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Hey folks-


I have been playing Ad Mech for several months now. I find that the army is usually very tough for most of my opponents to handle. Win or lose, it will generally be a close game.


However, I have two regular opponents that tend to play the same way- they take Gladius forces- bringing a TON of Razorbacks (free) with Las/Plas. They also take either Centurions or Devastator squads, with Terminators for support. I have found that this type of list is seemingly unbeatable. They keep their distance, firing Las and slicing through my men and machines. Frequently my Mech forces have been pummeled so badly by this shooting that by the time its my second turn I don't have enough on the field to destroy that many Razorbacks.


This is not a complaining post. I would like some advice from my fellow Tech-Priests. How do you deal with Gladius forces that are heavy on the free Razorback firepower? Are there certain units that I should take more of? Less of? I have units for Skitarii, Cult Mechanicus, and an Imperial Knight...


Any suggestions, hints, or strategies would help me immensely.

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I would try something like this: 


Tech Priest                                                           140

~ Eradication Ray

~ Uncreator Gauntlet

~Conversion Field


Destroyers (5) x3                                                  825


Vanguard (5) x4                                                    340

~ Arc Rifle x2


Vanguard (10)                                                       190

~ Plasma Caliver x3

~ Warlord Alpha


Onager Dunecrawler (3)                                      345

~ Neutron Laser





The idea being that the Onager unit will look dangerous enough to draw a lot of fire but the invulnerable save will absorb quite a bit. The priest should be nearby for the Gauntlet heals. Meanwhile, the Vanguard units can lurch forward and target the vehicles.  The Lascannons will be wasted on these units since they will have to kill three men before getting to the Arc Rifles. It is likely the Lascannons will target the Dunecrawlers. If not, they will target the destroyers. Use the +3 and +2 BS Canticle to ensure the Dunecrawlers do not scatter and hit the Centurions / Devastators as the priority target. Not matter which target your opponent chooses, every other unit in the army except the Priest can be a threat to the Razorbacks. The Destroyers and Dunecrawlers should be able to help with the Terminators. If you put the Priest in the unit with the Warlord and keep it relatively hidden, it will be the perfect Terminator killer. Keep it close to the Dunecrawlers to heal them and because the Terminators will be coming for them so you prey can come to you.

Thats all I got without considering Allies.

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Thanks Dawnstrider. I would rather not use allies, as I want to do this with just Ad Mech.


I'll have to get a couple more destroyers and Vanguard to do this list but that isn't a problem.


How would you view the difference between Arc Rifles and the Transuranic Arquebus?

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I frequently use Arquebus' in my armies. I put two of them in with 5 rangers and camp backfield objectives with them. I do it that way because that is what those rangers will be doing anyhow so now they can still be a threat while doing so. In this case, I would stick with the Arc rifles since they will be more reliable. If you wanted to use some, I would put them in a unit and deploy them within LoS of the devastators. I like them mostly because they have such a long range that I can deploy them so far away my opponent can not get to them but at the same time, they have to try to avoid the threat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If he's running the Battle Co I would go War Convocation, the only way to even the board with free pts is to get your own free points.


Arc Breachers can definitely bring the nasty on vehicles (Holy Requisitioner perhaps?). Ruststalkers have haywire grenades (unless you're playing faq draft rules).


Failing that a Void Shield Generator might be good.

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At what point level are you playing? 

I can't emphasize enough how good dragoons/ironstriders are..especially in your case.

Use the iron strider formation:

outflank on turn 1 ( you can't charge but you can block his movement denying him board control and you're breathing breathing room for your other units to get in closer with arc rifles and the ruststalker with their haywire grenades) 

The iron strider can pepper his side armor with autocannon shots (or lascannon if you want to be sure of penetrating hits) 


Of course you can spam on kataphrons and grav and haywire as well. but the iron strider formation would be the uppercut punch those speshmarines would not expect...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the ideas everyone. I have just finished my squad of Infiltrators, so I could now do the big formation with all the free upgrades (if my opponent can get free tanks he can't complain about this. Right?)



We normally play at anywhere between 1800-2200 points. We haven't played in a month but now that summer is here I know we will fight once more.


My Ad Mech has been fairly strong against most opponents (not winning but certainly making them work for it). I just couldn't seem to figure out the whole Gladius thing. The tanks are free, and he just pays for the las/plas upgrades for the Razorbacks...

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He is playing Space Marines, he has no right to complain at all in any way shape or form especially if he's running the Gladius. Even then what you want, it's your army and you're putting your time and money into the models.
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Best way I find to survive first turn shooting is by running a War Con. Include 3 x Dragoons and activate the Shoudspslam Canticle first turn. Then Scout, Move and Run your Dragoons to block LOS to your key units. Thanks to the Canticle and their innate cover save they get 2+ cover and because they are blocking LOS and your opponent is shooting through a unit everything behind gets 2+ cover too. This allows you to move your units up the board and then you should be able to charge second turn.


This does require getting first turn but there are ways you can help that; with a Calldius Assassin (re-roll initiative steal) or the Strategic Genuis Warlord trait.

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