spafe Posted January 31, 2018 Share Posted January 31, 2018 Very nice... and you're right, that is a gorgeous eldar army! From what I've heard/read onnline, basic marines are a little lacking in 8th, so using them as your ehavy inf alongside the renegades might not work so well... the zerkers should be able to tackle any heavy lifting though! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted January 31, 2018 Author Share Posted January 31, 2018 Yes, after getting in 3 8th edition games with my Night Lords, I agree. Until I get my Bezerkers painted up I'll have to use other units in an assaulty Vanguard role . Good candidates for this include deepstriking terminators, my Maulerfiend, Chosen in rhinos, and my Plaguebearers. The Plaguebearers would be taken with my Renegades and Heretics force so they don't take away my Night Lords "Terror Tactics" trait. I'll still bring CSM, but they'll ptobably be relegated to a more static firebase role. In 2 of my games a squad of 10 CSM with 2 lascannons and an Icon of Vengeance has done yeoman's work for me. So perhaps 3 squads of 5 CSM, each with a lascannon, sitting back with my Renegade artillery and/or my Helbrute might be a nice firebase. spafe 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted February 13, 2018 Author Share Posted February 13, 2018 (edited) Back on the 31st I managed to play my third game in 8th edition with my Night Lords. This time I squeaked out a win against very sporting Tau opponent. with a nicely painted army. Here are a some shots from the game. Nunchaku Ned leading the Night Lords advance CSM Squad camping in a ruin. I'm really liking 10 trooper CSM squads with 2 lascannons. They do good work. Champion Lobo, having lost the other 19 troopers of his militia squad, takes the Tau Fire Warriors head on The raptors close in on the drones Rhino vs Vespids The Ghost Keel is cornered My warlord, the Renegade Commander "Captain Zero," sits waaay back in my deployment zone with the Earthshaker batteries Renegade Commander Dnegrah menacingly points her powerfist at some Tau drones before assaulting them The combat did not go well for her...the drones smashed her to the ground. Renegade Command squad moves up so their missile launcher can draw line of sight Dark Apostle Nightgaunt slays the Ghostkeel with his Black Mace Exalted Champion Hatred terrorizes Fire Warriors My Spawn cowers on an an objective in a corner, probably winning the game for me Enjoy the photos... Edited April 18, 2019 by Tallarn Commander spafe and WarriorFish 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted February 28, 2018 Author Share Posted February 28, 2018 (edited) Hi everyone, I finished up 2 more batches of Renegades this month: a trio of Earthshaker carriages and 10 Renegades infantry. I now have 103 painted Chaos Renegade troopers. I've used the Earthshakers in two games so far and they have done yeoman's work by plinking 3 or 4 wounds off of anything anywhere on the board every turn. They're a bit over-costed relative to IG artillery, but they're fluffy for Renegades. Plus, the enemy usually ignores the cannons because they have Maulerfiends, Rhinos, and hordes of Renegade foot soldiers coming at them. Here are some photos. Front shot of former Imperial Guard artillery Earthshaker battery, now deserted to Chaos, providing a fire mission in the forests of Ordia Prime As seen in this image, the Renegade militia crew is a mixed bag of former Imperial Guard troopers and former Ad Mech servitors The heretical crews have daubed chaos stars on each barrel, probably using human blood to mark the accursed symbol Artillery seen from the rear, this batteries' accurate fire prevented the Mordian 224th from advancing in support of the Imperial assault on Ordia Prime. Members of 2nd, 3rd, and 9th Squads, recently mustered into the ranks of the Chaos Renegade and Heretics Renegade troopers, from left to right: Khorne Boy--a rather crazed individual, in his free time he researches ways to possibly administer the Butcher's Nails on himself Bloodspike--previously an IG Leman Russ tanker, His stock in trade is to sneak up on enemy vehicle crews and slit their throats Tiger--few men can wield an axe as heavy as "Vengeance," Tiger's custom made two-handed battle axe Cuddles, a former IG artillery sergeant, Cuddles now serves as one of the Earthshaker crew Murphy, a veteran plasma trooper, Murphy sometimes serves with the Night Nemesis, a Renegade Command squad that is also equipped with a bazooka and vox More Renegade foot soldiers, from left to right: Demo Man--a former IG veteran, his expertise in explosives knows no bounds No Hands--thought to be crazy even by his fellow Renegades (where the bar for insanity is pretty high), he removed both his arms and had them made into blades The Woodsman--a former woodcutter from the forest world of Tanith, he is an expert in stealth and camoflage Doctor Chaos--if his notrums don't kill you, they will make you stronger The Blademaster-a former slave in the fighting pits of Commoragh, he escaped and joined the Chaos Militia. He is a genius with a pair of swords Enjoy! Edited April 23, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish, Excessus and spafe 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Res Ipsa Loquitur Posted February 28, 2018 Share Posted February 28, 2018 Nice. Will your Soviet-Orks be mechanized? Red ones go faster... Are people generally ok with the Howitzer-Earthshakers? The barrels look a little short, comparatively. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted February 28, 2018 Author Share Posted February 28, 2018 Res, One configuration of my soviet ork horde will be semi mechanized: 3 squads of 20 slugga boyz in Battlewagons, 2 squads of 30 shoota boyz on foot, and a couple of squads of kommandos (partisans). I still need to buy about 20 boyz and 1 Battlewagon though. I've almost finished painting my first squad of 6 boyz! Only about 144 more to go. :) No one has complained about the smaller barrels yet. We're pretty casual about conversions around here, as you can see with that one Nausicaa Eldar army I faced. I have a regular opponent in Seattle who regularly decimates me with his counts-as FW Earthshakers and I certainly don't mind his slightly shorter barrels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted March 2, 2018 Author Share Posted March 2, 2018 (edited) Hello everyone, I got in another close and enjoyable game with my Chaos recently. I lost but I had a great deal of fun. Plus, my opponent had a stunning Harlequins army. I’ve lost every game I’ve ever played against Harlies but I never really mind because it’s an honor to be defeated by such well-painted miniatures. Here are some thoughts on the game: Game Summary It was a fun, close relic mission. We both headed for the relic in the center and scrummed there til Turn 4 when he grabbed it with his last remaining infantry unit, some Harlie character, and ran away while screening the character with 4 gunboats. In the end he managed to get away, although my Dreadnought Dave almost caught up to him. Here is an image of his character speeding away with the relic (a sort of ghost that usually hangs from my dread's powerfist) His Harlequin Army Before the Game My Army Before the Game Casual vs. Competitive List Design My opponent intentionally dumbed down his list when he saw my list and when I mentioned I’m a casual player who usually loses with my Chaos, spends tournaments on the bottom tables, and has won multiple “Clubbed Seal” awards in leagues and tournaments. Had he not done this then he said he would have probably quickly won rather than the close, fun game we had. Apparently he dropped his transports and replaced them with gunboats and apparently Harlie transports are really good. Evolving Beyond Night Lords For the first time in a long time, I didn’t play Night Lords. Instead I played a very fluid, enjoyable Chaos Undivided “soup” of Renegades and Heretics with a Slaanesh covenant, Nurgle marked CSM, Nurgle demons, Tzeench-marked CSM, and Khorne-marked CSM. Every Chaos god was represented and that somehow seems very appropriate! Thus for the time being I’m re-naming this thread as “Tallarn Commander’s Chaos” thread rather than Tallarn Commander’s Night Lords” thread. My Fluff My Renegades and Heretics’ Renegade Commander Dnegrah, Sorcerer Bolívar (a former Night Lords leader), and Chaos Lord Evita (a former Death Guard leader) have teamed up to form a mercenary company. They sell their services to the highest bidder. In addition to plying their trade as mercs, they have waged the long war against the hated Imperium for years. They offer steep discounts if their client wants them to fight against the Corpse worshippers. Their force combines the Renegade Chapter Chaos Marines’ mobility, engines of war, melee prowess, and ancient power armor with the Renegades and Heretics’ infantry numbers and ranged artillery firepower. Unit Assessments Here are my thoughts on how each unit in my 2000 point Chaos Soup brigade performed HQ -Chaos Lord Evita with pair of lightning claws and Mark of Nurgle [A] She was killed on Turn 3 but before dying she sure tanked a lot of blows and managed to kill off the enemy warlord, who had a really good aura of some sort. Her own aura was also immensely useful. Chaos Lord Evita (right side of photo) faces off against a mini horde of Harlies -My warlord Dnegrah with plasma pistol and powerfist: [A] She hunkered down at the back, stayed alive, and gave her renegade and heretics infantry an excellent mobility buff in the form of the Slaanesh covenant. You can’t really ask for more of a R&H commander. Dnegrah (with red powerfist) hunkering down in the woods behind command squad and Earthshaker -Sorcerer Bolívar with force sword and Mark of Tzeench: [A] This was the first time I had used a Chaos Sorcerer since 6th edition. Boy they sure got better. I’ve been reading about how good a sorcerer’s buffs are and wanted to try it out so I took Warp Time and Prescience. My Chaos Sorcerer Bolívar (and his spell familiar bat “Sparky”) only lived for 2 turns but those buffs significantly improved the ability of my “Night Masques” Chaos Marine Squad and my “Death Bats” chaos chosen squad. Bolívar and Sparky ELITES -Dave the Dreadnought, helbrute fist and reaper autocannon: [A] He almost won me the game. On the top of Turn 5 he had 2 wounds left and all my opponent’s units had shot except for 1. He then proceeded to shoot and blow up Dave, but, if Dave had lived, my opponent agreed that Dave probably would have charged and killed him on the bottom of Turn 5. That would have meant neither of us had the objective and neither of us would have had any infantry near the objective. At any rate, Dave performed respectably this game. 8 inch movement is a big improvement over previous editions. Dave at the end of the game with the relic speeding away from him in the background -Renegade Command Squad: Their bazooka kept missing but their command net vox kept nicely buffing the renegade militia squads’ leadership, ensuring that militia squads with pathetic leadership of 5 and 6 could instead use my command squad’s respectable leadership of 8. -Death Bats Squad of 8 Chosen with chainswords and pistols, Mark of Khorne, Icon of Wrath, 2 power swords, and power fist: [A] They died on Turn 2 but not before shredding a good number of Harlie infantry. You can’t ask for more from a Chaos assault vanguard unit. The Death Bats' Rhino TROOPS -5 CSM with lascannon and Mark of Slaanesh: [D] They sat back taking potshots all game and did little. I think the volume of fire of a squad of 10 with 2 lascannons is more impressive. Five doesn’t really cut it. I think I’d be better off paying the troop tax with small militia, cultist, or mutant rabble squads. Underperforming Lascannon CSM phone it in while hanging out in a treeline -3 squads of 20 Renegade militia with icon and vox: A core part of my list for over a year now. As usual, large block of militia do very little damage, but they are great at board control, speedbumping, tying up the enemy, capping objectives, etc. I don’t leave home without shelling out the 280 to 320 points for these suckers. 