Tallarn Commander Posted May 23, 2018 Author Share Posted May 23, 2018 (edited) Hello everyone, I recently took a break from ETL painting and I brought my Chaos to a pickup game at a friendly local gaming store, Mugu Games in Everett, Washington here in the US. I played against an Ad Mech army. It was a fun game for both sides and my opponent was quite the gentleman. It was a maelstrom mission, the one where you have 6 cards on Turn 1, 5 on Turn 2, and so on. Here is a battle report for your reading enjoyment. I've tried integrating Spafe's suggestion of using more shots of the battlefield as a whole. My opponent's AdMech Force, from Mars (I know very little about Admech so bear with me), 2000 points HQ -Belisarius Cawl, the named character chap with 8 wounds, he seemed both fluffy and balanced for an AdMech force -Techpriest, with a good gun and a powerfist TROOPS -squad of rangers with various guns -squad of rangers with various guns -large squad of Kataphron Destroyers with nasty plasma and flamers FAST ATTACK -Squad of infiltratrors -Squad of infiltrators -Squadron of 2 Dragoons HEAVY SUPPORT -Dunecrawler with neutron laser -Dunecrawler with neutron laser -Squadron of 2 Castellan Robots with powerfists and various guns For my 2,000 point army I took 2 battalions, a Nurgle flavored Night Lords force and a Renegades and Heretics batallion As usual I forgot about my Night Lords' infantry, bikers, and walkers reducing the opponent's leadership via the Terror Tactics legion ability. D'oh! In this game, remembering the Night Lords terror ability would really only have affected his 3 larger squads though (2 ranger squads and a Kataphron Destroyer squad). Night Lords Battalion HQ -Gary the Greater Daemon of Nurgle, Hellforged Sword, my warlord with +1 wound and 6+FNP, warptime -Castro, Sorcerer with jump pack, force sword, Mark of Tzeench, Eye of Tzeench (which actually helped me once I think), prescience and death hex ELITES -Bloodbliss, 8 Khorne Bezerkers lead by Champion Kilwrath, 7 chainaxes, Icon of Wrath, powerfist -Bloodflowers, 8 Khorne Bezerkers lead by Champion Name TBD, 7 chainaxes, Icon of Wrath, plasma pistol, power sword -Harry the Helbrute, Helbrute Fist, Multimelta TROOPS -Death Bats, 5 Chaos Marines, lascannon -SARS Squad, 5 Chaos Marines, lascannon, Mark of Nurgle -The Quick and the Dead, 5 Chaos Marines, lascannon, Mark of Slaanesh FAST ATTACK -Bats Out of Hell, 4 Chaos Bikers with combi-bolters, 2 meltaguns, combi-melta HEAVY SUPPORT -Old Faithful, Chaos Predator, Predator Autocannon, Twin Lascannons -Mary, Maulerfiend, Maulerfiend Fists, Lasher Tendrils Renegades and Heretics Battalion HQ -Nostromo, RenegadeCommander with plasma pistol -Captain Zero, Renegade Commander with plasma pistol ELITES -Vicious Pete, Enforcer -010101010, Enforcer This model's backstory is that he was an AdMech servitor who become conscious, rebelled, and joined the side of Chaos. Of course, when I told my opponnent this, he tried his darndest to kill him with infiltrators and rangers. This was so fun that perhaps I should put more turncoats from other armies into my R&H army. I already have some Nid cultists who turned to Chaos, numerous guardsmen, and a Dark Eldar warrior who stole a scorpion Exarch's biting blade. I could add a Necron, Eldar, Tau, Ork, and Sister of Battle. This seems like a fun little side project. TROOPS -1st Squad, 20 cultists, flamer -2nd Squad, 20 cultists, flamer -3rd Squad, 15 Mutant Rabble Here are some shots of our armies before the game begins. A most impressive, albeit blurry, AdMech army Some sweet-looking rangers and infiltrators Closeup of a Dragoon My 2 Chaos Battalions, Renegades and Heretics on the left and Night Lords Chaos Marines on the right My 2 CSM HQS, Sorcerer Castro and Daemon Prince Gary. I really need to paint up Castro's force sword. And my 2 Renegade HQs, Captain Zero and Nostromo, on the left Mary the Maulerfiend seems to wave at the camera My plucky trio of min sized Chaos Marines with lascannons, cheap but effective To be continued.... Edited January 29, 2019 by Tallarn Commander brother_b, WarriorFish, Subtle Discord and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5089684 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted May 24, 2018 Author Share Posted May 24, 2018 (edited) Continued... Ad Mech and Chaos Deployment The terrain was a really nice looking desert board with various ork scrap piles dotted here and there throughout the landscape. The terrain density was medium with a solid line of sight blocking rock in the center of the board. I deployed my assault assets in the center, toeing my line. I put my firebase CSM and Pred in the back, with interlocking fields of fire and solid fire lanes. 1 squad of cultists went down on the right and 1 squad went down on the left accompanied by 3 R&H characters and the mutant rabble. 