evildrcheese Posted October 3, 2016 Share Posted October 3, 2016 I am excited by this news. EDC Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4519100 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted October 5, 2016 Author Share Posted October 5, 2016 (edited) ++FIGHT 7++ Librarian Sandriel, ML2, Force Sword, Jump Pack, Plasma Pistol, Digital Weapons, 2x rerolls, Sanguinary Discipline - 160ptsPowers: The Quickening, Shield of Sanguinius Captain Zedrenael of the Blood Angels 8th CompanyCaptain ,Bolt Pistol, Iron Halo, Power Axe, Jump Pack, Artificer Armour, 1 Reroll, - 155pts Zendrenael goes before Sandriel 11 – 6 ++BEGIN++ Out of nowhere, an ancient battle hymnal sang by the terran musician Adayle screamed into the ears of the audience as Zendrenael, Master of the 8th, Lord of Skyfall descended into the arena on pillars of fire emanating from his jump pack, personally modified to replace the upper intakes with speakers. How the pack functioned perfectly with seemingly no air intakes was a mystery at all levels of the Blood Angels Techmarine brotherhood. Zendrenael’s axe was held in a reverse grip, the head near his waist, clamped by his left hand, his right hand making crude finger motions at the end of the haft, simulating the use of an ancient instrument of torture and entertainment.Sandriel rolled his eyes and stepped into the arena. “This isn’t a Kiss concert, Zendreneal. Let’s get this over with”. Sandriel's eyes flashed red and crimson fire flashed into existence, surrounding him, cascading over his body, lapping at his power armour… Flipping his axe around and drawing his pistol, Zendrael leapt at Sandriel, unleashing a spray of bolt fire as he soared across the arena. Sandriel strode through this, for the most part, however one shot detonated upon contact with his fiery shield, spattering his face with shrapnel, and ruining an eye.Snarling with rage, Sandriel retorted with a bolt fusillade of his own, however his fire was deflected by Zendrenael’s ego.Pressing his attack Sandriels sword was a blur of motion, tearing fist sized chunks from Zendrenael’s artificer wrought armour, but unable to cause meaningful damage. Zendrenael grinned, an over long incisor exposed by the act, gleaming in the reflection of Sandriel’s bale fire. “No use, Librarian” he uttered, spinning his axe like a baton, before crashing the butt into Sandriel’s face. “Why…did it have…to be this guy”. Sandriel thought before his world went black. The Fight: Zendrenael goes before Sandriel 11 – 6 Zendrenael moves toward Sandriel, fires bolt pistol, hits, wounds, 2 to save, reroll, 2. Sandriel is wounded! Zendrenael gets the charge on a 10. Sandriel overwatches, hits, wounds, but deflected by the iron halo. Combat, Sandriel gets to go first due to the unwiely power axe. 1 hit, wounds, saved on a 2. Zendrenael attacks…4, 1, 1, 1, 1. two hits with a reroll. 2 wounds, Sandriel cannot save, and goes down. Zendrenael Wins Edited October 7, 2016 by Jolemai Removed individual points Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4522038 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damon Nightman Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 Hilarious, great job! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4522057 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted October 5, 2016 Share Posted October 5, 2016 (edited) Just got caught up. I'm glad Hazriel put on such a good performance! You actually took a very clean approach to him. Thanks for that! I thought that's about as cool as Hazriel really is. Cheers!Congrats to all the others as well!Edit: There stood Hazriel, Slick black armor gleamed momentarily with the pulses of dying light. Beautiful decorations fading in and out of view to those servants that watched on. Those of common mortality, only drew glimpses, but to the astartes though, the noble armor was ever awe-inspiring. His red tinted lenses made no mention of movements, though his eyes within the helm followed each crack of power, each furious roar of the challengers, as they clashed in the bathed foyer of controlled madness. His silence absorbed by the glorious sound of ancient metal ringing against ancient. Here each god-like blow created sparks, energy, they brought illumination to the onlookers