CSM is done and my focus will turn to my Chaos Renegades and Heretics force and my orks.

To celebrate, here's a picture dump of all of my Night Lords units. I apologize in advance for the large number of images.

Night Lords Chaos Marines Army seen from the front


Seen from the front oblique...


My favorite model in the army, a chaos marine equipped for melee, Ninja Joe...


All 4 of my HQ units: Sorceror Bolivar, Raptor Lord Duvalier, Dark Apostle Night Gaunt, and Biker Lord Chamorro


Freshly painted Dark Apostle NightGaunt


Sorceror Bolivar with his familiar, Sparky


The first of my four troops, the Prone Predators Squad. This is my favorite squad. Back in the 3.5 dex you could give infiltrate to a chaos marine squad so these chaps would infiltrate onto a flank by crawling into position and then they'd spend the game providing flanking fire so as to deny defilade to the foe.


The Night Masques Squad, these chaps have a rhino named after them


The Death Bats Squad, a majority of the squad have the old space marine scout bolters with box ammo clips


Sentry Killers Squad, some of these CSM are sneaking up behind IG sentries (painted in the colors of my Tallarns) and taking them out with garrote, blade, silenced pistol, and not-so-silent chainsword. Again, back when CSM could take infiltration, this squad usually got the upgrade


Silent Killers' squad icon



....more pics to follow....

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And the photo dump continues with my elites...

My Chaos Chosen Squad, Murcielagos de Muerte. They also have a rhino named after them.


Harry the Helbrute, I'm looking forward to using him in 8th


My Chaos Terminators Squad, I've never actually used them in a game. I particularly like the bat icon. Since they have a reaper autocanon, I need to get to more termies to make them legal.


And my 3 Chaos Rhino transports


The middle rhino has a front panel which can be lifted so you can see the crew...


Now onto fast attack...a squad of furies, I own 3 additional furies but I'm not sure where I put them. These folks can be tacked onto a chaos "friends" outriders detachment consisting of some spawn, a cheap renegade commander HQ, and maybe a renegade sentinel.


Death from Above Raptors Squad, these use the old metal 2003 sculpt


The Night Riders Biker Squad, equipped with 2 plasma guns


Bats Out of Hell Raptor Squad, these folks use the plastic chaos raptor sculpt


The Bat to the Bone Biker Squad, equipped with 2 meltaguns


And now onto heavy support. Here's my beloved Maulerfiend, Mary


An autocannon havoc squad


Hordebane Havoc Squad


Night Snipers Havoc Squad


And my last image, Oscar the Obliterator



Night Lords, "The quick and the dead."

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Hello everyone,

Huzzah! Here are some reinforcements for my Chaos Renegades and Heretics force, a command squad. I hope to paint these troopers up next month. I might take the renegade commander's chainsaw arm and give it to an ork and I'd give the renegade commander an ork buzzsaw bit to use as a powerfist.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Happy New Year everyone!

My ranks of renegades are growing because my parents were kind enough to buy me a box of Genestealer Neoyphytes for Christmas. Thanks to the kind staff at Guardian Games in Portland, OR who helped them find this box.

I also got in my first game of 8th edition using my Chaos. Since this summer all my games have been with my Tallarns but I decided to give my Chaos a whirl. I had a fun game against a Tyranid player. I've played him before and he is a very sporting fellow whose army is gorgeous.

Like me he has many old school models. Some termies and a flyrant.


The mission was from Chapter Approved. It was basically an objectives mission with 3 objectives on the center line. Characters were "super objective secured."

He basically outmanuevered me. On Turn 1 he flew a flyrant up to each objective and he infiltrated a bunch of genestealer cultists and he dominated the board from then on. I did manage a respectable number of points early on in the game by swarming the objective with Chaos Marine Squad champions and Renegade Mutant and Cultist champions. However, he dominated gameplay overall and erased unit after unit from the board. By game's end I was tabled and lost 20 units (if you don't count the one earthshaker carriage and crew both of us forgot about). By the end he had only lost 3 or 4 units. I do have to say that 8th edition Renegades sure are less effective than 7th Edition renegades. It didn't help that my Night Lords' morale debuffing ability was neutralized by his fearless units. But it was a fun, chill game and perhaps I'll get revenge in a future game.

