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Hello everybody and welcome to my W.I.P thread. I wanted to create a space where I could share all of my conversion work. My main focus is Chaos Space Marines and their auxiliaries. I have a nearly completed Black Legion Warband, as well a small Force of Plague Marines.


This year I decided to take part in the E.T.L, the experience has been very rewarding for me, I have been receiving lots of painting advice and support from the chaos community. (I'm red/green colourblind; not sure if that makes any difference, but it certainly doesn't help my confidence in regards to painting and choosing colours.)


For the full story please follow the link in my signature, although feel free to skip all the words from me; I tend to ramble on quite a lot!


I'm really proud and pleased with the army, I certainly couldn't have done it on my own. So without further ado, I present to you -


The Plague Force Virulent Malador, The Creeping Death, Scourge of the Imperium.


















This is Lord Commander Diagon and the Sorcerer Lord Noxious. They are the leaders of the Virulent Malador and are working in conjunction with The Black Legion Warband. Once I get a few things finished up I would like to start gaming and designing a campaign, as well as fluff and stories to go along with them.


Thanks for looking, sorry if you have seen them already and are getting burnt out by them, I'm still really chuffed and wanted to share the glory. As mentioned lots more photos in my Chaos thread.



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Agree with the Rt. Hon. Gilbear on the base rims - need a tidy up and some form of sealant to protect them from wear and tear. I'd even go so far as to give the bases one final drybrush highlight, too - in the photos they look a little flat.


However, the rest of the force looks great, they really look unified and I am especially fond of the tone of green you've got going on. The Sorcerer Lord is excellent, I'm not sure which parts he's made from but it's a really good mini. Nice job :)

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@ Major Gilbear - thanks matey! Aha that's a pro tip! I hadn't thought about sealing the bases, I still need to highlight and wash some of them, but that's a neat idea to finish the rims with varnish, cheers!


@ Brother Captain Arkhan - Cheers brother! I remember your old army they were awesomesauce, (not to say your new project isn't; just that I'm not familiar with them!) Aha you caught me out with the bases I haven't finished them yet. There is still lots of little nick nacks I need to finish up here and there, in regards to the painting.


Thanks matey that's a good compliment for a guy like me. Most of everything is made from the CSM kit with pin joints, plastic tube and green stuff. I'll share some WIP from my Chaos thread as I was intending to anyway. So we can take a closer look.

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The green is just Vallejo heavy green, 50/50, Vallejo dead flesh. Super easy, the dead flesh is a great colour, they were lots of fun to paint actually, just seemed to go on forever...


Future expansion includes some bikers and a biker lord, some chaos spawn, I have some more tanks too which I'm thinking about gifting to the force, and I would like to look into converting more sorcerers and some familiars that are nice and themey for the army.


Thanks again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You guys may have noticed I changed the name from "Jim's conversion corner" to "Jim's Black Legion wip"

I think in the long run this will become a conversion thread, but right now I'm working on my Black Legion. Here are some pictures to help set the tone.














Death to the False Emperor!


Really having a lot of fun with the Black Legion.


Thanks for looking! More pictures in my chaos thread as usual.

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Great group shots!

You've got a good cohesive look going, and I'm particularly fond of the standard bolter-slinging marines. I like your possessed as well - by sticking to a few basic colours you've managed to keep them interesting but in control, I find they're quite often overdone when it comes to paint jobs.

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Great group shots!

You've got a good cohesive look going, and I'm particularly fond of the standard bolter-slinging marines. I like your possessed as well - by sticking to a few basic colours you've managed to keep them interesting but in control, I find they're quite often overdone when it comes to paint jobs.

Thanks man! I'm really happy with the two forces. I do have another one planned, plus some more expansions. Just takes time I'm afraid. The basic bolter guys are the best, I definitely need more of them. The possessed were really fun to paint, I was a bit overwhelmed when trying to paint plan. In the end I just did what I always do; treat it like a Black Legionare and take it from there. I really wanted them to fit in with the rest of the force, but I still had some fun painting them. Right now I just want another kit! Thanks for checking in.


Holy Chaos, Batman!!

These guys are great. I love chaos forces with subtle but inspired conversions throughout, and your paining ticks all the boxes.

Great looking force.

haha thanks! All those little conversions sure do add up in the long run. I'm really pleased. It almost becomes a rule; convert everything. Until you reach a point when it's more dramatic to not convert a piece. I had to make a special effort to include at least one ordinary bolter. Painting the forces was a lot of fun. I have an renegade force (mk7) coming up, I'm hoping my converting and kitbashing will be enough to tie them all together. Thanks for the comment; I had a good chuckle.


