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What were those black and yellow dudes again? Maybe you mentioned it and I overread...

They look very `popping` and cool.

Other than that nice work-flow you got there and some quite nice conversions (except for the othergrown helmet-things on the chaos marines, not really a fan of that idea tbh... tongue.png ).



This old mess of a thread again, I forgot about you.

Not really sure but black and yellow sounds like the Black Legion. You can follow the link in my signature to see more of them.





Incidentally I just went out to mums and picked up some of my stuff. Basically I packed everything away (and I do mean everything) and I sent it all away for awhile to help get some clarity. So I've decided I'm going to do another project. I'm going to build a Noise marine army but I want to go light on the conversions and focus on painting. The list will basically be 5x5 squad of CSM marked with Slaanesh. No tanks or rhinos just glorious CSM. No heresy armour no Raptors just basic basic troops and lots of them. I will expand into Possessed and terminators and that's about it. Somehow the game is still very important to my motivation. I wouldn't build and paint characters just for the sake of it (though I wish I could) somehow my motivation is all tied into developing an army list and fighting battles with it.


So there will be more soon.


More rambles later I'm currently on the train nursing my box of doom on my lap.

Thanks iandanger and thanks to LordVelype aswell, I appreciate the compliments.


I dont mean to be so flippant with the hobby but it's the nature of the business I suppose. I was going to re-open the Shattered Heart thread as I find my rambling better suited to the chaos forum, however I may wait until I have made some progress then open a new thread in the chaos wastes.


Otherwise things have been going well for me (in regular life) and I'm enjoying summer here. However regular life is kinda dull really, going to the gym is fun, skateboarding is fun, all the things are good and fun. But I throughly enjoy the hobby and the routine and discipline it brings - as well as the sense of satisfaction you get from a well finished miniature.


I went on the wild merry go round again, deciding to quit all my projects and pack them all away. I thought about doing some Xenos armies, maybe grabbing one of the new boxes. I played out all the possibilities in my mind, their strengths. Which project would really give me the best sense of creative freedom and conversion possibilities, whilst still being fun to paint, which army do I identify with the most, what do I want the army to look like and how will it function on the table? So after weeks of turning this over I decided I would buy another CSM box and start the Warband again. Haha - all of a sudden that box of crap I packed up weeks ago has become invaluable! So I went back and robbed it of all the parts I need and now I am ready to begin again.


The first thing I did was drop my lord on the floor and break his axe - it's going to take a little while to warm up :)

I grabbed a can of chaos black and some new brushes so shouldn't be too long before paint. I just want to build one squad of troops then I will basically be set to go.


Thanks again doods and dudettes

Come on, this topic is not sooo old! ;)

Were you having issues with space or did you lose interest for a while in the hobby?



Greetings, Lord Velype.

Haha yes I just meant that I had forgotten about my shambling effort herein. It's not a bad thread, but it's not a great thread either.


I think that my existential crisis lord sums up the whole situation well enough.

I think that life, and the hobby is a journey of self discovery, so I just wanted to try some other things for a time to see what came out of them. The hobby gives me great pleasure and sense of satisfaction, but it's easy to get too involved and admittedly I was drowning under the weight of all that plastic. I've wiped the slate clean that's all, time for a fresh start, with a head start!


It's no surprise to me that I should end up right back where I started again.


Anyway I woke up super early and built up the next 5 dudesman, they are coming along now. I went to the gym and did all my chores, I'm going to see Rogue One this arvo with my brother. I might spend another week building and finishing things up ready for paint. We get pretty good public holidays over Christmas and New Years, but I won't actually be getting any time off. Though the public holidays should help me to get some work done.


Anyway you'll see I've taken to converting the arms at the lower elbow as being my new favourite trick. If we include the havoc plasma dudes, and keep in mind the vanillas (who will be rank fillers in each of the squads) then I think I have all my basics covered.
















That's that.



Good to see you back in the saddle, buddy! Looking forward to seeing your Slaaneshi project take shape! And yes, cutting standard CSM arms apart at the elbow and reposing them is such an easy trick, but it does wonders for their poses, doesn't it?