I do have to give a shout out to our gaming venue, Heroic Knight Games in Issaquah, Washington. Since my regular FLGS, Games and Gizmos here in Kirkland, closed its doors last month I'm forced to play elsewhere. With minimal traffic, Issaquah is about 25 minutes south southwest of me. Thursday night is their regular gaming knight and the place was rocking with about a dozen 40Kers. The store itself is well stocked, clean, and the staff is very professional. I'm very impressed with Heroic Knight Games and I'll definitely be spending a portion of my gaming dollars and time there. Plus, they sell beer. I've never seen beer in a gaming store before. It was fun to sip my yummy Winter Ale while removing my hordes of Renegades casualties.

Here are some photos from the game:

Our respective battle lines before the game. About half his army, the genestealer cult portion, is still waiting to infiltrate.gallery_88062_14499_133809.jpg

Renegades Heavy Weapons Support Squad surveys the field. Boy I sure miss being able to upgrade this squad's BS.


Shoot the big ones!

An unholy trinity: Chaos marines, renegade artillery, and renegade cultists before the battle.


This was my first time using my Renegade Earthshaker Carriages and they did good work. They steadily stripped wounds off of tough enemy models.

My warlord, my Renegade Commander Captain Zero, hangs out with a squad of Night Lords Chaos Marines (he is the Tallarn trooper in the back)


While Renegade Commanders loss much of their flavor from 7th Edition, I like how they unlock free! covenants on my troopers. I chose the Slaanesh one and really enjoyed the increased mobility. I'm sure that after the game Captain Zero got a lecture from the Night Lords about how it's a poor life choice to swear fealty to a any Chaos God. But I suspect their advice fell on deaf ears. Perhaps I'll try out the Khorne covenant in my next game.

On Turn 1 a Flyrant nabs an objective. The Nid ability to control the board is something I love about my opponent's army. It reminds me of my deepstriking and outflanking Tallarns.


A genestealer cultist squad infiltrates and attacks my spawn. He dies horribly.


Some painted cultists mock a newcomer to the ranks for being unpainted and for missing a head and and arms


Renegades advance, a tentacled monster and some genestealer cultists can be seen in the background


Raptors and cultists fight a flyrant on an objective. Deepstriking and then charging with raptors sure is fun.


Mutants and cultists scrum it out with ripper swarms and a flyrant on an objective


And CSM try in vain to get past a flyrants 4++ Later in the game I lascannoned this flyrant to death.



Termies swarm forward escorted by a Carnifex


Ninja Joe's last moments. RIP Ninja Joe.


Genestealer cult cleans up over on my left flank


My raptor lord, Lord Duvalier, pounds on Genestealer characters with his powerfist to no avail. I really liked the paint job on the purple coated chap.


Genestealer cultists vs Earthshaker carriage crew. Yes that's a Genestealer Squat!


A gorgeous looking tentacle monster and ripper swarms eat cultists on an objective


Dark Apostle Night Gaunt runs in to buff and help Lord Duvalier. This was his first game and he performed respectably. His melee and leadership auras are quite nice and I gave him the Black Mace so he had some oomph in melee as well.


Renegade Enforcer tangles with Genestealer cultists. He did some good work with his ork buzzsaw (powerfist) before being brought down. The green highlighting on the cultist's whip is masterfully painted.


Raptor Champion Castro holds out on an objective. In previous games this has been a powerfist and its done yeoman's work.

gallery_88062_14499_66211.jpgIn this game it was a power maul and did squat. It's going back to being a powerfist.