Awesome looking force - I am very impressed with the conversion, especially the green stuff hoods and tabards

Sgt. Blank - thanks man! The tabards were all actually press molds. Again I had to make a special effort to use at least one actual piece. I actually prefer press molds as green stuff is easier to cut and shape.

I'll get some more recent photos as I am turning over the shop at the moment. Basically I'm going around rounding up all the unique lives I have left and making press molds. I can't believe how many chaos helm I've murdered and fitted to shoulder pads; when I could have been making press mold of the faces the whole time! Gah!


It's been a real treat. The potential for press molds is quite insane actually.



I'm not too excited about building more Black Legion until I have finished the transports. But I'm not too excited about finishing the Black Legion transports as I will need some FW doors and extra armour, or maybe The Dark Works armour trim. Plus I need the Chaos Vehicle upgrade, for what it's worth I really want that bolter guy in the hatch. Or I could just make some extra armour, or at least try. At any rate I have my termies to paint and the renegade force as well while I procrastinate.

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Thanks! Yeah that too; and I think it's because they blend in too much with their bases; all I see is choc chip cookies :D


I've been thinking of changing the bases back to grey. Everything looks too warm and fuzzy atm. Grey bases are very cool and menacing, and the contrast will help a lot.

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No, I meant the photograph background - the artwork is busy and the camera seems to focus on that more than the models in front. A plain backdrop instead may be better for showing off the models properly. :)


As for the base colour... Well, I think you should perhaps consider a contrasting basing colour with black base rims. Dust red sands would show up the black-gold-flesh colours really well I think.

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Major Gilbear - you're right, sorry I did I did take your meaning, I guess I was just fishing for some advice on the base colour. Thanks for the feedback! I did consider a reddish/dust style. However I decided to go with sand as I want a old school 90s gamey game look for the army. I guess I just need to keep reminding myself, I am intending to use grass tufts, and also sand weathering effects on my tanks aswell. I'm just really fond of the grey bases for black legion. So I keep hunting for an excuse to do it :D


I changed up the background because of course; you're right. The problem now is that, you will recognise that I haven't highlighted the miniatures at all. They are pretty tired looking, and photographing them is difficult because of that. You can really see my confidence building with each squad.


@ variocanum - thanks! Yes there will be more but I think I really made the most out of the kit, playing up to all of its strengths. If I build another squad they will be a "B" squad. And B squads are never fun to build. There are many more pictures in my chaos thread (link in sig)


@ biohazard - thanks! And thanks for dropping in man! All the answers you seek are in my chaos thread, the demon prince has been absolute murder. He takes up the last two pages or so as I destroy and revive him. You can follow the link in my sig or I have included the latest batch of photos herein.







Admittedly the back ground was throwing me off too. But it's so great to have the artworks right there in front of you. They really deep into your subconscious. Concerned readers should be made aware, the pictures have come from old white dwarfs magazines that I have doubles of. I got really lucky and picked up a whole stack from the Australian buy/swap/sell. So now I have awesome backgrounds. I'm intending to build some cultist and whatnot, a dark inquisitor/chaos sorcerer and retinue. I have know idea how and I'm currently shopping for building blocks. I have heaps of cultist, Cadians, and some others, plus some conversions done already so there will be some stuff. So that's why I felt the background was appropriate for what's upcoming.


But it was way too inyourface! I moved it up and re-arranged things, took some photos to see if that helps. I also boxed up my army, to help me get into the gaming mindset. Some how this really is satisfying. All wrapped up (nearly) no lose ends. It really helps me because I don't have a fancy case, so I just use cheap Chinese containers. One for each squad. Now I'm paincing to get a sealant down. Probably citadel gloss, then teslors dullcoat. But if I'm going to do that; I need to finish painting the army! (Armies)


It's a mad merry-go-round, but I've been theough this before so I know these are the final stages. It's guna be rad. This has been another exciting episode of Jim's W.I.P






Here is the demon prince, this is his final form. I have been through hell and back with him, so I was very relieved when I found that particularly skull to hide his face/use as a mask. It's just primed with German green atm. I will finish painting him now I am satisfied with the conversion, the full story is in my other thread, but I'll do a proper summary on the weekend.


I just finished him the other day, once I do my second vow will be complete.










Here is the old version. There have been many versions. This one was cool but. Most weren't.






Ok and so here is the new background for anyone who has interest.




My work station






Oh and so then I boxed up my army. It doesn't look very exciting, but man it sure is a satisfying feeling.




