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Tallarn Commander's Chaos (Defiler & Dark Apostle Done)

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Pictures continued....

And a badly damaged Khorne's Ire Leman Russ blasts away at Armigers on the left flank


And on Turn 3, Kira's 3rd Squad makes it across the board and charges the Imperial Fist firebase





Meanwhile Captain Bobo is still battling it out with 2nd Squad over on the left flank


But by Turn 5 he has whittled the cultists down and only Lobo is left standing


You can see Enforcer Nostramo off to the right providing morale support

Malefic Lord WarpRend holds an objective during endgame


This was the first time I've used Malefic Lords. They seem to be decent budget psykers.

And Renegade Commander Buzzsaw hides on an objective


If the game had ended on Turn 5, he might have allowed me to get a draw.

The Space Marines move out and begin hunting Buzzsaw on Turn 5


They finished him off with a meltagun on Turn 6

The daemons are summoned out of the warp by Enforcer Nostramo during end game


The IF firebase subjected the Plaguebearers to tons of firepower but they weathered it like champs


Then they moved up and held the objective for me during endgame


Renegade Commander Dnegrah actually survives multiple turns of melee with an Armiger


And Captain Bobo finally took out the Cultists on the left


It was funny, he rolled more poorly as the fight continued. My opponent and I came to the conclusion he was getting tired hacking through all those Cultists.

And a fun game drew to an end with a Imperial Fist victory. If the game had ended on Turn 5, I might have been able to finagle a draw. But by Turn 6 most of my forces were liquidated. The R&H Codex is currently quite subpar in terms of competitiveness, but it sure is a blast to play.

Enjoy the pictures!

Renegades and Heretics, "Hell's horde"

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  • 4 months later...

Hello everyone,

It's been quite awhile since my last post.

I dusted off my Night Lords CSM army for the first time since since September of last year and I used them in a game yesterday.

A friend of them who is considering playing 40K used my Tallarn IG army against my forces of Chaos. The bad news is my Chaos lost, the good news is my friend won, we both had a great time, and he is now considering partaking in 40K!

Here are the lists I put together for the 1,000 point game as well as some comments and photos.

An Imperial Guard Tallarn battalion...

Tallarn 23rd Regiment, 7th Battalion, Alpha Company

♧ Captain Scheherazade, Warlord and Alpha Company commanding officer, Kurov's Aquila, plasma pistol, powerfist
♧ Captain Al'Rahem, Alpha Company executive officer, Dagger of Tu'Sakh, plasma pistol, power sword
♧ Primary Psyker Wojni, force stave
Captain Scheherazade is a grizzled commander of many campaigns. Captain Al'Rahem excels at a mobile, fluid style of warfare preferred by the the Tallarns. Psyker Wojni is present as an observer for regimental HQ.

ELITES [143]
♤ Lieutenant Ed Too Tall Jones
♤ Lieutenant Rushdie, bolter
♤ Desert Rats Veteran Squad, 10 troopers, 3 plasma guns, Sgt. Schaeffer, power sword, plasma pistol
Lieutenants Jones and Rushdie buttress the line with timely orders. The Desert Rats outflank with Captain Al'Rahem.

TROOPS [336]

Red Platoon (Lascannons, 216)
☆ Red One Squad, 10 troopers; lascannon (20); plasma gun; Sgt. Qutuz, plasma pistol
☆ Red Two Squad, 10 troopers; lascannon, plasma gun, Sgt. Abdul, plasma pistol
☆ Red Three Squad, 10 troopers; lascannon; plasma gun; Sgt. Tarib, plasma pistol
Red Platoon sets up a base of anti-tank firepower.

Blue Platoon [Heavy Bolters, 120]
☆ Blue One Squad, 10 troopers; heavy bolter; plasma gun; Sgt. Fariq with chainsword and plasma pistol
☆ Blue Two Squad, 10 troopers; heavy bolter; plasma gun; Sgt. Haroun, plasma pistol
Blue Platoon is a long range patrol platoon that outflanks with Captain Al'Rahem.

• Blue 1, Armored Sentinel, lascannon
• Blue 1, Armored Sentinel, lascannon
• Infernum, Hellhound, heavy flamer
The Sentinels and Hellhounds serve as forward pickets.