3rd Militia Squad with Dave in Support 1st Squad Advances with Spawn Support 2nd Militia Squad Moves Up with Spawn Support -Night Masques, Squad of 10 Chaos Marines in a Rhino with Mark of Khorne, Icon of Wrath, 2 flamers, and a powerfist: [A] Those of you who have been reading my thread know I’ve taken squads of 10 CSM in a rhino in my last 3 games with minimal results. I’d rate them an “F” up til this game. I didn’t want to keep these guys but couldn’t find the points to work another squad, such as chosen, into a rhino. My new Bezerkers won’t be painted till next month so I can’t use them yet. So I was force to keep my regular Chaos Marines in Rhino in my list. I’m glad I did. This was a workhorse unit that ended up killing 3 Harlie squads through assault and flamer. In previous games I used them as firebase squads with bolters, meltas/plasmas, and the icon of vengeance. In this game I tried them out as a poor man’s zerker squad. This worked wonders. Plus I also kept the sorcerer and lord around to buff them and that helped quite a bit as well. I guess I’m slowly learning how to best use auras and other buffs in 8th edition. The Chaos Marines scrum with the tricksy elves near the relic -Squad of 10 Plaguebearers: They were a durable useful squad that chased Harlies around the table until they died on Turn 4. I haven't used daemons since the 2007 Codex took demons away from us. I sure am glad they're back. I missed them. My battle line with Plaguebearers and Militia in the Foreground FAST ATTACK -3 solo spawn A cheap tax for the brigade that can sometimes do amazing things. HEAVY SUPPORT -Mary the Maulerfiend: [A] My opponent commented that the presence of my Maulerfiend at the front of my army made him stay back a bit. That alone makes Mary the Maulerfiend worth it. She also did a good job of tanking shots and eating vehicles on Turn 1 before being blown away on Turn 2. -2 Renegade Earthshaker carriages with 4 crew each: B As usual, these suckers put out reliable firepower. He kept picking up the relic and losing the squad holding it to Earthshaker cannon fire. Until he picked up the relic with an un-targetable character on Turn 4. -Old Faithful, Chaos Predator with predator autocannon and twin lascannons: [A] Like the sorcerer, I haven’t used this unit since 6th edition and like the sorcerer my response is…wow…just wow. These suckers put out a very respectable amount of firepower relative to what they used to do. The predator autocannon in particular felt really fun to use, D3 is no joke. Old Faithful even swatted a 1 wound biker down after that biker assaulted him. Old Faithful on the right hand side of the photo Stratagems I did a better job of remembering to use stratagems, standouts included Veterans of the Long War giving +1 to wound and Fury of Khorne giving an extra fight phase. A final pic. Nostroman 9th move out! I hope you got something out of these comments and pictures. Take care! Tallarn Commander Edited July 30, 2019 by Tallarn Commander Azekai, Draakur, Dr_Ruminahui and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted March 23, 2018 Author Share Posted March 23, 2018 (edited) I started work on a small World Eaters Battalion, 3 squads of 8 Bezerkers and 2 characters. Here are a couple of work in progress shots: Here are the 4 I'm working on right now... And here are the other 20 crazed madmen...they are waiting for chain axes from Anvil industries Looking at them I'm not entirely sure why they have a 3+ save. Perhaps they're so insane that they ignore wounds that would fell lesser beings. Edited July 30, 2019 by Tallarn Commander Kierdale, WarriorFish and spafe 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted March 27, 2018 Author Share Posted March 27, 2018 (edited) Hello everyone, My chainaxes arrived from Anvil Industries so I was able to finish assembling all of my Bezerkers! Here are some pics. Spike the cat ponders whether to swat some Bezerkers across the apartment Squad Bloodbliss And here are my 3 plasma pistol troopers I've also been busy working on a big project to add magnets to a bunch of my CSM. This weekend I magnetized some weapons, Night Lords champions and characters, and World Eaters champions and plasma pistol troopers Here are my 3 Bezerker Champions armed with power axes And here are the same three armed with power fists Here are 6 magnetized Night Lords troopers And here are the same trooper armed with different weapons Here are all 11 magnetized Night Lords Here's my pile of magnetized weaponry, I still need to magnetize up some chainswords and powerfists. Some weaponry will be in WE colors, some will be in NL colors, and some I'll paint a neutral black and gold so I can use it interchangebly with my NL, WE, and, next year, with my planned small Emperor's Children contingent I really liked the Anvil Industries chainaxes: an excellent design, minimal flash, and they sell both right- and left-handed axes. And, as a final photo, a closeup of all 3 Khornates who bear the Icon of Wrath Night Lords, "The quick and the dead." World Eaters, "Blood for the Blood God!" Edited August 2, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish and spafe 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khornestar Posted March 27, 2018 Share Posted March 27, 2018 Cool looking berzerkers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted March 28, 2018 Share Posted March 28, 2018 The Berzerkers with the banners are sweet, but uhh.... What happened to the one in the middle? He looks like he has a severe case of broken neck. :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Res Ipsa Loquitur Posted March 28, 2018 Share Posted March 28, 2018 He feels the Warp overtaking him... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted April 4, 2018 Author Share Posted April 4, 2018 (edited) Hello fellow Chaos worshippers, Thanks for the kind words about my work in progress Bezerkers! I recently got in another game with my Chaos. I lost horribly against a very kind Grey Knights/Dark Angels player. In the end, I had killed 4 of his units and he had killed 17 of mine. But fun was had by both of us and that's all that matters. Here are some photos and comments. The forces of Chaos arrayed against the foe... This time I used a Bezerker squad for the first time ever. They acquitted themselves quite well by taking out a squad of Helblasters. Well, the 3 survivors you see here did well against the Helblasters. You can see one WIP unpainted zerker champ with fist on the right. The other 5 Zerkers and their Rhino got blown off the board before reaching melee. I also used a squad of Chaos Terminators for the first time this edition. They deepstruck in next to a Helblaster squad and I learned that Space Marines have a strategem that lets them shoot at deep strikers. Ouch! 3 termies died and a Chaos general learns his lesson--don't deepstrike termies next to Helblasters. Or, if you do, be sure the termies bring their own plasma with them! The surviving 2 termies did get warp timed into melee and they teamed up with a squad of deep-striking plague bearers to kill a Helblaster before Azrael heroically intervened and took the poor termies out. In contrast, the plague bearers were like the energizer bunny and survived 4 or so combat phases with Azrael before being killed. 