BrotherJim Posted August 27, 2016 Author Share Posted August 27, 2016 Thanks again dudes :D And so. A lot has been happening and finally-finally I have some progress photos to show you guys. Well there is a lot kinda swirling around atm the moment. I have more or less finalised my Chaos Forces. There is still a lot I want to do but the basic framework is there and everything is working really well. I've developed a passion for 5 man squads with glorious heroes to lead them. This is my new army building mentality. 5 man squads of doom. But I just want a break from the BL for awhile. Meanwhile the rumour tower is whispering of a potential Chaos Update in the not too distant future. And right now the Citadel has dropped the Death Watch Kill-team combo on us, I have to say, unfortunately my Chaos brothers, I'm turning traitor again. (Don't hate me for it! *flinches) I've been musing for a little while about painting from a white undercoat, I want to start doing things that way from now on. I'd like to move towards a more grubby and Blancheshe style of painting (I'm so in love with Thistles work atm) and eventually I would like to start collecting the ForgeWorld range. (Dirty white MKV heresy armour!) So lots of ideas swirling around in the mix. It seems like a good time to put Chaos down for awhile. I have been pushing myself really hard and things have really been working out for me, so I wanted to see if I could carry that momentum into my next project. (You can tell I'm heartbroken already.) Anyway I've also just finished reading Scars and re-reading Betrayer, so my head is full of white power armoured space marines reaping glory and laughing as they kill. One day I will start to collect ForgeWorld, but for now I have some golden oldies to make good on. My basic idea is that, a lot like the Black Legion; I want an all inclusive space marine force. I want a brand new clean Jean DIY space marine force, that I can run amuck with, collecting cool space Marines from across the range and adding them in, with the naive innocence of my 9 year old self. However; I'm not clever enough to come up with something like that! So instead, I will do what I always do; steal from somebody else! But this time; I know exactly who I'm copying. Do you guys remember the Desert Eagles Chapter? Oh yes the most glorious of all space marine chapters. I figure if you are going to rip from somebody, you may aswell rip from the best! I sure hope Desert Eagle doesn't mind me taking inspiration from him. I would never be able to paint at the level he does, so I'm quite happy for mine to be a skub and scrubby version of his glorious scheme. I'm thinking I will change the name and chose a different motif, but otherwise I will more or less be doing that scheme. Except I will be drybrushing and probably just sponging the battle damage and weathering etc. Ok so some photos for now and more chit chats later. The really basic premise, is; blame the Redeemer. I might call them the Emperors Redemptionist or some such. Anyway; I have a Landraider Redeemer. I've had it for years and never done a surging with it. I can't run it in my Chaos force, and I didn't want to sell it either. So my brain finally clicked - how about if I take the GodHammer away from them BlackLegion (they will get Achilles Pattern eventually) then I could run my two Landraiders together. Along with two Razorbacks and two dreadnoughts and were are half way to having a list. Another underlining element, is that I just have a really hard time letting go of ATSKNF. So I'm belaying the envitable - putting of gaming in favour of completing previously owned miniatures and hopefully shoehorning them into some future DeathWatch and Inquistion expansions. Well all of that sounds really amazing, what I have to show is going to look extremely underwhelming. But progress is progress. So and so here is the start. Not the can of white spray. I'm liking this already. Kantor and his crew. These are all metal and I just cannot bring myself to sell them. I love this Librarian. The book is just so ironic, is it the Imperial Truth? He is literally throwing the book at you. He's probably shooting lighting from his eyes whilst screaming "there are no Gods in the universe! Only the Imperial truth!!!" Yeah ok dude but you're shorting lighting from your eyes, like; explain that at least. "DIE WYTCH!" He screams as he boils your blood with his mind. Book of Lorgar maybe. Anyway I'm really pumped to paint him white like Yesugei. I've never liked Blue for Libarians. I've always painted mine Black. I've honestly never considered white at all. Making some press mold os combat shields. And so finally here is my progress. I will work on this lot until I have completed them. I think I will go with bronze for the chest eagles etc. I was thinking gold would be to bright. Desert Eagle actually goes for a more mono look; leaving them white. But I don't think I have the talent to pull that off, I think I will use bronze as a way to seperate my force and to make life easier on myself. I'm also open to a different colour for the bolters I will do the metals next and wash them Balck, that will give me an idea of how dark my shadows should be. So then I will begin more serious shading. Kinda stalled over the chest eagle debate. Open to opinions. Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 9, 2016 Author Share Posted September 9, 2016 This update would more appropriately be called "the Blu-Tac stage" My desire is to build that perfect 2nd/3rd edition space marine army, from the old days when I was a kid. When I was 9 I used to own 2nd edition, later in life I owned the Assault on Black Reach set. So painting those push fit imperial space marines has been a life long quest of mine. I have failed many times and learnt a lot over the years, in my endless quest for glory and perfection. I got back into things in 5th with Space Wolves, now recently turning my ever reaching gaze to the Forces of Chaos, which you can find in the link in my sig. I'm really wrapped with my Black Legion and Virulent Malador, but balance must be restored. The Black Legion was my most successful project ever, I really got a lot done I wanted to do and now I'm looking for new horizons. So now I want to build a clean jean Imperial Space Marine army. I want to set this project up as a slow burn, back burner type project. Over the coming weeks and months I will paint up the basic building blocks of this force. It's taken a long time to chose a paint scheme, but I can be very determined when I set my mind to things. This week I have just finished building things and getting ready to paint. So I wanted to show that and ramble on about painting. I do enjoy a good ramble. I haven't actually painted anything yet. Ok where were we. My new quest. So as it turns out I actually sold all these space marines on the Australian BSS. I pulled a fast one on myself, wherein I posted an ad for the old tactical box and AOBR squad. The thread was very successful and I got quite the little horde. To allay the guilt from this I posted the metal miniatures that I had already; and they were gobbled up pretty quick i'll say. The Australian BSS is a really cool place. Hobbiest in general are really cool people I've found. But the BSS is special, I think we are all silently agreed that we live on a conteinent on the opposite side of the planet from everyone else, and postage is ludicrous, so we have a limited amount of lead and plastic miniatures on the island; so everybody is fair and right proper and good to one another. I've got some absolute steals in the past and always let my miniatures go at fair rates. So basically one hand washes the other, and I now have a little swarm of 90's push fit plastic space marines to replace the lead ones. I actually got two tactical squads but I'm still waiting on one, and 15ish AOBR dudes. I love their bone genericness. Conversions will be minimual; I have my chaos forces for that. I finally feel like I can just build a basic squad and just leave it be. But I did have fun building up my first Tacticool squad. Squad Alpha. Let's take a look. So I built up the first 5 guys before I remembered I wanted to document it for the record. Here is my method. First one should pin all the joints, feet and shoulders. I also build little steps from sprue because I like the tilt it gives the squaddies. Seems to make them more 3rd somehow. Then one should space their waist with some sprue. Clean and tidy Green stuff Done. As you can see I also hollow out their arms. This is just so I can backfill with greenstuff and get a perfect fit. At this stage I set the waist with superglue and usually convert the arms further, cutting the elbows and wrist; the classic 'iron sights' pose, or the ever popular 'low ready' But not for this project; this is a painting project. (I have been painting the tanks) The final stage. Squad Alpha Now to spend the next 20 years deliberating about just exactly where to hang their bits of gear. So; time passes, through the week my basing material arrives. And I could give my tactical squad the proper basing ceremony they deserve. I also lost those other legs As I said I sold the stern guard but I still have Kantor. I like this shot of him. Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 9, 2016 Author Share Posted September 9, 2016 Something that I want to be a theme for this army is banners. Over all the years I have collected many banners from my squads, so I want to paint them all and ultimately try to develop my skill. I've been reading through the 6th edition rulebook with all its lovely artworks and borders, so I really think that some kind of Eagle or winged skull will be the way to go in terms of my painting freehands and chapter markings. Banners everywhere. The AOBR dudes arrived aswell. Banners on yo banners Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 11, 2016 Author Share Posted September 11, 2016 Well the time has come that I think we all knew was coming; Painting white is hard yo. I've found the best results come from vaguely following Desert Eagles advice; mixing Vallejo game colour Ghost Grey, and adding small amounts of VGC Earth, Codex Grey, or teal. By mixing two layers you produce a slightly off-White colour that gives good converge and is nice and rich and has depth. The only drawback is keeping the mixtures consistent. Because I am human and lazy, I thought I would try just simply paint VGC "Off White" This is literally exactly the colour I want. However trying to paint a clean consistent layer of off white is an exercise in futility. I know because I painted two land raiders and three dreadnoughts. Now, orginally; I was going to try washing white with sepia, then drybrushing white again. This works great, but I found the results produced by the sepia wash (that JB effect) was off key with the theme of the project. Perhaps a green/brown wash would work better. Ultimately I knew; in the back of my mind, if I wanted to paint white space marines I was going to have to line in all my shadows. But I'm much more into the school of thought to wash all over and drybrushing back up. So the whole time I was trying to paint these clean smooth perfect white layers I was just thinking to myself; this would work so much better if I were using a colour. So after taking the long way around I think I am going to go with Imperial Fists. This is mostly because of how easy it is