• Faith & Metal, Leman Russ, turret battlecannon, heavy bolter
• Desert Mombas, 3 mortars


This is a classic combined arms force of foot troops supported by some armor and walkers. Generally I will keep a firebase infantry platoon and a heavy weapons squad back, outflank an infantry platoon, and the sentinels will screen.

A Chaos Space Night Lords Battalion Detachment...


HQ [278]
• Azrath, Daemon Prince of Khorne, wings, Daemonic Axe
• Bolivar, Chaos Sorcerer, jumppack, Mark of Tzeench, bolt pistol, force sword
Daemon Prince Azrath received a vision from Khorne. In the vision he joined with the Chaos the Night Lords to consecrate dozens of Imperium-held worlds in blood. Sorcerer Bolivar is second in command. He is paid in human sacrifices and unholy books of power.

ELITES [254]
• Champion Red Messiah's Bloodflowers Squad, 8 Bezerkers, Mark of Khorne, 7 chainaxes, Icon of Wrath, powerfist
• Harry the Helbrute, 2 Helbrute fists
The Bezerkers are Chaos Marines who have sworn allegiance to Khorne and undergone the Butcher's Nails procedure. Harry attempted to seize power from a Chaos Lord. He now suffers for eternity inside his adamantium sarcophagus.

TROOPS [252]
• Lobo's 2nd Squad, 11 Militia, flamer
• Death Bats Squad, 5 Chaos Marines, Mark of Slaanesh, meltagun, combi-melta, power sword
• Sentry Killer Squad, 5 Chaos Marines, lascannon
The Chaos Militia and Mutant Rabble are a diverse lot. Some fight for coin, some for Chaos, some fight against the fascist Imperium, and some fight for the sake of fighting. The Chaos Marine squads provide the army with a tough, flexible core.

• Tentaculus, Chaos Rhino, combi-bolter
These ancient AFVs manuever the Bezerkers around the battlefield.

• Deffy the Defiler with Defiler Claws and Battlecannon, Mark of Nurgle, Defiler Scourge , Reaper Autocannon
Deffy is always in the vanguard of the assault compeying to get the most kills.

Total points=998

Azrath has formed a raiding force consisting of his Bezerkers and various mercenary units.

The board during Turn 1, the Night Lords are initiating a push on their right flank


Deffies' last moments before meeting Mr. Russ


3 cultists, October, Galhax, and Oracle


Sentinel moves out with a Tallarn infantry squad in support


Hellhound Infernus turns cultits to ash


Harry says hi to a sentinel


Helbrute fists are cheap, cheerful, and effective

Harry greets Red One Squad


Sadly, he is about to learn the hard way about "Get Back in the Fight!"

Desert Mombas mortar squad rains shells down on the forces of Chaos



Leman Russ Faith and Metal anchors the left flank


Lieutenant Muhhamed and Primary Psyker Wojni buttress the Tallarn line


Azrath axes a sentinel


Sorcerer Bolivar hands out warptime like a boss


And you get a warptime, and you get a warptime...

Death Bats Chaos Marine squad moves into some ruins


Sentry Killers CSM Squad moves up to get within melta range



To be continued.....

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...continued from previous post

CSM threaten a Leman Russ


But Squad Blue 2 outflanks and screens the Russ!


Captain Scheherazade issues orders on the Tallarn right flank


I might have made her powerfist a llittle too big...

Sgt. Warptouch attempts to hold Objective 2 against the Hellhound Infernus


But Infernus successfully captures and then defends Objective 2


Champion Rosas with combi-melta and powersword (magnetized of course)


Sgt. Fariq outflanks with Blue 2


Bezerker Ghormenghast and Lieutenant Rushdie duel to the death


Rushdie wins (barely)...

And Daemon Prince Azrath duels the Leman Russ Faith and Metal


In a hilarious turn of events, Faith & Metal strips 6 wounds off of Azrath in overwatch!