3 mutant rabble died before the game began (I rolled a 1 on the mutant ability chart). My opponent put a single squad of rangers on my left and then castled up on my right with all his other units. He left 2 infiltrators in reserve. The board before Turn 1. My predator is out of sight in the right-hand corner and my bikers are out of sight in the left-hand corner. My left flank The beginning-of-game shot from the AdMech perspective Closeup of the beautifully-painted olive drab Admech castle Chaos Turn 1 My central assault group got some decent advance rolls, especially Mary the Maulerfiend. So I was on or over the line with the bikers, both Zerkers' rhinos and my Maulerfiend. My R&H rabble, Daemon Prince, and Harry the Helbrute trudged up behind the fast movers. During the magic phase I moved Harry up a bit with with warptime and I tried but failed to buff a CSM squad with prescience. During shooting, My CSM lascannon and Predator dinged away at the rightmost Dunecrawler. Sadly my melta bikers were 13 inches away so no melta shots on the left flank rangers and the combi-bolters failed to do anything. I was too far away to charge so nothing happened in the assault phase. AdMech Turn 1 He moved his Dragoons into speedbump position right in front of my Rhinos and shuffled his firebase a bit. Then his infiltraitors showed up, 1 squad on the land bridge in the center and 1 squad screening the rangers on my left. Dragoons moving into position to assault a Chaos Rhino The infiltrators appeared on the left flank and thinned out the biker squad. In his shooting phase he ate away at various units, but didn't do anything too dramatic. He did put some serious hurt on 1 of my Rhinos. In the assault phase his infiltraiorsthe left failed a charge against my advancing cultists but his Dragoons make it in against my Rhino. Sadly, he takes a note from my IG Rough Riders and suffers from rubber lance syndrome. A Chaos Rhino that should be dead is instead left on 1 wound. Nobody scored any points this turn, the cards were not in our favor. So Turn 1 ends with the score at 0 to 0. Chaos Turn 2 I emptied my Bezerkers out of their Rhinos and continued to move up with everyone except for the Rhinos, which fled to the rear and my 4 firebase units (3 CSM squads and my Predator). On my left my bikers circle around his rangers and my cultists move up to assault the infiltraitors. In the center Mary, Harry, and a CSM squad get ready to assault the Dragoons while a Bezerker squad and a Cultist squad on my right prepare to assault a screening Ranger squad. During my psychic phase Gary smites the Dragoons a bit while Castro buffs the rightmost Zerker squad with prescience and fails to get a smite off. My shooting sees Old Faithful, my predator on the right flank, take out one of his Dunecrawlers. The cultists cheer "Huzzah!" as first blood goes to the forces of Chaos. Other shooting is fairly uneventful, but I eat away a bit at various squads. I conduct 3 assaults, against the infiltraitors and rangers on my left, against the Dragoons in the center, and against the rangers on the right. The melees on the center and right result in a quick Chaos victory. But the fighting on the left results in a draw. Bikers, Cultists, and Renegade Commander prepare to assault rangers and infiltrators on the left Dragoons meet a bloody end. Harry the Helbrute was sad that he never even got to swing. Freshly painted Bezerkers slay a ranger squad and consolidate into enemy tracked troops Bikers and Renegades charge in on Chaos Turn 2. This would largely remain a slapfest til the end of the game, but Chaos eventually won. End of Chaos Turn 2: shot of the board To be Continued... Edited January 30, 2019 by Tallarn Commander Azekai, WarriorFish and Dr_Ruminahui 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5089704 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted May 24, 2018 Author Share Posted May 24, 2018 (edited) Continued... Ad Mech Turn 2 The forces of the Imperium have some nasty Chaos units on their front door. Can Belisarius Cawl and his robots turn the tide? The AdMech forces began their turn by leaping out of combats. The infiltrators left the combat on my left in an effort to grab an objective in the center of the board. They got the card where they had to hold the objective for a whole turn. On my right the Kataphron Destroyers jumped out of melee with the Bezerker BloodBliss Squad. During shooting the AdMech line pumped a bazillion shots into Bloodbliss Squad turning them into a fine red mist. They also took down Harry the Helbrute with ranged shooting as well as the left flank cultist squad. Now you see a Kataphron Destroyer... And now you don't, as the tracked vehicle races out of melee During the assault phase there were no assaults, as his gunline enjoyed blowing my units to bits so much he didn't want to be in melee The score at the end of Turn 2 was 2 to 4. I had 1 point from 1st blood and 3 cards whereas he had achieved 2 cards. Chaos Turn 3 Turn 3 saw me move my Death Bats Squad of CSM forward in an effort to remove the Infiltrators from their objective. Gary and the Bloodflowers CSM squad moved up in the center while my Mutant Rabble, Cultists, and R&H characters moved up on the right. I jumped Castro up on top of the land bridge in the middle of the board in order to cap the obelisk