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The Berserkers of Uran - a thread from the past


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Are those... (squints) ...Converted Wulfen? :huh.:

You could tell that with nothing but the pose of the leader ;)


Looking good mate :) Damn sight better then the official models actually ^_^

Okie dokie, so it's time to draft out the third 'Serker RoW. It's gonna be Destroyer themed, because that's not a damn thing yet, and also I can make the Mad Max aesthetic more obvious with it. So let's have a try:

We Go Further

  • Scorched Earth tactics - Units of Destroyers become Troops choices in this Rite of War. Models with the Independent Character type and possessing the LA: BoU special rule may take up to two phosphex bombs at +10pts each. Any model with the LA: BoU special rule with access to a heavy flamer may exchange it for a rad cleanser at +5pts. Quad mortar batteries may take phosphex shells at the cost listed in their unit entry, without the need to include a Siege Breaker Consul.
  • The Boilers Unleashed - Moritats and Destroyers gain the Fearless special rule. No Consul choices other than Moritats permitted with this Rite, and the army must take at least one Moritat and one unit of Destroyers.
  • No allies permitted, no fortifications permitted.


So it's pretty destructive and there's some options for nasty esoteric stuff, but at minimum the army's 470pts for the Praetor, Moritat, Destroyers and a Tactical Squad, all without gear or extra men, so there's a bit of a nut-punch. Lemme know if I've went too far, here.

I'm torn on Armour Mixing, on one hand that OCD side of me loves SYMMETRRRRYYY, but on the other hand my sense of storytelling and theatrics reminds me that each armour piece has a story behind it, a legacy passed down from brother to brother, making each suit of Power Armour a tapestry of honourable service and shared history.

I'm torn on Armour Mixing, on one hand that OCD side of me loves SYMMETRRRRYYY, but on the other hand my sense of storytelling and theatrics reminds me that each armour piece has a story behind it, a legacy passed down from brother to brother, making each suit of Power Armour a tapestry of honourable service and shared history.

In 40k or among the Warbringers, perhaps, but for the other legions, a piece of Ceramite is a piece of ceramite.

I'm torn on Armour Mixing, on one hand that OCD side of me loves SYMMETRRRRYYY, but on the other hand my sense of storytelling and theatrics reminds me that each armour piece has a story behind it, a legacy passed down from brother to brother, making each suit of Power Armour a tapestry of honourable service and shared history.

Well, remember the Legion you're posting in.

"Erskal, Peletatus is dead."

"I call the helmet."

"Ah you sneaky :cusser, I wanted that."


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