And then kills the Khorne daemon by exploding

Ninja Joe beats up on a Tallarn heavy bolter team with Nunchaku and kicks to the head


Captain Al'Rahem captures Objective 4


Booger and his Bezerker friends consolidate into ruins after wiping out the Desert Rats veteran squad


The Tallarn infantry begin mopping up


The board at the end of Turn 3


The forces of the Imperium have 6 maelstrom points and the forces of Chaos have 2 maelstrom points

A great game with a very nice opponent. Huzzah!

Night Lords, "We are many. They are few."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all,

I finished up 2 hobbying projects. Here are some photos and comments.

The first project I completed is a batch of 16 hounds of Chaos. These can be used as Chaos Hounds (with Ogryn handlers) in my Nostroman 9th Renegades and Heretics army or they can be used as Khorne Flesh Hounds in a small Khorne Daemon Outrider detachment.

I've been working on these blokes since September. It's been slow going but I've finally finished 'em.

Shot of all 16 seen from above


And seen from the front...


A shot of what I think of as the "head hound," Zagorax


I used the new "World Eaters" name generator in Faith and Fury when naming my hounds. I love this book. I really like the new fluffy stratagems, warlord traits, and relics for my Night Lords and World Eaters. But, more importantly, I love the name generators for each legion!

Zagorax seen from the front


Ignore the cat hair hanging off of one of his tentacles. My cat Spike likes to help me when I paint. And by help I mean he likes to wander around on my paint desk, bat models onto the floor, drink my paint water, and jump on my back. :)

Here is Redeye


I could have rusted up his collar a bit more



Who's a good boy?!





Haska got hungry and ate her front leg so my warband's Warpsmith, Hoth, had to fashion her a new one



And a shot of Khorgos, Haska, Rex, Wrask, and Grosk


For my other project, I purchased and assembled an Ikea Fabrikor display cabinet for my IG and my chaos miniatures. I've been wanting a display cabinet like this for years!

The entire cabinet


The top shelf is mostly Renegades and Heretics and Nurgle daemons


The middle shelf is various and sundry Imperial Guard


And the bottom shelf consists of IG tanks and Chaos Renegades and Heretics artillery and armor


There is space on top for more IG tanks and some fliers


And since I had the day off today, I crafted. I made 2 Chaos decoupage magnets!


So now that my Chaos hounds are done, I'm down to 31 owned unpainted models. I had hoped to have all my models painted by last month, but oh well. Hopefully I can finish these up by the end of the summer.

Remaining painting projects

3 R&H ogryns

4 Chaos terminators (3 NL, 1 WE)

2 Furies

2 R&H troopers (heavy bolter team)

1 R&H Enforcer (Annika)

1 jumppack sorceress (the first in a new homebrew Chaos legion I'm starting up called "The Warpborn"

1 warpborn Slaaneshi sorc

10 Warpborn possessed

1 Deffy the Defiler in Warpborn colors

2 Greater Possessed (1 Warpborn, 1 WE)

1 Pegasus tech bridge

1 Pegasus cathedral (aka the "Church of Chaos")

1 GW ruin

1 FW emplacement

Til next time!

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Hello everyone,

My hobbying is moving along nicely. Here are some WIP photos.

Here are shots of a CSM jumppack sorceress, Valkia the Bloody




It's a GW Fantasy/AOS model magnetized to a Kromlech terrain piece

She will be the first model I paint up in a small CSM warband of my own design: the Warpborne. None of the warband members are traitors to the Empire because they were all born (or made) within the warp itself from Geneseed that was made wholly within the warp. I'm thinking green and black as the primary colors.

Valkia the Bloody is a former Bezerker who heard the whispers of Tzeench. She betrayed Khorne to become a sorceress. As you might imagine, the Blood God is not pleased. As a result, Valkia is forever pursued by a pack of Khorne Flesh Hounds. So far she has kept one step ahead of them.

And I'm finishing up my Renegades and Heretics army...here is Annika, an Enforcer/Renegade Commander


She is a Victoria Miniatures model

And here are my 3 Renegade Ogryns and Bella


They can either be taken as Ogryn Beast Handlers with Mauler Goads and Ripper Claws or as a squad of Renegade Ogryn Brutes with Ogryn weapons on the rank and file and a Ogryn Power Drill on the Bezerker Boss

And lastly I'm working on a squad of Possessed, the Nameless



Each member of Squad Nameless will be kitted out like the chap above with daemon skull head, Chaos shield, and axe. I might also greenstuff on some capes.