as they gazed upon the victors to be.He stood amongst new brothers, still adjusting to the life of the Blood Angels, not yet fully accustomed to the new traditions displayed honorably before him. Ceramite armored arms crossed as weapons lay silent. Truly his new found lineage was blessed by the Emperor, and the Angel. He could sense the blood fury in those battling, assured his brothers would not allow the curse to take hold.Hazriel's jaw tightened, eyes narrowed behind the skulled helm, ever watchful of the next brother whom might succumb...So to his inner thoughts he went. Edited October 5, 2016 by Dont-Be-Haten Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4522144 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted October 6, 2016 Share Posted October 6, 2016 (edited) No sooner did Sandriel's limp body crash into an armoured pile on the floor, than the warning klaxons started a deafening and repeated blare, red light spinning all around the arena chambers. The robotic chatter of serfs and tech adepts over the local box system, mixed with what seemed to be... An engine? Cut through the warning sounds in a cacophony of noise: "Chaplain, you have ignored protocol, you must await summons to the arena to join the feas - " He was interrupted by a stern, yet cocky boom of a voice: "Quiet, agent of Mars. I was summoned here - I trust the chamber is this way?" "Affirmative, but I must run the protocols to grant you access." "I'll run them myself." Whatever protest the tech priest had next was completely drowned out by the revving of an Astartes Bike, it's constant drone and whine quickly getting louder as it approached the arena door. Then suddenly... Quiet. The calm before the storm, but for a moment before the door was ripped in two by a black and gold power fist, the light of the area flooding the doorway to reveal a Skull-helmed figure. "BROTHERS! Fear not, the Sanguine Vision answer the call!" "...Im sure you can understand that the the tech priest would have taken too long to open the door via some ritual, so I did it for him." He then kneeled, in tribute to the other scions of Sanguinius, noting the grand assortment of cousins assembled before him. Red, Black, Gold, Yellow and... Purple? White? Bone? They were new. Good. More brothers from their almighty gene father was a thing to celebrate! He turned to face up to Castigon, an Angel he had not seen in many years. "Castigon! Glad to see you still alive! Chapter Master Hades sends his regards. I apologise for my apparent lateness - our fleet was assailed by warp entities shortly before my departure. Hades has sent me as both champion and emissary, for as soon as the Feast is concluded, our chapter would request aid." Darr'knight got to his feet and tapped a device in his hand. His cycle slowly trundled to his side and he mounted it - slowly riding into the arena floor. Powering up the vox in his helm, he ignited his power Maul, wreathing it and his power fist in crackling lighting, pointing it at the crowd of warriors before him. "It would seem to already be my turn. So who of you is my opponent? Let's make the clashes before us seem trivial brother! In the Angels name... I AM HIS VISION!" Edited October 6, 2016 by Charlo Xenith 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4522207 Share on other sites More sharing options...
SM1981 Posted October 6, 2016 Share Posted October 6, 2016 Zendrenal relaxed his grip on the shaft of his force axe allowing the blade at its head to slide down to his left hand. Looking around the arena he dropped to one knee extending his right hand to the fallen Librarian. "Good fight cousin, you have given me many moons of work to get this armour right again. Now how about a drink - I have grail for you in my quaternary that won't taste like Dorito's Chili Heatwave?" Great right up Xenith - literally made me laugh out loud. "... his fire was deflected by Zendrenaels ego." - Brilliant. And Charlo I see your Chaplain is developing some swagger of his own - is it safe to have 2 egos of this size in such close proximity? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4522498 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainHelion Posted October 6, 2016 Share Posted October 6, 2016 If needs be, I'm sure some of the more... experienced competitors could step in and pop some ego bobbles Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4522513 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted October 6, 2016 Share Posted October 6, 2016 Ha, he's just a bit larger than life. He enjoys a good scrap and due to losses in the chapter was quite possibly made a Chaplain too early. But he's a damn good fighter and more or less entirely serous in battle - he just likes the spectacle, as any blood angel should! We do wear all gold afterall. CaptainHelion 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4522518 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainHelion Posted October 6, 2016 Share Posted October 6, 2016 Interestingly, that's functionally the exact opposite of what's happened to Grann. He'd easily have made Captain, if Commander Tegg hadn't dissolved the reserve companies after the Shrine War disaster. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4523220 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted October 14, 2016 Share Posted October 14, 2016 (edited) *Darr'Knight taps his foot impatiently, the clang of power armored boot and plasteel floor echoing through the battle chamber as he waits for his opponent to step forward* Edited October 14, 2016 by Charlo Xenith 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4530970 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted October 16, 2016 Author Share Posted October 16, 2016 (edited) ++FIGHT 8++ Veteran Sergeant Dantorial, TDA, SS, TH, 7 rerolls. Chaplain Darr'knight of the Sanguine Vision: Crozius Arcanum-Rosarius-Frag grenades-Krak grenades-Power Fist-Space Marine Bike-Digital weapons, Re-roll: 160 Points Total Due to Darr’knights mixed weaponry, attacks were split evenly between them, with odd numbered attacks rolling off between the two weapons. Dantorial rolls 10, Darr’knight also rolls 10! Reroll Dantorial gets 6, Darr’knight gets 10! ++BEGIN++ Castigon groaned inwardly is the skull helmed motorcyclist burst into the arena surrounded by flame. He made a mental note to make sure all future competitors were IP-Law friendly before allowing them into the arena. Either way, the contestant from the Sanguine Vision was unlikely to be around long enough to receive the C&D order. He was paired against Dantorial the Avengor, Veteran sergeant of the First. This would be a fight between the unstoppable force of Darr’knight and the immovable object of Dantorial. The revving engine was momentarily silenced by a flash of lightning and a peal of thunder. All eyes turned toward a newly formed crater in the ground, filled with ‘Folly’s End’ the relic thunder hammer of Dantorial, it’s legend matched only by its wielder’s ability to escape death regardless of the odds stacked against him. “Cease this insanity, Chaplain, and prepare yourself” Dantorial roared his challenge at the emissary of the Vision, pulling his hammer from the ground, blue arcs of lightning worming their way across it’s surface. Behind his grinning skull mask, Darr’knight, mouth split into a grin of his own. With supernatural skill honed by a life in the saddle, he surged his bike forward gripping the frame with his knees while windmilling his death laden arms, powerfist cracking to life, and ancient crozius leaving flickering after images in the air behind. Dantorial was taken off guard by this unique fighting stance, the chaplain must have spent some time with the Sons of the Khan to be this good a rider, and was totally unprepared for the mind-impulse unit activated bolt ounds that peppered him from the chaplain’s bike. Bolt fire stitched up Dantorial’s leg, but he positioned his shield with enough time to protect vital cabling. This pause was all thatr was needed for Darr’knight to slam his bike into Dantorial like a battering ram, attempting to upend the terminator armoured sergeant before he could fight back. The sergeant was used to standing his ground, however and remained still, the bike glancing off his shield and the chaplain circling him. “Just another ‘stealer to squash” mused Dantorial internally. His prey, however was not mere flesh and blood to be overcome, but in fact one of his own bloodline a fated scion of Sanguinius, his steed an untiring masterwork of the techmarines