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@ darkven - ahh cheers man! I appreciate your saying so. I love the colours. In terms of the heads; I was orginally going to drill out the mouth grill and backfill with GS, and attempt to sculpt my own fanged jaw effect somehow. In the end I chickened out, but it's an idea I like, and one I want to try one day, the other heads I've used support this idea. In the end it became cool to use the heads as a way to show the progression of possession. I see the possessed as being very alive and fluid, transitioning from one form to another as need arises. So the helms/heads work great, I'm glad I didn't spoil them. Thanks again!

Pearson73- thanks man! Yeah I love the hood, along the way I was enjoying myself so much I thought I might grab the little bloodletters and cut off their horns and give them all hoods. It's such a fun conversion and would be a cool crossover, undead bloodletters (of doom.)

Thanks again!


Moving along I just wanted to share some thoughts on the demon prince, then I will dive into my next vow. I'm feeling hyper motivated after the Demon Prince, I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve yet.


Before I get stuck into my terminators, I wanted to say a few words about the demon prince. I'm so totally wrapped with the final rendition, I couldn't even pretend I have anticipated this, as I have done such a thorough job of documenting the conversion. But I think it goes to show if you stick to the basic principles, you are good to go. If you can convert a space marine; you can convert a demon prince. He is truly the combination of every little trick I have developed thus farly in my quest for glory.

That particularly wolf skull is quite sentimental, as it comes from Logan Grimar himself (the original Jes Goodwyn one.) I had the miniature in lead and he was my orginal Wolf Lord. I always equip my Characters now with a wolf token of some variety, so it's quite fitting for the Demon Prince to be wearing the Wolf Lord's token as a mask. He is the spiritual successor of the HQ rank. The skull leads him a carrion-bird look, he is quite gaunt and leering. Which is what I wanted from the start. The un-dead and ethereal theme is further supported by the helm/shoulder pad horns and hood conversions. We saw how long I tried to force those elements all together. There are more horrible photos I may show later, but for now I'm too pleased.

He's quite the vulture actually, quoth the raven. He sits there gently tapping, oh man I could go on forever. I love the Eager Allan Poe "the Raven" & I couldn't think of more fitting sound bite.

"Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it worn,

"Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou" I said "aren't sure no craven,

Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from Nightly shore-

Tell me what thy Lordly name is on the Night Plutonian shore!"

Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."


He is the Carrion Lord of the Shattered Heart for whom a thousand souls die everyday and for whom blood is drunk and flesh is eaten. Well maybe getting a bit carried away there. smile.png But I'm really pleased with the conversion, as I said I knew if I stuck to the principles something would work out. The wolf skull was completely un-anticipated by me; I thought I had lost it, or sold it with the miniature. It's a very unique piece, and it's the pefect size to fill the gap I had previously created.

The miniature is actually reminding me of my old Space Wolfs Wolf Priest. I know I said I would drop the wolf thing, but I'm inspired by how many of his cool ideas I was able to pull out of my subconscious. I haven't thought about the miniature for years. But I do believe his is one of Jes's best. And I always look to the miniatures first for ideas. For the Black Legion I have Abaddon and the Chaos Lord. Orginally for the space wolves I had the GD Wolf Priest and Logan. I also had the PA Rune Priest.

I like this thread because I did the whole Jes Godwyn rundown earlier. I think it's really cool to see how you can apply these ideas. It make take the fun out of it for some people, but for me I'm constantly surprised and impressed with the potential those JG characters have locked away in them.

(Need to dig the picture out of my gallery.)


And here is the earlier expose for ease of our reference. The last page 1 was probably the greatest page 1 in the history of Jim's W.I.P. There have been many, but this is the greatest, one thread to rule the all.

Something I noticed recently which I wanted to make note of. For me first and foremost I always value the artwork and miniatures the most. There are a couple of things I've noticed recently and it's fun to chase them all back to the source (or at least attempt to.) in that way I really want to collect the old army books and rulebooks. The new ones are good too, but I'd love to own the old Mordhiem rulebook, or some of the old wWarhammer books. People keep mentioning a JB style and I'm honoured and really flattered. I would like to chase down and point out these elements, maybe once I've amassed a few more examples. But for me I tend to go for more of a Jes Godwyn, exacting perfection. In terms of size and scale. JB tends to take artistic advantage of proportion and perspective, whilst Jes seems to stick to more regimented frameworks. Both have their strengths and seem to work well together.