for me to imagine them facing off and holding out against my Black Legion. I remember the old Siege of Terra by Graham McNiell (?) in White Dwarf back in the day. I'm actually really stoked and this has helped to get the wheels turning again. Yellow is my go to colour. Orginally my Black Legion all had trophies which I painted yellow, but it just felt off. I'm having mad visions again now of duel scenes I can build, bitter enemies with a 10,000 year old grudge. I think these guys are going to be trophy collectors aswell. After building up space marines in my manner, I don't think I could ever go back. I remember there was some fluff I read recently about some Fists who had bone fetishes and what not, it just seems resonable to me that everybody in 40k is into taking heads and worshipping the corpse God. Skulls on you helmets, skulls on your chest eagles, nobody is anybody until they have some skulls on their skulls. In the grand scheme of things this will work really great and they will serve as the perfect army to juxtapose my Black Legion and Death Guard. It's somehow much easier to think about all three projects working together and overlapping to frame a bigger picture. I don't know what I was thinking with white; I think I was high. :) Most importantly I am hungry to build again and with this army basically finished I can return to my Black Legion Warband. I want to build lots of spooky things. They look right proper badass up on my shelf. I don't know how to express it without demeaning it, but they look like gothic evil Draucla vampire royalty and they are going to hurt you. That's just they vibe I get from them. So I have also got an assault squad for the Imperials and I have a running command squad, which in my mind completes the picture, at least for long enough that I can get some sleep. So I have the character meantioned as well as the sword brethren, all I really want is the terminators and that will do. I'm just going to spray the whole thing yellow, I will wash all over with the yellow wash and drybrush back up, then line my brown shadows. Ultimately it is the same process with white, but colour just allows so much more margin for error. And who better than the Imperial Fists. I'm actually stripping all my metal miniatures currently and when I clean them up I will showcase and paint them all herein and I will be so happy to have all my eggs in one basket. Imperial Fists, the Black Legion, I'm going to go digging through my White Dwarfs and round up all the relative material :D It's 1995 all the time in here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted September 11, 2016 Share Posted September 11, 2016 Welcome to the Fists, Brother! Glad you're joining us! (There's actually a painting event for the Sons of Dorn going on right now with a week left to vow if you've any interest. *hint hint*) Command Squad's looking hawt. That's one bad-ass mofo of a Champion there, I would not wanna get on his bad side. I think the Imperial Fists do make a good counterpart to your (amazing-looking) Black Legion: both are factions with rich and storied histories stretching back to the Great Crusade, the bright colors of the Emperor's Praetorians standing in contrast against the midnight plate of the Arch-Traitors. I also know curiosity killed the cat, but I can't resist, so pardon the ignorant 'murican: What's the Australian BSS? You mentioned it a couple posts back, and I have no idea what it is... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 11, 2016 Author Share Posted September 11, 2016 Thanks Psycho, Well let's see here; is that the same as the IW Vs IF painting challenge thread or is this a seperate Imperial Fist Expansion thing? Yes already I feel like there is a mountain of homework I need to do before I can do a proper job of things, it was the same with my Black Legion :) I will gladly join your quest if it means I just have to vow and paint yellow space marines. I don't mean to sound off hand it's just that life is in some turmoil at the moment, I enjoy the stability of the hobby, I just have trouble keeping up with all the threads and dates and things. If you don't mind nursing me through it I will happily vow and contribute, I've been meaning to read through the Imperial Fists Forum but I've only just stumbled on the realisation myself. Ahh the Buy Swap Sell (BSS) on the Australia Wargames forum, wargamerau the happiest place in all of the universe. (Other than the B&C) I'm actually going to blame Augustus and that awesome MKIV ironclad dreadnought of his. That bastard! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 11, 2016 Author Share Posted September 11, 2016 Aha ok I have found the proper thread with all the rules and what-not. I see it ends on Dec 3rd. Do it run parallel to the Call of Chaos? Things are going to get intense as my armies battle against each other for my attention. Thanks for the link to the general banter thread - I should be able to make an initial vow by the end of the week to get the ball rolling - maybe with Imperial Fists it will be easier to exercise some discipline and I will just knock out one unit after another :) Yes so I should pester people's to help me with the points in the general banter thread before the end of the week and I will make my first vow. I need to keep an eye on the Call as well to make sure I dont miss that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 15, 2016 Author Share Posted September 15, 2016 Okie dokie folkies. For the sake of simplicity I will try to keep this as my all inclusive hobby thread. It just so happens that after the ETL I went wandering away for awhile; I collected some AOS stuff, I got some Proper Warhammer fantasy stuff, I flirted