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+++E Tenebrae Lux V - Realm of Chaos Strategium+++

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Well, this has been a most excellent event! Fantastic work, everyone! And, of course, many thanks to Captain Semper who always makes this massive event run so smoothly -- it has to be the biggest testament to your amazing work that it also just seems to fall into place, when it really must be one heck of a job you are doing. Brilliant! Thank you!


As for me, I may only have contributed a fairly measly 1,000 points, but it has been a great experience, because I've finally atoned for my failed vow last year, and because I've managed to paint some models that I have wanted to finish for ages -- and I figured out a delicious skin recipe for Khornate daemons along the way, which might become quite handy in the near future!


As for possible plans, I am still hard at work on my Daemon Primarch Angron conversion that many of you will already have seen in my WIP thread:






I didn't enter him into the ETL because I didn't want to have to finish a project as special as this in a hurry and with a looming deadline, but he still feels very much like an ETL project to me, because he probably wouldn't have happened without the event.


The next task will be to construct a suitably impressive base for him. And once he's finished, I'd actually like to *gasp* revisit my small 30k World Eaters project, I believe. But there are more than enough models left to paint for Call of Chaos, and I already have some ideas for that as well...



EDIT: On a completely unrelated note, I've just watched that clown video Augustus posted on page 76 for the umpteenth time -- there's something strangely mesmerising about it. Plus that clown does have a golden voice...

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I think I might take a break from Chaos next ETL. Not that I won't be playing traitors, but my Death Guard kits have been giving me dirty looks.

(Easier time painting though. Skull White spray everything, bronze trim, green shoulderpads, liberal amounts of typhus corruption, maybe my... passion Project from the Thousand Sons....)

well just cause the models are 30k you can still paint them for team chaos! they be perfect as chaos space marines or even plague marines. i know cause i asked, i was really worryed before the ETL had all these 30k models build and wanted to paint those, bit my loyalties is always gonna be to you guys on team chaos! so i asked if i had to be on the horus heresy team, and semper told me that it be fine as long as I pledged them as legal units, an excample is chaos cant have normal droppods so had to skip those msn-wink.gif

Eh, I lack the rules for a Chaos Dredero, and I'd like to vow my Thousand Son Praetor as ... well, that.

you can do it as a hellbrute or big contemptor, but better that chaos get the points msn-wink.gif and preator is just a fancy word for chaos lord or Ahriman

He's on a jetbike. Yes, I know, Disc of Tzeentch, but hs' primarily a Praetor who can simply be played as a Tzeentch lord on the side.

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Well, this has been a most excellent event! Fantastic work, everyone! And, of course, many thanks to Captain Semper who always makes this massive event run so smoothly -- it has to be the biggest testament to your amazing work that it also just seems to fall into place, when it really must be one heck of a job you are doing. Brilliant! Thank you!


As for me, I may only have contributed a fairly measly 1,000 points, but it has been a great experience, because I've finally atoned for my failed vow last year, and because I've managed to paint some models that I have wanted to finish for ages -- and I figured out a delicious skin recipe for Khornate daemons along the way, which might become quite handy in the near future!


As for possible plans, I am still hard at work on my Daemon Primarch Angron conversion that many of you will already have seen in my WIP thread:






I didn't enter him into the ETL because I didn't want to have to finish a project as special as this in a hurry and with a looming deadline, but he still feels very much like an ETL project to me, because he probably wouldn't have happened without the event.


The next task will be to construct a suitably impressive base for him. And once he's finished, I'd actually like to *gasp* revisit my small 30k World Eaters project, I believe. But there are more than enough models left to paint for Call of Chaos, and I already have some ideas for that as well...



EDIT: On a completely unrelated note, I've just watched that clown video Augustus posted on page 76 for the umpteenth time -- there's something strangely mesmerising about it. Plus that clown does have a golden voice...


i tought it was Slave that posted the video of team with puddles pity party?

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EDIT: On a completely unrelated note, I've just watched that clown video Augustus posted on page 76 for the umpteenth time -- there's something strangely mesmerising about it. Plus that clown does have a golden voice...


i tought it was Slave that posted the video of team with puddles pity party?

That was two years ago  - I thought it'd be nice to post it again. Slave poting it then was the first time I heard about PostmodernJukebox, and now I'll be going to their tour in Januarary 2017! :)

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Clearing up all the mess in my bedroom that was made due to the ETL. This isnt even funny, I could probably make a lifesize model of the golden throne using energy drink cans... The group shot will be done as soon as it looks like a bedroom again and not London during the blitz.
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So many completions, so many beautiful minis...


Well done everyone! I managed to follow the last days while being overseas and I am amazed by the global effort.


Thanks to Captain for running this great ETL.


So, what's next?


1/ Gilgamesh Campaign is still going on and we'll close Episode 3 by the end of this month;

2/ Episode 4 will start as of September 1st: I hope some of you will join;

3/ I've just decided to join the contest against the Imperial Fists;

4/ Call of Chaos!!!!


Death to the False Emperor!



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This ETL has inspired me to construct my own thread to showcase my Verum Venatores and their Daemonic kin as well as include the WIP I've currently got going (ATM, I'm just trying to finish my silver tower models XD).
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Celtic_Cauldron: where can we find this event 'against the Imperial Fists'?


I know I'm not Celtic_Cauldron, but here it is:


The Iron Without


It's essentially a sister event to this year's Imperial Fists Expansion IV, but Iron Warriors specific, going by the same rules as the expansion. Fair warning, though: the thread's not 12 hours old and it's already devolved into some ridiculous banter.

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So here's my contribution to this years ETL



And here's all the minis I've painted over the last two ETl's




1 Knight

1 Greater Brass Scorpion

1 Deamon Prince

1 Burning Chariot

1 Dark Apostle

1 Rhino

1 Sorcerer

2 Chaos Lords

10 Plague bearers

10 Tactical marines

10 Chosen

15 Terminators

20 Berzerkers

AND 1 victory (hopefully 2!!)


I have had an absolute blast during both events and gotten a hell of a lot more minis panted than I would have without the event, so once again thanks for all the hard work Captain Semeper and all those who helped him organise it. Win or lose I can't wait for next years.

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@ Aasfresser: Master's theses have priority over everything! Also: don't forget Chaeron! He's just as much a beast as STD, with 15000 points killed.

Also congrats to Chaeron for the full 15k. Well done brother, we should pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. :lol:

Cheers both! Just back from a brief break, and it has been fantastic to go through and see the push for completions over the final days. A great team effort, and another fantastic event to have taken part in!

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Waiting for Semper to post results, I looked back at this thread an gone out of likes superfast


Again great work everyone (Especially Augustus for motivating/scaring a painter out of me when I was lost in the Warp)


by the way I opened a Wip  thread for Sublime Sound Seekers, the warband I almost completed with Etl^^


(subtitle: how should I base them now?)


here's the link:  http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/324978-sublime-sound-seekers/

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