Enjoy the pics!

Night Lords, "The quick and the dead."

Nostroman 9th, "Remember Nostramo!"

World Eaters, "Kill! Maim! Burn!"

The Warpborne, "Motto To Be Determined"

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Happy Leap Year everyone!

Well the first Coronavirus death in the US took place, the patient was admitted to a hospital I can see from my bedroom window.

My thoughts go out to the victim's family.

With this news, I thought it high time for some escapist hobbying!

I finished assembling a batch of 10 Possessed Chaos Marines and a Chaos Terminator.

Here are some photos...

A shot of all 11 models


A shot of the 10 Possessed


A shot of the Chaos Termie with each of his magnetized heads



And shots of each of the 10 Possessed

The icon bearer, I'll probably try out various marks on these blokes but I'll start by marking them as Khorne and taking the Icon of Wrath :smile.:


Various other Possessed









I don't know why, but this little dude is my favorite


And here's a shot of what I'm currently painting: Valkia the Sorceress, Annika the Renegade and Heretic enforcer, and various magnetized melee and shooting weapons


Enjoy the pics!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all weathering the Coronavirus storm by getting some painting done. :)

I completed 2 models yesterday, Valkia the Bloody and Annika.

Valkia is a Chaos Sorceress with jump pack and force sword, although she could also be a jumpback Chaos Lord with a Murder Sword. She is the first model I've painted in my custom Chaos warband called "The Warpborn."

Annika is an officer in my Renegades and Heretics army, the Nostroman 9th Mercenary Company. Annika can be used as an Enforcer, Renegade Commander, Disciple Champion, or Marauder Chief. She is armed with an autopistol and brutal assault weapon, although the brutal assault weapon could be used as a power axe instead.

Here are some photos:

Valkia and Annika together


Shots of Valkia the Bloody from the front, right, and left




Here is a photo of Valkia's base, a Chaos plinth I bought from Kromlech


I noticed a few paint nicks. I need to touch this up and reseal it with some more matte varnish.

And shots of Annika



As you can see from her rusted weapons, apparently the Chaos Militia doesn't spend too much time on weapons maintenance. :)

And painting is proceeding on the Warpborne's Defiler, Deffy


Here you can see the completed green claw on the right. The left claw still needs to be painted. And then both claws need a wash. I'm going to try using a black oil paint wash.

And because Deffy and Valkia are magnetized. I decided to have some fun.


I put Valkia on Deffy's body and I put Deffy's top half on Valkia's base. :)

Now I'm down to 29 unpainted models. Huzzah!

Take care everyone and be safe!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I finished another painting project: a squad of 3 Chaos Renegades and Heretics Ogryns. I'll use this trio either as Ogryn Beast Handlers or as a small squad of 3 Renegade Ogryn Brutes with a Bezerker Boss with power drill.

Here is a photo of all 3 from the front: Wrath, Kholek, and Gaur


And from the rear


Kholek, Beast Handler or Ogryn Bezerker Boss with Power Drill




Wrath, Beast Handler with Mauler Goad and Ripper Claw or Ogryn Brute with Ogryn Weapon




Gaur, Beast Handler with Mauler Goad and Ripper Claw or Ogryn Brute with Ogryn Weapon

And a shot of the Ogryns with their Chaos Mauler Hounds


Here's are photos of my next project: various Chaos Terminators, a Greater Possessed, and I'm rebasing my Nurgle Sorcerer





I hope you enjoyed the photos!

Now I'm down to 25 owned unpainted models, 21 CSM/R&H/Daemon infantry and 4 terrain pieces.

Nostroman 9th Renegades and Heretics Mercenary Company, "Hell's horde."

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Hello all,

Since I'm sequestered in my home I got more painting done. Today I finished up 5 models: Deffy, 2 Chaos Furies, and 2 Renegades and Heretics heavy bolter troopers.

I've been working on Deffy since last February and I've been working on the other models since last summer.