Champion Evita sleepily raises her powersword against a flyrant


I hope you enjoyed the photos!

Night Lords, We have come for you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone, I wrote up a “year in review” post. I hope ya’all don’t mind but I’m posting this to both my Chaos and IG Bolter and Chainsword blogs.

2017 40K Hobbying Year in Review

-Chaos Renegades

Renegades and Heretics were the big winner here. I managed to paint up 57 chaos renegade rank and file troopers. These troopers can be used as militia, cultists, disciples, or marauders. Most just have autopistol and brutal assault weapon, but some have missile launchers, icons, etc.

-Night Lords

I also painted up a bunch of Night Lords Chaos Marine models: a Dark Apostle, 3 spawn, 2 furies, 5 raptors, and 5 Chaos Marines.

-Death Guard

My long neglected Death Guard also got some love: 2 Chaos Rhinos, 3 spawn, and a Chaos Biker with lightning claw

-Imperial Guard

My main army, my Tallarns, also got some attention: I finished painting the names on the bases of all 300+ troopers and I painted up 4 servitors, 2 techpriests, a primary psyker, and 11 stormtroopers. I also completed the odd upgrade to existing turrets, infantry, terrain, etc, e.g. added a few backpacks too troopers and added more stowage to the odd turret.


I completed some IG trenches and some hills.

Here are some photos of most of the 97 models I completed in 2017





I clocked in a little over 180 hours of painting which is my 5th most productive year since 2000.

In terms of my hobbying skills, I picked up 2 new skills: how to make greatcoats out of greenstuff and how to create paint chipping effects with AK interactive fluid, although my first stabs at both skills was somewhat rudimentary. I also free-handed two models with icons. I didn’t really develop any other new skills though. I’ll have to develop more new skills in 2018.

Close up of one of my free-handed banners


2018 40K Hobbying Goals

First and foremost, I’d like to get started on my long neglected Ork army for 40K. It will be thematically based on a WWII soviet Red Army. Thankfully I already own most of the models.

I’d also like to keep adding new units to my IG and Chaos armies. These will have to be newly purchased units because I’ve finally finished all the backlogged items in both armies—it only took me 17 years to catch up. In terms of terrain, I recently got a nice Forgeworld fighting emplacement that I’d like to paint up. Also, my Chaos army needs a display board for tournaments. I’m thinking a series of foam stepped hills with a nice Chaos star centerpiece. I’ll paint it red so I can use it with my Death Guard, Night Lords CSM, and/or my Renegades and Heretics—all 3 armies have red bases.

In terms of skills, I recently got Volume I of Forgeworld’s books on how to paint up armor so I’d like to try out some tricks in that awesome tome: using weathering powders, oil paints with spirits, etc. I’ll use those skills on some Renegades, IG, and Ork vehicles over the course of the year.

I’d also like to get better at painting flesh, greenstuffing greatcoats, color theory, and innumerable other skills.

Here are some shots of some Renegades I'm working on

2 Renegade Enforcers, a Renegade Commander, a rank and file trooper, and a Renegade Malefic Lord


Here are some genestealer neophyte cultists who have switched over to Chaos.


The Night Lords must have offered better pay and benefits than the genestealer cult. :)

In the background of the photos above you can see some models that will become Night Lords Chaos bezerkers. My Night Lords will get 3 squads of 8 bezerkers who have succumbed to Khorne. The other Night Lords are a bit uncomfortable about fighting alongside brethren who worship one of the Chaos gods. But hopefully the results will speak for themselves. More importantly, the Bezerkers take their mercenary pay in the form of skulls which leaves more actual pay on the table for the Night Lords. It's a win win!

I also magnetized up one of my Chaos Night Lords characters, Hatred

Hatred with powerfist and bolter


Hatred with a pair of lightning claws


Hatred with a bolter and power axe


I think I'll do more magnetizing like this over the course of 2018. I can't believe I haven't done this until now. It's pretty neat to have the flexibility.