with some sexy Xenos stuff, but ultimately nothing really grabbed me and I largely haven't done any painting or any building for the last 6 weeks or so. As a result I have developed a great hunger again. Sooner or later you just get tired of throwing money into the same project. But I have been away for awhile now and I have still been spending money - so I regret not powering on with my BL. However on the other hand; it's nice to take a break and I find it helps to avoid burnout. TLDR - I tried other things. Other things were not as cool as space marines. I consolidated my collection; sold off some minis and grabbed some others I have wanted. Turns out by chance I was left with Lysander and some others, pointing the way towards Imperial Fists and their Successors. Turns out painting yellow is the next best thing to painting white also. Turns out I love painting yellow. I suppose if I'm honest with myself I just get intimated about doing one of the 20 legions. I have actually really been thinking about why this might be, and why I hold them in such high regard and the answer is actually kind of interesting I suppose. Flashback music So it just so happens that my parents were divorced in 1993 and my mum moved us over to private school and went to work on the weekends. Dad left the building, Mitch and I moved to catholic school where we were brought up to speed on the whole messiah/God/creation/Genesis story. So all of a sudden we could do and say and think and watch whatever we wanted to. The cranky old man had left and Jesus just wants us to be nice to one another - what a sweet deal. So while all this was happening, we also got a second family, and home. The Ryder's were the family around the corner and they babysitted my brother and I while mum was at work. And so it was their third son Jacob who collected and introduced me to White Dwarf and the Warhammer hobby. Jacob was my best friend and role model and we were friends since forever; long before dad left. And so I can never really be sure when 40k and White Dwarf came into my life, but it was always there right along side the bible, Dune and the works of JRR Tolkien. but I'll never forget Jacob reading the White Dwarf articles and index astartes to me. It was just that way, I was always younger and they were his magazines and so he was the games master and I was the sidekick. So in the beginning God Created the heavens and the earth, and in the future the God-Emperor created the 20 primarchs and they conquered the universe. And I was 9 and nobody could tell me different. Anyway I suppose that seeing as my whole world just collapse I created this whole new whole one in which to invest myself. It wasn't until I was 16 or so that I decided to come out of my shell and it became such that I quit the hobby completely until I was 25 when i stopped partying and discovered the Internet. Then I had the space wolves and that project was so full of hope because I was with my girlfriend at the time and were we all settled and thinking about making babies. Ultimately that collapsed and its probably why I am so bitter about the mention of Wolves. So recently (get this) I was seeing a hot Italian girl and we basically fell in love but unfortunately she had to return home, and she says to me "come to Rome, you can be my guest, (her family own a hotel chain,) "we could be together" she says, "you would have a job" she says. Jesus Christ alright I'll go to Rome. Anyway that is were the Black Legion began and that is when I built Vadermir and Vezgetta. And soon after the shattered heart thread began and soon after the Virelent Malador and we are here. So really my greatest conversions I feel came off the back of all that and hence the name of the Warband. Really I was so devastated when Emma left, here alone with my space marines; and so i thought "this is it" I have to go. I have to finish this and go to Rome. And so I builded them as best I could. So in that regard; in the real world regard - I just quit my job and found a new one. It's awesome. The pay is better and it's 10 minutes from home. I'm paying off my loan and soon (next year) I will travel to Rome. This be the truth of the word. So in the meantime let's paint space marines. Now we are all caught up and we are friends :) Did I tell you guys about why I didn't get into the army? Well it's because I am colourblind and arrogant. That's the short version. So No Army and No babies; but I do get to travel the world. Now we are all caught up. And so I have made my vow in the Imperial Fists expansion. But before I do that and get all serious minded, I wanted to spiral out a little more. Over the years I have collected lots of space marines and have some photos I can share during the downtime, but primarily I want to collect my favourite of the classic Jes Goodwyn Space Marines and friends. My collection is only small, but I am intending to collect them one at a time only in lead/metal and I will paint them herein. So the thread will get really messy with a billion things going on at once, often I look back on my ideas and work and see a progression on ideas and expansions there of, so I always think it's worthwhile to joint these things down as you go along, however meaningless they seem at the time. (I also want to edit and include the fluff I wrote and write more fluff and include that but I have lots and lots of research to do.) And so it begins. Here is my workspace Here are my armies I took them out of storage and now they just stare at me all bitter and resentful. Here is today's hype Here it is again As I was saying I really just need to get High Marshall Helbrect and Ezekiel and the Chaos characters and maybe a few others :D Maximum hype He's so beasty It's a shame but I am going to have to collect the Space Wolves again to complete the set ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dorn Lysander Posted September 15, 2016 Share Posted September 15, 2016 This is a really cool log, i've just had a skim through it on my lunch break but I love some of the conversions you've got going on, i'll be sure to check back later for a proper read. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 15, 2016 Author Share Posted September 15, 2016 It's probably better if you skip the words ;) I ramble and break things but there are some highlights if you follow the link in my signature and skim really quickly ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 15, 2016 Author Share Posted September 15, 2016 And thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted September 15, 2016 Share Posted September 15, 2016 Trying to out pace me ? :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 18, 2016 Author Share Posted September 18, 2016 DS - nobody can run that fast Here I have another update Hooray!Lots is happening.I need to make a note of the fact I made a vow in the imperial fist forum. Here is what I have vowed. a little fun getting things started got the ball rolling at least. Everything in the house is sorted now and has a plan for me to paint.And so it became the case that I am free to return to my beloved Black Legion. All I really want to do is try to build puesdo servo arms for my Warp-Smith and Oblits, leading into bionic arms and legs for Chaos Space Marines, with a heathly dose of Chaos mutation to be sure.Not sure if I have mentioned yet but I would like to build power generators for both the bike and the Oblitoraters. They will work as puesdo backpacks. For the bikes; I will mount them behind the rider, I just want to bulk them up and supercharge them, with mean little warp engines, running cables to the riders to have them intergrated into the bike. For the Oblitoraters; they will work as power plant back-pack generators that will serve as something for me to mount my servo arms; will be surely become an exercise in insanity if ever there were one.I may just have to "cheap" out and buy the Tech-marine with his servo-pack so I have something to reference. I don't really like the "snake" style arms or whatever they are called of the new Warpsmith.But I don't have anything like that to show today; just putting it out there. Today I have heard the Call of Chaos, I'm pretty excited about Traitors Hate, I didn't get anything I should have; instead I got more plastic. It's time to finish up the Black Legion Warband. bikes! Finally bite the bullet and just went with chaos bikes. I'm not sure if I'm happy with them, but they keep the theme of the old plastic army alive, and it's cheaper than mixing two boxes. I was going to use the Dark Angel Knights but in the end the Chaos Crew won through.I actually like the bikes and they are growing on me, even if they are a little ram-shackle.Not much to see until! I'm finding it hard to take the lord too seriously, mainly due to the bike. In the background I am finalising the Oblitoraters now that I finally have some basing material.This is a sideways photo of the generators I am making press molds of.'s going to take some time to figure out what works best. I'm just waiting on my tube maker.Here I have started building up my plasma havoc squad of death and doom.'m just waiting for the greenstuff to set so I can do the shoulder pads.Having heaps of fun with the biker lord, he will receive the mark of Nurgle and I'm mighty tempted make a sinister cowl aswell.Just having fun atm jumping the bits around; I think they will be stuck in the blu tac stage for awhile yet. this will work well having the bikes and oblits settled. I don't think I'll paint the bikes for a long time though. Using the chaos bikes is happy compromise and I think it suits the theme of the army so far. Not having any rhinos or transports has really been a weight of my mind, at least for now. There is a kill team tournament coming up that is hobby orientated so I wouldn't mind bring up the BL death squad and Sorc Valerion to go with the Virulent Malador gang. That would be cool if I could get some photos of some games. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 19, 2016 Author Share Posted September 19, 2016 Ok some quick notes. I bought plastic sticks at size 3mmX1.5mm thinking I could use these to make servo arms. I also got 3.8mmx1.5mm. I was thinking I could glue the 3x1.5 together to make a 3x3mm, and then be able to drill it out for pin joints and what not. It works great but I'm not certain I am happy with the scale, I may have to go down to 2x1mm. And the other 3.8 is just nice to have variation. I will use round tubes and wires and rivets and all that but for now I am just trying to build a photo-type to get all the sizing and joints down. In the end I think the pieces I have currently are too big, I also want to get 3mm round tube aswell. I think the pieces I have will work well for side arms like for the WarpSmith, but for the oblitorators I really just want one overhead with the big angry jaws of death. So I was left with all this plastic strip and nothing to do. For a long time I have been wanting more Dev back packs, so I can make up more "chosen" style dudes. My regular plague marines are really lame compared to the chosen versions, the little sprouty tubes are so atmospheric and really take the conversion to new realms. I need to conceive of a way to build up my regular back packs to be all bulked out like the chosen so I have an area to mount sprouts and horns and junk on. I also have all this plastic strip I don't really need now. I