lionofjudah Posted January 2, 2017 Share Posted January 2, 2017 All right brothers and sisters I will attempt the mobile upload for the third time now :-) I present my veteran squad base. Also pictured on my work in progress champion as well as another communications specialist. The Varadero is there as he needed some serious repair and I think I want to re base him onto an 80 mm base. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 2, 2017 Share Posted January 2, 2017 Nice work, Eidolon! Those EC termies sure look the part! Lionofjudah: That Deredeo and the rest look great. It's awesome to see your distinctive yellow. What's your recipe? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lionofjudah Posted January 2, 2017 Share Posted January 2, 2017 Lol... thank's Augustus...I was initially inspired many moons ago by your yellow! My recipe is overly complex as I can't seem to simplify much in primer-white zenithal primer-super thinned averland sunset(2 coats by hand)-Vallejo model yellow-heavy reikland flesh wash over the whole model- paint all blacks, reds, green lenses and metal base coats- thinned Vallejo yellow-Vallejo yellow/tan-tan highlight-carefully applied brown was to joins and crevasses. Then highlight each other color being really careful to not hit the yellow. I'm stoked to be getting a dedicated painting desk in my sons room... sad that he's with his mom a lot of the time but will use his room for yoga/meditation/painting my miniatures. Bought a badass LED desk lamp... have an incandescent desk lamp and an OTT floor lamp so should have MUCH better painting light at new desk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Obscura Posted January 2, 2017 Share Posted January 2, 2017 Hey guys, I gotta bow out of this, the past few months with the funerals and wakes have pretty much destroyed my desire for solitary hobby building shenanigans. Good luck folks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mactire Posted January 3, 2017 Share Posted January 3, 2017 Jeez, sorry to hear that. I hope your doing ok yourself, there are more important things in life. Take care of yourself, we will always be here when you feel like coming back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyroclast91 Posted January 3, 2017 Share Posted January 3, 2017 @ Obscura sorry to hear that brother it seems like 2016 was just kicking everyone in the teeth on the way out like Mactire said though we're probably not going anywhere any time soon you gotta do what's rite for you It looks like everyone's getting off to a productive start this year Lionofjudah those fists look amazing brother. And you're drop pod looks fantastic as well Uveron I really like colors you've gone with for the harbingers I can't wait to see those dreads wearing them ;) Personally I fell a bit behind the 8 ball myself and didn't quite finish my vet squad. Thanks to Xmas being an excessively stressful dramatic bunch of bull(cuss) ending in us finding out my dog had a brain tumor and having to put him down because it had progressed to the point he was becoming aggressive and in a great deal of pain. So needless to say my hobby work kinda got sidelined a bit but I did get back at it yesterday and though they're a little behind schedule squad Kyros is almost finished. I'll get some more pics up tonight after I do some of the final touch up work. Then I'll try to figure out what to do next for January I still haven't gotten a copy of BoP yet hopefully will soon depending what my next couple checks look like. Until then my to do list includes a 5 man Cataphractii squad, a librarian, a Mars pattern rhino, and Vulkan I'll probably start with the libby and get Vulkan assembled but he'll probably be very slowly painted over the next couple months since his model is so detailed and I wanna give it the attention it deserves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kobrakei Posted January 3, 2017 Share Posted January 3, 2017 Obscura - that's a shame, but I can completely understand. We're all here if you need us buddy. Everyone's chucking out some killer stuff. I worry that the things I'm putting out are a bit plain or safe! But I've never been this focused and productive so that's keeping me going. That and the Thousand Sons I have waiting for after this finishes :P This month's vow - Eight Assault Marines with a power sword worth 151 points. This will really be a full unit of ten, because I have the models and don't fancy painting two on their own later on. Pics as per - The eight that count for the vow. And the two extra guys sneaking in the back! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 3, 2017 Share Posted January 3, 2017 Obscura, buddy, it's sad to hear about your troubles but I and I think ervyone else completely understands. Take it easy, borther. Be with your family and friends. We'll be here if you come back! :tu: I'll be doing a simple vow this month: I, Augustus b'Raass, vow on the honour of the Emperor, Dorn and my humble self to paint one Typhon Heavy Siege Tank with Lascannon Sponsons for a total of 390 points before the end of this month. Failure will damn me to paint this unit at a later date. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted January 4, 2017 Share Posted January 4, 2017 Time for my vow. This month, I pledge a Long Fang pack with two missile launchers and two Lascannons for 145 pts by the end of the month. You're probably saying "Cody, there's a third missile launcher off to the side." Don't worry about that little guy. He's an extra. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 4, 2017 Share Posted January 4, 2017 Well my vow has taken a bit of a set back at the moment, helped by the fact that the entire southern half of the state seems to be out of undercoat spray paint, much like myself. Ah well, at the moment I am assembling and de mold lining. May need to switch vows to my half squad depending on when and if I can get spray any time soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SW1 Posted January 4, 2017 Share Posted January 4, 2017 Well I'm going to be finishing off those Custodes I started November and then failed to make any headway with in December. ;) Plans are little and often with the hobbying this year. Spent the Xmas - New Year lull to do some serious sorting out of hobby stuff so locating things should be a doddle now. Xmas presents wise I think the smallest but most thoughtful was a scalpel blade removing tool with integrated sharps box. I get nicks or cuts when changing blades and this has already saved my fingers!!! :d I've also go a conversion bits haul with lots of Granny Grating, different thicknesses of beading wire, glue on gems which work really well as rivet heads plus other bits and bobs. Lol ... You'd think someone had taken a look at my dwindling hobby supplies and taken a queue from there. Lol ... What a roundabout way to say I'm feeling invigorated hobbywise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted January 4, 2017 Share Posted January 4, 2017 Well I may have vowed 15 taco marines but I got distracted and decided :cuss it time to work on out riders; Plus I tried the legion decals just need to hit them with a matt varnish Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 4, 2017 Share Posted January 4, 2017 Kurama, I'm going to be brutally honest here: the pink looks a bit splotchy and messy. You can do a better job at it. I know you can, because we've all seen you do it in the previous months. THis thread is also meant to get the best out of each other, and that's why I'm just telling you: I know you can do better! So please, get back to the pink and clean up those wash stains on the outriders!! :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted January 5, 2017 Share Posted January 5, 2017 Yeah I know I had to try bring the pink back up but I'm hoping once I hit it with the varnish it corrects itself, the praetor looked the same till I locked it in with the Matte I will admit I have slacked off though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lionofjudah Posted January 5, 2017 Share Posted January 5, 2017 No slacking!!! That's for us from the states to do;) Love the pink/black combo... not seen that for the children and I dig it!! So in my hobby day I reviewed (again) the airbrush I desire- Paasche d3000r... and still trying to find a desk. I did prime 2 more blood angel assault troops, and the Tigrus bolsters from BaC as well as my converted Fists praetor. All in all I'm excited as the weather dropped about 40 degrees overnight and the weather is supposed to stay cold for awhile now. My vow for my birth month are the 6 jetbikes!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted January 5, 2017 Share Posted January 5, 2017 Well I was able to finish my Drop-Pod. More photos will follow at some point soon, I will debate if I will be making a vow this month. Work is looking to be a little odd, My start date has been pushed back to the later part of the month, so Feb may be the month I need to take the month off if that is my first deployment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyroclast91 Posted January 6, 2017 Share Posted January 6, 2017 GOOD NEWS BROTHERS!!!!!! REINFORCEMENTS HAVE ARRIVED!!!!! I feel like I've been waiting forever for this box and it couldn't have worked out at a better time. Just as I started to feel like my hobby wheels were starting to spin. And on top of it I managed to snag a primus medicae when I thought for sure they'd have sold out. Now I just have to get home so I can start cutting things. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted January 6, 2017 Share Posted January 6, 2017 Join us Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Commander Eidolon Posted January 6, 2017 Share Posted January 6, 2017 Well after a rather long hiatus on my EC specialist unit, i have managed to 'almost' to get the test model done, reasonably happy with him; he is still glossy and i need to tidy up the gold and add some pouches, but you get the idea!! Originally I was going to have the whole unit with the Invictari head, but i've changed my mind on that.... Here are my latest offerings/builds I might however struggle to vow these, as an Assualt Squad requires at least 10, and I need to source/cast the jump packs for more. My initial attempt didn't work out too well, but i'll try try and try again!! I am definitely thinking I will do my Ancient Kurama Deredeo this month, thanks to getting some LasCanons for Christmas!! I do however want to work on more detailing and devise my Sun Killer Icon. My test Sun Killer isn't too far off completion - but this hasn't helped.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted January 6, 2017 Share Posted January 6, 2017 Yes yes yes yes yes bring the chemical burn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyroclast91 Posted January 6, 2017 Share Posted January 6, 2017 Those assault marines look killer LCE I've gotta thing for helmets with crests for some reason and they really never should have stopped making those jump packs I got home super late so I mainly only had time to drool on all the new plastic crack and tac a couple things together. one thing I gotta say is HE needs to change up how they're promoting these event models they all seem to look so horrible in the promo pics and then not be In person at least imo. Now I just have to figure out what I wanna do first ? Breachers? Tartaros? and or the Cataphractii I've been neglecting? so many choices and how the hell Jane people been trimming the wolf bits off Geigor they are EVERYWHERE? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted January 7, 2017 Share Posted January 7, 2017 Lord Commander Eidolon that Death Guard is looking great! As do the Assault Marines. Well, I am being deployed to Rig tomorrow. Should be a simple 10 day run, but I will be working 16 hour days so I think I will be using my bymonth. But will wait to see what the next few days bring before I close that door. In the mean time I have finished my drop pod (and got some games in with it as well). See these photos below and check out my other threads for other photos and things... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 7, 2017 Share Posted January 7, 2017 Dude well done on the weathering of that pod!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted January 7, 2017 Share Posted January 7, 2017 On 1/7/2017 at 9:02 AM, Augustus b'Raass said: Dude well done on the weathering of that pod!! Thank you! I am very happy with it, Its a huge model on the table so very happy I put the time into painting it. Getting the next 4 done may be more of a mission, but I am not rushing this army. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted January 8, 2017 Share Posted January 8, 2017 Uveron- don't rush it your army is looking sweet So I promised 5 outriders so here's 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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