But here is something I noticed lately, especially considering all the World Eaters hype



So close! I could definitely build that Mark Gibbons World Eater, but I feel I basically have already. Just a head and a weapon swap away. I don't like to blow my own trumpet, but when I saw this artwork again after Insane posted it in his thread, I was like oh yeah... Now I get it...

Here's another thing I was saving for another time, after I repaint the mini...


This is Jes Goodwyns Chaos Space Marine Lord. He is my favourite Space Marine miniature of all time. (Probably) Let's just make some quick notes of the cool elements that make him boss. He has A) foot on rock, b ) flowing cape, c) corrupted gun/arm, d) the chest coat clasps, e) the backpack banner which enhances the statue and profile of the mini, f) the taking of enemies heads as trophies g) the hair/ ponytail; same effect as banner, enhances part/has flow h) he has the loincloth and buckler

Let's take a quick look at Abaddon


Hmm so I don't think you need me to point them all out again but let's round off a few of my conversions with those elements in mind


Lord Vadormir has everything but the cloak. That's his name now.


Sorcerer Valerion needs some element of flow, I was actually reminded of the Mark Gibbons artwork because I kept thinking he needed some trailing smoke to create flow... Now where have I seen that before (the mark gibbons art) & the Dark Angels Interrogtor-Chaplin, who would make a great word Bearer, (I'm a big fan of Dark Apostles work aswell.) So it all just feeds itself



Noxious is just doing his own thing, he's so far out there, one element I love, which was pure fluke (or was it?) is the way the hood flow carries over to the flow of the pipes. You can't plan that stuff, it's just the magic of making miniatures. Same with the way Diagon's oath paper hanging from his clasp, perfectly covers the gap I had created, I was actually looking for a SW chain, but I found that bit and it worked perfectly. Most of my work revolves around creating gaps and then trying to plug them.

Lastly my favourite Black Legionare to date


Death to the False Emperor

Now that everything is here and neat and tidy it will be easier moving forward.

I really want to build some possessed of my own straight from the leftovers I have and the CSM box. So that's my next ambition after painting the termies. Build more space marines.

Thanks again!

@ biohazard - That book is what started all this madness! I used to own it in my youth, it was my most prized possession. I think mum must have thrown it out along with all my original Orlock Gang and Necro terrain. I still haven't forgiven her.


I could easily imagine any of Jes's miniatures as a drawing, with his diagrams and scribbled notes all over them. I really love and miss that book.


Thanks for the comment!


@Flakmonkey - Thank you sir! The DP had me worried for awhile, but I'm so stoked now he's done, I think I'll grab another one. At least this way, with the conversion as it is, I can go on collecting and trying out cool face/mask/head pieces indefinitely. Thanks for the comment!


@ variocanum - thanks man! Noxious is still one of my favourites, I'm intending to make two clone/mirrors of him. The hood solution works great - especially for me as I've used every other head/face feasible. It's becoming really difficult to build unique characters now with so much behind me. Hence all the faceplates/half helms/hoods etc. I've just started attempting to make my own possessed heads which is going well.

Thanks for the comment!





I'm made my 3rd vow for the ETL. I reckon if I hussle I might be right to squeeze out 5 vows after all. I'm going to tackle the terminators through the week and see how far I get by the weekend.


Thanks again!


I, BrotherJim, rise to the challenge of the E.T.L here for the third time. I vow to paint one unit of 5 terminators armed with 3 combi-melta/3 power axe, 1 combi-flamer/power fist and 1 heavy flamer/power fist, for a grand total of 231 pts from Codex:Chaos Space Marines. I will complete this unit on or before 15th of August 2016, for the glory of the Chaos Forum and the Black Legion Warband of the Shattered Heart.



Quick update


My terminators are coming along. I have to work on Saturday, and on Sunday I have a date, so it's like a double whammy; I don't think I'll get much painting done this weekend, sadly.