80 points of cannon fodder daemons lives for most of the game when 230 points of elite termies gets splatted on Turn 1. Go figure. Heroic Plaguebearers and Termies vs SM This was Chaos Lord Evita's second outing in 8th edition. I really like rocking the dual lightning claws on a lord. This game she helped the zerkers finish off a squad of helblasters before consolidating into Azrael and dying. Why consolidate into Azrael when he has the ability to easily drop any Chaos Lord. Because I'm not the savviest of generals. Things like this is probably why my Chaos tends to lose. This was another game where my Earthshaker carriages did good work (til being assaulted by giant Grey Knight robot thingies and other assorted scariness). Here you can see each of the cannons and their gun crew. Here you see 2 lascannons from my firebase CSM squad. These suckers missed 5 out of their 6 shots this game. Sigh. Here you see my vanguard advancing. Mary the Maulerfiend was blown away on Turn 1 by some ridiculously powerful multipe shot short range weapon on some Grey Knight robot thingy. The red rhino died on Turn 2 to Darkshroud shooting. Sigh. Here's the giant Grey Knight robot thingy that killed Mary the Maulerfiend, a CSM squad, a zerker squad, and a plaguebearer squad My massed horde of 50 assorted militia, mutant rabble, and cultists escorted by 2 enforcers and 2 renegade commanders managed to kill only 5 scouts before dying. My one moment of glory this game, and the moment that made the game all worth it. My Helbrute, Dave the Dreadnought, managed to kill Azrael with a Helbrute fist strike to the head. That's a moral victory in my book. And my sole survivor, Blue Rhino, speeds away on Turn 5 at the end of the game. The drivers congratulating each other in surivving and uttering the phrase, "We gone." So I've brought a squad of 10 plaguebearers to my last 2 games and I really like them. I haven't used daemons since 3rd edition so it's good to get back to my roots. To that end, last week I bought this: I'll definitely be bringing more daemons this spring. It will be a gradual buildup because I only own 14 plague bearers, 7 to 10 furies, 7 plagueriders (which aren't a legal unit anymore), and Gary the Greater Demon. I think I'll start with some bloodletters and possibly a daemon prince. Enjoy the pics! Edited August 4, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted April 18, 2018 Author Share Posted April 18, 2018 (edited) Hello fellow Chaos fans, I've finished up 4 Bezerkers. Here are some images. A shot of all four crazed madmen who survived the Butcher's Nails procedure Gormenghast, he's a fan of Teddy Roosevelt, walk softly and carry a big axe He's named after a wonderful fantasy trilogy by Mervyn Peake Bloodbeast Chronos He's named after one of my favorite Guillermo del Toro films Krueger Cloak with the Chaos Star Gormenghast seen from the side Here's my next Chaos paint project, a batch of 5 Mutant Rabble with shotguns. I'll hold off on painting everything else til the ETL. Like many of you, I'm mulling over what GW's new beta rules mean for my Chaos. -No Turn 1 deepstriking: I'm bittersweet about this one. I sure do like deep-striking in daemons, raptors, and/or termies on Turn 1. But these units have all been quite lackluster in my experience, whereas in my games enemy deepstrikers have ripped my units to shreds. Now I'll have a turn to deny deepstrikers by flooding the midfield with cheap Mutant Rabble, Militia, etc. -No More Chaos Soup: I like this change. I did like to mix Renegades and Heretics, Chaos Marines, and Daemons into a brigade. But I'm more of a fluffy player and it's pretty easy to configure separate battalions, one for Renegades, one for Daemons, and one for Chaos Marines. -Rule of Three: Again, I like this rule. I only see power gamers spamming more than 3 of a non troops/non transports. And anything that checks power gamers sounds like a good thing. Edited August 6, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish, Kevlarshark and Khornestar 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted May 2, 2018 Author Share Posted May 2, 2018 (edited) Hello fellow Chaosites, I got in two games over the weekend! Both games were a blast. I lost to a Death Guard army (we figured it was a training mission) and I beat a Tyranids army. Here are brief battle reports for each game. Game 1 vs Death Guard, 1500 points, Maelstrom Mission His list DG Battalion HQ -Chaos Lord in terminator armor -Daemon Prince ELITES 5 Terminators, various kit Foul Blightspawn, the character with the strength 2D6 flamer, at one point his flamer was strength 15! TROOPS -10 Cultists -10 Cultists -7 Plague Marines, 3 plasma guns -7 Plague Marines, 3 plasma guns TRANSPORTS -2 Chaos Rhinos FAST ATTACK -Bloat Drone -Bloat Drone My list Nurgle Fever (Counts as Night Lords) Spearhead Detachment -Gary, greater daemon of Nurgle, Hellforged Sword -Dave, Helbrute, Helbrute Fist, Reaper Autocannon -Bloodflowers, 8 Khorne Bezerkers, powerfist, Icon of Wrath, 7 Chainaxes -Harry, Helbrute, Helbrute Fist, multimelta Renegades and Heretics Battalion Detachment -Vicious Pete, Renegade Commander -Elvira, Renegade Commander -Night Pirates, 10 Chaos Marauders, 2 plasma guns, powerfist ELITES -Garok, enforcer, plasma pistol -Nostromo, enforcer, plasma pistol -Buzzsaw, enforcer, plasma pistol TROOPS -1st Squad, 20 Cultists -2nd Squad, 20 Cultists -3rd Squad, 18 Cultists -7th Squad, 17 Mutant Rabble with shotguns HEAVY SUPPORT -Earthshaker Carriage, 4 crew -Earthshaker Carriage, 4 crew The battle lines before the game begins You can see Blood Debt, my Renegades and Heretics Earthshaker, up at the top right of the battle board. In the foreground you can see Tentaculus, the Zerker's Rhino and Harry the Helbrute Sadly Harry got capped at the top of Turn 2 before doing