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Codex Chapters 04/12/2018 - Collection

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I used to not care about the base at all. I thought it would be silly to base my guys with snow and play on boards without any. Later on I started to but it always felt like a chore. 


Now, we got our detailed bases made. Literally. I had been eyeballing the AoS ones to use as well. Not all of them will work but most seem universal. I really think some would be good for the siege of terra. Paint them up like marble and have marines romper stomp about the Emperor's halls.

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Yep. That looks grand! I also cannot help but notice you've practically painted every secessionist from the Badab War. So how bout them Astral Claws? 


Could I tempt you with a NOS rhino to paint one? Yes? I have a character AC I built that I would love to see you paint that I could provide...


Also, you mention how you will come back to paint some more Mantis Warriors at a later date. And you go from one chapter to another in terms of painting. How do you remember all the steps in painting each scheme? I painted up two EC with slight variances one after the other. Months later I try again but stumped myself as I couldn't remember how I painted the other two. I just find it amazing how you do this.

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