My terminators are really underwhelming in terms of conversion. Right now I'm really happy with them being so iconic. Eventually I will come back and strip the trophie poles and build my own from chaos helms, spikes and servo skulls and what not. Much like my old space wolves, I found its really fun to build up wicked bone hawk manes, for the SWs I even finished them off with the tail of the marauder horse man kits. I'm going to create a hall of Honour for my old wolves, that should make things easier.


In general I feel that building space marines is like a mad keen game of Tetris. Every bit has its place, and there is a place for every bit. The more you explore the different units, the more you see how they encourage your converting and painting.

A really vague example might the horns and claws I have been making for the possessed and what not. When you look at the possessed you might start to think, hell, I could just splice a power sword straight onto an arm, forget the hand, just smoosh up some GS. Same with the legs, just cut them up and rebuild them. They make it look so easy!


In regards to the terminators, I feel it's pretty obvious (and easy) to rebuild the trophie racks into something more personal. They are all very bland and samey, and it's the area that lends itself the most easily to embellishment. But I already have done that with my Space wolves (pictures in the shattered heart thread.) Which was in fact the conversion that started all this faceplate nonsense way back when. I'm really pleased with how far I have been able to take this simple trick. At that time I had my bikers also, and I kept building up awesome weapons for my characters, the weapons were too big for the troops guys to wield,

too small for the terminators to look proper; but they fit the bikers great.


So now with chaos I'm thinking I will use the possessed rank to fill this slot, although I'm already building dudes big enough to wield the weapons anyway, but maybe I will get some bikes too!


Confused yet? Good. That's how I like it.


Anyway there is much more converting I want to do, but I do enjoy painting too, it's just that I'm not so good at painting. My strengths are building and converting, then painting, then fluff and gaming are a slow third behind. I'm still running on the second edition fluff I read when I was 9 :D that's my 40k.


The termies are really meaty, they are great and super easy to paint, so I may try to push my painting with them. Despite this I had to leave one area open to conversion, and this time I'm attacking the faces proper. It's a great way to give the miniatures more life, plus the heads are easily accessible so I can always come back and change them, either replacing them outright, updating the paint job etc.


I started out wanting to make like an Alien face sucker thing on their heads. "It's not a tumour." That kind of thing. Like a weird chaos growth on their faces, you know the artworks. Anyway turns out it just looked like really poorly sculpted hair. So now I guess I'm actually trying to sculpt some hair... Just tinkering around really.




I'll try to get them done in and around other things.


And here are some glamour shots from when I was thinking around with a new background. It's actually the 2009 citadel catalogue, the last of its kind.











I'm finally started to get tired of this guy, I think he needs new axes. But I wanted him to kill something first so I really need to get gaming :D


He's the last of my painted characters to need a name, I'm thinking some play on Vendetta, or Vicious. Or Vegeta. Haha.

Hmm probably something like


Vezgetta something something or other. It will come eventually, I really need to get back to working on them, but there's always so much to do....




This is it for me. I want all my marines wearing helms, because that's common sense for warriors on a battlefield. But I also want some characters screaming their fury at the enemy. Why can't I have both?


Same with the Zerks, I wanted to use the old space marine heads, but still include the tradition bunny ears. Who says I can't have both?


I've got a lot in the works I'm excited to move onto for my Chaos Warband, but I want to finish out the ETL strong as possible; this is my first year active in the Chaos forum, so I want to do my best.


Thanks !

  • 2 weeks later...

I quickly completed the terminators as I am being swept away into other things.




I've had a really good ETL this year. It's been really awesome progress for me when you consider the Virulent Malador didn't exist at all when I began.


Here is my vow 2&3 together





I'm hungry to cut plastic so I've moved on to other things. Please let me know what you think.



Ok I took many pictures to save me explaining.


I feel abit like the Wizard of Oz, when they pull back the curtain and reveal the short fat guy pulling the levers, "do not look at the man pulling the levers!"


I guess I feel going behind the scenes almost robs the miniatures of their magic. Particularly the demon prince. But I think it's worth showing all the stages; perhaps I may inspire some young and keen converters to try their own rendition.