Layer 1






Layer 2


Lastly I'm posting a Black Legionare from my first squad. I need to repaint them a little, I'm hoping the pictures will guilt shame my into it :D




Thanks again. I have the termies ready to go, but I think I'll take a detour via my cultist. I need to build them up and I can repaint the Black Legion while I'm at it. In terms of painting I would just like to get all my tricks dialled in before I tackle the terminators. I still have some Obilitorater conversions I can look at aswell. Also the renegades, speaking of which...






That's all folks!

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I confess that my basing suggestions was more because you were fishing rather than my not liking the current sandy ones!


Looking at them again now (the background is better BTW, although a plain colour would help even more), I am actually thinking that they blend into the gold and flesh too much - not just in hue, but in tone. If you greyscale the photo, you'll see what I mean.


To fix this, you'd need more contrast across the model. If the bases have limited scope for options (which whether grey or tan, they do), maybe you need to brighten the flesh a bit more, perhaps pushing it into a more pinkish hue as well? This would also focus the viewer onto the model, which I think will also help them "look" better. :)

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Yes the trouble is the bases use the same recipe as the tabards and bone. It's my favourite - scorched brown/vomit brown/bleached bone routine. I had thought about changing the tabard also... Ditto your advice on painting the faces, have you been chatty to Krauty? He suggested the same thing to me.


I could conceive of highlighting the black but I'd really rather not. I'd like to keep the stripped back and simple. The scheme is quite regal actually, I want to say majestic but that isn't the right word. Anyway for that reason I think purple/pink flesh and red stars will play towards that vibe.


Right now I'm torn between going for blue or green for their eye lenses. Also haz lines. Haz lines EVERYWHERE.


Eventually I want to have each warrior with his own little oath and whatnot on the tabard, probably in blood, maybe some battle damage too.


The wheels are turning...


Thanks again!

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I sympathise on not wanting to highlight black!


I would suggest an easier (i.e., lazier) route would be to make a near-black as your base coat, and then just wash it. I have found a 50/50 mix of mid blue (Macragge blue?) and black washed with a 50/50 mix of blue and black wash (thinned by about a third with a little water and some Lahmian medium) gives you a lovely deep black-looking colour. It in fact looks more black than black!


If you add a little cold grey to the base mix as well, and then give it two thin ink wash coats instead of one as above, it does produce a reasonable "highlighted" look and is still only basecoat-wash-wash.


...The eyes could then be done in a magenta maybe, to give them an evil glow? :)

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@ major Gilbear - thanks matey I hadn't considered adding blue for awhile, I guess I just forgot! I may try it out on the wings of my demon prince. Choosing what colour to paint the eyes is what stalls me everytime, but I'll get it one day. Hopefully I have found a temporary solution for the background. Thanks again!




Just got my second vow finished and for once I didn't spoil the grammar, so I'm going to share it here too. All the hyper activity is worth it hopefully when you finally reach those plateaus.




I, BrotherJim, heed the Call of Chaos, and rise to the Challenge of the El Tenebrae Lux for the second time, I vow to complete 1 Chaos Demon Prince, with wings, armour, murder sword, aura of dark glory, mark of Nurgle, for 270 points, and 5 Possessed Chaos Space Marines, with VOTLW, two gifts of mutation, mark of Nurgle, for 180 points, which gives me a total of 450 points from the CSM codex, on or before the 15th of August. Success with bring Glory to the Chaos Forum, and failure will doom me to wear the badge of oath breaker until years end.http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y400/jimbo196/A2D38D15-F44A-484B-85E1-F8390ED68F33_zpsv1glzigz.jpghttp://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y400/jimbo196/5E86569D-938F-4188-94ED-813079192F76_zpstlxae5bu.jpg


I just wanted to quickly announce I've got my second vow done. That's another cool 450pts for the Chaos forum Thankyou very much Captain Semper. I'll make another vow in the morning. I feel like I have been working on the demon prince forever, so it's good to finally have it all settled. There is more I could do, especially for the wings, but I wanted to hold it there and make another vow. http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y400/jimbo196/B3D8D106-4928-478C-B39F-8147666AA14F_zpsopzb5los.jpghttp://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y400/jimbo196/4E8EF147-48D6-4475-9402-C5D6516E0858_zpse3ujr5ix.jpg

It's hard to get good photos that's forsurehttp://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y400/jimbo196/BD5A53FD-DFDA-46A9-AB43-8DD0A3FBDBD9_zps2ffkqf0g.jpg

Done and done on to the next one. I actually had a lot of fun with this one, though I've only scratched the surface really. I'll make another vow tomorrow.

Keep up the great work everyone! This thread is the awesomesauce.


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Those DP and possessed marines are lovely. I especially like how bones/skin (which one are those bright brownish parts) turned out. I like how you used regular marines heads to make them look a bit less mutated, this touch really helps to identify them with the whole csm army.

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