anything Behind Harry and Tentaculus you can see my Warlord, Gary the Daemon Prince, Dave the Dreadnought, and some Renegades infantry This was the first time in 16 years of being a Chaos player that I've ever used a Daemon Prince. I was impressed by their offensive power if not their durability. Death Guard Turn 1 advanced to midfield and killed a few cultists, not too much happened Drones and Plague Marines' Rhino move up and grab an objective Renegade Commander Vicious Pete, safe as houses in his building, watches the Death Guard advance Vicious Pete says to the Renegades and Heretics infantry, "You got this. I'm just going to chill here for awhile." Night Fevers Turn 1 I advanced my Renegades and my CSM. My shooting was uneventful. But my Zerkers got off a Turn 1 charge against a Bloat Drone, shaving some wounds off of it. This was first game with my 4 newly painted Zerkers, sady I had to proxy in my Night Lords and Death Guard as the other 4 Zerkers The front line at the end of Turn 1 Death Guard Turn 2 He jumps his drone out of combat with my Zerkers and then shot the Bloodflowers off the board. He also peppered various Cultist squad with shots and seriously damaged Harry the Helbrute (I think he used overcharging Plague Marine plasmas). He pushed forward on my right flank and speedbumped my big things on my left flank with an empty Rhino. In melee he killed off a squad of Cultists on my right and he charged his screening rhino into my left. I easily destroyed it and then I learned about a nasty Deathguard stratagem that let him auto-explode his Rhino. He finished off Harry and hurt some cultists and some other units. But the biggest insult was how he killed off my poor Marauder Squad. This was the first game in which I've ever taken Renegade Marauders. They have a special rule that (I thought) effectively makes them immune to morale. When they have to take a morale check roll a D6, on a 2+ they ignore morale. On a 1 the entire squad just runs off. But most Renegades players always have plenty of re-rolls so usually the Marauders stay in the fight. Sadly, I then rolled a 1 for my re-roll and my would-be elite troopers hoofed it off the board. Sigh. On Turn 2 an empty DG Green Rhino speedbumps my Chaos left flank, you can see my Marauders in the bottom right of this image Another shot of the Green Rhino before it went kablooey and dealt numerous mortal wounds to my front line Night Fevers Turn 2 I advanced across the board. In my shooting phase my 2 Earthshakers took out a Blight Drone. I charged Gary, my Nurgle Demon Prince, into his Nurgle Demon Prince! How many times does a Nurgle DP get to fight a Nurgle DP? My dice were better than his and Gary took out his rival. Nurgle DP vs Nurgle DP There can be only one... Enforcer Garok duels a Blight Drone Enforcer Garok actually survived a turn of melee against this thing. It jumped out of melee in the next turn and he was gunned down. To be continued..... Edited April 11, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish and spafe 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted May 2, 2018 Author Share Posted May 2, 2018 (edited) Continued... Death Guard Turn 3 He moves his Plague Marines and 2nd Rhino up on my left flank. His force continued tearing through my right flank, reaching my artillery in the back. Basically we are mirroring each other, each of us has a strong push on our respective left flanks. I advance on my left with Gary, Dave the Dreadnought, and a Cultist Squad. He's pushing forward on his right with a termie squad, a Plague Marine Squad, and a Bloat Drone. Bloat Drone reaches my rear lines Blight Drone made short work of the Earthshaker crew in melee Night Fevers Turn 3 Since his Rhino is screening his plague Marines and I have no desire to charge the Blightspawn of a bazillion strength flamer template, I charge and take out his Rhino. I think consolidate into the Blight Spawn, preventing him from shooting for a turn. Dave and Gary consolidating into the Blightspawn Death Guard Turn 4 My opponent shuffles forward on his left. In his shooting he finishes off my left flank cultists. He kills off my Greater Demon and my Helbrute with over-charged plasma. He kills some small Renegade units and charges my Earthshaker crew with a Blight Drone. He kills the cannon but fails to kill any crew members. Enforcer Elvira is in trouble Night Fevers Turn 4 I'm left with a handful of units and don't do much Turn 5 It's pretty much a DG mopping up operation at this point. At the end of 5 I concede with 2 VP, I think he has something like 10. In the end I had 1 renegade commander, 1 Rhino, and 1 Earthshaker with crew alive. He had a termie lord, a termie squad, a Blight Drone, a Blightspawn, 2 Cultist Squads, and a Plague Marine Squad. Renegade Commander Vicious Pete grabs an objective The game was very fun and, had my maestrom cards been kinder, could have been a little closer. But the game was never really close. I killed 4 or 5 of his units and he killed 14 of my units. But the important thing is we both had a great time. Plus, since we're both Nurgle, it was only a training mission. Here's a shot of my army after the game And some closeups of my horde after the game... Game 2 vs Tyranids; 2000 pts.; Eternal War, Objectives, Heavy Supports, Plus Secondaries Tyranids Batallion 1 of 2 HQ Flyrant with big gun Tyranid Prime Swarmlord (warlord)-This guy was tough! He killed my Nurgle Daemon Prince and my Maulerfiend, put a lot of hurt on my Helbrute, and he tanked oodles of firepower and high strength/high AP blows with his 3++. He was finally brought down by Dave's Helbrute fist. As my chaos lords well know, you can only make so many invulnerable saves. TROOPS 10 Genestealers 30-ish? hormaguants 3 ripper swarms HEAVY SUPPORT Dakkafex Battalion 2 of 2 HQ Flyrant with 2 dakka guns Broodlord TROOPS 3 ripper swarms 3-4 warriors with various ranged and assaulty kit 3-4 warriors with various ranged and assaulty kit FAST ATTACK 12 or so gargoyles HEAVY SUPPORT Trygon Prime Trygon Prime My List Night Fevers Legion Chaos Marine Battalion (counts as Night Lords) HQ Gary the Greater Daemon, Hellforged Sword (warlord with +1 attack) Chaos Lord Hatred, Claws of the Black Hunt ELITES -Bloodflowers, 8 Khorne Bezerkers, powerfist, Icon of Wrath, 7 chainaxes -Dave, Helbrute, Helbrute Fist, Reaper