On a mostly unrelated note, maybe you'd like to see that wonderful Khornate Lord you kindly sent over earlier this year in colour at long last? If so, head over here. And thanks again for the wonderful gift!


As always, keep up the excellent work! :)

Oh wow dude! You totally nailed it! (Pun intended)

You really hit the nail on the head with that red and the gritty bronze/brass. He looks really proper, I'm very honoured to have a Berserker miniature painted by you. Glad you got around to him and hope you enjoyed the process.


Ahh welcome back Krauty, it always nice to have you stop by. I was worried I had done something (or not done something) to upset you. I've also just realised I didn't reply to your last pm - so maybe I had better do that!


Whatever the case it's good to hear from you, great to see the miniature painted and happy to be back in the fold. I'm pretty excited about my new foot slogging force, but they will be rather generic to begin with.


Going to the gym now. For everyone reading at home, Rogue One was terrible, don't watch it. Just watch the ad again, and imagine how could it could have been.

There were some pretty strong 40k elements but I think I'm going to start a whole other thread on the topic "when Hollywood steals from the GrimDark"



Okie dokie, only a very minor update I'm afraid. I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but overall it's been a good long weekend. I'm only just getting ready to paint now. Spent a lot of time fitting everybody's shoulder pads. Took a quick look at some other units, I had to trim the fat again. Looking forward to painting.


So here we go.


I did the vanillas while I waited for GS to dry










Then I finished all their bases with sand






Needs more pop










I'm probably going to fit all their empty hands with knives


Got the other squad ready to paint




Also got the bikers shoulder pads and heads fitted. Not sure which heads I want to use. I thought it might be a cool idea to use the each one with the different horns, seeing as I have come so far without using a single one. I didn't get a photo though, not sure I liked it. For now they have the terror helms




They are basically ready unless I decided to go through with the sound engine idea. I think it will easier to paint and work on the bits seperately. I could even build up the engine seperate and paint and integrate it at the end. Otherwise I may end up building nightmare monstrositys that are impossible to paint. Bikes are painful enough. I've put it out of my mind for now.





Well as the long weekend drawns to a close, I wanted to let you guys know I did get to lay some colour down. I am basically trying to follow this tutorial http://www.40konline.com/index.php?topic=185228.0


I'm just laying down Pink Horror over Screamer Pink. Once I get a nice layer I will tidy up the Black and maybe re-apply some pink horror to the shadows. Then the real trauma will begin as I attempt to layer the next highlight. I really like this paint scheme a lot and I think it shows a lot of potential even at a basic level.


I didn't get much painting done this weekend but I have cleaned the slate and set myself up for a good few months work.






Still abit messy ATM, I'm excited about this scheme.

Just bringing these guys along. I bought a new series 7 size 00 but even that is too big - I'll need to go smaller. Still a lot of work to be done but I'm enjoying the process. I just want to get comfortable with the process before I sweat the small stuff. I want to finish the guns and all the details, including the black highlights before I go back to the pink. I won't be able to do all the steps in the tutorial but as I said I just want to settle into the rhythm. Wax on, wax off, young Danielson.


Anyway just a random progress photo to keep me motivated. It's great to paint miniatures you have assembled yourself, I keep admiring them out of the corner of my eye, like wow look at him, he's flash.


They are messy as all hell atm, just pushing things along.










I'm only going to wash the weapons, that will be the next step.

  • 3 weeks later...

& LordVelype - aha sorry I think the black and yellow dudes you were referring to were 'LightBearers' which isn't my chapter but some awesome guy's DIY that once featured here at the B&C. I'm sure if you google it you will find them. Sorry I forgot I posted the other pictures - I hope that's who you were referring to. Please forgive the lateness of my reply :)


@ Pearson73 - thanks man! The pink still has another layer to go but I'm happy with it where it is for now. I want to finish all the other details first and then come back to the pink.


@ Krauty- thanks man! Yes I think I will restrict the gold to the weapon as a way to seperate it from the miniature. Really helps the gun to stand out. However I'm still searching for a way to break up the armour a little bit more. Maybe I'll do some armour trim in silver? Or paint some skulls in bone? I'm not sure, the Black armour with Black trim gets boring pretty quick.