objective. During my psychic phase Gary warptimed himself closer to the enemy line and Castro tried and smited, smote?, something. In shooting, I continued to eat away at his castled up units. During the assault phase the Death Bats CSM squad made it into melee with the infiltrators and finished off the squad, AdMech would not be nabbing this objective today. In the center Mary assaulted Cawl and took 3 or 4 wounds off of him while the Bloodflowers tackled the Dunecrawler and brought him down a damage bracket. My cultists on the right tried to assault the Destroyers and they were incinerating by over a dozen flamer hits. Oops, I forgot they had so many flamers. Oh well, they're only cultists. The Death Bats taunt the dead Infiltrators, "This is our objective. There are many like it. But this one is ours." The left flank melee between Enforcer 0100010101, the Bikers, and the Rangers continues to drag on AdMech Turn 3 The Dunecrawler jumped out of melee with the Bezerkers and Cawl leapt out of combat with Mary the Maulerfiend. In the AdMech shooting phase the Destroyers easily dissolved the Bloodflowers Bezerker squad into a red goo while the techpriest dropped Castro down to 1 wound and the Kastelan Robots put some wounds onto Mary. During the assault phase, the AdMech again balk at charging. "We be outta here!" Cawl backs away from Mary the Maulerfiend The Dunecrawler, er, crawls away from the Bezerkers Turn 3 ends with the score at 2 for Admech and 6 for Chaos. The maelstrom cards have not been kind to Team Mars. Board at the End of Admech Turn 3 Chaos Turn 4 Gary moves up to assault as does Mary the Maulerfiend. A badly wounded Sorcerer Castro flees to cower at the back of the board. The board at the end of Chaos movement on Turn 4 During the psychic phase, Castro buffs a CSM squad with prescience and Gary fails a smite attempt. During shooting, Squad DeathBats drops Cawl down to 2 or 3 wounds with their lascannon while the Predator and other CSM eat away at the Destroyers and take out the 2nd Dunecrawler. During melee, Gary charges the Destroyers killing 1 or 2 before consolidating into the Castelan Robots. Mary charges Cawl but I think she's KO'd by overwatch. Squad DeathBats charges in and finishes off the rangers on the left, mocking the Bikers by shouting "This is how you do it!." AdMech Turn 4 Cawl heals himself up 3 points while all 3 remaining AdMech units (Destroyers, Robots, and Techpriest) converge on Gary the Greater Daemon. They put 1 wound on Gary while Gary puts 3 wounds on a Castellan Robot with his Hellforged Sword. Gary to the robots, "Have you heard about our lord and savior Grandfather Nurgle?" Board at the End of Chaos Turn 4 Turn 4 ended with Admech at 2 points and Chaos at 9 points. At this point my opponent conceded. He was down to tractors, a wounded Cawl, and the robots and was effectively boxed in. All in all, it was a very fun game. My opponent was gracious in defeat and we both had a blast playing a casual game of 40K. Some thoughts: -Ad Mech really lack mobility, would it kill GW to give them some transports? -Castling was a valid approach up til about 6th edition. Since then gunline armies have still needed some element of mobility. This is something I painfully had to learn for myself back in 5th. Even a couple more squads of cheap rangers pushing forward would have nicely speedbumped my line. Cheap IG squads doing just this work wonders for my Talllarn army and the same tactic can work for AdMech. -As I stated previously, I really need to remember to use my Night Lords' Terror Tactics ability. I'll have to remember this in future games with my Night Lords. I think that by my next game I'll have enough Zerkers painted so I can run a World Eaters detachment. I sure hope I don't forget the World Eater's legion ability. -This was my first game using a jumppack sorcerer and I was very impressed. I really enjoyed bouncing Sorcerer Castro around the board handing out buffs, damage, and capping objectives. -Buffing R&H characters: OK, this is the 3rd game in a row where I said to myself, "I sure wish I'd given each of my R&H characters a power sword or power axe." These would be cheap upgrades that would have had a significant impact in the right place. In other news, I shellled out $14 plus shipping and ordered a Minotaur Demon Lord to be used as a Khorne Daemon Prince from Reaper Miniatures in Texas. The model is terrific and much cheaper than the GW model. Here are some pics: To be named Daemon Prince flanked by 888 and BloodLady I also de-Nurgled 16 of my Deathguard Chaos Marines so they can serve as World Eaters Havocs in the upcoming tournament in August. But they are also without Khornate marks so I could still plug them into a Nurgle army) The champion on the right has a magnet on his left hand so he can be equipped with a variety of weaponry I hope you enjoyed the pics! Edited January 30, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish, Dr_Ruminahui and spafe 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5089725 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted June 21, 2018 Author