But mainly I want to do a better job of things. The citadel couldn't have had better timing, the Death Masque box has thrown a spanner in the works forsure. I'm going to try to avoid it and just keep chipping away at things here.


I'm all set now. I just need to buy my codex, finish my rhinos, finalise my paint scheme, and I'll be away!





Now now as we move along you will see I have built up the renegade Warband. They have taken on a serpent theme much to my suprise and I'm really digging it. They will serve as the fast attack elements. Basically they turned traitor and fell to the chaos powers much of their own free will. I want to call them The Serpentas, it's got that cheesy Saturday morning cartoon feel (I think Conan the Barbarian had a bad guy called Serpenta, also Cobra Commander, didn't they clone him and make a Serpenta?)


I don't know it's all mashing in my head.


At any rate the Serpentas have been tearing a hole through the Imperium making way for the Eye of Terror, where upon they encountered the Virulent Malador and joined forces. There is some relationship between Noxious and the Serpentas Commander Sicalas.


So we'll just move through the pictures and I'll talk more about them later. In the real world I will be experimenting eith green stuff a lot with these guys, just trying to get all the profiles and numbers sorted. I don't think I want them to have a "tactical" style squad. I like the idea of being all fast attack raptors, warp talons and jump characters. Please let me know if you think it's a good idea or if you think it's naff.


I was going to grab the official warptalons and add them to the Black Legion. But I think I'm finished with the BL. At least for a little while.


If I focus on the Serpentas that will help me make progress, both in my skill set and as a fighting army. I really just need more plasticard plastic tube and 5mm cork sheet. Then I can dig right into them and repaint my black legion while I decide what to do next. With the chaos forces being so large, I feel I need an Imperial force to balance them out. The Deathwatch will work great. But not yet, I'm not ready yet.


Ok so let's go, where are we up to.





The Shattered Heart Warband






















I'm loving these guys to be honest




Serpentas Commander Sicalas, perhaps he is a Sorcerer?


Still very early WIP.

Got another new guy.


I figure the Sorcerer Sicalas had a despute with his senior commander; over the proper use of his powers. It seems Sicalas was tired of adhering to the codex astartes and the Nikaea Prohibition. Sicalas believes in a new age, and if something is within his power to do so; why not? Needless to say this didn't go down to well with his superior, and the command squad was split over the debate. The Company Champion named Verocious Malgorath, (The HeadHunter, the Reaper of Sinna and the wielder of BloodRaain) sided with Sicalas; he wanted to explore the limits of his potential. The two of them plotted along with the apothercary (yet to be realised) and there was a bloody and ritual coup within the Serpentas command chain. I like to think that they were Blood Angels successors who's Sanguinius gene helix has just flipped a switch on them, and they have lost themselves in the BlackRage, which has become a Blood-Rage; taking heads and drinking the blood of enemies, even eating flesh, they are well and truly on the path to Acension through Khorne. Though they are Blessed by All Four powers as usual.


The Headhunter Verocious Malgorath






The jump pack guys look great! I like the one with dual pistols the most, and everyone looks really unique. Are you doing anything else with the wires on jump packs or leaving as is? It looks great as is but just wondering if you were planning on sculpting wings or something.

@ svartmetall- thanks! It's definitely been a labour of love. I've been thinking a lot about kill-team and maybe making more characters that I can embellish for that.



Variocanum- Thanks! Yes I am intending to make like bone exosketon type claws or maybe wings. I might play around with making thin strips of greenstuff and draping them over them. But I'm more thinking I will make horns similar to my dreadnought or the possessed power claw I did.


As seen here







The dreadnought was easier though as it was much larger.









I'm thinking I would like the whole force to be possessed in some way. I might even try to build my own possessed in this new army theme. Hmmm that's a good idea actually....


Hey hello, did you guys hear Chaos won the ETL?


I just wanted to post my ETL contributions herein.


It's not bragging. I'm not! I swear. :D


I had a really good time this year. I think I exceeded expectations and I did much more than I thought I would. So much so that I'm kinda just chillin now for awhile while I muse what to do next.








I feel like we need more Black Legion Spam in this thread.