Here is a shot of all 5, you can see Spike's foot at the bottom left


I'm happy to have finally finished Deffy, I'd have to say he's my favorite Chaos Marines model. I've included him in every game since I got him last year. Those of you who have seen my battle reports and battle summaries know that he usually gets blown away on Turn 1. But at least he soaks up a lot of firepower so that my Zerkers, Blood Slaughterers, and Mary the Maulerfiend can often reach the enemy. Plus, if I'm lucky Deffy can sometimes live long enough to reach melee. If he reaches melee he can do some glorious things. His kills include Morty and a knight. I'm thinking of using my Dark Apostle Nightgaunt with the Benediction of Darkness to increase Deffy's longevity.

Here are 6 photos of Deffy. His top part is magnetized so it can swivel around. I can also swap his reaper and his battlecannon so 1 is underslung and the other is on his side.







Deffy is the 2nd model I've painted up for my Warpborn Chaos Marines. The fluff is that he is Sorceress' Valkia's pet/mascot. His hobbies include getting belly scratches from Valkia and ripping the enemy limb from limb.

I now have 6 completed Chaos marine walkers. Here are photos of all of them together. Perhaps I should design a list with all 6.


Mary the Maulerfield always looks like she's waving at the camera



Here are my 2 Furies, Jago and Volis and my R&H heavy bolter team, Bane and Kevor


Sadly whenever I set aside points to summon my Furies I usually forget them. I think I'd better include them in a separate detachment so I'm more likely to remember. Plus, that way they can benefit from Daemonic Loci and heralds.







R&H Heavy Bolter Team, I'll include them as part of a Disciple Squad or Command Squad


Kevor, the heavy bolter exemplifies the disdain for weapons maintenance that is typical among members of the Nostroman 9th


Bane, yes, he has a heavy stubber in addition to his heavy bolter. I'm not about to tell him this is an illegal setup.


I'll just say the heavy stubber is an autogun

I tried to make the Chaos sigil on the concrete barrier look organic and hastily applied, I'm not sure if I pulled it off though.


Now I'm down to 22 remaining unpainted models: 10 Possessed, 4 Chaos Terminators, 2 Greater Possessed, a Slaaneshi lord, a R&H autogun trooper, 1 Pegasus "technobridge," 1 Forgeworld emplacement terrain, 1 GW set of ruins, and 1 Pegasus set of ruins. Hopefully I can finish at some point this summer.

Enjoy the pics!

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Hello everyone,

It's been four years since the Spring of 2016 when I painted my first Renegades and Heretics trooper. Today I finished painting my last Renegades and Heretics model. Here are some photos:

Corporal Bruno, an autogun trooper with 3rd Squad




The army is now done! (At least for now, as we all know, no 40K army is ever truly done). And because I'm a hobby dork, every model is converted in some way and every infantry model has its name painted on its base. This means during games, when my opponent kills the first R&H trooper I often say, "You just killed Private Slashdreams!" or whatever. My opponents usually always get a laugh out of this. :)

I now have 2,430 points of painted Renegades and Heretics!

For your entertainment, here is some army backstory, an inventory, and plenty of army shots...

Long ago there was a noble family, the house of Nightfall. They lived in an age of peace and stability established by their world's ruler. Their ruler was Konrad Curze, the fair and just lord of the garden planet Nostramo. And then one day, a corrupt and weak emperor sent an assassin to slay the Lord Curze. The vile assassin succeeded. The emperor then destroyed the paradise that was Nostramo. House Nightfall managed to escape. But since that day they have never forgotten. Vengeance upon the emperor will be theirs!

HQ [181]
• Dneghra Nightfall, Renegade Commander, powerfist
• Buzzsaw, Renegade Commander, power fist, plasma pistol
• Vicious Pete, Renegade Commander, power axe
• WarpRend, Malefic Lord
Dnegrah Nightfall has lead the Nostroman 9th Mercenary Company for decades. She travels the verse, selling her mercenaries' skills to any non-Imperium clients with enough coin. Dnegrah's is of the House of Nightfall. The family feared Curze but respected his ability to establish order. They seek to avenge Curze's death at the hands of the Emperor. Buzzsaw is Dnegrah's lover. He won her affection through his devotion to Chaos and strict personal code of honor. Vicious Pete is the leader of a cruel band of space pirates subcontracted by Dnegrah. WarpRend is the regiment's spiritual advisor. She calls upon the warp to commit unholy acts upon the battlefield.