Share Posted June 21, 2018 (edited) Hello everyone, As with many of you, the ETL has inspired me and I've finally finished up some Chaos projects. Since my last post I finished up 2 squads of Zerkers, a World Eaters Chaos Lord, a World Eaters Daemon Prince, and 2 Renegades and Heretics troopers. I also completed minor projects to change up 16 Havocs and to give power swords to some Renegades and Heretics characters. Here is a squad of Bezerkers, Squad BloodBliss (you already saw closeups of this squad last month) I completed a 2nd Bezerker Squad, Squad BloodTongue And I also finished a 3rd Bezerker squad, Squad BloodFlowers. Red Messiah is Squad BloodFlower's champion. He hopes to one day become a World Eaters Dark Apostle. All my World Eaters together And I've completed Azrath, Daemon Prince of Khorne And a WIP shot of Azrath with Bella. Bella does not look amused. I also finished "De-Nurglifying" 16 of my Chaos Havocs so now they can be used in either my Nurgle-themed army or my World Eaters army. Here are some of them. I painted up 2 Renegades and Heretics troopers, Emma and Logroth . They can be used as Cultists, Militia, Marauders, or Disciples. Emma with autopistol and klaw Logroth with pair of axes And finally, I decided to remove my plasma pistols from my Renegades and Heretics Renegade Commanders and Enforcers. I found that I'm pretty aggressive in how I use them so their role in melee is far more important than taking a few plasma potshots at the foe (and sadly I consistently forget to use the damn pistols in melee). Here are a couple of pics with their new power swords. Renegade Commander Dnegrah She will be my warlord when the majority of my army is Renegades and Heretics. I currently favor the Covenant of Slaanesh for the added mobility. Enforcer Nostromo I really like the morale buff provided by Enforcers. I'm still debating the details of the World Eaters list I will bring to the big tournament in August. I've locked in 3 squads of Zerkers in Rhinos, Azrath my DP, at least 1 Havoc squad, and a pair of FW Blood Slaughterers. I keep changing up the other stuff I include in the list from day to day. Sometimes I think I'll take a Bloodletter Khorne Daemon Battallion. Other times I design lists featuring a battalion of Renegades and Heretics infantry hordes supported by a Leman Russ tank and Earthshaker Carriages. In other lists I just double down on more World Eaters units like Havocs, Helbrutes, and Chaos Predators. It sure is fun to ponder list variants! Enjoy the pics and Blood for the Blood God! Edited April 5, 2019 by Tallarn Commander brother_b, WarriorFish, spafe and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5109603 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted July 11, 2018 Author Share Posted July 11, 2018 (edited) Hello everyone, I managed to get in my first game using the World Eaters Legion last week! I had a great time and, while they lost, they seemed to perform better than my Night Lords. I really enjoyed the fluidity and melee brutality inherent in a World Eaters list. I also brought a Chaos Predator and a pair of lascannon Havoc Squads so my ranged fire support was also respectable. The game was against a regular opponent who is, as always, a great sport and a lot of fun to play against. And this game was way closer than my previous games against this opponent. If you scroll up you can see photos of when his bugs slaughtered my Night Lords and Renegades and Heretics back in January. Plus, his old-school Nids is a gorgeous army that includes many Rogue Trader, 2nd, and other edition models. With all those old school models playing against him is a delightful walk down memory lane. Here are some thoughts and photos from the battle: The World Eaters Havocs survey the battlefield on Turn 1 You can see the Nid line in the distance and the WE daemon engines and rhinos on the right I used a Chaos Exalted Champion for the first time. Here you can see my Exalted Champion fighting with some scrappy Termagaunts. As many of you already know, these characters are superb force multipliers. Exalted Champion Constantine aided many a World Eater by making a flubbed to-wound roll into a successful to-wound roll. I think I'll move his (magnetized) lightning claws to a Bezerker champion and give him a powerfist instead. It seems like the champ would make better use of the claws and he would make better use of the fist. I've been using Bezerkers since this spring and, again, they continued to perform admirably. Here you can see Bearclaw in one-on-one combat with a Termagaunt. As you can see by the Termies' grin, the alien is not at all intimidated by a chain-axe wielding madman. Bezerker Champion Maggot leads his squad against a screamer-killer Carnifex. These carnies were solid. While I managed to kill 3 of my opponent's 4 carnifiexes, doing so seriously weakened my vanguard assault units and made them easy pickings for his second rank of bugs. You can see Exalted Champion Constantine hanging out behind the squad, providing his to wound buff Here you can see Blood Lady, my Blood Slaughterer, going