I attempted to scuplt some ratty cloaks for my dudesons










Group shots






Right now I just need to paint my terminator lord and maybe three Obilitoraters and then I can get a full Black Legion army shot. Maybe the vehicles too...

Attempted to sculpt some ratty cloaks? I think you can say you nailed it, those look great.

Cloaks and cloth is something I've failed every time at. Maybe I should watch some YouTube videos and see how it should be done. Great ETL results and you BL are looking ace

@ the mechanist - thanks man. I'm still pretty new at working with greenstuff so there is probably a lot I don't know.


But I'll tell you what I do know, and you can take it from there -

You really need some color shapers, some dentistry style sculpting tools, and some tweezers. Any tool will do but these ones I've found I use the most. Try to avoid using super glue at all, and try to avoid using your knife at all.


If you need to cut the stuff, use your blade style density tool.


And lots of Vaseline!

The Vaseline is the real key to making green stuff behave the way you want I've found. Just mix up some GS, mix in some vas, for the cloaks I rolled out sausages and then flattered them into "sheets" I guess you might say. Dude I even put Vaseline on my work bench to stop the GS from sticking to the Bench.


Now you should have a nice little blanket. Use your cutter to cut it roughly square (right angles) but more of a rectangle shape. Now coat both sides in more Vaseline.


Work on the cloak with your tools, hacking it up and pressing into it to make it more natural looking. Lay it over you dude vaguely where you want it. Use your colours shapers to press it down, your tweets to push or pull, use lots of Vaseline. Roughly shape it the way you want, cut/scuplt the furry bits on his shoulders, and leave it to dry.


Things to be aware of - gravity. Gravity will pull the cloak down if you leave him standing up. The drying time really effects everything. I'm really impatient with all my jobs, and I hate downtime. So I just want to start working and not stop until it's done. I think this type of mindset will limit what can be done with greenstuff in the long run.


So I think with basic tools, some Vasaline, and being extremely impatient, this is about as good as they will get.

For the record I've probably made about 10-15 of these style cloaks, so I'm still learning new tricks.


Getting cloth area onto space marines it probably the most important thing in terms of conversion. It really helps to break up all the power armour and somehow makes the minis look natural.


Thanks again I hope that helps or at least gets the wheels turning!




Brother Jim, I like your style a lot!


As I have said before, you do a lot with little details, very grimdark. I also think your "dark" style of painting is in tune with my taste (yet I'm several steps behind you in regards of skills and quality), so you are an inspiration for me


Thanks for the tip on vaseline!


In regards of cloaks and so on, I also like to sculpt some, so I humbly share my experience: the proportion of blue/yellow stuff in the mix makes a great difference, but the real changer is how much you let rest your stuff before the final pose. So, if you want a specific pose, just sculpt it, suspend the mini in a way gravity don't mess a lot with it, then set a 1 hour timer, do other hobby (or chores), then check back and correct the pose (repeat if necessary).

I'm also found of liquid greenstuff (I don't know if they sell it any more, it was supposed to fix failcast^^;; ). It dries out easily in its pot, but if stored correctly helps a lot in covering mistakes/leave a smooth surface (fingerprints free), at least in my experience. you use it with your brush

Filkarion - ahh thanks a bunch man :D


But dude, I don't know what you are talking about, I took a quick peek at your Slaneesh army - I remember them from the ETL - you are a much better painter than I am! I think the 'dark' style you are referring to, is due to the fact I always paint from a black undercoat. And I do a lot of pre-shading with colours (I learnt to paint in the 90s before washes were a thing.)


But thanks for the compliments, I won't argue with you any further :D


In regards to greenstuff - top advice. I haven't tampered with mixing different amounts yet. I'm very much a minimalist converter in the sense that I want things to be consistent and with the least amount of fuss (I'm very lazy!)


If I could get away with just one tool I would. But you need the tweezers (for grabbing, pushing or pulling) the colour shapers are great to push the stuff around with making an indentation. And the heavy tools are great for when you do want to make and indentation, or to make cuts.


Definitely drying time is the biggest factor, and propping your mini in a way that supports the flow/pose.


