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  • 3 months later...

Some LF WiP shots:



Plasma Cannon 1


Cannon 2


All in varying states of completeness, the ancient just need to be clear coated for the final weathering and basing. The pcannon on the first guy is basically done but id like to layer it a bit more to make it smoother.

I have the second razorback from the previous post basically done too, just need to seal, weather, and snow it up.

I'm still going slowly but steadily!

Everything looks good, painting is nice, details on the faces are ace.


The ancient however seems off to me. I think it’s the pointing hand that throws it off. Doesn’t make sense overall. Unless he’s “like this is my spot” would look better if repositioned and if head facing same direction. Symmetry and all...

Everything looks good, painting is nice, details on the faces are ace.


The ancient however seems off to me. I think it’s the pointing hand that throws it off. Doesn’t make sense overall. Unless he’s “like this is my spot” would look better if repositioned and if head facing same direction. Symmetry and all...


Spot on actually, I had envisioned a sort of "Hold the Line!" type deal. That's a fair critique though, i'll have to see how it turns out when the squad is on the table.

Those guys look awesome. Hope I can get my painting skills to a level like yours.


Thanks a ton! I'm sure you'll get to a level you want, just gotta keep painting and not be afraid to try weird stuff heh. I should post some of my first models, i keep them around for a morale boost!

Yep the legion ones. The cables were the trickiest part but I wouldn't say hard. I just brought a pot of water to boil then removed it from the heat. Plopped them in and started working, each probably took like 5 heats or so since they are so thin and cool super fast. Better safe than snapped...

Had a game where I FINALLY tried the wulfen and surprise surprise they are super fun and awesome. I remember when they came out during the eye of terror campaign and it was so flippin' cool, i loved them and the whole idea of them cobbling together CSM armor to survive their campaign and exile. That whole idea inspired my never finished chaos ork army if anyone is bored and takes a look at my gallery for them (my argument being they wore power armor like 10 years ago haha).

Anyways, I just am not terribly inspired by the current wulfen models which led me to not even trying them until now. I dont like the fluff concerning old gear they found in the fang either but hey im a bitter old man. So i decided to try to recreate #mywulfen.


To kick it off I started experimenting with some heads:



Second guy def needs some more work, the nose looks more "drunk ogre" than "demi lycanthrope" but i love the first one so far. I plan on keeping them in their regular power armor minus an arm or a gauntlet or two. I had planned on making them all out of the primaris mk.X but im not sure how that would look overall since most my force is old marines and the size would be jarring.

I kind of want to do a mixed unit of a bunch of different types including heresy era. I like the idea that they maybe gave some big bastard of a wulfen a suit of mk.X, a hammer and a shield and pointed them at something to smash while the pack leader is some small pit bull of a veteran in mk.III with missing sections covered in blood. I want to keep them simple in the way they look in the eye of terror art, feral space marines vs. the werewolves in wolf armor currently.

Thoughts? Would that look odd? Am I on the right track?

Thanks for the link, yea I've seen how others have done the wulfen and it looks nice. Im more thinking on whether I should do a unit of mixed size. Idea being some brothers may manifest the curse in different ways, like how Bran Redmaw in the lore grows to about 12 ft tall. I think it'd be cool to see a unit with cobbled armor of varying size and transformed features.

Got a few tests going. First one is a primaris body with the wulfen weapons, not super flashy but there's rooms to add stuff. Still needs bit of work around the arms.



Second for size is my pack leader. I can't not think of that simpsons episode where homer is stressing that "the little" yakuza guy hasnt done anything yet but is obviously their heavy. He'll get the frost claws eventually after i finish the arms. I plan on adding long hair in front of his face obscuring basically all but his left side. True edgelord style.



Size wise its not too jarring, so I do plan to continue the mixed unit motif. One more mk.X with a the frostaxe then the rest a mix of heresy and "modern" armors.

Thanks! It's 2 mixes, Woodland scenics Soft Flake Snow mixed with elmers glue for the fresh fluffy stuff and mixed with Liquitex Heavy Gloss Gel Medium for the slushy stuff and the icicles.


I just mix it up in a tiny bowl then apply it with my sculpting tools. It's not super scientific with the ratios but you can play with it as needed. I tend to mix it so it is able so its more like a dough that settles as it dries/cures.

  • 2 months later...

Haven't updated here in a while but I'm still alive and pluggin' away. Some recent stuff i just finished:

Wolf Guard Battle Leader AKA Jarl Buffbot



I just realized how fuzzy these pictures are, is there something funky with the B&C upload? The pics aren't THAT bad. You get the idea I guess.

Grey Hunter Pack 2




Finishing the Pack Leaders and special weapons this week. Q&C&C as always is welcome!

EDIT: I think the scaling of images changed, I set them to medium to fit the post better but the actual gallery still looks fine, I'll figure this out someday...

Tumbled onto thread from the Forge.  Thunderwolves are amazing :thumbsup:


But really, the Ancient is fantastic - use of the horn instead of a banner is very thematic and original (to me).


Thanks! I've never been much of a banner guy, I dont know why. I did like the idea of the horn as a symbol for a leader though as you say.


My poor Twolves have been neglected though, no paint yet. Hopefully the codex gives them a boost that will translate to motivation!

About banners, me too.  Never been a fan myself and have never use them.  I mean, I want to ... just not ... a banner.  So, the horn was shockingly :tu:


Bump the Codex for the TWolves to get done!  Your work demands paint.  PAINT FOR THE PAINT GODS, or something like that.  Chop chop ^_^


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