2017 40K Gaming Year in Review

As always, I really enjoyed all my games. Since 7th Edition was so unbalanced I lost most of my 7th Edition games. I did much better in 8th. I’m really liking 8th edition. It just seems like a really fun and fluid game.

-2017 7th Edition Chaos record: 33% win rate in 7th Edition (2 losses and 1 win)

-2017 8th Edition Chaos record: N/A (I didn’t play any Chaos games in 8th til 2018)

-2017 7th Edition IG record: 8% win rate in (1 win and 11 losses)

-2017 8th Edition IG record: 62% win rate (5 wins and 3 losses)

I brought my IG to a total of 4 tournaments over the year at PFC Games in Edmonds, Mugu Games in Everett, Games and Gizmos in Kirkland, and Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge in Vancouver Washington.

2018 40K Gaming Goals

I don’t really have any specific gaming goals other than to get in a game here and there and to attend a few tournaments. Like most of you, I’m really enjoying 8th edition. I’m hoping to bring my Renegades and Night Lords to Ordo Fanaticus this summer—and maybe I’ll bring Orks next year. There’s an escalation tournament in Ballard that goes from early February to mid March. It starts at 750 and ends at 2000. I’m not sure if I want to schlep over there 6 times though (about 100 minutes round trip) and I’m also not sure if I’d bring my Night Lords and Renegades or my Tallarns.

Til next time!

IG, “We are many. They are few.”

Night Lords, “The quick and the dead.”

Nurgle, “There’s something rotten in Denmark.”

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I finished up another project for my Night Lords army, a batch of 10 Renegades and Heretics troopers. I also got in a very enjoyable battle against an Eldar player.

I’ll start with some pictures of the models I just finished.

10 more Renegades troopers, seen from the front. This brings me to a total of 98 painted Renegades!


Closeup of Buzzsaw and Dneghra. They can be used as Renegade Commanders or Enforcers


3 Genestealer Neophytes, Spike, Nunchaku Ned, and Daggers McPhee, who have converted to Chaos.


These models are very nice sculpts indeed, an excellent addition to any Renegades force

Lord Malific WarpRend and Enforcers Garok and Nostramo


These 3 seen from the rear, I rather like how the Chaos Star on her robes looks


Command Net Vox trooper and plasma trooper


And now a brief overview of the game.

I played an objectives based eternal war mission against a Biel Tan Eldar army. The opponent was very sporting and the match was very enjoyable indeed. What I really loved about his force is how it was themed after the Hayao Miyazaki film “Nausicaa Valley of the Wind.” I’ve loved all of the Miyazaki films I’ve seen, and this one is one of my favorites.

While the game was fun, it was never really very close. I killed 3 of his units and he killed 17 of my units. Harry the Helbrute and Dnegrah survived! I think Undivided Night Lords Chaos Marines with Renegades support is not too strong a list these days. I’m not sure why though. While I’ve always been a mediocre tactician at best and I prefer fluff over efficacy, but the Night Lords Chaos Marine troops squads don't seem up to par. Chaos Marines troops choices, always the core of my CSM Night Lords armies, just seem more lackluster this edition.

Oh well. I have a plan to deal with this problem: I have managed to snag some AOS Khorne models from swap meets and other sources and now I’m assembling a small World Eaters battalion with 3 squads of 8 Bezerkers plus 2 characters. Wow those various AOS Khorne models sure are well scuIpted. I look forward to painting them up. I plan to paint them up this spring. Hopefully a small Khornate force will help. Hopefully this plan is still true to the fluff. While the Night Lords are skeptical of all of the Chaos gods, a Night Lords battalion or outriders detachment might (?) not have qualms about fighting alongside a small World Eaters battalion.

