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Today my IG (AM)....


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Minor progress on the chopshop tauros. I looked long and hard at the various arm sets from VM that I have, thinking about converting some to make a good pose for the gunner. Then I ordered a set form Anvil; they arrived the next day and fit perfectly. Just got to do the driver now.

And also, finally got round to building my rough riders from the VM kickstarter last year. There's a whole damn recon company incoming for the army, and it's pretty much a total coincidence. In a while I'm going to get a couple more tauroses and give them the cut and shut treatment, now I know how. Got some expensive days coming up though, so maybe not for a while. Plenty of painting to be getting on with in the mean time.


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Today my commandos played their first game of killteam (against myself lol) the kasrkin rules performed really well, tabled a team of tau and traitor pdf using the solo play rules with only 2 casualties. I'm sure I got some rules wrong but ah well.


Next job is to build the aquillons so I can compare them

Edited by Marshall Bretton
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Give a man who knows how to cut and shut plastic kits a tauros venator and he'll make a tauros.

Give the same man a slow morning working from home, and the tools and knowledge necessary to solder, and he'll inevitably drift his project way out of spec.

Did a bit of experimenting and it turns out that a significant amount of a 3mm LED is just inert plastic; all the working gubbins is reduced to a very compact core. You can file them down to really quite a small size indeed.


Yep. We're doing this. I have red ones too, for the back.


This is running off a 9-volt, so it's considerably brighter than it'll be with the small coin cells that'll actually fit inside the chassis, but I probably won't need a resistor with the coin cell, so some of that brightness will come back.

I should also note that I pinned the wheels so that I could assemble it all for photos; it'll actually roll a few inches before they fall off. So I guess I'm probably looking at ways to make that more permanent as well. Because apparently I have no self control and now I've let parameter creep into my life it's curled up on the rug and refusing to leave.



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Turned out pretty nicely so far. Have also made an adjustment to the rear wheel mounts, in as much as I drilled a hole from one side to the other and stuck a large piece of straight wire in it so now the back wheels spin without falling off. The front ones are requiring a little more thought.


And also two more tauroses arrived from Wayland in the post this morning. No, you have a problem.

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