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  1. So I got the "Know no Fear" starter set, and I had this vision that I should do the Plague marines as that they came from the Iron Warriors chapter. I am wondering what else I should do to with them, and just to be clear, I am not going to do hazard stripes, as I suck at free handing. 1. Do they look like they are IW and not DG? 2. The lords smoke is grey atm, but should I go a more sickly green? 3. The lords cloak is red atm, but I am thinking go another colour, if so what should be good colour 4. Shall I rustyfie them even more or can they get to busy. They are in no way done, there is quite a lot of work to be done, I can see some errors and such which will be cleaned up, the lords stomach ache is not done and so are not the squished nurglings under his foot.. Cpt. Danjou Edit:Changed some wordings and spelling errors. Sorry Excessus for making your post a bit strange after the editing..
  2. So like many people since 8th Edition dropped, I've decided to get going on a Death Guard army. Background: I got into the 14th Legion back somewhere around 2003, after reading a then-famous White Dwarf article featuring tactics on playing Plague Marines. The early 2000s was a bit of a Nurgle renaissance, as we'd wrapped up the awesome Eye of Terror campaign and Deathguard.org was still around. I painted up ~2000 points using the Jean Francoise tutorial (basically drybrushing + washes), and spent a few years bashing them into my brother's Ultramarines and Tyranids. Eventually I moved on to other armies, and at several points over the years I decided to dissassemble and repaint my army. All those attempts stalled after a few models, and eventually I was left with a pile of half-painted models that couldn't really be fielded effectively. This year I decided to get my together and actually paint my army. Drawing inspiration from a number of awesome DG army logs (especially the work of Squiggoth and Animerik) and using downtime from Hurricane Harvey this weekend, I finished up my test model. I figured the old dime-a-dozen monopose 2nd Edition Marine would be a good test model (though he's missing some common features of later sculpts, like weird growths and puss). Some notes: - I'm gonna use the right greave for squad markings. The first squad will be checkerboard. From there, I'm thinking maybe caution stripes and flames for some other markings? - I'm planning on doing freehand on any blank shoulderpads. This idea is shamelessly stolen from Squiggoth's army. Dunno how easy this will be, as I don't have a huge mental tank of Nurgle freehand iconography . . . - Blue accents are also kinda stolen from Squiggoth. I think they pop well. - I love a lot of the grimy, gritty DG armies out there, but that's not one of my strengths as a painter. I kept the weathering to a bit of a minimum here, with just a bit of blood and Typhus Corrosion. Some other guys might get a bit grimier, especially the 3rd edition models with more mutation and nasty stuff in their sculpts, but this is generally what I'd like to shoot for. - My other 40K armies have summer (Eldar) and winter (Blood Axes) bases. I figured fall would be a good addition to that. Now that that's out of the way, I'll start work on the rest of the squad this week.
  3. Index Traitoris Legion: Death Guard Vectorum: Seventh Pestilence Threat Rating: Extremis Known Leader: Julgolax Homeworld: The Plague Planet Colors: Bone White, Rotten Green, Tarnished Brass and Silver Insignia: a 7 made of 7 fly icons. Strength: Roughly a company, unknown Battlecry: none Motto: "A blessing is best given to those who do not look for it." History The Seventh Pestillence is the remnant of a much larger company of Death Guard from the aftermath of the plague. These plague marines are all natives of Barbarus before it's destruction and have carved out a location for themselves on the Plague Planet similar to their company's barracks on their birthworld. The Seventh Pestillence Vectorum is lead still by it's original leader, the former commander Julgos Nothan who took up a new name after the great infection. The company was one of many within the 4th Great Company of the Legion to embrace their new situation during the days of the Horus Heresy. Since then they had been primarily a raiding force which made excursions out of the Eye of Terror in search of new worlds to conquer and new populations to destroy. Like many Vectorums, they see themselves as bringers of Nurgle's blessings, that each plague is a new and glorious opportunity for each imperial and alien alike to serve the will of the Plague God. Organization The Vectorum still adheres to it's ancient battle tactics and marches forth in waves of combined arms assaults, now supported by hordes of captured Poxwalkers and daemons of Nurgle. Their tactics mostly rely on fighting on foot but their twisted Warpsmith still keeps watch over a small host of Rhino and Land Raider APC vehicles for terrain too difficult to cross effectively on