Plus, when it came time to splitting up the spoils of war, the only payment those crazy Khornate troops want might be skulls, leaving the good loot to the mercenary Night Lords. At any rate, my Dark Apostle Nightgaunt would be pleased at this prospect. My armies' fluff is that my Dark Apostle is the armies' Paymaster not their Dark Apostle. He buffs Chaos Marines in his aura not because they give a damn about the Chaos Gods, but because he pays them at the end of the battle. (Yes, I did have a Regiments of Reknown Warhammer Fantasy army back in the day).

I picture a force of Zerkers in Rhinos driving towards the enemy like a bunch of mindless, blood-obsessed idiots. Meanwhile, small bands of deep-striking Night Lords raptors and/or advancing bikers maneuver on the flanks for surgical melta/plasma shots and quietly mocking the World Eater’s foolish devotion to Khorne. And at the same time the unwashed masses and daemonic engines of the Renegades and Heretics pour into the midfield in huge numbers while their Earthshaker carriages decimate the foe from afar. Maybe that will work. At any rate it will be fun and fluffy.

Without further ado, here are some images from the battle...

Shot of the impressive Eldar, the Wave Serpents are the Ohmu from the film. If any of you have seen the movie, I kind of felt bad killing them.


Shot of my army before the battle



Shot of the Night Lords and Renegades facing off before the battle


His Dark Reapers, Wave Serpents, and Avatar


My warlord, Renegade Commander Dnegrah, with some militia and Harry the Helbrute


Up next...the battle begins.

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The battle begins with the Eldar getting first turn and advancing their 2 serpents, Avatar, and Shining Spears

Here's an overview of what happened in the center.

Wave Serpent, seen from the perspective of a Renegade mutant squad


Night Lords move up to check the Eldar advance. If only I had been able to crack his wave serpent open. He made so many darn 6+ invulnerables on Turn 1.


My bikers kill off his Shining Spears. Boy this sure was a well-painted and well-conceived of squad. It felt like they flew right out of the swamps in the movie!



His Avatar vs my Chaos Biker Lord Chamorro. Chamorro lost.


I have no idea why I consolidated into a model that is effectively a daemon prince!

Banshees, Jain Zar, and Scorpions pop out of the Serpents


Scorpions say hi to my lascannon Havocs


While the Banshees have fun with a Chaos Marine squad and a Mutant Rabble squad


Mary the Maulerfiend counterattacks the Banshees but gets killed off. I should have put my attacks into the squad rather than Jain Zar. Oops!


My Renegades militia, Dark Apostle Nightgaunt, and CSM counterattack the Scorpions, but they got killed off.


Here you can see the lone survivor of the Chaos counterattack, Cultist Champion Sevatar, leader of 1st Squad

With the death of Champion Sevatar, the Night Lords center had fallen. Now let's see how the Night Lords fared elsewhere on the battlefield.

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Meanwhile, the Night Masks squad had been booking across the field to get to objectives.

Sadly a deepstriking fire dragon squad showed up and blew away their rhino, allowing the Avatar to get at the squad inside.


And the raptors deep strike in, miss with their meltas (despite the re-roll), fail the charge (despite the re-roll), and get blown away by Dark Reapers



Harry the Helbrute shores up the left flank by charging an empty Wave Serpent along with a Rhino


3rd Squad spent the entire game running across the board, finally got into melee with a War Walker squad...gallery_88062_14499_173966.jpg

...and then the War Walkers jumped out of combat allowing the Eldar firebase time to liquidate these followers of Chaos

A gorgeous Night Spinner as it eats up chunks of my army


Renegade Commander Dnegrah powerfists an Ohmu to death


It's always hilarious when a 38 point model takes out a much more expensive model. :smile.:

All in all it was an incredibly fun game against a very nice opponent. I told him it was an honor to have my army destroyed by such a beautiful force.

On a closing note, here are some pictures of some upcoming Renegades projects

Some Gors who I will be using as mutants, Enforcers, and various elites such as Renegade marauders



And some Eschers, most of whom will become Renegades elites



I hope you enjoyed the photos!

Edited by Tallarn Commander
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