toe to toe with the Carnifexes. My 2 Blood Slaughterers didn't kill anything, but they did tank shots and hits nicely and they weakened the carnifexes so my DP could take them out later on. My trusty Chaos Predator, Old Faithful. I definitely need to de-Nurglify this guy before my tournament next month. As usual his Predator Autocannon and Twin Lascannons put a lot of damage downrange. One of my opponent's key units was his Tervigon. It kept reinforcing a termagaunt squad that would have dissolved without such support. My opponent noted that once people play against his list, in the next game they usually shoot and kill his Tervigon on the 1st Turn. The Exocrine is a monster of a ranged unit. It seriously damaged many of my units and killed my Helbrute off in a single volley. It also finished off Constantine in melee, as seen here. As usual, my opponent's Hive Tyrants did yeoman's work through melee and psychic abilities. Last time he brought 3 flyrants who totally demolished me. This time he had 2 foot tyrants and thankfully only one flyrant. Here you can see the flyrant eating one of my Havoc Squads. Both my Havoc Squads suffered from horrible dice rolls this game. This was the maiden run for my freshly painted Daemon Prince, Azrath. He did a great job on his first outing. He killed 2 Carnifexes and a Hive Tyrant before being blown away by an Exocrine. The Daemonic Axe performed wonderfully and is very fluffy for a Khorne DP. And a dramatic parting shot, an Unholy Trinity: daemon engine, infantry, and daemon princes I hope you all enjoyed the comments and pics. I'm furiously painting away for the ETL so you should see some freshly painted units soon. Till next time...Blood for the Blood God! Edited April 5, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish, Dr_Ruminahui and spafe 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5122192 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted July 12, 2018 Share Posted July 12, 2018 Old school nids indeed, they look great. Good to hear you did better, for Chaos especially punchy ones force multipliers are essential - something I forgot in my last list (still need to write the batreps). Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5122451 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trevak Dal Posted July 28, 2018 Share Posted July 28, 2018 The old tyranid models can be deceptive if you only have played against new ones. Those carnifexes are the size of modern hiveguard with much higher stats. Â It's like older wraith guard, or metal terminators which are the size of non Primaris power armor. I bring post it notes to sit next to units if there is... archaic :cussery afoot I write in big letters TERMINATORS, 2+ 5++ 2 WOUNDS and any attributes of note like if the stuff in question is t5+ or something. Then I give it a Lascannon facial. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5132559 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted July 30, 2018 Author Share Posted July 30, 2018 The post it notes are a good idea. And, because the models are smaller than today's models, let me shoot his monsters with my lascannons even when I lacked line of sight. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5133350 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted August 2, 2018 Author Share Posted August 2, 2018 (edited) Woot! I finished up my 2 Blood Slaughterers just in time to complete my 2nd ETL vow. Here are some pics: BloodLady, fresh from the Hellforges 888, ready to Kill and Maim if not Burn Daemon Prince Azrath with his two Blood Slaughterers Now I just need to paint up 1 World Eaters rhino, 1 display board, and 6 objective markers and I'm ready for the "Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge" tournament at the end of the month. As an aside, someone wrote "Blood for the Blood God!" on a white board at work last month, and I swear it wasn't me. I wonder what this signifies? Edited March 26, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish, The Yncarne and Dr_Ruminahui 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5136322 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted August 2, 2018 Share Posted August 2, 2018 Your red and bronze work really well together, so maybe just as well you're doing lots of Khorne now :P Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5136435 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted August 2, 2018 Share Posted August 2, 2018 Looks great. My one suggestion would be a change in basing - making that large base red makes the model kind of red on red on red, where a neutral or contrasting base (even if it had red elements) would really help the model stand out. Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5136645 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted August 2, 2018 Author Share Posted August 2, 2018 Yes, I agree. At some point I probably should go back and redo the bases at some point from a red into a neutral color. Â All my Chaos forces (Death Guard, Night Lords, Renegades and Heretics, Nurgle Daemons, and World Eaters) have the same red base color. This unites the forces on the table when I team them up, eg a battalion of Night Lords and a battalion of Nurgle Daemons. Â I'd have about 320 infantry, cavalry, biker, and walker bases to repaint. But between 2013 and 2017 I did repaint all 350 or do of my IG infantry, cavalry, and walker bases. So there's certainly a precedent for me repainting insanely huge numbers of bases. I could also go back and add some nice bitz to the bases as well, shell casings, skulls, rusted barber wire, etc. Dr_Ruminahui 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5136806 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted August 3, 2018 Share Posted August 3, 2018 Cool stuff, I particularly like the daemon prince, what is the base model? I'd love to see more pics of it:) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5137014 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted August 3, 2018 Author Share Posted August 3, 2018 (edited) Duderino, the base model for my demon prince is a "Minotaur Demon Lord" from Reaper Miniatures. I mail ordered it from Texas for $13 plus shipping and it showed up a week later. I can't say enough about this model, great sculpt and cheap price. Here is a link https://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/77376/latest/77376 Be aware that the resin is a sort of rubbery texture that I've never seen before except for on other reaper miniatures. It does reduce the detail a bit, but not to the point that I'm bothered. Also the model came with a really lame axe/spear thing in its right hand so you'll want to swap that out for something else. Also, be aware that my DP does have quite a few bitz added to him (axe, shoulder pads, leg armor, cloth in the back, etc). Here are a couple of WIP shots of Azrath to give you a better sense of what bitz I added Edited March 26, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5137536 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted August 3, 2018 Share Posted August 3, 2018 13 dollars? What a steal:) you've improved upon it immensely, I recognised the shoulders but all those other parts weren't obvious. Looks very natural though. Especially the horns are a great improvement! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5137665 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted August 27, 2018 Author Share Posted August 27, 2018 (edited) Hello everyone, Last weekend I attended a 5-game tournament in Vancouver, Washington here in the US. I was the Khornate representative on a 4-person team, the Infil-traitors. Each of us represented one of the four Gods of Chaos. I had a blast, lost 4 games, won 1 game game, and got lots of positive feedback on my army. Later in the week, I'll post a more detailed tournament summary featuring more photos, comments on my list, and some photos of other armies. But for now I'll leave you with this fun image from my 5th game... Daemon Prince Azrath slays a Black Templar champion before being chainsworded to death by Black Templar Vanguard Vets Edited August 27, 2018 by Tallarn Commander Dr_Ruminahui, WarriorFish and Commander Dawnstar 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5155057 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted November 30, 2018 Author Share Posted November 30, 2018 (edited) Hello everyone, I've been incommunicado since this summer. Here are a half dozen shots from the big Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge tournament I went to. I lost 4 games and won one, which is actually and improvement over last year. My Team Khorne As noted, our team was an all-Chaos team and each of us had one of the 4 flavors of Chaos...My mate's armies all looked wonderful and they put in a lot of great work on the display tray too. My Team Member's Slaanesh Army Team Nurgle Oozes it Up Team Tzeench in All Its Glory Game 1 was a fun bout against another Khorne army. Khorne was the real winner of this game. After seeing how good a squad of 20 Bloodletters are I think I'll buy and paint some up next year. 2 Blood Slaughterers, some Zerkers, and 30 Bloodletters hammer away on each other Khorne Helbrute vs Khorne Helbrute Dave the Dreadnought learns the hard way that 2 Helbrute Fists are superior to a Reaper Autocannon and a single Helbrute Fist Game 2 was against Orks. Here is a shot of a warboss about to rip Azrath to shreds Red vs Green Red won this fight, but Green won the battle In Game 3 I re-enacted the Charge of the Light Brigade against a Space Marine firebase with predicatable results I actually won Game 4. It was against Ad Mech and he just had unlucky dice. The Thin Red Line across from the other thin red line At least 1 red army would win this game! BloodLady climbs a hill because it's there Here I'm about to jump out of my Rhinos on Turn 2. Red Robots from Mars about to be Assaulted by a Red Robot from Hell to be continued... Edited March 21, 2019 by Tallarn Commander Azekai, WarriorFish and Dr_Ruminahui 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5203132 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted November 