foot. The favored tactic of Julgolax is to send in his hordes of infected Poxwalkers flanked by swarms of daemonic flies and jabbering Nurglings to pin the enemy down in combat before his main force arrives to create a crescendo of plague-ridden violence. He orders his warriors to practice restraint though, as any survivors are taken to replenish his beloved Poxwalkers and the corpses of the dead are used to create grotesque hives for his cherished fly swarms. Recruitment Since the geneseed of Mortarion has long since been corrupted beyond all reproduction and all known reserves destroyed, recruitment is nearly impossible. The Death Guard have employed the sorcerous powers of their Plaguecasters to replenish their ranks via pacts and agreements with the Dark Mechanicum. Through the bargains struck by the Plaguecasters, the souls of the most worthy fallen warriors can be brought back and summoned into new bodies grown by allied forces in the Dark Mechanicum but it is rare and these warriors must fight all the harder to gain acceptance among the members of the Vectorum. The cost is usually quite high for the Plaguecasters as more pacts are made with daemons, they face great torment should their charges fail and die again... Alliances The Seventh Pestilence has always found itself aided in times of war by the forces of their patron, when circumstances warrant it, and they view direct intervention by the Plague Hosts of Nurgle as a sign of great favor and blessing from Grandfather. In particular, the Great Unclean One known as Gholburast has shown great interest in the forces of Julgolax and was the one who gifted him the Black Tree those millennia ago on Nurgle's behalf. The Seventh Pestilence has allied itself with a few outside organizations in order to keep their war efforts supplied and operational. Julgolax has made personal pacts with the Dark Mechanicum and a warband of Iron Warriors under Warpsmith Thulbor. In exchange for war material and support from the famed daemon engines of the Iron Warriors, Julgolax has given his allies an entire world on the border of the Eye of Terror (now Cicatrix Maledictum) with which to practice their craft. In addition to them, Julgolax has known to ally himself on occasion with members of the Word Bearers, Black Legion and even the Night Lords should they agree. Notable Battles (WIP) Notable Individuals Julgolax - Formerly 7th Company Captain Julgos Nothan of the 4th Grand Company, Julgolax took up a new name as the last vestiges of humanity rotted away. From a lifetime of despair that weighed heavily on his Legion, new joy came in the form of spreading the plagues of Nurgle to the people of the Emperor's fractured domain. He spent nearly a decade of leading raids into realspace to rid any lingering regret from his blackened soul in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy, and subsequently corrupting his body beyond return. He is a warrior loyal to Mortarion through and through, and has always possessed an independent streak that made him a born commander. Regoth Molod - During the Great Heresy, Molod was one of many psykers who were repressed by Mortarion and who eventually were given free reign to explore their powers after the Legion had fallen. Regoth Molod was one such psyker who fervently embraced the varied and bizarre powers available for him to learn from communing with the daemons of Nurgle. He has always been a part of the same company as Julgolax and though he is sometimes a challenge to his lord's rule, he would not dare cross the ancient and favored commander of the Vectorum. His powers have given him great status and respect among the host of warriors and will often lead his fellow plague marines in the absence of Julgolax. Subolod - Once the most honored of Julgos' company, bearing the standard of the 7th company to battle, Subos Galt had followed his captain ever since he was promoted to Captain and they had always been friendly rivals. Since the great infection, Subos had followed suit with his commander and embraced the fall from grace. He too took up a new name as part of washing away any lingering doubts or regrets and bore the gifts and burdens of Nurgle proudly. His great Plague Bell and Tocsins of Nurgle ring mournfully as they sound the approach of the Vectorum's plague marines, a death knell to many beleaguered defender. Known Relics Plague Bell of Gholburast - This Plague Bell which bears the great symbol of the Fly, thrums with an aura of despair as it's mournful gong drives the enemy to despair and the swarms of daemon flies to a frenzy of stinging, biting and lacerating. Plaguereaper of Julgolax - This mighty flail was fashioned in similar fashion to the other plague weapons wielded by the mighty Lords and Plaguecasters of the Legion but instead of a traditional scything blade, it's affixed with a cruel spiked censor globe with a diminutive Nurgling inside called "Gibblet" who constantly expels virulent slime and noxious gasses. The Black Tree - This abhorrent, infected tree