Another trouble is the box art scheme features the bone horns (painted bone) I think that the third colour really makes the scheme. It seems to break it up whilst pulling it all together. However I haven't used any of the bone horns! and I only want to feature them on champs or characters. I have used the chaos loin cloths, so that will be at least one area I can paint brown/bone. The next trouble is the top knots. I think I've seen them done in dark green which is really nice and helps to seperate them from the bone horns. However I haven't used the bone horns, so should I just paint the top knots in bone? Or green?


Oh my, dilemma dilemma...


And yes; I think I will use blue glow for the eyes.


I'm just sitting down to do some work this weekend. I've changed up my table again and it's much nicer this way but it's harder to get nice photos. So I'll keep painting and pushing on over the weekend and try to find a nicer spot for photos. I am avowed that's this will best my last "old school Chaos armour feature army" that I do. From here on in I will collect the plastic heresy armour, starting with Mk3. So with my next project idea decided, I want to just resolve myself to finishing this force to the best of my painting ability. The next project I will go back to my heavier conversions and back to my scracthbuklding and sculpting goals, but for now I just want to paint this army and enjoy the process.


And so, some underwhelming photos






I have stripped the back packs for ease of painting ;) they will all get regular back packs and will be my 'troops' choice.






Also note - that's the last of my greenstuff. I will use it to make a loincloth for my lord.

Speaking of my lord.




This is how I pulled him out of the box. Just like that. I think it's hilarious.




As you can see; he has just eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and he has become 'like us' and the first thing he does after leaving the garden is cover over his nakedness. Haha. It's like he's embarrassed 'don't look at me!" :) I think it's a great metaphor seeing as I need to finish his groin area and sculpt and tabard cloth, which I'm feeling quite anxious about. But I like the anxiety - it's exciting to care about not failing. Strange though that sounds.


Anyway I need to choose a pose and finish him up. I like the empty hand as it has strong meaning for me, however now that I've seen the 'shakes fist' pose, it cannot be unseen. You need to go around eliminating all these options. Maybe a decapitated head? Maybe a hook hand? A warp taint/possession? Maybe just a plasma pistol? Actually I have a really good joke idea which I think fits the theme of the army, It's difficult to explain and will be tricky to build... let's look again.




So just like this, except instead of him having an existential crisis (about which helmet to wear), I want him to hold an auspex, as if it were an iPhone, and he were taking a selfie.




I just think it's so funny to have the Lord of and Emperor's Children Warband posing for a selfie. He's not even concerned with the battle raging around him. His just posing in front of a cool background. It's difficult to find a left hand that will hold the auspex at the right angle. I may have to sculpt something, which will deteriorate into a 'warp taint' because I am hopeless with GS. And then I think it will just look silly, and the joke will be lost. I need to put extraordinary effort into making him look quite plain and natural. I want people to look at him from across the board and be like 'woah that dude is awesome, how did you do that? Wait a miniute, is he taking a selfie?'




I'm not sure which pose is the best.

I've just build so many hardcore evil badass destroyers in my time I think it's time for something refreshing....


Plan is to paint over the weekend and make a goof finishing the lord. Then just bikes and termies and a squad of havocs to go.



The painting is coming along great! I think the selfie pose is hilarious. I believe the techmarine with full servo harness on GW comes with a right arm holding an auspex. Alternatively both the sternguard and tactical squads boxes have left hand holding auspexes. If you want to take the pose a step further you could ditch the chain sword and go for sort of a body builder pose where he's reaching for the back of his neck, or go for a "cute" pose where you make him point to his cheek (if that makes sense). Looking forward to seeing what you do with the model!

@BB - indeed.


@ Vairocanum - haha both ideas are hilarious! Maybe crossing the line a little bit though? If such a thing were possible? :) kind of like; I want him to be taking himself too seriously, but actually he's joking. If that makes any sense? I pictured him maybe raising his sword like in a Heman "by the power of greyskull!" type moment. But have him obviously more concerned with framing a nice picture, more than anything practical. If that makes any sense? I just had the thought that I could make a selfie stick to hold the auspex, that could work.


I'm just laying down some more colours now.


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