ELITES [644]
• Nostramo, Enforcer, power sword
• Garok, Enforcer, power sword
• Greenklaw, Enforcer, powerfist
• Kholek's Killers, Ogryn Beast Handler, Mauler Goad and Ripper Claw, 6 Chaos Mauler Hounds
• Gaur's Gang, Ogryn Beast Handler, Mauler Goad and Ripper Claw, 5 Chaos Mauler Hounds
• Wrath's Wraiths, Ogryn Beast Handler, Mauler Goad and Ripper Claw, 5 Chaos Mauler Hounds
• Madame Voodoo's 9th Squad, 10 Marauders, 2 plasma guns , plasma pistol, power axe
• Charles' 10th Squad, 10 Marauders, 2 plasma guns, plasma pistol, power axe
• Captain Zero's 11th Squad, 10 Marauders, 2 plasma guns, plasma pistol, power axe
Vicious Pete's space pirates have been subcontracted by Dnegrah. The Marauders are wanton miscreants who excel at boarding operations. The Enforcers are "Chaos Commissars." They use fear and summary executions to ensure the Cultists' obedience. The Chaos Hounds serve as Dnegrah's personal bodyguard.

TROOPS [618]
• Champion Sevatar's 1st Squad, 20 Cultists, flamer
• Champion Lobo's 2nd Squad, 20 Militia, Chaos Sigil, voxcaster, flamer, meltagun
• Champion Kira's 3rd Squad, 20 Militia, Chaos Sigil, voxcaster, flamer, meltagun
• Champion Bullets' 4th Squad, 20 Cultists, 2 flamers
• Champion Cthulu's 5th Squad, 20 Chaos Militia, flamer
• Champion Zeva's 7th Squad, 18 Mutant Rabble with shotguns
The Chaos Militia and Mutant Rabble are a diverse lot. Some fight for coin, some for Chaos, some fight against the fascist Imperium, and some fight for the sake of fighting.

• Hound of Chaos, armored sentinel, lascannon
• Star of Chaos, armored sentinel, lascannon
• Raaaawwwrrr, Chaos Spawn
The Sentinels are the Nostroman 9th's mobile tank hunters. Through the powers of the warp the Sentinel pilots have fused with their machines. No one knows where tge Chaos Spawn came from. He showed up one day and started following the Nostroman 9th around.

• Blood Debt, Earthshaker Carriage, 4 crew
• Excess, Earthshaker Carriage, 4 crew
• Hatred, Earthshaker Carriage, 4 crew
• Khorne's Ire, Leman Russ Battle Tank, Battlecannon, lascannon
• Reaver, Leman Russ Battle Tank, Battlecannon, lascannon
• 6th Squad, Heavy Weapons Squad with 8 troopers, 3 lascannons, heavy bolter
• 8th Squad, Heavy Weapons Squad with 6 troopers, lascannon, 2 missile launchers
• 12th Squad, Heavy Weapons Squad with 6 troopers, 3 missile launchers
The heavy weapons, artillery, tank crew are traitor guard who now use their weapons against their former comrades.

Photos of the whole army





Renegade Commander Dnegrah Nightfall, leader of the Nostroman 9th Mercenary Company


The 9th's officer cadre: from left to right: Vicious Pete, Buzzsaw, Nostramo, Dnegrah, Garok, WarpRend, and Greenklaw


All 6 Chaos Sigil bearers in the army: Mindless, Crowsoul, Legacy of Curze, Iconoclast, Warptouch, and Crull


The Chaos Sigil bearers are usually the best soldiers in a given squad. They make it a point of pride to never let the banner touch the ground.

To be continued....

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Continued from previous post...

Troops, the heart of the Nostroman 9th is its troops. The masses of Chaos worshippers who flood the field. They might be Cultists, Chaos Miitia troopers, or Mutant Rabble, but they all hate the empire with a passion. And those who lack passion still charge forward lest the Chaos Enforcers find them wanting.