Autocannon -Death Bats, 10 Chaos Chosen, 6 powerfists, 2 power swords, 1 power maul, Icon of Wrath TROOPS -SARS Squad, 5 Chaos Marines, lascannon -Night Snipers, 5 Chaos Marines, lascannon -Malaria Squad, 5 Chaos Marines, lascannon FAST ATTACK -Bats out of Hell, 4 Chaos Bikers with combi-bolters, 2 meltaguns, combi-melta HEAVY SUPPORT -Mary the Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils, Maulferfiend Fist -Gramps, Chaos Predator, Predator Autocannon, twin lascannons Chaos Renegades Battalion HQ -Dogears, Renegade Commander -01000101, Renegade Commander ELITES -Garok, Enforcer, plasma pistol -Nostromo, Enforcer, plasma pistol TROOPS -20 Cultists, flamer -20 Cultists, flamer -20 Cultists, flamer -17 Mutant Rabble with shotugns HEAVY SUPPORT -Earthshaker Carriage, 4 crew Note: In both games we used the new chapter approved rules. This gave me a chance to take a squad of Chaos Chosen that was kitted up with tons of melee weapons: 6 powerfists, 2 power swords, and a power maul. Sadly, they failed their charge and then got charged by Genestealers, a Brood Lord, and a Trygon Prime. So things didn't work out well for my Chosen. But I still think this unit has potential... The Tyranid army castled up before the game begins, 2 Trygons, stealers, hormagaunst, and gargoyles are burrowing My Predator, Gramps, before the game begins My line before the game begins, the Earthshaker Carriage is hidden behind the large ruin on the right You can see the Earthshaker off to the left in this image Tyranids Turn 1 His Turn 1 is fairly uneventful. He kills some CSM and cultists and debuffs the cannon with a spell. He pushes forward hard with a flyrant and approaches my left flank. Chaos Turn 1 I shuffle my cultist screen forward in the center and right along with most of my other units. I vroom my bikers forward on my left flank and park them right in front of the flyrant. In a stroke of good luck, they managed to gun the flyrant down with some really good hit and wound rolls (and with the aid of the Veterans of the Long War stratagem). First blood to Chaos! Chaos Biker meltagunner with upside down magnetized combi-melta (maybe it shoots better that way) This is probably the best shooting by my bikers in 15 years of using them! The Blue Horde advances To be Continued.... Edited August 6, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish and spafe 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted May 2, 2018 Author Share Posted May 2, 2018 (edited) Continued... Tyranids Turn 2 Things got lively quickly as my opponent brought in all his reserves. My center was suddenly threatened by a flyrant, Trygon Prime, Broodlord, and squad of Genestealers and my right was threatened by his Gargoyles and Trygon Prime. Gargoyles show up on my right Hormagaunts and Trygon Prime dig their way up from the ground on my right as well And the Brood Lord, Trygon Prime, and Stealers tunnel up in the center He ate away at my bikers, a rhino, and cultists with shooting and psychic powers but didn't kill anyone off. And in a huge stroke of luck, the only Nid that made it into assault was his Flyrant! Droves of cultists died to his Flyrant, but they're cultists so who cares. Cultist Tiger with his great axe stands strong in the face of adversity Genestealers to Psykers: Next time don't shoot the squad right in front of us before we charge, OK? You big lug! We could have easily reached those Cultists! Chaos Turn 2 My Bezerkers and Chosen get out of their Rhinos and move up. Gary the Greater Daemon also moves forward. During my shooting phase my 3 lascannon CSMs, Predator, and Earthshaker continue to plink wounds off of big monsters. Zerkers prepare to charge the flyrant In my assault phase I manage to get my Zerkers and Gary into assault with the flyrant. Huzzah! But the powerfist chosen fail their charge (Mary the Maulerfiend also failed her charge) "Boss, I don't think we have enough powerfists in our squad." Gary, the Zerkers, and Chaos Lord Hatred managed to bring down a 2nd flyrant (Claws of the Black Hunt is a nice bit of kit for a Chaos Lord). But not before he interrupts and takes out some Zerkers. I also manage to charge into his gargoyles with my cultists on the right. Gargoyles are one of the few infantry units in 40K that are worse than cultists and I make a good showing of that melee, mowing some of them down but they stayed thanks to the nearby Trygon Prime Gary and the Zerkers consolidate after killing the Flyrant Tyranid Turn 3 He advanced his units in the center and my right. On my left his units were speedbumped and bottlenecked by the survivors of Bats Out of Hell, my bike squad. Bikers, "You've got to get past us first." Carnifex, "OK" In his shooting he ate away at various units but didn't make any kills. The last moments of Squad Bloodflower before they were charged and squashed by a Swarmlord During the charge phase, his Swarmlord charged and killed off my Zerkers. He then charged into the Chosen with the Broodlord, Trygon Prime, and Genestealers. I did activate them after taking a few casualties from the Broodlord. The Chosen managed to kill off 4 Stealers and were then eviscerated. On my right flank, my cultists finished off the gargoyles (probably one of the few units in 40K that R&H troops infantry can actually defeat in melee!). To be continued in Chaos Turn 3.... Edited August 6, 2019 by Tallarn Commander spafe and WarriorFish 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted May 2, 2018 Author Share Posted May 2, 2018 (edited) Chaos Turn 3 SARS Squad, a lascannon CSM squad, leaves a building in order to grab an objective in the center. Gary moves up to charge the Swarmlord. Mary moves up to deal with the Genestealers, Dave and Hatred prepare to deal with the Trygon prime and Broodlord in the center. On my right my cultists move toward the Trygon Prime. In shooting, my Predator, Earthshaker, and CSM lascannons take out the Tyranid prime in the center. Hatred and Dave breathe sighs of relief. My assault phase goes well as Mary finishes of the stealers and Dave and Hatred finish off the Broodlord. The swamlord and Gary shave wounds off of each other. My Chaos Rhino and some Renegade characters harass the hormagaunts by charging them on the right, but neither side does much damage to each other. Mary Nom Noms on some Genestealers