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The Berserkers of Uran - a thread from the past


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I feel like your Legion Special Rules are quite limiting and really end up being more negative than positive.


Ignoring feel no pain is quite situational at best. "Fearless" is great but then you mandate a point increase on every model and less than great jet packs.


Just feels rather under whelming.

Well maybe something like Dark Eldars Power from pain. Where their abilities slowly get better as the game progresses.


You could keep the ignore fnp but knocked the fearless down to either in combat or outside of deployment zone.


Maybe that way it represents their ability to be more deadly the closer they get to the opponent.

I can kind of see your point Generalripphook, the Berserkers are probably not the most powerful in terms of Legion rules. I have to say that my thoughts around tweaking their power up would be more along the lines of the ones made by Forgeworld for the World Eaters and Emperor's Children. That is to say a bonus in challenges to show off that they aren't really interested in honour, just in killing their opponent. I don't think that a characteristic increase would work as it would synergise too much with the RoW and Preferred Enemy would probably overlap with Raktra's Sire rule (though it could still fit). Another option could be to allow Berserker characters to use Look Out Sir while in a challenge (possibly at -1 relative to normal): as they yank others into the way of incoming blows because it doesn't matter how you win, just that you do ;)

Shred in challenges could work. I think on whole units it would be a bit much and it would overlap with the Sire rule, making that only half as good. I guess you'd be less likely to take something like Lightning Claws, but that could be a plus or a minus depending on your point of view.

There was another pair of ideas that I had, but I fear they may be overpowered - 1, rending in the first round of combat, 2, murderous strike in challenges.


Edit: part of my logic on the very tame Legion rules was as a partial gateway to being able to make more powerful characters/units without it all combining into some kind of gigantic overpowered clutser:cuss.

Rending is always a rule I treat with caution and respect, because it can be incredibly powerful in certain situations. I wouldn't want to have whole armies of Berserkers gaining it, even if only in the first round. However I think that that or Murderous Strike would be fine if given only in challenges.

*goes to check Hell's Teeth* Oh, yeah. Either Rending or Shred would really diminish the utility of those, so Murderous Strike would provide some really nice synergy with them, which is good to have. I actually really like that as a combination, though it does mean you'll be constantly fishing for those lucky sixes.

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