of the chapter, and he would put up more of a fight than the Tyranid scum. The chaplain darted in and out, repeated feints clipping the armour of Dantorial, probing for any sign of weakness, while the chaplains fist hammered on his shield, keeping the sergeant on his back foot. Time and time again the the fist impacted on the shield, Dantorials army growing numb from the impacts, however Dantorial was not bowed, and gave as good as he got. Folly’s end lashing out, smashing the ornamented fairing of the chaplains bike, and almost removed the chaplains head were it not for a last minute lean back in the saddle to slip below the blow. This fight would have been easy if the chaplain had just the fist, but the crozius matched the length of his own weapon, and Dantorial could not gain the advantage, however neither could the chaplain. Darr’knight sensed his opponent slowing, his tactic of putting enough carbon monoxide into the air to overwhelm the TDA’s auto filters was working, the sergeants blows becoming more erratic as he tried to unseat the chaplain. Time to end it. Slewing his bike to face the sergeant head on, the Emissary of the Vision fired his bike at his opponent with a thought, seeing his opponents arm raise for the kill stroke, Darr’knight jinked his bike to the left of Dantorial and jumped off, allowing the momentum to carry him forward under the arm. The bike, now reduced in mass shot of like a heavily armoured missile, knocking over a table and crushing two chapter serfs, while Darr’knight dropped to one knee, his crozius arcring round to crash into the back of Dantorial’s leg, the soft piping on the knee joint parting before the powerfield. Dantorial’s backswing attempted to bat away the crozius, however Darr’knights fist shot forward, grabbing the haft of the hammer, while pushing the crozius head further into the join in the armour, ruining the back of Dantorial’s knee. Dropping his wounded knee to the ground before the chaplain caused any significant damage, Dantorial bowed his head. He had been bested, and the day belonged to Darr’knight. Roll by Roll account. So this was another long fight, with 2+/3++ and 7 rerolls, Dantorial was a tough nut to crack. Likewise, with only 2A vs a 4++, Dantorial would struggle to get a wound through on the chaplain. Darr’knight revs his engine, and guns forwards, fires TL bolter, 2 hits, 1 wound with reroll, saved on a 2. Darr’knight charges, no overwatch, hammer of wrath fails to wound. Darr’knight attacks in combat: 2 attacks with the crozius: 2 hits with reroll, 2 wounds with digi weapons, 2 saves. Power fist hits, wounds, saved on a 3. Dantorial attacks: 1 hit, fails to wound! R2: Crozius hits, wounds, saved. Powerfist missed. Thunder hammer hits, wounds, saved on a 4. R3: Crozius misses, powerfist hits, wounds, failed! Passed on the reroll. Dantorial: 2 hits, 1 wound, saved! R4: Crozius hits, wounds, saved, fist missed. Dantorial 2 hits, 1 wound, saved R5: BOTH ATTACKS MISS! Dantorial: 1 hit, 1 wound, saved R6: Crozius hits, wounds, saved. Fist hits, wounds, saved failed, passes with reroll. Dantorial double 1 . R7: DOUBLE 1: Dan 1 hit, 1 wound, saved, R8: Crozius misses, Fist hits, fist wounds, saved. 1 hammer hit, 1 wound, saved. R9: Crozius hits, wounds, failed save, FAILED ON THE REROLL, FAILED RUGGED SAVE ON A 1, failed rugged reroll on a 2, triple one for Dantorial. Dantorial is wounded and steps down. Standings Table Not a bad mix, 2 librarians, 2 chaplains, 3 captains and a sergeant progress to the next round. Edited October 16, 2016 by Xenith Grazcruzk, Damon Nightman, Jolemai and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4533370 Share on other sites More sharing options...
SM1981 Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Round 2 fight 4 looks like it's going to be an absolute beast!!! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4533395 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted October 16, 2016 Author Share Posted October 16, 2016 Round 2 fight 4 looks like it's going to be an absolute beast!!! It's probably going to be surreal. I need to ascend through the numerations to mentally prepare myself for it... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4533399 Share on other sites More sharing options...