Sevatar, Champion of 1st Squad and his squad





Lobo, Champion of 2nd Squad and his squad




Kira, Champion of 3rd Squad and her squad (you can see the new recruit Bruno just to the left)




Bullets, Champion of 4th Squad and his squad



Cthulu, 5th Squad Champion and his squad




My favorite model in the army is October, a member of 5th Squad, on the right in this photo


Zeva, champion of 7th Squad and her squad



Next up...elites choices

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Continued from previous post...

Arguably, the most effective units in a Renegades & Heretics army can be found in its elites: crazed Enforcers who shoot any shirkers, incredibly cheap teams of Disciples lurking in ruins taking lascannon potshots at enemy Knights, or quasi-fearless Marauders who effectively ignore morale.

Most Marauders are vicious space pirates, the Nostroman 9th's are no exception

Madame Voodoo, Marauder Chief of 9th Squad and her Squad




Charles, Marauder Chieftain of 10th Squad and his squad




Captain Zero, Marauder Chief of 11th Squad and his squad



Members of 9th, 10th, and 11th Squad tear loyalist Terminators limb from limb



A new edition to the force, Chaos Beast Handlers Gaur, Kholek, and Wrath are eager to prove their worth





Up next...fast attack and heavy support....


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continued from previous page....

While the hordes of troops shove forward, Renegades and Heretics fast attack and heavy support can lay down deadly supporting firepower

Chaos Spawn Rrrraaawwwrr, Sentinel Star of Chaos, and Sentinel Hound of Chaos


The warp has touched the Sentinel Pilots, they are now one with their machines


A battery of Earthshaker Carriages


The guns of the Nostroman 9th can fire at the enemy from kilometers away, but the 9th's officers prefer to position them where they can also fire over open sights

Earthshaker crew




Hard to kill and firing lethal blasts with their battlecannons, the Traitor Leman Russes are kings of the battlefield




Khorne's Ire


The Renegades and Heretics Heavy Weapons teams may not be able to hit the side of a barn, but as the saying goes, "Quantity has a quality all its own"




I sometimes use these heavy weapons teams as Disciples instead. When I do this they become more durable and far more deadly.

And, as a final image, my cat Spike photobombed my R&H photo session :smile.:


Enjoy the pictures!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I finished up a year-long project by completing 4 Chaos Terminators. Three of them are Night Lords and 1 is World Eaters.

Here are some photos...

All four Terminators: Sarran, Kavatar, Mirac, and Bloodgrin


Closeup of Sarran. His head is magnetized so I can use him as a regular termie or a sorcerer in tactical dreadnought armor



Kavatar, the skull on his shoulder is weeping blood, Night Lords are emo after all :)




My terminators' arms are all magnetized so I can swap out their weapons. Here they are with chainswords (not legal of course) and chainaxes.


And here they are with combi-plasmas, combi-bolters, and power swords


Here is Bloodgrin, World Eaters Chaos Terminator Lord with pair of axes, swords, and lightning claws




Here are pictures of my 3 old Night Lords Termies: Nightclaws, Hatred, and Peron, I think I painted them way back in 2004




A shot of all 6 Night Lords Terminators


And, finally, a shot of all 14 of my Chaos Terminators


Now I'm down to 17 unpainted miniatures.

Enjoy the pics!

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Hello all,

Over the weekend I finished painting up a Greater Possessed in the colors of my custom warband. the Warpborn.

Here are some photos.

Jadath, from the front


Jadath, from the left


Jadath, from the rear


Jadath, from the other left


Jadath's base


Now I have to admit that, unlike all my other models, this model was not entirely painted by me. This is because I bought him used at a tournament last year. I primed all the model except for the pink arms. I really love the look of the pink on the arms so I kept it.

Sadly I don't know what color of pink the previous owner used on the arms.

If any of you have any theories as to what color of pink this might be I'd love to hear them.

I'm now down to 16 owned unpainted miniatures. Here are some photos of my remaining grey/primed pile of shame.





And a parting photo of Jadath and Spike. Spike does not look too pleased.


Thank you for looking at my pictures!

Edited by Tallarn Commander
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I'm not sure either, it doesn't look like Emperor's Children to me but it has been washed and I know from experience that this can change the colour quite a bit! My guess is it's the next darker pink though I don't know the name offhand, it looks like it has some highlights of Emperor's Children on top. You may be stuck having to experiment to find out?

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