30, 2018 Author Share Posted November 30, 2018 (edited) And here are some shots from my last game, another reinactment of the Charge of the Light Brigade against Space Marines Red vs Black before the game My opponent's Sicaran (?) shreds my right flank "Gunner, Chaos Rhino on the left, point 20, load AP rounds, fire, over." "Sir, target eliminated, over." A fulll Zerker squad about to actually make it into the enemy lines Squad Bloodflowers basks in the glory of the upcoming fight And Azrath and some depleted Zerker squads also made it in In all, it was a very fun weekend. Thanks again to all my opponents and to my excellent team mater. We didn't do too well, but we had fun! Blood for the Blood God! Edited March 21, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish and Dr_Ruminahui 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5203135 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted December 3, 2018 Author Share Posted December 3, 2018 (edited) Hello fellow Chaos Worshippers, I got in another pickup game with my World Eaters. This time I supported them with a small band of Renegades and Heretics from my Nostraman 9th Mercenary Company. My force of madmen and mercenaries went up against a tough Blood Angels force. In the end, I lost 12 to 20 and my army was almost entirely wiped out. But it was a fun game indeed. My opponent was a blast to play against, truly a gentleman and a scholar. Here is a selection of random photos.... My army before deployment, blue mercs on the left and red madmen on the right Renegade Commander Dnegrah can be seen on the bottom right with her purple sword and her red claws Here's a closeup of Renegade Commander Dnegrah's Nostraman 9th Renegades and Heretics In the foreground you can see Enforcer Nostramo and members of Champion Lobo's 2nd Militia Squad Here you can see what passes for "combined arms" in this assault heavy army: infantry, walkers, transports, and demon princes Rhinos and Blood Slaughterer advancing My vanguard treats a Blood Angel Rhino with extreme prejudice Here you can see 3 Rhinos with Bezerkers, Chaos Lord Barnabas with Jump Back, and BloodLady the Blood Slaughterer Mary the Maulerfiend Munches on some Tacticals Quantity vs Quality: 1st and 2nd Squads (40 Militia supported by an Enforcer) assault a 5-man Termie Squad Hilariously, the cultists managed to kill 2 over the course of 3 or so turns. The termies didn't do too much to the cultists and the termies kept jumping out of combat so the BA firebase could eat away at the cultists. Imagine the taunts those elite space marines in dreadnought tactical armor will have to put up with when the return to base, "You fled from a bunch of Chaos-worshipping shopkeepers and tradesmen humans! Twice." Azrath winnows down a pesky squad of Sanguinary Guard. The 2 survivors would then cut him down. Sanguinary Guard are tough. They pretty much singlehandedly took out much of my vanguard. I should probably go back to my usual custom of bringing 3 to 6 supporting shooty units because Sanquinary Guard seem like they'd be quite vulnerable to things like Chaos Predators, lascannons, Earthshakers, and massed Marauder and/or Chosen plasma fire. Mutants and enforcers vs more Terminators and Sanquinary Guard A scene from the end of the game. My Warlord, Renegade Commander Dnegrah, and a Rhino were pretty much all I had left at the end of the game Dnegrah the survivor A fun game against an opponent who I last played back in February. In that game, he managed to run away with the relic at the last minute because my Helbrute couldn't keep up with his Harlequins character. I suspect a rematch is in order. This was the first game in which I chose the Khorne Chaos covenant for my Renegade Commander. This meant my 3 squads of 20 cultists and my squad of 20 mutants all got +1 strength on the charge. This covenant was definitely less effective than the mobility buffs of the Slaanesh covenant. But it sure was fun. And it was fluffy for a Renegades and Heretics force that was accompanied by a World Eaters warband. I really enjoy the feel of the Renegades and Heretics force. I doubt we'll get much love from GW in the form of a new codex, but my small underpowered band of cultists with all their bizarre rules sure is fun to use. This was an experiment in which I brought no shooting whatsover. I think I'll go back to supporting my main assault force with a small section of R&H and or CSM shooty units. Til next time! Edited March 21, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish, Dr_Ruminahui and brother_b 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5205620 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trevak Dal Posted December 4, 2018 Share Posted December 4, 2018 (edited) Sounds like a good fight man. Â Thunderhammers and stormshields against a cultist horde isn't great numbers, but he seemed to play it well-they were like riot cops holding back the lock-in-a-sock crowd and without seeing what else you had to bear and what the rest of the table looked like, that was probably your best move, though you should have tried to