also need to build up my backpacks to mount junk on. Plastic strip - build up backpacks - *lightbulb! So I'm pretty happy for a starting point. Particularly for the Death Guard, I'm happy for each one to be a little different while I iron out the best method. Looking forward to elevating these guys to their true potential. I was going to try to convert 5 raptors for my black legion with the remaining troops I have; but now I think I will build more Death Guard and possibly a Character to explore this idea further. I am intending to devote the bikers and the death squad to Nurgle. So they will all have the sprouts and plague marine conversions but still be painted black so that will become an area of crossover in the my forces. However; the bikes are so ram-shackle I just want to throw them into the Death Guard and harvast them. But I'm getting distracted. And so the Oblitorater. This is just a framework prototype so it's fine if you want to laugh. I'm really just trying to get a handle on the idea. (Pun intended) Doom Claw. I think it's too big. And so that's that. I also tried the shoulder pads on the death squad, they will need to be fitted properly. So this weekend I will probably paint up my vow and see how far I get. I think i will let all my conversions float around in the blu-tac stage until the tube maker arrives. I have been making up lots of press molds so I will get photos of that soon. It should be smooth sailing for awhile as I alternate between vows. Looking forward to actually painting on the weekends and just tinkering along through the week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted September 30, 2016 Author Share Posted September 30, 2016 Well hello. Fear not - I haven't actually done any hobby during our break, so nothing has really changed with my projects. It was my brother's birthday so I went out drinking with the regular people. It was a good night all told. During our break I rediscovered the actual Internet and unravelled the deeper mysteries of the universe again. Nothing really changed there, everything is proceeding according to our plan. Right now I'm getting into the Tarot (dam Thistle again) and thinking that I could draw my own 40k Chaos Space Marines Tarot. I think I binge watched you-tube videos every night for 9hrs in a row one night. It's gotten to the point where I can't even sit in my hobby chair because my tailbone is bruised. This is why I need you guys. I can't be trusted alone. I'm so happy we are back online. It just makes you realise how much you value the community and how great it is to see everybody's works. I need to be more generous with my comments and feedback but often I'm just fanboying so it's a tough balance to maintain between being constructive and losing your dignity. I have been geeing myself up to go make War with my Imperial Fists, mainly because I can run my twin land raiders in the same list. The problem is that one is a GodHammer (Lascannons) and one is a Redeemer (only Imperial). So it just feels more exciting to have them both in the same army. Now recently I heard on a 40k podcast that the new DeathWatch Landraider contains both weapons sprues? That would be pretty rad if true - I haven't checked it out yet - and a possible solution. I was always tempted to buy the weapons sprues - but I also need the chaos vehicles sprues plus the FW doors so I may as well just buy another land raider at that stage. Eventually I gave in to common sense (the devil!) and put them back in the Imperial list. Blasted logic. But fortunately I have fallen in love with the idea of running my Black Legion on foot. It happened the other night when I unpacked them and made my mighty plans. I had them all out and the Demon Prince caught my eye and for the first time I realised he was my HQ choice. What a :cussing HQ choice he is too. I'm sorry but my demon prince is absolutely legendary in my mind. He's just so spooky and fits the theme and nature of the army so well. The debate is always the HQ. Obviously; I love converting miniatures; so I always convert my HQ from the plastics. Converting the characters is the most exciting part and the source of much debate around here. So basically now I'm at war with myself about which project to work on for what reason - The Imperial Fist are glorious to paint, the Plague Marines and glorious to convert and paint, the Black Legion are the most badass and get the best of all my other experiments, the Renegade Vanillas have captured my attention - largely because they are the most conversion intensive and I'm keen to start working with greenstuff more. (No pictures for now) I realised that my whole goal with the Plague Marines was to heavily convert/destroy them- but ultimately I love the old Plastics too much - I couldn't even bring myself to drill one bullet hole. (Except on Noxious and that was just his shoulder pad) So it all worked out pretty greatly in the end - I heavily kitbashed and converted my Chaos Space marines - without ruining them. This is why Vadermir is such an important conversion to me as seen here to remind ourselves. He was actually the first and he's perfect too; in the sense that he uses the upper legs he came with (rather than my plastic tube technique) and his pose is basically what you get when you open up the assault marine legs. The pose is simultaneously striding forward to the left stepping on a rock. You literally cannot make a more positively badass pose. He's striding forward while stepping over his dead enemies. He even has an assault marine foot to show him stepping forward and to make him perfect. Next came Vezgetta. Now that I had done a true chaos legs conversion I felt the pressure was off. I've always loved the