I've found colour shapers are great and it's really easy to do a neater job, even folding the GS/cloak back on itself to create layers. But neatness just isn't my style. I'd rather smash out 5 or 6 of these ratty cloaks them spend my hours fussing over a single cloak, trying to make it perfect.


The same mentality applies to all my conversions - quantity not quality. You might do a job once, that's all well and good. But do the same job 1000 times and you will understand it. For example the first time I reposed legs its was pretty horrible. But each time you do it you get a little closer to perfection, so by the time you have reached the 1000th dude, you are doing it perfect - but without all the fuss and stress! You just get to have fun building :D


Sorry Filkarion I went off on a bit of a tangent there, that wasn't all specific sky directed at you, I just get to rambling sometimes.


I think the next level for cloaks is to mix in milliput, and then use some scuplty to help create the pose (windblown) at least that's vaguely how I remember Lorenzen does his cloaks from the tutorial in his death guard thread.


I might have to go look again, but it's so rare that I build a character worthy of a cloak.




My actual next hobby goal is to paint an army from a whit undercoat. I've given up on the renegade Serpentas for now.



Thanks again



Filkarion - ahh thanks a bunch man biggrin.png

But dude, I don't know what you are talking about, I took a quick peek at your Slaneesh army - I remember them from the ETL - you are a much better painter than I am! I think the 'dark' style you are referring to, is due to the fact I always paint from a black undercoat. And I do a lot of pre-shading with colours (I learnt to paint in the 90s before washes were a thing.)

Thanks, but I can clearly see that pre-shading work! I also started the hobby in the 90s, but today I rely a lot on washes (I call them "cheat mode" ^^;; ) so I can spot and praise your "old school job".

Let's settle for a draw msn-wink.gif

I've found colour shapers are great and it's really easy to do a neater job, even folding the GS/cloak back on itself to create layers. But neatness just isn't my style. I'd rather smash out 5 or 6 of these ratty cloaks them spend my hours fussing over a single cloak, trying to make it perfect.

Great advice about color sharpers, I didn't ever know of their existence! Once my wife brought me as a present the "citadel sculpting tool"...I put on a poker face smile, as I used to believe it was only an expensive useless piece of metal (I have a plastic putty sculpting tool brought for 1 euro or 2 that is amazing); strangely its now a trusted ally when it comes to sculpting greenstuff, I can't really explain how it works so well! Probably because of my wife's reality bending powers when it comes to be right.

Long story short, right tools are essentials.

The same mentality applies to all my conversions - quantity not quality. You might do a job once, that's all well and good. But do the same job 1000 times and you will understand it. For example the first time I reposed legs its was pretty horrible. But each time you do it you get a little closer to perfection, so by the time you have reached the 1000th dude, you are doing it perfect - but without all the fuss and stress! You just get to have fun building biggrin.png

That made my day.

I like this way or thinking! This is the right mentality for this hobby in my opinion! So thank you sensei! biggrin.png

In a way I always had this principle in mind, never found the correct words to express it, however.

I will use it to moderate me when I become a little too much "quality" focused!

Sorry Filkarion I went off on a bit of a tangent there, that wasn't all specific sky directed at you, I just get to rambling sometimes.

The Internet is for rambling, and all your words were helpful!

My actual next hobby goal is to paint an army from a whit undercoat. I've given up on the renegade Serpentas for now.

Sometimes when I paint Power Armor from white (a rarity, I use white for demons an black for PA) I find useful to use a thin initial layer of black wash/ink/whatever, just to single out details; give it a try



@ Flikarion - ohh ahh quoting a multi-quote, this is where my inter-forum-banter-fu falls down. (I have no idea how people do that one!) Please forgive my poor form on this occasion. (Or at least until I fix my laptop.)

I will just space out my replies :)



Thanks again! I actually find it way easier in the case of chaos marines - to pre-paint all the armour banding in a colour - say brown for bronze, and I use grey for silver.


Colours are much more well behaved than metals in my experience. I use 'heavy' or foundation paints, and it's not really nessessary to built up an even layer anyway, as you are just shooting for the shadows.


In this way you can go around and 'trace' all the armour banding, with thin paints, allowing it to spill over in the crevices. That way when you come back, you can just lay the silver on the top surface. The colour left in the crevice forms the shadow. The wash is just insurance and to give shape and tone I guess.