encircle the terminators so they couldn't fall back. Here's a video to see about that: Â Â Sanguinary guard are nasty as you saw, they are basically flying Terminators who are better at fighting. They are why a couple of plasma gun havovk/khornes teeth squads can be a handy fly swatter, you don't want to be in a punch up with them because they will wrestle-:cuss you to the ground and beat you unless you throw overwhelming force at them (2-3 8 man zerkers squads backed by a exChamp and Dark Apostle to just beat the gold off of them (or primer in your opponent's case). Â But that is a lot to send after 1 unit, so a single fire support unit works nicely to counter them. If you didn't want to use plasma, you could potentially drown them in saves with a khornes teeth (another name for havocs in a world eater/Khorne space marine army) with combiflamer and 4 flamers to potentially drown them in saves. Edited December 4, 2018 by Trevak Dal brother_b 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5205829 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted December 4, 2018 Author Share Posted December 4, 2018 Trevak,  Thanks for the great feedback. I hadn't considered trying to block the termies to keep them in melee. I bet I could have used my 3 inch consolidation moves to trap them had I thought of it. I'll remember that for the future.  I usually dedicate about a fifth to a third or so of my Chaos lists to shooty units. But this list was experimental. I was trying to see what might happen if I included 0 shooty units and instead went with World Eaters assault units and R&H chaff units. As you can see, I would have been better off including 3 or 4 of my usual shooting units (Earthshaker carriages, Chaos Predators, Havocs, triple melta or triple plasma bikers, triple melta or triple plasma raptors, etc). My R&H Earthshaker Carriages in particular are tailor made for taking out Seraphim as each shot is AP-3, wounds on 2s, does D3 damage, and doesn't need line of sight. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5206652 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted December 18, 2018 Author Share Posted December 18, 2018 (edited) Hello everyone, Thanks to the 11th Annual Call of Chaos painting competition I completed another 10 Renegades and Heretics infantry! Here are the 10 models I completed. Pitrov, Grok, The Abomination, Enigma, and Madame Voodoo, a character or squad leader with plasma pistol and power axe Buzzard, Kriza, Druzius, and a lascannon team This puts me at 120 painted Renegades! I still own about 60 or so unpainted troopers though. Sigh. I hope to have most of the infantry painted up before the ETL and then use the ETL to paint up my sentinels, Russes, and hound squads. I set up all of the troopers and included my new models in some group shots of the Nostraman 9th Renegades and Heretics Mercenary Company: All 120 troopers. This includes characters, troops squads, elites squads, and some artillery crew Above you can see a couple of orks who have been painted up. I figure they aren't too up to speed on the reasons why they are fighting in a chaos R&H warband. Maybe they are paid handsomely in teeth or maybe the Dark Gods spoke to them. But then again they are orks so they don't really need a reason. I hope you enjoyed the photo dump. You can never have too many cultists (or Marauders, heavy weapons teams, Disciples, Mutants, or Militia). Sanity is for the weak! Edited March 26, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish, Akrim, Subtle Discord and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5218723 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akrim Posted December 19, 2018 Share Posted December 19, 2018 Great renegades TC, I like your work on this thread - lots of great conversions and creativity. Esp the infantry, just a wide range of models in there. Â Thats one ancient Nid army youre playing against there! Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5218917 Share on other sites More sharing options...
brother_b Posted December 19, 2018 Share Posted December 19, 2018 This is so epic i'd love to battle these heretics! Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5218961 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted December 24, 2018 Author Share Posted December 24, 2018 (edited) Thank you for the kind words Akrim and Brother B! I had a blast putting together gingerbread houses as part of a Christmas activity last week. Sadly, my house did not fare so well when I transported it home and it collapsed. However, it does make for a nice set of ruins for these 40K Christmas photos. Twas the night before Christmas and Harry the Helbrute advanced past a ruined abbey supported by a squad of cultists... Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Edited February 13, 2019 by Tallarn Commander WarriorFish and Carrack 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321042-tallarn-commanders-chaos-league-lists/page/4/#findComment-5222334 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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