idea of Renegade Space marines and it seems to be the theme that generates the most enthusiasm from me. In essence this was the orginal conversion that started everything; just humbly pinning the assault marine legs back onto the hips and tinkering. I think I showed the original Space Wolf I converted in this manner. (In the Shattered Heart thread - link restored.) Although I am not the first one to do this conversion - I really favour it as it gives the miniatures a whole new dimension. Let's call it the fifth dimension. All of a sudden the marines are big enough to facilitate the use of all those giant weapons they come with. Vezgetta was the first to be anointed with the Icon Backpack - that idea generator. He is also the spiritual successor of the Space Wolves Lord in the sense that he is a rabid dog who has broke his chains and become something more. So that's why Vezgetta is almost powerful enough to rival Vadermir for leadership of the Warband. To round out the set and after the Plague Marine experiments (Warband thread if you want the details on the plastic tube) I built Valerium. Sorcerer Valerium is still incomplete while I decide just how exactly to jazz up his back pack. He does have the benefit of being the first Black Legion character to sport a mask - which is an on-going theme along with the backpacks - just too many options - must build them all. He's probably my favourite as he is so new and fresh and I painted him after I painted the Death Guard; so he is much more happening than the Twins. It should be noted the dear Mr Krautster was giving me much painting advice during the ETL and I feel there was a significant improvement largely thanks to his support. Which brings me to the "other" option. This Bezerker is the result of what would have happened had I decided to go with ForgeWorld instead of the plastic tube. He's a true badass and I was happy to have a chance to build him but somewhat distraught about the fact I had to give him away. I'll talk more about the others at a later time. Eventually I would like to collate all my conversion work herein - but most can be found in the Shattered Heart thread. It just always seems that way that once you cross a threshold you cannot go back - in the sense that I could never build a character now who is any less converted - unless that is the principle of the project, as with the Imperials. At last we come back to the Fists. So if you follow the Imperial Fist forum (like every good stalwart battlebrother should) you may have noticed BrotherCaptain Dosjetka giving me some painterly advice in the general banter thread. With his support I made a good start on some detailing techniques (maybe I went abit OTT but that's kinda my thing) Largely since then, as I was saying I haven't done much. Basecoating the troops was a messy affair - I should have swapped over to my drybrush sooner and finished the last coat of yellow with that. Anyway it's done now and I am ready to begin painting my first vow for the Imperial Fists forum. Although I sound underwhelmed I am really excited about painting the Imperial Fists and owning a collection of the most perfect space marines. They really do make a good account of themselves on all levels and it's the kind of project I think it's just taking me a few years to realise that's it's been an option the whole time. In the sense that quite literally the Imperial Fists form a foundation stone of the very fabric of 40k. Without them the Imperium of man would collapse, they are everywhere and nowhere, they are the past history or 40k and they are the only hope for its future. There is a public holiday this weekend and I have a good history of making real tangible progress whenever our overlords deem us worthy to have a day off. So I'm pretty excited about having a day off and getting some work done. My secret plan is to smash out the Fists and make a vow in the Call of Chaos. Then I will alternate vows between forces until years end. Oh right - the actual reason for the update - before I got distracted reliving past glories - I'm painting my Imperial fists - what colour should I paint their bases? Grey for contrast? Or Brown/Sand for compliments/weathering? I only have two techniques for bases and it stalls me everytime - for months - I really like both. Good to be back - feels like the old days around here lately doesn't it? All the Old Guard are back - feels good. Really happy to be settling into a project(s) again - things are going really smoothly with life and work and I'm keen to finish this year without leaving the house again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted September 30, 2016 Share Posted September 30, 2016 Oh right - the actual reason for the update - before I got distracted reliving past glories - I'm painting my Imperial fists - what colour should I paint their bases? Grey for contrast? Or Brown/Sand for compliments/weathering? I only have two techniques for bases and it stalls me everytime - for months - I really like both. Good to be back - feels like the old days around here lately doesn't it? All the Old Guard are back - feels good. Really happy to be settling into a project(s) again - things are going really smoothly with life and work and I'm keen to finish this year without leaving the house again. I'd humbly suggest you go with a nice sand base. It might not be as contrasting as a grey base (though you can fix that somewhat by painting the base rim black) but it's rather uncommon for Imperial Fists armies (they usually have muddy or urban bases so seeing something new is nice). Anyway, looking forward to seeing your next update(s). :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted October 2, 2016 Share