But that's as far as I go. I suppose I could come back and line edge the armour banding and surface but I haven't yet.



Bahahah that made my day! Isn't it infuriating when the missus drops in and beats you at your own game! I hate how they do that. "Reality bending powers" indeed. They just walk right in and fix it. and you're like good damn it, now you have ruined the whole game. :)


But yes getting the right tools is essential. I just received my second pin-vice which I have wanted for ages! So I'm pretty excited to have that. I do a lot of pinning so it's great to just have the 1mm set and now I can have my 2mm to hollow out legs and what not. Just makes it much faster to jump between the two.


I used to use my knife to widen holes, as I was too lazy to change the drill bit. Which evolved into hollowing out helmets, which evolved into using faceplates :) which is the pinnicle of my entire conversion process really. So I was think the other day; if I had bought a second pin-vice way back when, non of this ever would have started. :D



It's funny that you say Sensei, I actually have a brown belt in tradition Japanese Marital arts. (We'll say Budo, buts it's more a Bujutsu, which is actually jujutsu, judo, kenjutsu and so all its all very Japanese and confusing.)


Zen and the Martial Arts, Zen and the Art of Converting Chaos Marines haha :D


So actually you can call me Sempai. But I am not a Sensei. So yes it's a very Japanese and Zen way of thinking. Another thing we used to say in the dojo was "to teach is to learn twice"

Which is to say that when you try to pass on a skill, that is the mark of mastery. It is one thing to be able to perform a task. But to teach somebody else to do it also, that is the real skill.


It's extremely challenging whatever the context. You have to put yourself in their mindset, you know what you know, but how can you make them see it? Or maybe they struggle with an aspect that you found easy, and so you look at it again and learn something new. How many different ways can you view, or present the same thing...


Sorry if I tend to fall into lecturer mode, I don't assume to teach anybody anything but it's good for me to cement what I know.


Anyway that's why I love the forums so much, it's like a collective consciousness, where we all get to pool our ideas. Where would we be without the internet hey?


@ Filkarion - whoops got to rambling again :)


Getting back to perfection, everytime I spoil a combi-gun; I just build another one. I have so many combi gun fails. I guess I was lucky when I started, as I was buying from overseas at regular prices (God bless the Internet.) so it's was effectively half the Australian price already, often further discounted. I was really lucky as I had a great job at the time, and for so many years before; the hobby was just too expensive. So it was like the well broke and I bought up as many space marine battleforce as I could muster. That was around 5th edition, so there were plenty. Even with all that though, I found myself going back to the orginal tactical VS assault kitbash. That old chestnut.

Just quietly most of everything so far has really only been the CSM box VS the old devastator box. So I was lucky to have a lot of spare parts and I'm really only just starting to feel the hurt now. Although the CSM box has just about everything I need.


In regards to white undercoat - yes that's it! I won't be painting at all! I'll just lazily splash some washes and colours about the place. Hmmm there was a dude on Warseer once, he had a white death company with a Phoenix theme army, really stellar freehands, like the guy was really good... It's bothering me because I can't remember his name.... Hmm he had OCD really badly and he also moved on to some Alpha Legion... Hmm what's his name.... Gosh darn I know it.... It's was something like 'Leonards imperial perfection' or something...



Anyway yep like that guy.


I'm debating between Heresy Era Death Guard, White Scars, or 40k DeathWatch painted White and Gold. The good news is I have old space marines here I can practice on so I don't ruin the new guys.


The other other good news is that I just bought the original Khârn of EBay (in orginal metal!) for like $20. So now I'm thinking I need to do an old skool berserker/World Eaters squad to go with him. It's The Khârn. He definitely needs a squad. Then I will have the Chaos lord with his squaddies, Khârn the Betrayer with his Goons, and two Spartan assault tanks. And all will be right and good in the Eye.


It's a rambling thread.

@ DS - ahh cheers man :D


I appreciate that coming from you :) Mr Codex Astartes :) do you have all the chapters yet? :D

I noticed you had a pretty smashing ETL again this year.


One day I'm sure you will see the Glory and come to join us on the Darkside :D :D :P


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