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Rough week, not much progress. Roughed out Logans hair and got more done on the cloak:



Arjac doesnt look too different but I did start my Helix Adept AKA Jr. Wolf Priest. Added some salves and swapped the narthecium for a Fang of Morkai. So far mostly just testing things out but i like how he's shaping up.


Hopefully this weekend I can get some time to work.

PeteySödes has a blog on the Bee En Cee? Wonders and joy.


Absolutely adore how you're porting so many of the memorable details from that original Logan model, including the big bushy eyebrows. Brims with character, and your aims are 100% recognizable on first glance.


Really dig Wolf Priest Jr, too. Those heads are great.

PeteySödes has a blog on the Bee En Cee? Wonders and joy.


Absolutely adore how you're porting so many of the memorable details from that original Logan model, including the big bushy eyebrows. Brims with character, and your aims are 100% recognizable on first glance.


Really dig Wolf Priest Jr, too. Those heads are great.

Haha thanks! I was in the middle of writing as much on yours but the baby tried to go down the stairs sooooo I set it down and forgot.

Logan is just waiting on his base, Arjak still rough, so getting cracking on the backlog motorpool! Idea is the Sicaran Battle tank is super accurate so going with a Gungnir (spear that can't miss) motif.

Sicaran is getting most of the cool stuff in paint being a gorgeous model as it is. Needed a bit of Fenrisian goodness though so I decided to go ham on the sponson covers.




Just getting some dangly bits on the turret and finishing the covers and she'll be ready for paint. (after another thorough checking flaws ofc)

Do you glue those chains in place or just let them hang in gravity

We’ll see. Glueing then is just asking for them to crack and be a pain to transport but if they constantly are moving that would annoy me. Atm they don’t move too much since their a bit tighter and I got a bit of glue in the links past the connection point to give it a bit of stability.

So I know it seems like I'm all over the place but it's all in service to the ETL, otherwise i'd be painting :pinch:

Sicaran Battle Tank is ready to go and the Venator has its body assembled and cleaned up. Really excited about these guys though:


The new chaos terminators are thick and dynamic in that immovable object and unstoppable force in one type of way. This guy was kinda of my PoC to make sure the scales worked and I'm pretty happy. Next i just need to scrape the heresy off them and add some cool iconography and stuff.

It's frankly inexcusable that i haven't been able to make proper terminators for this long. They're just my favorite.

Got Some CalgArjac done as well as some rites of cleansing on the first of the Kingsguard.


As you can see he's going to be a big 'un! The cowl is just placeholder atm from spare GS, getting a sense of the space but i think im on the right track. Got the main shapes on the greaves of the Terminator done too, looking forward to the detail phase on those, should be fun and i like the way it fits the shapes.


Most of the Arjac work was in the legs, still a ton to do there but it's at least working IMO. What do we think?

Its a promising start on Calgarjac.


I do like the Kingsguard though. The Grey Slayer shield looks fab and was something I had been thinking about. Its too fancy to just be a combat shield


Thanks! Yea i do love those shields, I think they ride the fancy but still not overdone line soooo well. I have 4 left and want more but they are so pricey and I don't need the grey slayer bits haha. Attempts to mold them have not given me anything of a quality i want to use. I may need to suck it up and order more.

Now that we have an ETL date and i have my first vow more or less ready I decided to do some touch ups for a GT Ive got this weekend. Some of the details on these 3 long fangs got sidelined pre-Adepticon and I ran out of my transfers so had a to a gnarly freehand "don't look at me too close" job. A fe more details to call these guys truly done but im way happier about them than i was 2 months ago.



I'm super pumped though, Ive got one of those redgrass games wet palettes coming today as a birthday present from a crazy generous friend. That in addition to the first *GASP* third party bit i've ordered for my army. I've never felt the pull for them since I enjoy the challenge of making everything myself but this was just too beautiful to pass up. I hope it works out. Now that that hook is baited we'll just have to wait till the vows!

Your new Wolves are well done, but why are their bare faces so ghastly looking? Do they cover their faces with ash or a pale woad (see the blue make-up covering the Scots' faces in Braveheart), to frighten their enemies?


Hah! I didn't think they looked THAT unhealthy.


For the long fangs especially i like the gaunter/grim approach, I've done more of a ruddy look before and i probably just need more practice but i think it doesn't balance with my scheme as well. Is it really that distracting? Maybe I'm too close to it.


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