is a twisted, slimy, black growth that lives in the heart of the company's Strike Cruiser "Exhumed Fury". It's rotten, fungal heart pulses with fell energies that it draws from the ships' reactor core and supplies many of the incredibly tough Rotwood for use in creating the Vectorums' plague weapons. It was a gift from Nurgle earned for the victory over the Blood Angels during the Putrefaction of Blood campaign. ​The Rotwood Known by several names, The Blackbone Plague, The Ebonheart Plague, The Ossifactor, the Rotwood derived from the Vectorum's Black Tree. This gnarled, fell spore is used not only to make terrible plague weapons for the worthy to bear into battle but also a vehicle for the doom of worlds. Taken and cultured from the Black Tree, samples of the Rotwood are encapsulated within munitions designed to hammer into the target world from orbit and begin an uncontrollable pattern of growth. The Rotwood is resilient, voracious and grows alarmingly fast when exposed to an energy source, be it biological or mechanical. The target population will experience the sudden and terrible surprise of grey clouds of spores released from selected sites which immediately begin infecting their hosts with nigh unstoppable black growths over their bones. Meanwhile, the spores can also manage to find energy sources to create mirrors of the original strain, the Black Tree. The Rotwood is notorious for spreading quickly because of it's highly mutable form, able to transition in minutes from an airborne spore to an infection and back to a spore within days once the host has reached the last stage of infection and dies, being reborn as a Poxwalker. Once a single Rotwood spore finds purchase, doom is practically assured.
  4. Since the Death Guard/Plague Marines are notoriously grimy and heavy on the weathering, I thought I'd start a thread compiling some resources from the web. Feel free to contribute any of your own favorites and your own recipes too, but please try to provide a pic or two with the recipe so we can see how it looks. First up is some stuff from WarhammerTV WHTV - How to Build DG. WHTV - How to Paint Lord of Contagion WHTV - Weeping Legion scheme WHTV - Pallid Hand scheme WHTV - How to Paint Poxwalkers WHTV - Nurgle Skin WHTV - Toxic Bases WHTV - Plagueswords WHTV - Rusted Weapons WHTV - Armor Chipping WHTV - Dust and Dirt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVx62P6LLPg WHTV - Bubbling Vials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-BWaF1M5ps WHTV - Verdigris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4o-5HUFrx8 Here's some others I found on YouTube and might have more advanced techniques, like airbrushing. TheApatheticFish - How to Paint DG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq18Gkrz9s8 TheApatheticFish - How to Paint Poxwalkers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWK8xZUdrpU Firestorm Games - Quickly Paint DG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT1PL5ss8nQ Firestorm Games - Quickly Paint Poxwalkers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVQVjuUDRts Miniac - 'Eavy Metal Marines: DG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWW5AIRCrRg The next two are more advanced than the previous ones, both in techniques and materials used, which the average 40k hobbyist may not have on hand. Zatcaskagoon - DG Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxGxgFRSR5U Zatcaskagoon - DG Vehicle Weathering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhEb_zcQxYo
  5. From the album: Liborio's Death Guard Army

    My squad of nine Plague Marines, ready to hand out the gifts of Nurgle like Santa Claus.
  6. I'm building a Word Bearers army, and I'd like to know: does anyone take assorted Cult Marines (Rubrics, Noise Marines, 'Zerkers and Plague Marines) together as Elites options, do they synergize well and how do they play all together like that? The way I figure it, Rubrics and Plague Marines are the only two who fight for a role (tough power armor unit made for close assault) because Noise Marines are for bunker-busting and tankbusting (if I'm not mistaken) and 'Zerkers are for melee horde control. What's the different roles for each, really, and do they really play nice together for a fun, fluffy army that wants to do okay? Does literally anyone take all four at once? I'd like feedback if possible.
  7. So this may sound like a strange question but it has a great story behind it. For the past few weeks one of my friends has been messaging our 40k group and constantly mispells plague marines as plaque marines. As a joke I acquired the DG half of DI and am planning to make a plaque marines themed deathguard army. Thus I need to know, if I wanted to paint up the marines to look like rotten teeth, I was planning to paint them to look like normal teeth first then to use washes and glazes to make them rotten. So now to the topic title: How would you lot go about painting marine armor to look like teeth?
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