Posted October 2, 2016 Boo, hiss. Evil Black Legion. Cool conversions, though, to add a bit of character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted October 15, 2016 Author Share Posted October 15, 2016 Thanks Dos - I was astutely following your advice when the whole thing collapsed because I couldn't find the right music to paint to. Sounds really trivial but I didn't want to produce miniatures that didn't have my heart in them so it just felt off and that's the best I can do for an explanation unfortunately. Thanks Sock. (Big fan of your work) Boo hiss indeed I seem to have a way with space vampires. Thanks for checking in! +++ Well dudes to my extreme embarrassment and shame I am no longer painting Imperial Fists. I am a Twice Traitor now. I just wanted to apologise and leave it at that. I have lots of flowery metaphors to explain why it just didn't click for me, but I think well enough is left alone. It's the kind of thing that will crop up from time to time - me and imperial marines - I just can't ever seem to get it right. But man I love those old kits hey. And I really appreciate everyone's support and I feel like I let the team down. +++ Today is a great day. Today we see the return of citadel classics in the "made to order range" which I think is fantastic news - they are actually in metal! I sold my Karskins not too long ago; but I kept the special weapons dudes ;) Nextly I have a great hope that the plastic MkIII will become my new favourite basic kit. It just seems to fit the bill from that one brief video we saw. :) I won't say anymore but I am rather excited. So it burns pretty hard about the Imperial Fists but I just had a spastic attack and painting everything Black. And now I will be super indulging my painterly whims and painting a Slaanesh devoted 40k Emperor's Children Noise Marine inspired, Chaos Space Marine Warband. For those of you playing at home how this all breaks down is - firstly - what is light? What is colour? I have no idea. I really don't know. Whenever I paint space marines I am drawn to drybrushing as it seems the most natural way to highlight the miniature. Then you wash and drybrush back up etc. But I am getting tired of this - I can paint - I have a wet palette and can do the whole routine. I enjoy painting powerswords and lighting effects - anything ethereal where natural lighting doesn't really matter. For me the idea of pain staking layering my highlights is not a fun time; so I'm drawn to drybrushing. However drybrushing isn't really a fun time either after awhile. So enter the 40k Emperor's Children paint scheme as seen here: This is great. They are basically just black, with some line edge highlights. Then you just isolate one area and paint it up. I will just be doing screaming faces and chaos swirls playing with 3 steps or even 5 if I get brave enough. I really like this scheme hey - its like the Black Legion but more badass. The EC seem to strike a nice balance. Pink is a great colour to paint and pairs really well with black. And so the writing was on the wall, I am just a mad fool stumbling down the path to power and it is often as though I feel someone has made the way clear for me - some mad genius. I am sorry about not seeing my vow through bro-dudes. I'm just all about that doom and gloom it seems. I will try to do a proper update tomorrow, but for now here's where we are at. :p I'm super anxious about now making a vow in the call of chaos because I'll probably stooge it somehow :/ But the fact I haven't said the word anxious for awhile is exciting. I'm going to start on the vehicles first and try to get the pink happening. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Is your middle name Krannon? 'Cause your 'relentless'!! :P I know I have said it before, but I find your work very Blanche-esque. Your fists are looking great (and suitably dirty) and I like where you are going with the NM, the Lord dude especially looks very dramatic. Now get some paint on them :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Agreed the Fists are looking awesome. Also really liking your Noise Marines so far. Will be watching these with interest as well. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 That's some nice weathering on that tank. Nice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Svartmetall Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Loving the weathering on that Razorback And for basing, I'd go with sand, but paint it grey-blue for contrast. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted October 16, 2016 Author Share Posted October 16, 2016 Thanks guys :) I just wanted to refresh our memory about some recent characters I have built who are not-quite-chaos-space marines. They are fallen renegade types who can make up a raptor talon. I'm really procrastinating hard over buying the Warp Talon kit - there is just so much to do with it. I need 5. And I need 5 more Possessed kits aswell. And more Demon Princes. All the demon princes. Here are the renegade Serpentas who are black now. I have been painting the Landraider. The Chaos accessory sprue is no longer available. It's like they are toying with me. I have recently consolidated everything to my power armour tower of doom. And there is this also Could become a thing with the things. Peace (Soon paint - did I say 3-5 steps? Sorry I meant 16.) It's a 16 step program. :p Enjoy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Curious to see where the Landraiders going but the rhinos are looking good so far. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 That crackle paint lighting nice... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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