Helbrute and Chaos Lord vs Broodlord Dave and Hatred, the dynamic duo, pose after killing the Broodlord Chaos Lord to Dave, "Who da man? We da man!" Tyranid Turn 4 The Dakkafex and warriors approach the center, but they are slow to get there. On my right the hormagaunts jump out of melee and onto an objective. The Trygon Prime on the right moves toward the Predator. In the psychic phase the Swarmlord smites Gary into oblivion, getting a warlord kill. Shooting damages Mary a bit. Gary before the Swamlord smites him to death During the melee phase the Swarmlord and Dave shave wounds off of each other. The Trygon Prime fails a long charge against the Predator. Chaos Turn 4 My SARS CSM squad moves up to the objective in the center. "Alright men, it's time to move out!" 2 Enforcers, a Rhino, and a Renegade Commander move up to charge the Hormagaunts on the objective. In the shooting phase my firebase takes out the 2nd Trygon Prime. During the Charge Phase, Mary Rushes in to Save Dave from the evil Swarmlord, sadly she is slain by the beast. But this gives Dave the time he needs to get a Helbrute fist past the Swarmlord's 3++. The Tyranid warlord finally crashes to the ground! Tyranid Turn 5 The Dakkafex and warriors move towards Dave in the center. They weaken him with shooting and then charge. Dave the Dreadnought is finally freed from his Adamantium prison when he is felled by a Dakkafex The hormagaunt and renegade leaders continue to whittle away at each other. Chaos Turn 5 The Chaos lascannon gunner reaches an objective in the center Lascannon Gunner, "This is my objective. Go get your own." During a very clutch shooting phase the Chaos firebase units manage to drop both the Dakkafex and the Tyranid Prime. And, during the melee phase, the Renegade characters vs Hormagaunts fight over the obelisk on the right flank continues Tyranid and Chaos Turn 6 The warriors kill off the Chaos lascannon gunner on the objective. But they are, in turned, gunned down during the Chaos turn. End of Game At the end of Turn 6, the right flank slapfest consists of a Chaos Rhino, Renegade Commander Dogears on 3 wounds, and a single Hormagaunt, sadly the Hormagaunt has obsec In the end, this was the only objective I held, a supply cache surrounded by a Cultist Squad and a Mutant Rabble Squad. This means the Tyranids have 6 points in objectives to Chaos' 3 points. But I've managed to take out all 3 of his heavy supports and he has not killed any of mine. We both have slay the warlord, but my melta bikers managed to snag 1st blood so Chaos wins by 1 point, 8 to 7.! So I wrap up the day having played 2 very enjoyable games. Some final thoughts -Chaos Chosen: I really like how they can now load up on power weapons. If only my Chosen had gotten off that charge. I'll definitely be trying them again in the future. -Daemon Princes: I've been meaning to take a Daemon Prince for 16 years but never got around to it til now. After Gary's excellent performance in both games, I'm quite glad I broke down and finally tried this unit out. At some point in the future, perhaps in another 16 years, I'll try out a DP with wings, but for now the DP on foot seems quite good, both as a buff unit and as a melee unit. -5 trooper CSM squad with lascannon-I haven't had much luck with 5 man CSM squads in previous 8th edition games but in this game they rocked. They were surprisingly durable, shooting often dropped them down to a lone lascannon gunner, who was then ignored. More importantly, their firepower was quite effective. They were a big part of my ability to put a dent in his monstrous creatures. -Mellta Biker Squad: I've always liked Chaos Bikers but I don't recall them ever performing as well as they did in this game. They erased a flyrant with ease and then went on to harass and speedbump the enemies' right flank. -Earthshaker Carriage and Predator: reliable firebase units that gradually ground the Nid monsters to dust -Dave the Dreadnought, overall my MVP in both games, tanking a lot of shots and putting out a lot of melee damage. Helbrute fists for the win! Til next time... Death to the False Emperor! Edited August 6, 2019 by Tallarn Commander spafe, WarriorFish and Dr_Ruminahui 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spafe Posted May 3, 2018 Share Posted May 3, 2018 fantastic write ups! always a treat (esp on a boring morning of work) to read about your heretics having a nice outing and doing some bug control. Very unlucky with the single hormi surviving though. For future reference, the only thing that would really take the reports up to the next level is the occasional pics top down showing the majority of the board so its easier to visualise where units are in relation to each other. But I do love the close ups of your wretches facing off against the galaxies terrors! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted May 3, 2018 Author Share Posted May 3, 2018 That's a great suggestion. Thanks for the tip! spafe 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted May 7, 2018 Author Share Posted May 7, 2018 (edited) Hello all, I finished up another batch of 5 Renegade & Heretics troopers. I now have 112 painted foot soldiers and 32 unpainted R&H infantry. See from the front... And from the back... Nebula, armed with both shotgun and axe, he favors using the latter because he is a worshipper of Khorne Zeva, once a hive ganger on Necromunda, now a deadshot with a shotgun and a rabid member of a Chaos Mutant Rabble squad Oxgore, he killed his father Ox and took charge of his clan, he eventually left to join up with the Renegades and Heretics Marox, once he was stranded and surrounded by a squad of Imperial Guard. He ran out of ammunition and almost died. He vowed that would never again happen and now he carries a crate of shotgun shells with him at all times Bull, his skull totem whispers advice to him. It once told him to follow the path of Chaos. Now it is telling him that an Inquisitor has infiltrated the warband. I also finished assembling all 32 of my unpainted R&H troopers. Most are now primed as well. I've pledged to paint up my Bezerkers for this year's ETL paint contest. Here is are some WIP shots of the first squad I'm painting up, Squad BloodBliss. And last month I got a good deal on a couple of used Khorne Blood Slaughterers. I'll be pledging these two beauties n the ETL when I finish my current vow. These suckers look like they will be fun to use on the gaming table. I'll call this one Blood Lady... And this one will be dubbed 888 Til next time....Blood for the Blood God! Edited April 11, 2019 by Tallarn Commander spafe, WarriorFish and brettfp 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spafe Posted May 8, 2018 Share Posted May 8, 2018 Tha;s a big horde to paint! Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted May 18, 2018 Author Share Posted May 18, 2018 (edited) Hello everyone, Well, like many of you, the ETL is helping me paint up a storm. I just finished up another batch of 8 Bezerkers, Squad BloodBliss. I really look forward to using this squad in combat. Squad BloodBliss 4 Bezerkers: CullHuman, Aspiring Champion Kilwrath, Maim, and, my favorite trooper, Dreagher And the Other 4 Bezerkers: Icon Bearer Zor, Memory of Bodt, RedSkull, and Sangre Closeups of each of the 8 Bezerkers... CullHuman, the squad's plasma specialist, both arms are magnetized in case I don't want to shell out the points for a plasma pistol or in case I want him to join a squad of Chaos Marines as the squad's champion. After battles, he instructs his squad on how best to build cairns out of their fallen foes' bodies, so as to best honor Khorne Aspiring Champion Kilwrath, both arms are also magnetized so he can have any number of weapon loadouts At some point I'll go back and paint the metal post behind him up in a weathered red using my AK interactive weathering fluid. Maim, in melee he specializes in removing limbs from his foe Dreagher, he's named after the officer who praised Angron and whose praise eventually caused the Warhounds Legion to be renamed the World Eaters Legion Zor, bearer of the Icon of Wrath, he is most devout in his worship of Khorne. He hopes to one day become a possessed. Memory of Bodt, kept alive for almost 10 millennia by a warp transit mishap, he is the only member of the warband who was actually trained on Bodt Redskull, who ripped his chainaxe from an Ork warboss before slaying the orc leader with his own weapon Sangre, a former gladiator turned Night Lord turned World Eater I signed up with 3 friends to form a Chaos team, the Infil-traitors, in a big tournament in August. Each of our armies will represent one of the Chaos Gods and, as you might imagine, my army will represent Khorne. Since my Death Guard army is also painted a Dark Red I'll be de-Nurgling and borrowing 3 tanks a little over a dozen Chaos Marines from my Death Guard. I have 3 magnetized Khorne icons and I need to magnetize up some more Khorne icons as well as some Nurgle icons so I can swap my vehicles back and forth between my World Eaters and Death Guard armies. Luckily I just won an EBay bid for 3 more Khorne icons. However, I still have to paint up a bunch of World Eaters models over the summer: a World Eaters rhino, pair of Blood Slaughterers, Demon Prince, and about 30 or 40 World Eaters/Khorne Daemon infantry. And I have to do it all by August. I'm a really slow painters so this is quite a tall order for me. Luckily the ETL has come along as a great way to ensure I get ready for this tournament. I'm not particularly competitive, but I'd like to do a little better than I did last year at this tournament (0 wins, 4 losses, 1 draw). I'm not sure what I'll bring to the tournament but I'm currently thinking of bringing the following... To Be Named Daemon Prince of Khorne's Detachment of Dooooom, a World Eaters Warband HQ [231] -To be Named Daemon Prince with daemon axe and Collar of Borenghast -Gravelbeard, Exalted Champ with Axe of Blind Fury ELITES [127] -Dave, Helbrute with reaper autocannon, Helbrute Fist TROOPS [693] -BloodBliss, Rhino and 8 Bezerkers, Icon of Wrath, 7 chainaxes, plasma pistol, powerfist -BloodTongue, Rhino and 8 Bezerkers, Icon of Wrath, 7 chainaxes, plasma pistol, power axe -BloodFlower, Rhino and 8 Bezerkers, Icon of Wrath, 7 chainaxes, plasma pistol, power sword FAST ATTACK [393] -Yyymmmrrrrgllll, Spawn -Blood Lady, Blood Slaughterer with pair of Slaughter Blades -888, Blood Slaughterer with pair of Slaughter Blades HEAVY SUPPORT [479] -Old Faithful, Chaos Predator, Predator Autocannon, twin lascannons -The Alliance, 5 Havocs, 3 lascannons, power axe -BloodSnipers, 5 Havoc, 3 lascannons, power sword 54 models, 8 CP minus 1 for taking 2 relics This totals about 1923 points which leaves space for a summoned squad of 10 Bloodletters. Do y'all have any thoughts on the list? Would I be better served by dropping the havocs and summoned bloodletters and adding in a small battallion of 2 Khorne Bloodmasters and 3 squads of 10 Bloodleetters? Such a tweak would be fluffy, nicely buff up my numbers, and raise my CP from 8 to 13. But I'd loose 2 firebase units, not that World Eaters traditionally have much of a firebase. Edited February 9, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 19, 2018 Share Posted May 19, 2018 Did someone say magnets? :lol: Great work on the models, I'm not sure how much help I can be with a Khornate list but I think some heavier long range fire power might be the better choice. That said more numbers and CPs is always useful, but in a 2k game I think some reach and hitting power is normally required. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted May 19, 2018 Author Share Posted May 19, 2018 Good point. Balanced lists have always done better in 40K. I'll keep the Havocs. I wrote up some fluff explaining why a World Eater would sit back and shoot at the enemy rather than charge forth into melee: "While the BloodSnipers and Alliance Havoc Squads provide the warband with some much needed firepower, they itch to be in melee. Sadly, Chaos Lord constantine has deemed their ranged support role as too valuable to the World Eaters. For now both Havoc squads are doomed by their success. But Constantine has promised them that the first Havoc Squad to make their 888th ranged vehicle or monster kill will get their wish. He will allow the winning Havoc Squad to undergo the Butcher's Nails procedure transforming them into Bezerkers. Consequently, the competition between the Alliance and BloodSnipers is now quite fierce." spafe, RolandTHTG and WarriorFish 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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