SM1981 Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 The thought warmed both Zendrenaels hearts. The tournament fixtures had been decided and the match with Darrknight confirmed. The Captain saw a strange mix of qualities in his opponent that he could respect. Marshal prowess, combined with an absurd showmanship that overshadowed a tactical nuance that most would overlook. He reminded him of someone else, but he couldn't quite think who... The Captain would return to that thought in due course, but for now he was preoccupied with re - programming the Chaplains attendant servitors to refer to their master as Doucheknight... Grazcruzk and Xenith 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4533424 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Hazriel had not expected such a displayed entrance, from a warrior of his order. His mind was that of wrought ceramite, always controlled and reserved. To see a chaplain as flamboyant as a newly entered Neophyte troubled his thoughts, for to guide the cursed required a stilled mind and strong will. No doubt this cousin's battle lust meant he was from a chapter much like his own, where in the beginning... Before Hazriel could finish the thought vibrations resonated through the arena and battle commenced. Such displays of the war dance. It reminded him of home. The blood trials of Haldroth, before he was remade. Grey eyes narrowed through reddened glass, the successor's bike exhumed black smoke as it was reduced to slag. The day had been won. No doubt the veteran sergeant could easily be a captain if he so chose, an honor of the parent chapter. Hazriel made mental notes to speak with the master of the armory before departing. Just how many relics of Tactical Dreadnought Armor did the Blood Angels have? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4533431 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 The sound of his Croisux crushing the cables supporting his opponents leg rang out through the arena and at that moment, Darr'knight knew he was the Victor. He had bested one of the main chapter, a true show of skill and one that would let all know not to underestimate the Sanguine Vision. He raised to both feet, head bowed and his power fist clenched and raised into the air. His breathing was heavy and could be heard by all through his vox, but he was a winner and didn't care. He extended his powered fist to his opponent, helping him up (as it was needed to move the Tactical Dreadnought armour). "A thrilling battle, brother! I look forward to an eventual rematch if our paths cross again at future feasts!" ===== Top write up and great characterisation of Darr'knight! Seems like my loudout is pretty effective! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4533493 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainHelion Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 He made a mental note to make sure all future competitors were IP-Law friendly before allowing them into the arena. I'm dying Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4534280 Share on other sites More sharing options...
appiah4 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 (edited) Lazare prays silently in a corner of the arena, in deep contemplation. He reckons a time when he aspired to join the reclusiam, and was not admitted. Centuries have not made his relegation to duty of command rather than faith less bearable. A pious and zealous man, his mind always drifts to thoughts of what could have been, visions of himself in a skull helm. He can't help but feel remorse, disdain and scorn for members of the Reclusiam, feelings masterfully hidden behind a mask of respect. Yet questions cloud his mind.. Was he given a chance to best the Chaplain in battle to prove them wrong, or was he given the chance to prove he is where he should be? Is his next adversary, another Chaplain, going to be Emperor's lesson in humility, or will his faith prove stronger again? Why did he enjoy besting the previous Chaplain? Why did he find it so difficult to stay his hand from a killing blow upon casting him down?.. And why does he hope to humiliate this next Chaplain in front of his Chapter?.. And most importantly, is this heresy?.. He prays to the Emperor for a sign as he waits.. Edited October 17, 2016 by appiah5 Xenith 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4534350 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 He made a mental note to make sure all future competitors were IP-Law friendly before allowing them into the arena. I'm dying I was tired and needed a name, damnit :P Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4534363 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Urgh, clickbait title is clickbait. Xenith and Warsmith Uveron 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4534448 Share on other sites More sharing options...
evildrcheese Posted October 20, 2016 Share Posted October 20, 2016 As he raised his arm in submission Sergeant Dantorial looked up towards the Dias where the Lord of the Golden Host sat. He could feel the eyes of Commander Dante boring into his very soul, his heart sank as the golden figure stood and turned his back on the arena. Dantorial had failed his Chapter and felt as if any hope of one day joining the Sanguinary Guard were slipping away. With both his body and pride bruised he managed to stand, look at the Skull Helm of the Chaplain who had beats him. "Well fought battle brother" he said before turning away and leaving the Feast of Blades. ------- Great write up Xenith, even if the result was a huge disappoint for me. EDC Damon Nightman 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4538157 Share on other sites More sharing options...
appiah4 Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 So.. what does happen next? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4545283 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damon Nightman Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 (edited) Nids come to Baal and everyone dies fighting them except Brutus who becomes the winner by default, but then he uses his jump pack to land in the arena to accept his award and fatally breaks his ankle on a rock... Dying on the ground as Dante looks away in shame? Edit: or not :( Edited October 27, 2016 by Brother Lemartes Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4545351 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted November 3, 2016 Author Share Posted November 3, 2016 Thanks for your patience on this one guys, real life strikes again! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4552541 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted November 3, 2016 Share Posted November 3, 2016 Thanks for your patience on this one guys, real life strikes again! No worries man! It keeps it nice and drawn out while suitably epic when we do get a sweet bit of Bolter-bashing! :D Maybe by the time we finish we'll be just in time to start getting ready for the next annual one, that would be cool! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322983-feast-of-blades-boss-fight/page/11/#findComment-4552626 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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