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Vow 2 is done:


I really had to scramble to get him done. My newborn was kind of a pill this last month and couldn't really get the painting time i wanted. For the moment he's tabletop worthy though.

It was way easier to model though with her (GS curing time I suppose) so I got the IP almost ready:



Since those pics I was able to shorten his right arm a bit. After seeing them it looked a bit off so he's slightly more machine than man after a quick forearm shortening. Just needs a bit more smoothing on the armor sections then it'll be ready for painting whenever the heck i can get back to it....

Cool! Bjorn looks great, I like the knot work on top and the wolfguard colours on the claw. Plaguebearer skull is nice too. He can have a post ETL banner. Was wondering if being a dad was going to effect your hobby time.


Your Iron Priest has a brilliant out in the field practical feel to him. The green stuff details are brilliant, ropes etc.. The goatee and goggles really give him a slightly unhinged mechanic vibe.


Great stuff.

It wasn’t at first! She’s a bit needier now, but seems like it’ll fluctuate. I’ve just been trying to be productive in someway or another, if I can’t paint because I need to hold her generally I may be able to sculpt or something that’s slower.


I’m a bit bummed I couldn’t get Bjorn exactly to th level I wanted but you’re totally right, I can do a post ETL update at some point.

Thanks! Lol but yea pretty much that’s why it takes me ages to get anything done. Always something that bugs me and I go back to correct. This ETL has been the most productive in terms of projects complete/time probably ever.


I think my area has a crazy number of golden deamon winners around so it’s a bit easier to justify pushing for a higher standard. :P

Heyo this is late but today was the first time I've been able to paint. Ironically the baby which has been keeping me from painting got me sick so i stayed home today...

But no one cares about my plight, onto some freehand! This may not be the BEST example because its still fiddly but the same rules apply:


So we start with our base. This is going to be hard mode because i shaded this a bit so it's not just one nice flat base color, which is what i'd recommend. I'll go into that later though. My reason here is im trying to make it look like worked leather.


Step two is the outline. This is where I would break whatever i was doing down into its base shapes. This is going to be knotwork and you can see I don't care yet about the over under or was even that particularly clean here. Main thing is just to get the basic shape. Keep the paint super thin, I also like to use a retarder to slow the drying. You can sort of "push" the color around with it, its real nice. I use the Vallejo one.


Here we can start to reign it in a bit. For this example I used a darker color to now hem in the shape. Im also slowly cleaning up and fat or thin lines with that outline color. This is the point im not showing where the overs and unders are going. Again, with the darker color im being careful but not overly concerned.

Once I've got the shape down, I'll go back with the background color (easier if its one flat color) and "erasing" any mistakes from the darker outline. I'll go back and forth as many times as needed to that outline and the background color as needed. Sometimes its a lot so don't get discouraged. Next I'll do the same exact thing with that lighter main shape brown and the outline color. Same steps!


Here I'll give it some depth. I'll take that main shape color and add a bit of a lighter color, here Im adding a bit of orange for that cured leather look. Keeping it pretty thin I'll go over the middle of each shape and leave a bit of space where the shapes dive under eachother. I'll keep adding light color till i like the look/contrast.

I ran out of paint time here but that pretty much how I approach any freehandy type stuff. I hope that helps and makes sense. Let me know if you need anything cleared up!

Thanks and thanks, it’s just a cold so no worries :D


I wanted to try the leather thing, I’d never seen it on a banner before and thought it might be cool. It also helped that the design I made before didn’t look good since the wolf skull covered all the good bits!

I am in awe of the knot work you have done. I have tried out that design and it is absolute torture to do on a vehicle.


We are not worthy!!!


I am actually at the point of giving up on the freehand and considering doing some custom decals as outlines, then using paint as fillers. I used the shade when I tried freehanding before, because like you I kept the paint uber thin, the shade with the thin paint almost does the highlighting and shade to the free hand for you , or at least it help point to where you want to put the high lights.


The leather looks great.

Another Step! I should have just drawn this out like a series or something.


So here in terms of freehand its just more examples of repeating the steps above. In the bottom curve where i made the even smaller knotwork and "FENRIS" runes I blanked out that part with a darker brown. I then hit it with the base brown (thinned and *slowed*), again the base shapes for the knots and just line by line for the runes. Went back with the darker brown to clean it up, then blended upward.

Not freehand related but i made the leather relief with just an even darker brown stippled in. theres more to do but i think im going to finish the skull, fur and bits first to get a sense of the colors!

Also go rock the vote on the ETL Artificer poll!

Thanks guys! I'm just happy to have been included, i honestly didn't expect to be a contender with how good everyones stuff is.


As for my next steps on that banner, I planned to make the fur black which seems pretty challenging to make look good. I wanted to do it on the banner for both contrast but also to practice since id like to make that Iron Priest wolf black as well.


How have you guys done your black fur pelts? I'm planning on trying the blue/black method but have reservations since it seems like that kind of a human hair thing. Wolves seem to have that grey or brown tone to them.


Any advice?

It's been quite some time since I did any fur for anything so the only advice I can give is: keep in mind that black fur is rarely truly black. It often has lots of grey, brown and/or blue in it as well.

If I recall correctly I used to paint fur by almost exclusively dry brushing and a wash inbetween.


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